In a slight rustling sound, the wheels of the animal wheel ran over the mud.

The two giant one-horned gray rabbits in front of them were hung with leash, their four legs moved quickly, and they galloped on the road through the forest with the animal cart.

The man in armor was sitting in the driver's seat outside the car, carefully cleaning up the recovered arrows with sackcloth. The girl Manying next to him was controlling the water to help him clean, but his attention was all in the car.

Just now, a mysterious man in a black robe suddenly appeared and cleaned up all the spiders neatly, showing his powerful strength.

More importantly, the old and well-informed grandpa Bai Wen actually showed a very abnormal shock, and said an ancient original demon language that she did not understand.

Man Ying is not a fool, of course she sees that there are secrets in it.

But after Grandpa Baiwen invited this mysterious person into the car, he used the means to isolate the perception, so that even if she was sitting outside, she couldn't hear anything, so the jumping curiosity made her feel uneasy at the moment.


The cart passed over the stout tree roots outcropping the ground.

This car looks simple and simple, but it is not bumpy at all at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour. Obviously, it has been transformed with spiritual power, and it is a genuine and extraordinary item.

Inside the beast car, the curtains of the windows on both sides were lifted and hung on one side, and the green and ancient trees were rapidly retreating.

Tang You retracted his gaze and heard the old man "Bai Wen" speaking in skilled Tang Dynasty Mandarin: "Two years ago, the disintegration of the planes had already occurred. Not many came out."

"Our original forest boundary is properly maintained, so the current disintegration is not too serious."

"However, there are always two sides to the world, hot and cold."

"In every seemingly ordinary plane, with the reproduction and activity of intelligent creatures, the darkness in their soul consciousness will accumulate and transform on another plane - the 'sea of ​​consciousness of all beings' that our original demon called For evil."

"These evil shadows are hidden and invisible on weekdays, but once the bottom of the silt wants to make a move, they will use this as a weak point to invade the plane, and even directly pollute the consciousness of many intelligent creatures on the plane."

"In addition, with the problems of time and space, the strict and orderly aspects of matter, rules, consciousness, etc., have been completely disrupted. The evil shadows at the bottom of the sea of ​​consciousness of all living beings have surfaced and leaked into reality, infecting normal living beings, and thus Produce the Fallen."

"Such creatures are also called 'fallen ones' because they are no different from being infected by silt."

"The oil-stained spiders were originally low-level spiritual creatures living in the jungle, and they didn't have too much intelligence, but the silk they produced was a very good material, and we often trade with them in the Holy Shield Valley. "

Sacred Shield Valley?

Under the hood of the black robe, Tang You frowned slightly.

These creatures who call themselves "Original Demons" but have human appearances speak pure Tang Dynasty mandarin, plus the word "Sacred Shield Valley" that he has heard at the moment, he has already vaguely guessed in his heart.

As for the plane disintegration that appeared two years ago, it doesn't match the time on Blue Star's side. This is actually quite normal. As early as the second time he went back in time and entered the history of the spiritual power universe, he had already discovered that the flow of time on both sides was different.

Eyes raised slightly, Tang You looked at the old man with white lines in front of him:

"I have some doubts. You seem to know me, and why are you not human, but you use the same appearance as humans? And you speak a language that does not belong to you."

The old man Bai Wen did not hide the awe in his eyes: "The great existence, I have indeed looked up to your honorable face before, and I have heard some of your rumors, please let me tell you a little bit."

Seeing the mysterious man in black robe on the opposite side silently acquiesced, he quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart and explained the reasons one by one.

"This area is the original forest realm, and it is considered a remote place in the entire atrium and ten thousand realms, and it is rarely involved in disputes."

"Our original demon is the native race of this face, and it appeared very early. And it is not an ordinary flesh and blood creature, but a natural spirit, or born from trees, or born from flowers, it is a natural spiritual power. creatures, and longevity."

"The new-born Yuan Yao doesn't have his own appearance. If he sees what he likes, he will imitate it."

"We, who are long-lived and love the natural environment, change into different appearances all day long. In the fields, rivers, and forests, we are accompanied by birds, play with beasts, take the sky as a quilt, and take the ground as a bed."

"At that time, the original demons were separated by dozens or hundreds of years before they simply gathered with their neighbors to talk about how many barren and dead places they had turned into dense forests, how prosperous flowers they had cultivated, and what kind of flowers were born in them. The little original demon."

"Oh, yes, this has to mention our unique innate ability. Although we are few in number, we have the ability that many high-level spiritual creatures can't match, that is, to transform the environment and cultivate plants."

"Only one-fifth of the original forest realm is suitable for living, and the rest are dead places full of chaotic spiritual power and rocks. After years of hard work by our family, it has become the current vigorous appearance."

Hearing this, Tang You's heart moved.

Modifying the environment and cultivating plants... This ability is quite practical.

If they can be allowed to cultivate and maintain high-yielding food crops, then their worries will be relieved. In addition, if the celestial bodies that were originally uninhabitable can be transformed into suitable homes, then there will be much more room for human beings to turn around.

And, if... if humanity survives this catastrophe, then sooner or later, it will go to deep space. The original demon and human are undoubtedly a perfect match. In terms of high school biological knowledge, it is a relationship of mutual benefit and symbiosis.

Humans help them expand their species, they help humans create a habitable environment.

Tang You was thinking, but the old man's narration continued: "The comfort of the environment, coupled with its own reasons, our civilization has developed extremely slowly. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and it seems that nothing has changed."

"Until... the first appearance of the evil spirits at the bottom of the silt, we were beaten to the ground and retreated, and the casualties were heavy, and most of the planes were reduced to evil hells."

"We, who always lived alone, tried to form a group and studied cultivation, techniques, and other tools, and civilization developed rapidly. Therefore, the ancient demons repelled the evil spirits that were not strong."

"Those guys always appear every once in a while, and our original monsters have survived many wars. Due to the character of our ethnic group, people from other planes also love to trade with us. At a certain period of time, the original forest realm still It was famous for it.”

"And more than two thousand years ago, we received a statue of God!"

The old man Bai Wen glanced at Tang You with a burning gaze, and then quickly lowered his gaze respectfully, as if looking at him any more would offend the existence in front of him.

"That statue depicts your respectable face! I was the person in charge of reviewing the transaction at that time, and that was the first time I had the pleasure of seeing your face."

Tang You's eyes narrowed slightly.

Two thousand years ago, my idol? This is the second time I have come to the spiritual power universe, so there will be my message here, it must be the first time I come.

He remembered the scene when he used the power of the system to falsify the power of the tiger, accidentally crushing the demigod at the bottom of the mud, and saving the giant dragon man. That kind of incredible power and might, it is probably normal for the local indigenous people to think that they are the true gods.

"As far as I know at the time, your idol should be from the Dragon Human Race in the Wanshan Realm."

What the old man Bai Wen said also confirmed his speculation.

"Don't dare to hide the great existence. The statue was actually dirty in the strict sense at that time. A thief who sneaked into the Wanshan Realm found that the local statue of you was made of various precious materials, so he moved his mind."

"The big one couldn't do it, so he stole the idol worshipped by a small tribe and fled. Later, he was captured by spiritual creatures from other planes and sold to us."

At this point, the old man Bai Wen was quite uneasy.

Although collecting dirt as a buyer is nothing in the atrium, but the matter involves gods, and the Lord is in front of him at the moment, then the situation becomes very embarrassing.

He felt that his experience was probably the only one in the entire atrium.

This is divine! Even in the atrium and the world, it is a powerful existence that can only be heard by name and cannot be seen.

In the past ten thousand or two thousand years, there has never been a definite record of seeing gods. It seems that they have all disappeared from this world inexplicably, so that everyone thought that what the dragon people saw was not a real 6th-level god, but just a god. very close.

However, the leader of the Dragon Clan at that time was also a good player among the demigods, and even she respected and respected that existence, so some people felt that there might have been a god at that time.

The original demon in the past accepted the idol in this kind of dubiousness.

After finding that Tang You did not express his dissatisfaction, the old man Bai Wen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then recalled for a moment, and said somewhat complicatedly:

"We never imagined that an unintentional act more than 2,000 years ago would allow us to get unexpected reinforcements in the catastrophe five hundred years ago. That's why we imitate human appearance and speak the language now s reason."

Here comes the point!

Tang You is excited.

"More than a thousand years passed quickly. Although it is not a long time for us, it is definitely not a short time for other races, and it is enough for many, many things to happen."

"For example, the Wanshan Realm disappeared into the vast void for no apparent reason. And because we opened the door for trading, the defense of the original forest realm became a sieve."

"I don't know if I have taken the wrong medicine or not, but it is always difficult for us. Five hundred years ago, a powerful force was assembled to directly pollute the ocean of consciousness of 4.3 sentient beings."

"This time, even if the original demon is purer than the souls of other creatures, a large number of fallen people have appeared."

This is the second time the old man mentioned the "ocean of consciousness of all living beings" and the fallen, which caught Tang You's attention. In his memory, it seemed like he had never used such a method to deal with Blue Star.

The silt has already killed Blue Star. If you don't use this method, it is obviously not their kindness, so there is only one possibility - they can't do it!

As for why it can't be done...

Tang You remembered the deep secrets he had glimpsed when he was promoted to a demigod and his power of prayer was strengthened.

The only difference between Blue Star humans and other intelligent creatures is probably the "ineffable" that is closely related to human beings.

"The degenerates of the silt bottom evil and the united ethnic group have been defeated, and we have been defeated, and we have almost fallen into the danger of annihilation."

"When we only had a corner left, there was a creature that we had never seen before, because we came to this world by following the clues of the idols more than a thousand years ago. At that time, due to the mysterious disappearance of Wanshan World, we became the only one who had you. A tribe of gods."

"And in all our records, we can't find a creature with exactly the same appearance as him. He said he was a human race and came to find a master, his name is - Wukong!"


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