Under the gazes of many students, the image left by Song Xiangming will always be fixed in the picture of saying goodbye with a smile and clenching fists.

The north wind crossed the desolate Siberian plain, the wide and waveless Lake Baikal, and the silent and evil black forest, echoed in every minaret, every veranda, and every corner of the academy's eaves.

Their chills swayed in the wind, their hands clenched in silence.

Li Rana raised her hand and pressed it slightly, and the crystal belonging to Song Xiangming returned to the red cloth, and the second crystal rose, faithfully playing the last words of another victim.

Except for the voices of the heroes, the entire venue was immersed in dead silence, there was no process announcement, and no words of encouragement. This was a solemn and silent sacrificial ceremony.

These fourth batch of students are experiencing a scene that none of the seniors have ever experienced. The voices and smiles of the seniors and seniors are still floating in front of them, but they themselves have been sleeping forever under the spotless Sacred Shield banner.

"My name is Darcy Smith, from Texas, USA..."

"My name is Kazuya Suzuki, from Ryukyu..."

"My name is Leonid Andreevich Nikonov, from Bear Country..."

"My name is Mahmoud Rahman Anwar Saeed, and I come from the Sinai Peninsula, where the famous Suez Canal is on the left, and Ezrael is on the right."

"But in fact, I am not mourning the locals, but I was born in Menye. My parents were lost in the 1994 war, and my uncle sold all his property and brought me to live in the Sinai Peninsula."

"Everyone is talking about my parents, but because they left too early, I really don't have any impression of my parents. For me, my uncle is my father. He not only raised me, but also insisted on supporting me to go to college, and The wife had a conflict."

"I ran after him when I was a child, and I thought he was so tall, mighty, and calm, as if nothing in the world could stop him. He was simply the most powerful person."

"In a blink of an eye, I was working as an adult, and I traveled abroad for a long time, and the only feedback was to send money on a regular basis. He always called me carefully, and made me go back in a different way."

"When I saw him again, I found out that he was so old, his waist was bent, his hair was gray, and his wrinkles were much more numerous."

Mahmud's face was a little difficult, he raised his hand and rubbed his own face, and then forced a smile and said:

"I went back quietly. He was very pleasantly surprised. He took out all the good things he had accumulated, as if I was hungry outside. He felt that four meals a day were not enough."

"We were sitting in the room chatting, and I saw that he was tall and mighty in the past, and he was able to beat up a few gangsters to mistake him. Because of his age, his bones have shrunk, and he has become a little thin, even only enough for me. jaw."

"Once he was as smart as him, he was able to take me to a foreign land alone, start from scratch, work hard to make a living and even get married and have children, but now he has forgotten everything and always sits on the sofa. Fell asleep."

"However, although his body has aged and his reactions have become dull, the light in his eyes when he looks at me has never changed."

There was already an oily glitter in Mahmud's eyes. He quickly raised his head to avoid tears from falling. After a long while, he smiled with a memory and continued:

"When we first arrived in Sinai, we didn't have a house. Because he was a stowaways, he couldn't even find a proper job. When we were sleeping on the corner of the street, someone always came to chase us away, so we stopped and walked in the dark. ."

"I clearly remember that outside the cone-shaped light of the street lamp, there are always malicious eyes, which may be criminals looking for human organs, or it may be a vicious stray dog."

"Finally, we found the perfect treasure, which is the public toilets. In the middle of the night, as long as the door is locked from the inside, we have a small space where we cannot be evicted."

"But things don't always go so smoothly. Occasionally, there are drunkards who don't come home late at night, when they slam the door with a loud curse, 'bang bang', and the door latch wailes and shakes with great force, we curl up together, Pray that the door will hold up."

"That was probably the hardest time for us."

"Later, he carried the goods on his back, walked around the streets, and shouted hard to sell cheap goods, so as to earn the difference, and our life gradually improved."

Mehamdra approached the chair, straightened his back, and said very seriously:

"The past time was indeed difficult, but I did not sell it in the last words left to my family and comrades in arms."

"On the contrary, when I look back and examine my life journey, I realize that those difficult years have sharpened my personality and shaped my spiritual world."

"Survival is never easy. Individually and collectively."

"Look out the window, the buildings are scattered, the highways are neat and tidy, the shops can be seen everywhere, the logistics at one point, and the highly developed film and television entertainment."

"We live in this tightly guarded technological world, and we're so accustomed to it that we arrogantly believe that civilization is within reach."

"But in fact, many people have to do their best just to live in the vast society, and our civilization, also in this vast and lonely world, is trying to maintain a fragile balance."

"When the gold diggers have sifted through the sands of the river before they find a trivial gold nugget, they will rejoice at this hard-won treasure and defend this wealth with shotguns."

"Humanity has gone through thousands of hardships to finally achieve today's results. My uncle has overcome all difficulties, and now has the opportunity to spend his old age in peace. I will never allow any existence to destroy all this!"

After Mahmoud finished speaking firmly, he slowly lay back on the chair and stroked the short hair on his forehead.

"In the past, when my uncle had a busy day and sold out the goods in his hand, he would happily buy me a bottle of Coke. For me at that time, it was simply too precious."

"I sat with him on the stone steps by the side of the road, watching the traffic, carefully poured the Coke into the bottle cap, and sipped it, because it lasted a long time, sometimes even several days. "

As a child, Mahmoud sat on the street, looking and looking at the brown fluid in the bottle cap before pouring it into his mouth, waiting for the sweetness to bloom on the taste buds and the carbon dioxide to pop out of the nose.


The man next to him looked enviously at the cars on the road, his T-shirt was completely wet with sweat, and his two palms were stretched with red stripes. Hearing this, he turned his head: "What's wrong?"

"Give you!"

Mai Mahmud handed over the Coke and said earnestly, "I will buy you a car like this in the future, as well as a big villa!"

Uncle was amused by his serious face, raised his hand and touched his head: "Okay, I'll wait!"

The picture of the past flashed in front of me, and Mehammed took a little pride:

"Before I received the invitation from the academy, I bought a couple of cars for my uncle and saved one-fifth of the villa's money."

"The villa on the Sinai Peninsula is not expensive. Based on the monthly salary of a regular member of 50,000 yuan, it won't be long before you can get the key to the villa."

"I believe that when the time comes, my aunt will not be worried about me going to college, and my uncle's old age will be more perfect."

After finishing speaking, Mahmoud took out a photo of him and his uncle's family. He put the family portrait on the left side of his face, and compared his right hand to a scissors hand on the other side of his face:

"love you forever!"

The last photo crystal is also attributed to the red cloth on the wooden plate.

Tang You followed the process and stepped forward while everyone was watching. He looked at the red eyes of the students and raised his right hand little by little.

Li Ranna raised his right hand, Zhang Mo raised his right hand, Kevin raised his right hand... When everyone on the stage was like this, many students in the open space also raised their right hands neatly, slowly and solemnly.

Tang You's hands bloomed with brilliance.

The sky was dark, and under the gloomy light, beside the deep lake, the college on the cliff turned into a shadowy outline.

At a certain moment, a stream of light suddenly burst into the sky, like a retrograde meteor, illuminating the sky and the earth with flickering light.


A shocking roar resounded throughout the space.

After a while, many streamers of different colors neatly rushed out of the cover of the academy buildings, followed the rays of light into the sky, and finally disappeared until they submerged into the clouds and became very high.

The world is dark for a while.

In the next second, the second leading streamer rose again, repeating the scene just now.

Until the academy returned to peace with the third flash and whistling, everyone in the academy saw that the remains covered with the flag of the Holy Shield on the light-patterned jade plate burst out with a few golden spots of light, like a few mischievous fireflies. .

This is like a building block that collapsed after being pulled out of key parts, the remains of the hero disintegrated quickly, and countless light spots rose up, meandering toward the evening sky, like a bright bridge of light linking heaven and earth.

The crowd looked up at the dreamy scene, and the shimmering light illuminated their faces.

They were choking silently, and this ritual was like some kind of deep seed that fell into their hearts, and quietly took root.


After the ceremony, everyone returned to their posts with heavy hearts, and the faces of the fourth batch of students clearly showed a bit of firmness.

Thiago chose to stay for a while longer, and was strolling through this familiar academy at the moment.

He is the first batch of students of the academy since the recovery of the Holy Shield, and now he has even become the head of the South Magnesia branch, and most of his original partners are in the middle and high level.

Such as Chang Wu, such as Sun Huizhen.

Thiago walked out of the square through the gray brick arch and arrived at the marble library within a few steps, and unexpectedly met a familiar old friend.

"What a coincidence, Pedro." He was quite surprised, but also a little happy.

Pedro, who had lost a lot of fat, was also wearing a Sacred Shield gown and stood on the left side of the steps at the entrance of the library. He is now an academy teacher who is loved by students, and he was in the student team just now.

"I'm waiting for you here." Pedro said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, let's walk together."

He turned his head towards the library as he said, "You loved to spend time here in the first place, studying those esoteric techniques and theories of spiritual power, and dragging us along, or... walking?"

Thiago nodded: "Okay!"

The two stepped up the steps side by side, and crossed two solid wood gates carved with beautiful patterns. The verification and defense light film flashed away, but the picture that came into their eyes made Thiago's eyes slightly widen.

I saw that the cabinets were slowed down on both sides of the house. The books were densely packed, and the cabinets were crowded. In the middle were several rows of elegant nanmu wood tables and chairs.

"Books have become so many!" Thiago was quite surprised. He remembered that when he was in school, the books displayed here were only about half of what they are now.

"It's more than that," Pedro said.

"The second and third floors have also been completed, but the content stored on the third floor is too high and dangerous, and even involves evil spirits. Therefore, students in 073 at school cannot step into it without a permit certificate. You are out of date!"

As Thiago walked, he raised his hand and stroked the surface of the book, when he suddenly saw a white tail dangling from the corner of the wooden stairs.

"That's Jiaolong 'Bingying'. It's Director Chen's beast partner, serving as a teaching assistant. At the same time, because he can read books, he also serves as a librarian." Pedro explained.

The two circled around here a few times, and the students came one after another.

"Mr. Pedro!"


Passing students greeted each other, and Pedro responded with a nod.

When the two of them left the library and walked along the downhill grass to the Black Forest, Thiago couldn't help but sigh:

"It's only been nearly half a year since I became a member of the Holy Shield, but it feels like a dream to return to the academy. It seems like a long time ago that we were trained and studied here."

"Yeah." Pedro raised a little bit of memory: "After careful calculation, we are serving as vigilantes in the ceremonial de Janeiro, but it is not far from now."

"Brother, have you ever thought about it? If we didn't choose to go to the Voyager's Tavern and embark on our current journey, then I'm afraid we're still wandering around without hope, and maybe one day we'll accidentally die in a monster incident."

Thiago patted him on the shoulder: "So I never regret my original choice."

They slowly passed through the black forest, and the evil that once terrified them like a tiger was now only noise. Soon, on the cracked abyss where the cold wind howled forever, the huge keel bridge covered with snow for a long time came into their eyes.

"Where it all started."

"Let's go."

Thiago and Pedro were talking to each other about stepping into the long bridge, but as soon as they reached the middle section, the former noticed something abnormal, so he stopped and turned to stare.

He clearly remembered that when he was in the preliminary postgraduate entrance examination, he saw that many names were engraved on the tall ribs on both sides, but it only ended in the middle section, and the follow-up was all blank.

But now that I got Thiago, I saw that there were five more names on a certain smooth rib:

Song Xiangming.

Darcy Smith.

Suzuki Kazuya.

Leonid Andreevich Nikonov.

Mahmoud Rahman Anwar Said.

Thiago suddenly smiled, with a kind of peaceful and passionate contradiction in his smile, and there was a deep flash in his eyes:

"The name of the heroic spirit is engraved on the bridge. Freshmen enter the academy from here, leave here after graduation, and finally become a true member of the Aegis. It's good..."

"Maybe one day, your and my names will also appear on it. Maybe, this is the glory of the Holy Shield that belongs to us!"


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