I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 393 The Great Change in the Capital


The incandescent lamp hanging overhead turned on, illuminating the two staff members of the Anomaly Investigation Bureau sitting behind the desk from the darkness, and also illuminating Wang Zhiye, who was handcuffed to an iron chair.

The latter's wound has been treated and bandaged. I don't know if it was because of excessive blood loss, the reflection of the white light, or the panic in his heart, his complexion was extremely pale.

Maybe all three.

Because he had been in the dark for a while, Wang Zhiye squinted his eyes uncomfortably and saw the two staff members staring at him silently and solemnly, but it was still unclear outside the light~ dim.


Although the investigators were asking questions, they used a declarative tone, which made his heart skip a beat.

"Sir, I'm just an ordinary person. Although I have a chance, I'm doing serious business. Please investigate carefully, and don't wrong the good people!

He seemed to be very innocent.

"Name." The interrogator's tone didn't change, just repeated it again.

Wang Zhiye pursed his lips: "What is there to ask about, you have all caught me here, you must know this. 35

In this regard, the two personnel just stared at him directly, their faces were slightly shadowed under the illumination of the incandescent lamp overhead, as if they didn't know why they were bored:

"Name. 39

The inexplicable pressure hit his face, Wang Zhiye's breath was suffocated for a while, and he finally said honestly: "My name is Wang Zhiye."

But when he finished speaking, he seemed to feel that he had been humiliated, and said with great dissatisfaction: "Do you officials only play these old routines? Okay, I said, my gender is male, this year 26... …”

"Who is your teacher?"

However, the two interrogators did not play cards according to the routine, and asked extremely critical questions out of the blue.

Wang Zhiye was choked, swallowed, and clenched his intact left hand tighter and tighter.

He closed his eyes, his face twitched in silence, and finally smiled a little bit, and his eyes opened:

"What are you talking about? Where do I have a teacher? Oh, of course, there are more elementary, middle, and high schools. Which one do you want to ask?"

The interrogator stared at him blankly:

"I haven't given up yet, I still have fantasies in my heart, thinking that the mastermind behind all this, that is, your so-called teacher, must just have something changed, and will eventually come to save you, right?

Having said that, one of them picked up the folder on the table, got up and walked to his side, and sent him the information page by page:

"The target of our operation is not only you, but also to bring back all the girls who have undergone beauty treatments at your place for quarantine observation."

"However, after you just arrived at the building where the company is located, those girls mysteriously disappeared under our noses, and only you still exist normally.

"You know what that means?"

Looking at the pages of information and listening to his story, Wang Zhiye couldn't hold back his smile any longer.

His mouth trembled, his chest became more and more short, and the surroundings were obviously not hot, but beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, dyeing the original trendy hairstyle and sticking it weakly to the skin, looking particularly embarrassed.

The interrogator put his hand on the small table of the iron chair, leaned over slightly, deliberately stared at him with a rather oppressive gesture and expression, and said word by word:

"You're just an outcast, an outcast to attract our attention. Are you still obsessed?

Wang Zhiye's psychological defense line was finally completely defeated, he turned his head to look at the interrogators, and was a little hysterical: "No, absolutely impossible, how could I be an abandoned child, how could the teacher abandon me!

"What are your officials doing all day long? The bad guys don't arrest them, they target an honest businessman like me all day long.

"Yes, I did get some unusual powers, but I didn't use them to do bad things. If those girls want to become beautiful, I will help them and then charge a little more money. This is a win-win situation. Is this wrong?"

The interrogator gradually straightened his back and looked at him coldly: "If this is what you said, do you think... do we go to war like this?"

Wang Zhiye thought of something and hurriedly explained:

"No, no, I think you must have misunderstood. While Meiyan Dan can make people beautiful, it does have side effects that damage vitality, but it doesn't involve the fundamentals. Just keep it for a while."

"Think about it, medicine is three-fold poison. There is nothing perfect in this world, right?"


The interrogator took the folder and tapped on the small table in front of him: "Then so many of your customers have been for so long, are there any signs of improvement even at all? 39

Wang Zhiye's face gradually became stunned, his mouth pursed, and he shook his head like a rattle: "Sir, I don't know, please believe me, I really don't know.

Seeing this, the interrogator's eyes became more and more cold: "You are not stupid, don't you really have the slightest suspicion?"

From the latter's face, he has already obtained the answer: "Of course you doubted it, and more than once, but you were greedy and chose to leave those doubts behind."

"Don't you realize the seriousness of this incident!"" The interrogator suddenly shouted: "Why don't you hurry up and explain the cause and effect!

Wang Zhiye was so frightened that he shuddered, and he nodded in a panic: "I said, I said everything.

As he finished talking about the origin of the matter, the brows of the two investigation bureau staff were almost twisted together.

Even if a very strict referrer system is adopted, so that the company's products and services are only circulated in small circles, in less than a month, the number of victims involved still reaches hundreds, and some of the investigation bureaus have not been involved before. can be found.

What's more, the mastermind behind the scenes also played the role of abandoning the car and keeping the handsome, and together with the mysterious disappearance of all the victims.

For such an insidious, cunning, extremely cautious, and secretly planned existence for so long, it is hard for the Investigation Bureau to believe that his appetite will only stop there.


Wang Zhiye couldn't see what was happening in the darkness, but he could roughly guess from the sound that someone pushed open the door of the interrogation room.

The facts were as expected. After waiting for a while, a calm figure entered his line of sight from the darkness.


The two interrogators quickly stood up and shouted.

Zheng Wenjun nodded at them calmly, and he looked like Tang You.

In fact, in the entire Divine Shield high-level, although other people are not as fanatical as Kevin's performance, they are still subtly influenced by the president.

Captain? This is a big man... Wang Zhiye was like a mouse seeing a cat, and he shrank back unconsciously, but the solid back of the iron chair blocked him.

Although this person who appeared later hadn't even looked at him or said a word to himself, he didn't know why, and vaguely sensed some kind of unprecedented pressure.

Under everyone's attention, after Silently read the interrogation materials, Zheng Wenjun walked to Wang Zhiye step by step.


The latter swallowed his saliva uncontrollably.

But Zheng Wenjun didn't say a word, just stared at him. After a while, he suddenly turned and left, and said to the two investigators:

"There is no need for trial, he is completely an ordinary person. The only thing that is different from ordinary people is the mental imprint in his brain that has not completely dissipated.

"The mastermind behind the scenes is not in his body from beginning to end, but only created an illusion for him through the imprint, and the so-called legal body is probably only a temporary power."

"Inform others immediately, mobilize all forces, and immediately start a city-wide search, be sure to find all suspicious signs, and rescue as many as possible hundreds of victims.

The two staff subconsciously stood up straight: "Yes, the captain. 39

At this moment, a "ding bell" sound suddenly came from the dedicated terminal inside the investigation bureau. Zheng Wenjun took out the connection and put it in his ear. After a while, his face gradually became gloomy, and he finally strode out of the interrogation room.

・・・・For flowers........

Wang Zhiye watched him leave in astonishment, and said, "Who is he?"

The two staff members of the Bureau of Investigation looked at each other: "He is the captain of our team, the number one extraordinary person in the country! 99

Yanjing, urban area.

When spring and summer are changing, the weather is extraordinarily comfortable, and the already restless youth is more difficult to suppress.

College students, having saved enough money, sneaked out of school at night to find a store with good craftsmanship, sipping cold and refreshing beer and eating spicy skewers, they couldn't help but get hooked.

Then chatting with each other's good friends, high-spirited, as if nothing in the world can make you difficult to live, it is really a rare pleasure in life.

When they were full of food and drink, the city in the night gradually became quiet, and everyone seemed to be drunk, not drunk, facing the warm wind, walking back on the streets where the light and dark were intertwined.

Sometimes he would deliberately play wine, jumping around like crazy and cheering loudly, and the usual depression would dissipate at this moment.

At this time, on the deserted street, a few young men and women were just like that.

One of the boys burped and said soothingly:

"Don't worry, I have already inquired, there is a gap in the fence at the south gate of our school, you can bypass the gate security and go directly to the school. 99

"When you get to the dormitory building, it's even easier. Get some books from the library first, pretend to be reviewing for the postgraduate entrance examination, and you're done.


"Really not, we can still go to the Internet cafe, can't we?"

"Don't look at what I'm doing now, in fact, my mind is sober! It's not a problem to play the normal 80% level in the league, and I will bring you all to the top and diamonds!

After he finished speaking, he burped again and passed through a certain alley. As a result, he seemed to have kicked a protruding brick under his feet. He stumbled on his hands and feet, and fled for a distance like a quadruped, and finally fell to the ground.

Everyone laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten their backs.

The boy stood up and shook his head, intuitively pressing on something sticky and gluey, and very cold: "I'm going, what's on my hand?

"Wouldn't it be to press the shit?

"There are night market stalls everywhere, maybe other drunk people vomited.

Although a group of bad friends deliberately said that they were disgusting, they all came over. The girls took out tissues from their satchels, while the boys took out the mobile phones in their pockets:

"Come on, let's see what you've won.

The thumb presses the flashlight symbol on the screen, and the LED light on the back of the phone turns on, and a slightly dazzling white light bursts out, and the situation of the person who fell is also reflected in the eyes.

The joking smiles of the classmates gradually subsided, and even solidified a little bit.

Because, the boy's hands, face, and clothes were covered with viscous dark red fluid, like shocking blood.

All the students were stunned.

After a long while, someone turned the phone very stiffly, letting the white light reflect the surrounding environment.

The dark red fluid was everywhere on the walls and on the ground, and it was pouring out from the alley to the outside, and the front one had even reached their feet, drowning their shoes.

The students all backed away in horror.

At this time, the originally dim fluid suddenly appeared from the inside to the outside, and a dazzling blood light slowly emerged, even overshadowing the brilliance of the street lamps, illuminating the surroundings.

In an early morning flight that passed over Yanjing, several people who couldn't sleep for a long time because of the roar of the engine, bored through the window, a lot of brightly lit land.

At the lower end, the famous city of nesting doll-like square loops is in sight.

But at a certain moment, these few people seemed to see something inconceivable, their eyes suddenly widened, and they involuntarily put their heads close to the window.

Looking around, within the Third Ring Road of Yanjing, the capital of the Yan Kingdom, there were actually thirty-six large red blood spots that made people feel inexplicably uncomfortable!

PS: I don't know why, chapter 392 was blocked, I hope this chapter doesn't have to do with it.

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