"Spiritual Universe!"

Tang You was surprised. The rules on the side of this micro-channel are obviously different from the material universe, and the spiritual environment is more active.

"Such a strong induction...is the crystallization of its homologous time and space!"

He probably realized the subtlety of it: "The manufacturer actually divided the space-time crystal into two halves, and then used the strong connection between the two to apply certain means to build a space channel with extremely strong anchorage."

"And because the two long rivers of time and space have partially intersected, this item can even establish a cross-universe channel. Although it looks very unstable, it does indeed exist."

"About this, I'm afraid even the original manufacturer never thought of it."

To be honest, Tang You never imagined that this magical sea worm could leave such a big surprise for him.

At this stage, the value of the channel that can connect to the spiritual universe is very high. If nothing else, the massive amount of extraordinary matter alone is enough to be exciting, not to mention getting a lot of useful information and so on.

The only problem, I am afraid, is that this space tunnel is unstable. If the real body steps into it and the tunnel collapses, then the trouble will be big.

Fortunately, Tang You has been promoted to level 5 demigod, and the power of prayer has also been enhanced. The projection is no longer completely a virtual image at the level of consciousness, but can be switched between virtual and real, with a part of the body's combat power.


"You can use projection to try, even if you fail, there is nothing to lose."

Thinking of this, Tang You did not hesitate any more, and directly used the power of prayer.

Unlike in the past, when the vision was dark for a moment, and then the scenery appeared different. This time, the perception was erratic for more than ten seconds, and then, a dense ancient forest that could not be seen at a glance appeared in front of him.

He was suspended in mid-air, closed his eyes to carefully perceive for a moment, and suddenly noticed the difference.

On the way back to Tang Dynasty for the second time, Tang You used the power of the system to enter the history of the spiritual universe. At that time, he accidentally crushed the evil spirits and rescued a group of dragon people.

At that time, his perception of the spiritual universe in history was the strictness and compactness of the rules, but now, thousands of years later, it has become sparse and loose, with a sense of cracking, and the rejection of otherworldly creatures has also changed. to be weak.

"In the collision and fusion, the one with the more serious damage, the weaker and the annexed, turned out to be the spiritual power universe." The situation was somewhat unexpected by Tang You, which made him seriously recall the information brought by Xuanwu Yuming.

The spiritual power universe is divided into three layers, the ancient world of order, the atrium of all worlds, and the bottom of chaos.

Among them, the ancient world is very mysterious, and it has been hidden as early as 20,000 years ago, and now few people know its relevant information.

As for the bottom of the silt, although Yu Ming has never reached its boundary, based on relevant information, it can be roughly inferred that its diameter will not exceed one light-year. However, because the bottom of the silt is a layered cake structure, the actual range must be larger than this, but it will not be too outrageous.

What Yu Ming really knows best is the atrium, where is it born after all, and has grown to the limit of level 4.

Although the atrium is called Myriad Realms, it is actually just a virtual reference. The actual number of planes is much more than this, about 10 billion, and the average size of the planes is similar to that of Blue Star.

After careful calculation, you will find that, whether in terms of the vastness of space or the amount of matter, the material universe where Blue Star is located is not the same order of magnitude as the spiritual universe, but is infinitely larger.

Of course, for the strength of the universe, these are not decisive indicators, but more important at the level of rules and origin, but a glimpse into the leopard shows that the material universe is in an advantageous position in this vast contest.

So the current situation is that the spiritual universe shattered in the collision and gradually merged into the physical universe.

"In this way, in the atrium, all the races that realize that the disintegration of the planes is getting worse, must do their best to find a suitable foothold in the 'new world'."

Tang You frowned and shook his head.

If it is separated from the status and feelings, as far as the current situation is concerned, the conflict between the creatures of the atrium and the intelligent races of the material universe is no longer a battle of good and evil, but a war to defend the survival of the race under the disaster of the universe.

Of course, the existence of this level of silt will obviously not be affected, they are purely for other purposes.

"Fortunately, when the two merged, the plane fragments were randomly distributed in various galaxies, not all of them were thrown into the solar system, so Blue Star did not have to fight against tens of billions of planes."

Tang You was thinking, and suddenly there were flickering spiritual power fluctuations, which made him unable to help extend his perception.

When the scene of the incident was fed back to his mind, he was immediately stunned: "Humans? No, no, these creatures just have the same appearance as humans, but their essence is completely different."

So far, Tang You has seen so many otherworldly creatures, but he has never found an existence that looks exactly like a human being, and there is no relevant record even from the information compiled from Yuming and Shadow Monster.

"These creatures have human appearances, are they a coincidence of two universes, or... imitations? If the latter, who are they imitating?"

Tang You's heart was puzzled, and then his body flashed, and he walked towards the location of the group of creatures.


The thick and tall trees stretch out the continuous canopy, and they are linked to each other like a green surface.

A rammed dirt road runs through this endless forest. Occasionally, the thick roots of trees break through the ground, covered with cyan moss, and become obstacles on the road.

"Be careful!"

The exclamation pierced the silence. A young man in armor stomped the ground, jumped up, and landed on a big branch by the roadside. He quickly drew his bow and arrow, and shot the straight arrow at the arrow that jumped from the forest. giant spider.


Green liquid splashes everywhere.

The arrow pinned the big dog-like spider to the ground.

The armored man turned his eyes slightly, raised his hand and shot an arrow in the other direction. The arrow swept past with a whistling sound, passing by the spherical wooden beast car and the girl with translucent wings on the back of the car.


Another big spider was shot through and nailed to death, and the tail of the arrow shook in the air.

The girl withdrew her gaze from the arrow and looked around, only to see densely packed spiders emerging from the forest like a tide.

She hurriedly raised her hand and waved it, and a surging stream of pure water was born out of thin air. It was thrown away like a whip, knocking seven or eight spiders to the ground. Many spiders swayed their legs and was about to get up, but the water stained on the body quickly solidified. , freeze it into an ice sculpture.

However, these small casualties are nothing but a drop in the bucket for dense spider swarms.

Two tethered creatures that looked like giant gray rabbits but had a single horn on their heads were pulling carts. Seeing so many fast approaching spiders, they immediately hugged each other and shivered.

The armored man bent his hand to take the arrow from the quiver on his back, but only half of it was left: "I don't have many arrows to break evil!"

"Grandpa Baiwen, if you still sleep soundly, we are all finished!" The winged girl shouted anxiously while controlling the water to prevent the spiders from approaching.

"Cough cough..."

There was a sound from the wooden car body that looked like a square and a ball, the gray curtain was pulled open, and the head with an old face like a dead tree stuck out. When the scalp-numbing spider came into view, his sleepy eyes immediately widened.

"Wow wow..."

The ancient trees on the side of the road swayed, as if they had come to life in an instant. The armored man standing on the branches and shooting arrows staggered, and hurriedly crouched down to stabilize his figure.

Soon, the roots of the tree buried deep in the ground broke out in an instant, like many giant whips. When they were swung, the tips had a "snap" sonic boom, alternating in succession, smashing the spiders into green liquid meat sauce.

In just ten seconds, the vicinity of the beast car was cleared.


The wooden door of the beast cart was pushed open, and the old man was wearing a gray cloth robe, hunched his back, and walked out panting heavily.

The roots of the tree that had been violent just now were also unable to hang down as he walked out.

However, the number of these spiders is really large, and they are really not afraid of death. Even if the road is full of stumps of their companions, they still drill out of the deep jungle, or walk on the ground, or climb tree trunks.

"Grandpa Baiwen, these spiders are here again, let's do it again!" The girl was a little panicked.

The old man almost gasped when he heard the words, turned his head to look up at the girl on the roof of the car, and said angrily, "Manying, you girl... If I still have spare strength, I don't need you to remind me."

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

"I was seriously injured in the battle five hundred years ago, and the Great Sage Xin saved me. Only then can I get my old life back. It's good to be alive until now. How can I still have the previous combat power!"

As he spoke, he used his last weak strength to summon the roots of the tree and knocked away the spiders approaching the beast cart. He pointed at the two giant one-horned gray rabbits who were cowardly in a ball, and said angrily:

"I told you a long time ago that if they are in danger, these two cowards will definitely not be able to move their legs, so they can't take us to get away quickly, and let you buy two fire deer to pull the cart again."

"As a result, you said that they are so cute and helpless, they have nowhere to leave us, and they have to stay. Look at it, it's good now! If it were replaced by fire deer, these fallen spiders would have taken us with them before they were surrounded. run away."

The winged girl Manying looked embarrassed: "Grandpa Baiwen, I know it's wrong, you must have some tricks to press the bottom of the box, if we don't use it, we really can't go!"


The arrow almost swept past the girl's right shoulder, and shot a giant spider that was attacking.

The armored man went to get the arrows, but found that it was empty, and he immediately panicked: "I have no more arrows!"


The old man known as "Baiwen" sighed helplessly: "You guys, just point to my inventory, but I haven't been able to get in and out for so long, and I don't have many useful guys here."

0 ......  

He said, digging into his sleeve, took out a tube of bubbling black fluid, pushed aside the cork, and threw it all on the ground, and the other two looked over in surprise.



The breeze blew, the fluid fell to the ground, and nothing happened.

The white-striped old man frowned, affecting other wrinkles, and his face looked more like dry bark. He moved his nose, tried to smell the smell in the air, and then his face changed greatly: "Damn! I went out with the wrong medicine!"

The girl Manying on the roof of the car, and the man in armor on the branches, all covered their faces in disbelief.

"It's over, it's over, the foundation of my Garden Castle project has just been built, and I'm about to leave this world and return to the arms of Mother Yuanmu." The girl Manying cried with a sad face.

The old man's face was solemn.

At this time, the tingling spider group was approaching quickly. Some giant spiders that seemed to be stained with oil, bent their legs and jumped when they were still ten meters away from the beast car, smashing from above like cannonballs. .

The overwhelming giant spider enlarged in the pupils of everyone.

Just at this time-


The terrifying air wave exploded without warning.

Even if he was not targeted, the old man Baiwen was pushed back and hit the door panel of the animal car, while the young girl Man Ying hurriedly grabbed the edge of the roof to avoid the fate of being blown away.

Those spiders that were directly targeted by this inexplicable force went back and forth wherever they went, and lined up in all directions like the fallen leaves and gravels that were blown up.


The tall and ancient trees on both sides of the road bend to both sides one after another, indirectly outlining the shape of the air waves.

Countless spiders that flew back, either smashed on the ground or on tree trunks, and then rolled to the ground powerless.

The three of them tried their best to open their eyes, and then they were horrified to see that it was just an ordinary gust of wind, but those monsters that had to be killed by smashing arrows and spells were quickly petrified, even cracked and smashed. Turned into fly ash in the wind.


The three suddenly felt something and raised their heads quickly.

I saw falling leaves, flying sand and rocks, and a black-robed figure slowly descended from the sky.

Tang You had just arrived when he saw the old man in front of the beast cart and the wooden plank, as if he recognized something, looked at himself in shock, and finally, in the inconceivable, intermittently squeezed out the difficult foreign language:

"Dove worship descendants... Wu Liu... Liu... Ji Wu Wu..."


ps: Reply to "chasing?"

Website comments will be reviewed and will appear after review. If you post illegal content, you will be punished by reviewing yourself. This is really none of my business. I am really wronged. Think about it, I have no reason to do this at all.

In addition, everyone, members of the Aegis, the ancient headquarters has been completed! begging.

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