
Although he had expected it in his heart, when Tang You heard the old man Bai Wen say the name, his emotions were still agitated.

Going back in time and space and returning again is just a blink of an eye for me, but for Wukong, who was expelled from the material universe, it was a real thousand years of time.

Due to the protection of the system power, it is not unexpected that he would fall into the spiritual power universe inadvertently, but he has been persevering in pursuit of his own trail, which makes Tang You calm down.

"Ding dong..."

The animal cart crossed the huge arched tree roots, as if passing through a gate more than ten meters high. The dark yellow bells hanging at the top of the tree roots were swayed by the wind, making a crisp sound.

The clamor went from far to near, and the one-horned giant gray rabbit who was running wildly also slowly descended and walked slowly instead.

"Great existence, the Holy Shield Valley has arrived."

The old man Bai Wen bowed his head respectfully.

Tang You turned his head to lift the curtain and looked out. There were many straight tree trunks with a diameter of more than five meters in front of them closely arranged, like an airtight city wall, and the branches extending in the middle were skillfully forming a corridor.

At this moment, there happened to be a group of soldiers in armor, patrolling the branch corridor in a row.

At intervals, a vine hangs down from the canopy of the tree, all hanging cyan fruits, and the latter is blooming with faint light, like a street lamp, and also like some kind of monitoring and defense device.

And such fruits are scattered on the dense cloud-like canopy, as if the stars are dotted on the treetops.

In terms of appearance alone, the city wall built by the original demon does have a magical beauty.

"These ancient moat trees are also original demons. They voluntarily integrate into the ancient trees and permanently solidify their image in exchange for stronger strength to protect the tranquility of the Holy Shield Valley." The old man Baiwen explained.

The cart followed the road.

There were two giant trees missing somewhere in the city wall. The roots and branches of the trees next to it came over, covering the upper part, leaving only the ends, thus forming the gate, and there was a thin light film inside.

On each side of the door stood a team of guards, all of them not looking sideways, not moving at all.

11 "Boom thump..."

The door of the beast car was knocked, and after a while, the words of the girl Manying entered the car: "Grandpa Baiwen, the light film of the ancient moat can detect and block aliens, my token authority is not enough to avoid it, you see …”

After listening to Bai Wen, the old man subconsciously wanted to take out the token from his sleeve, but Tang You suddenly said softly: "Don't be so troublesome, just go over there."

The former was stunned for a moment, then reacted, secretly saying that he was bound by his past thinking.

Who is this person in front of me? This is the god enshrined by the Dragon Clan of the Wanshan Realm. Even the Great Sage, who was powerful in battle five hundred years ago, is only his apprentice. Although the ancient moat is strong, how can it reach the level of gods?

Although Bai Wen had set up a magic technique, the voices inside the car could not get out, only the outside world could come in, but Tang You's words directly crossed this magic technique and reached the ears of the two people outside the car.

The armored man and the girl Manying looked at each other, both of them undecided.

As the saying goes, "Once bitten by a snake, you are afraid of a rope for ten years." Due to the loose defense five hundred years ago, the evil spirits and degenerates rushed in, and the original demon almost wiped out the family. .

Once you don't have enough authority, but you step in with unauthorized creatures, and are found by the ancient moat trees, the consequences will be very serious, and you will even be punished by the elders.

After hesitating for a while, the two heard the voice of Grandpa Baiwen from the carriage: "According to Wei... Do as this distinguished guest said."

Under Tang You's gaze, Bai Wen quickly changed the caliber.

The girl Man Ying's hand suddenly tightened.

The foundation of Yuan Yao's life now, except for a few elders, are these ancient city-protecting trees. As a member of the original demon, she is very aware of the power of the ancient moat trees connected to each other, and even the weaker demigods cannot escape the detection of the light film.

Although Grandpa Baiwen is not the original demon elder, he is also an upper-level man with illustrious achievements. He has a calm personality and won't mess around. He said so, it must be because the light film could not touch the mysterious man at all.

What terrifying power is this?

Also, when this man first appeared, Grandpa Baiwen's familiar and shocked appearance shrouded him with a mysterious veil, which made Manying more and more curious as to who this man was.

It's slow to say, but in fact these thoughts are only fleeting in the girl's mind. She turned back and shouted at the giant one-horned gray rabbit pulling the cart: "Tutu, enter the city!"

Under Man Ying's deadly gaze, the animal carriage passed through the light film in a hurry.


No matter how much she trusted Bai Wen, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when the result appeared.

Under the slightly dim light, the animal cart drove through the 100-meter-long tree-lined passage, and when the eyes gradually adapted to the bright sky, the front vision suddenly became clear.

This is a huge rift valley, about a kilometer or two in width, with no end in sight. The ancient moat trees at the entrance meander along the tops of both sides of the rift, firmly surrounding the rift.

Looking directly in front of the animal cart, trees and rocks alternate with each other, all kinds of wooden houses and stone houses are scattered, ups and downs.

On the cliffs on both sides of the rift valley, some big trees are sloping and rooted, and delicate wooden houses are built at the connection between the branches and the trunks, and the thick branches that reach into the air also have small wooden platforms.

With Tang You's eyesight, you can even see someone sitting on it, drinking an unknown drink, and enjoying the view of the valley from a high place.


The crisp cry sounded, and a group of big birds living on the canopy of the ancient moat trees rose up into the sky, swooping into the valley in groups, passing over the roof eaves with the ancient style of the Yan Kingdom.

The animal cart turned left, followed the road that circled several times, and gradually drove towards the bottom of the valley.

Seeing Tang You staring at the outside world through the window, the old man Bai Wen also explained in a timely manner: "Five hundred years ago, this place was originally a vast plain that relied on the lonely mountain. Our original demon's largest city was built along the mountain and spread to the plain."

"In the sudden war, this place became our last fortress."

"And in the final battle, the Great Sage hit this huge rift with one stick. Because the Great Sage said he was a member of the Holy Shield, we named it the Holy Shield Valley after rebuilding our home here."

Tang You looked back at Bai Wen: "Why do you call Wukong the 'Great Sage'?"

In the legend of Blue Star, Wukong does have the title of Monkey King, but Wukong has been expelled from the universe as early as the Tang Dynasty. Obviously, he does not know these things, but why did the original demons have such a name.

"Because the Great Sage saved my clan in times of crisis and had the grace to recreate us, this is one of them. The second is because the Great Sage came from the Holy Shield."

The old man Bai Wen's eyes showed admiration and reverence: "I was fortunate enough to fight with the Great Sage at the beginning, and it is all thanks to him that I can survive until now."

Tang You nodded slightly.

At this time, the shouts and conversations from the outside world have become more and more obvious. He couldn't help but say casually, "You guys are quite lively here."

However, the old man's face became a little bitter: "This is just the last afterglow."

"The original forest world used to be a famous trading plane. The prosperity in its heyday was far from the immediate comparison, but that war destroyed most of our accumulation, and the instability brought by the silt also made this place no longer suffering. The favor of other planes."

"Loneliness is the inevitable ending, and the plane is inexplicably disintegrating, everyone of all ethnic groups is in danger, and they don't care about trading with each other, which has accelerated this situation."

The animal cart gradually drove into the street. Tang You saw that in addition to the original demons in human form, there are also some other ethnic groups.

For example, there is one of the big spiders that attacked the three people in the forest before, but there are some blue stripes on the body surface, and there is a shop where there are silk balls exuding spiritual power.

"This is a variant of the jungle giant spider. It is called the ice spirit giant spider. It has a higher IQ and produces a higher value of silk. Even if it is directly woven into clothes without refining, it is still a good spiritual item."

The old man Baiwen is like the best tour guide, always paying attention to Tang You's eyes and making corresponding introductions.

The spiritual power universe is not extraordinary, and the high-level is not as good as a dog, but the exact opposite.

As the core area of ​​the original demon clan, the Holy Shield Valley has half of the ordinary creatures, and the other half of the spiritual creatures, the majority of them are not level 0. This is the best proof.

However, this is still a good thing. After all, under the rule of the original demon, the original forest world has a more enlightened atmosphere, and the monopoly of knowledge is not too serious, which also gives ordinary creatures of other races more opportunities to step into the extraordinary.

In contrast, the proportion of spiritual creatures in other planes is lower. The specific reasons can refer to the monopoly of wealth and knowledge in ancient feudal society. And in the context of the great power attributed to the individual, the situation is even more extreme.

The animal cart drove past the street, and outside a rather imposing shop building, there was a guy who looked like an oversized cat, but the sharp teeth were not so obvious, and he was standing upright, wearing clothes, pants, and a hat.

However, due to her overweight body shape, her clothes and trousers did not fit well, revealing her shiny, smooth, dark-spotted orange hair.

When he saw the passing carriage, he immediately greeted him with a smile and leaned towards the beast carriage. The flesh on his cheeks was packed up:

"Oh oh, look who this is? Isn't this my old friend Bai Wen! How about it, did you get some goodies on a trip out?"

When he got close to the carriage of the animal carriage, he waved to the girl who was on the seat again: "Little girl Manying, stop those two silly rabbits, Uncle Toothless wants to catch up with your grandfather and chat about the treatment of illness. ."

"Be obedient, uncle will give you the most beautiful gemstone!"

In this regard, the young girl Manying can only helplessly pouted, but this is indeed an old acquaintance of grandfather, and it is impossible to leave like this, so she can only stop the car slowly.

Seeing this, the oversized tabby cat knocked on the carriage:

"Baiwen, I have some goods from the 'Poison Light Realm'. They have miraculous effects on treating old wounds and restoring spirituality. Would you like to buy them and try? Maybe they will restore your previous strength!"

Having said that, he rubbed his hands together and filled it with a little philistine smile:

"Of course, you also know what's going on these days. It's getting harder and harder to ship goods from other planes every day. Of course, the price has to be... a little bit higher! I promise it's just a little bit!"

Facing Tang You's rather strange gaze, the old man Bai Wen was also a little embarrassed, and quickly explained:

"His name is 'Toothless', he belongs to the 'Treasure Cat' clan in the original forest world. This clan is very good at doing business and is often hired by our original demon as the store manager, so they are everywhere in the Sacred Shield Valley. "

"Toothless is a friend I met two hundred years ago. This small building is his own asset. Although he is a little philistine, his essence is not bad. Although he likes to promote goods under random banners, the effect is not adulterated."

073 "For example, the 'Poison Light Realm' he said just now is a plane full of strange ores that emit a green poisonous light. The poisonous light will cause the creatures to mutate, so wherever the species are very rich, there will always be some useful ones. Material."

"According to the information brought by the guests, as early as half a year ago, the poisonous light world was already in a state of disintegration, and the poisonous light behemoths either died, or fled, or fell into the turbulent flow with the fragments and disappeared without a trace. trace."

"So the medicine he sells probably doesn't really come from the Poison Light Realm."

"In addition, their ethnic group has a natural pupil technique and can see a lot of in-depth information, so business can be the right medicine and better than business."

Tang You noticed that the original demon clan not only used the new language brought by Wukong, but also used the names of human beings for things. For example, the creature that pulls the cart is called a rabbit, and the creature that looks like a cat but stands upright is called a "cat".

As for why the original demon switched to human language, even if Bai Wen hasn't explained it yet, Tang You can guess a little.

The language of race is always related to the race itself and its environment.

Yuan Yao, as a natural longevity species, a few decades is only a short time for them, and a day or two is a snap of their fingers. It is conceivable how long their language will be and how low the information density will be.

Maybe a meeting will be held for ten days and a half months, which is very common.

Under such circumstances, with the deepening of communication with other planes, there must be original demons who realize the problem, but for their "inertia" race, it is not easy to change the language.

The new life after the shatter is a good opportunity to recreate everything. Coupled with Wukong's great favor to the original demon clan, it is not incomprehensible that they would choose to use human language.

Outside the car, I didn't know that there was someone else's big cat among them. She had skillfully raised her hand to open the curtains and prepared to sell products enthusiastically.

Tang You was thinking, and when he noticed this move, he turned his head to look, and the "Toothless" who put his eyes on him with a smile, happened to look at him.

This super-sized cat with a talent for pupil technique, the pupils shrank immediately, the smile disappeared little by little, but the horror spread little by little, and even trembled uncontrollably.

The young girl Manying sat on the seat, turned her head and looked helplessly here, and suddenly found that Uncle Toothless changed abruptly, and her face became a little bit more restrained. She looked at Toothless, and then at the carriage.

Grandpa Baiwen is like this, so is Uncle Toothless!

She only felt that her curiosity was about to burst.

At this time, Toothless staggered back two steps in horror, and the monstrous waves surged in his heart, making him almost shout in his head:

"What did I see! What did I see!"


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