I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 392 It's ridiculous, a huge gap


In the dense mechanical sound, members of the anti-abnormal team wearing exoskeleton armor rushed into the building.

They were well-trained, some of them guarded the main passages on the first floor, and the rest climbed the stairs.

The friendly-looking policeman who was in charge of coordinating the matter stepped into the safe area they had opened up and briefly explained to the three dazed female receptionists before taking them out of the building.

On the rooftops of several nearby buildings, I don't know when, there are some life-type practitioners, both male and female, holding different cold weapons such as swords and short blades.

Someone clenched their fists, looked at the others, and nodded to each other.

Then someone stepped forward, and with a violent kick at the edge, the whole person jumped up, crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and came to the top of the target building.

They looked down and saw that police officers were evacuating the people on the street urgently, and more officers in black combat uniforms were walking out of the street, setting up long guns and short cannons from all angles.

In just ten to twenty seconds, after careful preparation, the official of the Yan Kingdom opened a dense net.

In the temporary combat command vehicle, people stared at the real-time images presented by different technologies on many screens.

"Target unresponsive in radar image. 35

"The target in the sonic image is unresponsive.""

"Target unresponsive in infrared image. 35

Words echoed in his ears, and the commander's hand holding the portable radio was already clenched.

His eyes turned to the frontmost screen.

The video camera is placed on the gun of a certain player, and you can see that the rest of the players are lining up in a tactical formation, the barrels of the guns are alternately pointed in all directions, and they are cautiously walking up the stairs.

There was almost no movement, and a certain suppressed emotion seemed to be spreading, which made everyone's hearts can't help but mention a little bit.


The propellers cut the air, and the matte-coated drone slowly moved in the semi-370 air. The camera on the abdomen rotated slightly, closely monitoring the building's every move from a great distance.

One floor, two floors...

The door of the armored team went from bottom to top, and the life seed practitioners went from top to bottom, quickly approaching the floor where Wang Zhiye was located.

Among the people who have been taken away by the police, some people seem to have stopped safely, picked up their mobile phones, and turned around to prepare to shoot this rare scene.

But a large hand blocked the camera.

The policeman said nothing, just shook his head at him.

The man took back the phone in embarrassment, and quickly explained: "I don't mean anything else, I just think this scene is too handsome, so I subconsciously want to take a picture of it.

At this time, Wang Zhiye was standing in front of the coffee machine in his office, putting precious coffee beans into it.

Seeing that it was broken a little bit, he turned to humming a little tune easily, opened the mobile phone album, and browsed the photos of many beautiful women in business attire.

"Too many good-looking female secretaries are also a kind of trouble. Who should I call here today? Hehehe..."

He swiped the screen with his thumb one after another, and read it over and over several times, but suddenly felt a little dull: "Oh, I've already used it, so it really doesn't make much sense. 35

He turned his head and looked at the wide floor-to-ceiling windows. The location here is quite good, and the city scenery in the distance is unobstructed.

Wang Zhiye stared blankly for a while, the ups and downs of his chest suddenly became a little short, and an inexplicable ambition grew in his mind.

"The protagonist! I am the protagonist! How can I be satisfied with my current life, I am a dragon in the deep, how can I be trapped by this small company, I should own the whole world, I will do..."

There was a twist of excitement on his face, his right hand clenched into a fist a little bit, and raised it in front of him:

"I want to be the king of all mankind!"

Thinking of this, Wang Zhiye couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

He felt that he was really fascinated by beauty during this time. He should focus on strengthening himself as taught by the teacher, so that he could see a wider landscape and have more...beauties!

"Hey hey... I'm still me." Wang Zhiye laughed a few times, and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling windows in his own words.

The people on both sides were getting closer and closer to him.

"The target in the radar image has no reflection...

The technical team member suddenly got stuck when he said this, and hurriedly grabbed the microphone in his ear and shouted: "The target is walking towards the floor-to-ceiling window, and the environment is going to be abnormal!

Wang Zhiye paced to the window and looked down subconsciously. He usually likes to see the crowd on the street from this angle.

When the empty streets and a large number of SWAT officers with guns pointed at him came into view, he was stunned for a moment, and then his expression froze a little.

Just at this time-


The door of the office was smashed open, and under the action of a powerful force, the two door panels were directly detached from the door frame and smashed to the ground.

Wang Zhiye turned around abruptly.

The digital life seed practitioners rushed in first, and through the gaps in their silhouettes, the rest of the armored team members could be vaguely seen, and they were pulling away other employees in the company for cover.

Out of some kind of rat mentality, Wang Zhiye pays more attention to the information about the extraordinary people of the Yan Kingdom than the rest of the country, so how could he not know who these people are at this moment?

Although he was full of pride before, when the official supernatural person appeared in front of him without warning, and he looked like a bad visitor, his heart still couldn't help beating wildly.

Lingxuanzi once gave him a "dharma body" stronger than ordinary people. Wang Zhiye couldn't understand what means the officials used to deceive his perception.


What about the teacher? Didn't he notice it?

"Damn it!" Wang Zhiye cursed inwardly. He suddenly remembered that the teacher had gone to recuperate and recuperate before, and just happened to encounter an official attack.


The long sword made of reinforced metal is unsheathed, and because of the powerful swing, it vibrates slightly in the air, producing a light groan.

"Wang Zhiye, we have already set up a net, you have absolutely no chance to escape, just grab it! A good attitude (ccdf) can also be relieved.

The leader of the Life Seed cultivator shouted violently, which is very deterrent. The terrifying sound alone can make ordinary people numb their scalps and stand still.

"A better future is yet to come, and I absolutely, absolutely cannot let the authorities catch it."

Wang Zhiye hurriedly called Lingxuanzi in his head, but after calling it several times, there was no response, which made him feel a little bad, but seeing that the cultivator of the life seed was already trying to approach, he didn't have time to think about it.

"Made... I'm going to work hard..." He rubbed his hands tighter and tighter, the corners of his mouth twitched, and finally he showed a bit of a sinister smile.

Although he didn't understand which link went wrong, since the official made such a big splash, he must know a lot about himself, so he didn't plan to talk nonsense.

People die for money, birds die for food, just like drug dealers are fierce for money, although Wang Zhiye is an ordinary person, but when it comes to his own future, he can also inspire a fierceness.

"Made, this is what you forced me to do."

Wang Zhiye's two fists slammed together on his chest, and his eyes gleamed fiercely: "Except for those bastards who bullied me before, you will be the second group of people who will see the power of my Dharma body.

The brows of the digital life seed cultivators also gradually darkened.

Although I don't know what secrets this guy is hiding, all the information shows that he is extraordinary, and the word "dharma body" is not a simple existence.

Therefore, they were all extra careful, and their whole body was surging and stirring, causing the hair on the corners of their clothes to sway.


Wang Zhiye roared and rushed over.

Seeing that his movements were as slow as ordinary people, several life seed practitioners thought that there was something mysterious hidden in them, and they all chose the most cautious style of play.

Next to him, a man with a burly physique like a little giant rushed forward. Since his body was the most powerful, he was the pioneer of this test, punching punch to punch, throwing out a fist the size of a casserole.


The air wave visible to the naked eye exploded where the two fists met, blowing down all the clothes hangers and the decorations on the table, and the documents and papers on the table also flew into the air.

As the most direct bearer of this power, Wang Zhiye's fist was blown into flesh at the first moment and disappeared without a trace, and the arm connected to it was also broken and twisted.

Yu Shi also made it fly back upside down, smashing heavily on the wall, and then slowly slipped on the ground like a pool of mud.

I don't know if the so-called "dharma body" really played a role, or if he was lucky enough. In short, Wang Zhiye did not die, but his face was dull, and he seemed unable to accept the fact that he was defeated by a punch.

Several life seed cultivators were equally astonished and looked at each other in dismay.

Is the contrast a bit too big?

Just when they were still hesitating whether they were cheating or not, whether to go forward to catch him or not, a pig-like scream suddenly resounded through the messy office.


It was only now that the pain seemed to rise in Wang Zhiye's mind. He hugged his twisted right arm and cried out in madness while he was crying in an imageless way:

"Teacher, teacher, I know I'm wrong. I will practice hard in the future. If you don't show up again, I will really die!"

Sure enough, there is a back-up!

The hearts of several life seed cultivators were tense, and they hurriedly leaned towards the middle, watching their surroundings vigilantly.

But after waiting for a long time, there was still no abnormal situation, and the screams of the man on the ground gradually became weaker, until the hoarseness disappeared completely.

Wang Zhiye wasn't a hopelessly stupid person after all. When he recalled all the things that were wrong with the teacher today, he felt like he had fallen into a cold cellar, with cold hands and feet.

The Life Seed practitioners looked at each other again, and no longer hesitated at all: "Take it away!

After he finished speaking, the burly man strode forward, like carrying a plague chicken, he grabbed Wang Zhiye, who was still very proud and ambitious, and took him out of the office regardless of his desperate struggle.

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