Aegis headquarters.

It was late at night, and in front of the main hall, the moonlight was like stagnant water, and the forest shadows were like algal blooms.

Heaven and earth have fallen into a deep sleep, and all things have returned to silence. Tang You, dressed in a long robe, isolated in front of the temple, looking up at a bright moon, his robe swaying softly in the night wind.

After a long time, his tall and straight figure loosened with a sigh, and he started walking along the trail towards the halfway up the mountain, reaching the entrance of the cave, stepping into it slowly, and in a short while he saw the "magma" roaring Zero Dragon Pool.

The divinity of the foggy whale in the Renton Fog Incident, as well as the divinity of the magic-patterned sea worm "Chongxiao", as well as the extraordinary substances of the entire magic-patterned sea zerg including "Chongxiao", have all been put into it.

The current Zero Dragon Pool can nurture two spirits of concepts, that is, top-level phantom beasts. The main problem at present is how to allocate these two places.

According to general logic, in the case of excluding Tang You itself, it should be gradually drawn down from Li Ranna.

But the latter, after all, spends most of the time at the headquarters, and the five divisions are really responsible for dealing with monsters, so when allowed, the combat power should be tilted to the front line as much as possible.

Among the leaders of the five divisions, Zheng Wenjun and Kevin are the strongest, and Beimeizhou, Dongyu and Dayangzhou, which they are responsible for, are the two most important regions for human beings.

"So, these two places should be given to them."

"However, regarding the phantom beasts, we still need to ask the two people's own wishes. Last time, Zhang Mo and the hideous beast 'Tianfeng' lifted the soul tie and turned to Xuanwu Yuming as partners. Tianfeng was sad for a long time. ."

"We have to see if Zheng Wenjun and Kevin want to have new partners, or whether they want old partners to evolve into stronger beasts through 'reincarnation'."

Tang You remembered the vicious tongue of Qingluan's "Yunxia", and felt that Zheng Wenjun would probably choose the former.


the next day.

"Um...Are you sure?" Tang You was quite surprised to hear Zheng Wenjun's reply through the spiritual power network.

Zheng Wenjun in Yanjing saw through the one-way glass that a new batch of life-type practitioners were being selected on the vast competition field.

After signing up, they first face political and psychological audits, then are selected for physical fitness and perseverance, and the third is the cultural literacy test.

Those who pass all the assessments must first learn a bunch of professional metaphysics knowledge before they can try the "Fate Seed Cultivation Chapter", and finally they can refine the induction part before they can obtain the Life Seed.

In short, very few people can go through this process.

Hearing the words of the president, Zheng Wenjun responded quickly: "I'm sure, president. Although Yunxia's personality is indeed not very good, no matter what, we have been partners for so long, and we have fought side by side."

"And... it becomes extra serious when it fights, its offensive is fast, it fits my style, and it's not so troublesome, so let Yunxia directly receive the more advanced inheritance of divine beasts."

After finishing what happened on Zheng Wenjun's side, Tang You got the same answer from Kevin.

So, at noon, Kevin's bipedal flying dragon "Shining Star" returned to the headquarters through the space gate, and then flew to the cave halfway up the main peak with Qingluan Yunxia.

"President, what kind of power are we going to accept?" Shining Star spoke in a loud voice, and there was a silver scale on his left face, so he was called Shining Star.

Hearing this, the graceful Yunxia also looked over curiously.

In front of Tang You, it is still as restrained as possible. First, where is the prestige of the president, and second, no matter how fast it flies, it can't run out of Tang You's palm.

Tang You smiled peacefully: "Don't you know after receiving it? You two shrink your body and go to the Zero Dragon Pool~々."

Yunxia and Shining Xing looked at each other, the former looked at the latter's dazed look, and subconsciously wanted to open his mouth to complain, but the next second, he remembered that the president was next to him, and quickly swallowed the words in his throat.

Immediately afterwards, the two quickly shrank like a balloon leaking air, turning into a palm-sized "miniature model", flapping their wings and submerging into the magma-like phantom liquid.

The moment Yunxia and Shining Star were completely engulfed, consciousness immediately fell into a deep sleep.

In the eyes of Tang You, the system light curtain popped up immediately:

Real name: Shining Star

Spirit level: late level 2

Race: Eudemons

Initial level after reincarnation: late level 3.

According to the existing extraordinary substances in Zero Dragon Pond, even reincarnating Shining Star as a level 5 demigod is enough.

However, the relationship between Kevin and his soul is still there. The former itself is only level 2, so obviously it can't support such a big improvement. The late level 3 is just right, and it can also reach the late level 4 after the increase. It is not a problem to compare the level 4 limit.

"Please give the reincarnated Eudemons 'conceptual identity'."

The system beep sounds.

Of course, Tang You has already thought about this, so he said, "Nordic mythology, the black dragon that devoured the world."

"Conceptual identity confirmation."

After the system's voice, the light curtain text in front of him receded, and instead, a majestic dragon with dark scales, wings and four legs appeared.

Tang You fine-tuned it with his mind, added some sharp barbs, and changed his face to be extremely fierce. The overall look was much more ferocious, and unlike other Eudemons, there was an extra holy shield symbol on the palm of his right front paw.

He changed it this way, first because in the original Norse mythology, black dragons tended to be evil.

The second is because in the new setting he passed on to Europa, the black dragon was originally a monster from another world, but was raised by the Nordic members at that time. Although he was cute when he was a child, it was only right that he looked hideous when he grew up.

Moreover, the black dragon "Four Tooth Boy" at that time was a genuine member of the Holy Shield, not a companion of the divine beast, so he had the Holy Shield logo in his palm.

After observing for a moment, Tang You clicked "Confirm".

The preview image on the light curtain disappeared immediately, and the reincarnation countdown appeared: 14 days, 23:59 seconds.

It only took ten days for the giant tortoise to be reincarnated into Xuanwu last time, but it took fifteen days for the star to be reincarnated into the black dragon this time. The reason is that the last reincarnation level was the early level 3, and now it is the late level 3.

This matter is not over yet, a new light curtain appears:

Real name: Yunxia

Spirit level: late level 2

Race: Eudemons

Initial level after reincarnation: late level 3.

"Please give the reincarnated Eudemons 'conceptual identity'."

"The ancient traditional mythology of the Yan Kingdom, one of the four elephants, governs the seven places in the south, the Holy Spirit of Fire, Suzaku!"

"Conceptual identity confirmation."

The light curtain text disappeared, and a crimson bird with a crown of feathers and a long tail was burning with flames all over its body, and the vivid three-dimensional preview image appeared in the eyes of Tang You.

Nowadays, people often mistake Phoenix and Suzaku for the same existence, but this is not the case.

In fact, the two are quite different in appearance. The images of phoenixes at a later time are mostly multicolored. Before that, the phoenix was divided into "phoenix" and "phoenix", phoenix has five colors, among them, Qingluan itself is a kind of phoenix.

In addition, from a personal point of view, Suzaku also far exceeds the Phoenix. In some versions of the mythology, the four elephants are at the level of the God of Creation. In the book "Lunheng" in the Han Dynasty, the phoenix is ​​considered to be the overflowing essence of the star god Suzaku.

Regarding Suzaku, Tang You has nothing to adjust, just confirm directly.

"In the near future, the organization will add two more pillars, Zhang Mo, Kevin, and Zheng Wenjun. There are three members who can exert level 4 combat power, and their strength can be called a leap."

Tang You saw the progress of the Aegis, which somewhat softened the gloom of some members' sacrifice.

Returning to the office on the right side of the main hall, he sat on a chair and spread his palms, and amorphous and transparent things appeared in the air and slowly rotated.

This is the shard of the magic weave world.

It originally fell from the spiritual power universe to Io. After Tang You wiped out all the magic-patterned sea worms, he brought the whole piece back. And at this moment in the headquarters space, the material universe has also disappeared without a trace.

Normally, although the value of plane fragments is good, the Holy Shield is not really useful in Bluestar.

The place where it can really come in handy is actually in space, which is the space defense line that Tang You had previously envisioned.

The starry sky is extremely wide, and if a defense layer is to be set up, then the face will be a three-dimensional space. Once it is stretched too far, the range to be taken care of will be too terrifying.

So his initial idea was to use the white road as the boundary, that is, the orbit of the moon around the blue star, to establish a line of defense, not only to fight the alien monsters trying to invade, but also to intercept the celestial attacks guided by the monsters.

It is specially proposed to intercept celestial attacks because it is very important.

For example, there are many asteroids between Jupiter and Mars, and the speed of revolution exceeds ten kilometers per second. If you pull out a piece with a diameter of several hundred meters, its orbital kinetic energy is equivalent to millions of tons of trinitrotoluene.

If the gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy by guiding it to crash into the blue star, the energy it carries will be even more terrifying.

And if there is another big man with a diameter of more than two or three kilometers, then its on-orbit kinetic energy alone is already rushing to the equivalent of hundreds of millions of tons, which is stronger than the most powerful Tsar bomb.

More importantly, there are not one or two such celestial bodies, but many, many, so we have to guard against it!

But then again, this defense mode is very similar to the ancient Great Wall of the Yan Kingdom. The only difference is that the Great Wall is a line, while the space defense plan is a sphere.

Tang You tapped his forehead lightly.

"... first transform the fragments of the magic pattern world, then dismantle them and refine them into the smallest nodes in the defense plan, and spread them evenly on the defense surface to form a huge net to cover the blue star and the moon."

"This is a big project, and it will be impossible to complete in a while, and the most important transformation, dismantling, and anchoring work can only be done by myself, and the rest of the members do not have this ability. The internal details can be handed over to the logistics department. "

Tang You has a faint headache, even if the nodes are relatively sparse, this is a bald thing. Thinking of this, even a person like him can't help but laugh at himself: "It seems that I am the king of the sleepless."

He shook his head and made a virtual grab with his right hand. A stream of light flew out from the fragments of the magic pattern world and landed in his palm. The main body was a gray crystal, but it was embedded with a strange metal module. Kind of like a sci-fi creation.

Tang You is very familiar with the gray crystal, because when he first went back in time, he had received a system reward after slaying the evil spirits at the bottom of the silt.

It's just that the crystallization of the system reward was much larger at the beginning. In comparison, this piece seems insignificant. Of course, the latter has obviously undergone refining and transformation, and is already an extraordinary item.

"The system once said that the initial use of space-time crystals can only be done at level 6, which means that the maker of this item is a level 6 spiritual god, and I don't know how the gang of magic-patterned sea worms got it. "

Although the power of prayer has been promoted, but involving the existence of level 6, Tang You did not intend to peep into history. His main task at present is to figure out what effect this extraordinary item has.

In the powerful headquarters, and the time and space are here to build wood, Tang You is not worried, and directly enters the spiritual power to try. Bright streaks gradually appeared on the Strange Metal Module, but soon the condition faded away.

Tang You frowned slightly: "The power in time and space is still a little worse, but it's very close."

So, with a thought, a tree root protruded from the air next to him, and lightly touched the gray crystal, and he also injected huge spiritual power with all his strength.

This time, the hidden things in the extraordinary object were finally activated, and along the part where the two long rivers of time and space had already intersected, a weak channel that would collapse at any time was slowly opened.

And a picture that is very different from Blue Star is also revealed in Tang You's perception...


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