I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 418 The Sea of ​​Consciousness of All Beings Blocked

First it was straight up, and then the iron spout, which was bent 90 degrees parallel to the ground, suddenly emitted a faint blue smoke.


The powerful diesel engine of the snow plow made a deafening sound, and the ground nearby trembled.

The brushes made of synthetic materials at both ends of the first rotate, and a large amount of snow is thrown on both sides. As the car moves forward, it slowly sweeps a wide trace.

Sanitation workers in orange overalls, with brooms and shovels, followed behind the car and were responsible for cleaning up the missing parts.

People on the way to work occasionally stopped to watch. After all, for people from a southern city like Jiangcheng, they have never even seen a few heavy snowstorms, let alone a special snowplow machine.

In fact, this process is also the first time for the local sanitation workers. Whether it is the operation of the machine or the processing method, it was specially sent by the northern city of the Yan Kingdom to teach it.

And through the iron gate on the inner side of the sidewalk, you can see a group of children who have never seen heavy snow wearing thick down jackets in the open space of a certain community, running in groups of threes and twos cheering on the snow.

Because the temperature has gradually risen, the snow has melted a part, and the mixture of snow and water is exceptionally slippery.

At a certain moment, with only a thud, a little boy fell and smashed the snow-man carefully built by the little girls next to him.

When he got up again, he had turned into a wet "snowman", which attracted a lot of laughter from his friends, which truly reflected what it means to be young and young.

Going north through the community, we came to another street.

"Da da da da da..."

As long as it is a person who has lived in the city, the voices that are very familiar are bound to be heard.

The excavator is equipped with a breaker, which uses hydraulic power to smash the solid concrete road. Engineers wearing hard hats look at the drawings and say a few words on the walkie-talkie from time to time.

Hello, young man, what are you going to install?" A middle-aged woman who came back from grocery shopping asked curiously, "I've turned around a few times and found that this is being done everywhere. "

The engineer lifted the brim of the helmet: "Auntie, we are doing pipeline renovation work, and we need to add a heating pipe next to the normal water pipe.

"Heating?" The middle-aged woman was very surprised when she heard it: "This is all installed for the big guys, doesn't it mean that this ghost weather will always be like this? 35

"Anyway, that's what the document on the hair says. But Auntie, this heater is not for the big guys." The engineer said.

The middle-aged woman is even more puzzled: "Although I am a local, I have also traveled to the north. This heater is not installed for the public, so what is the use of it? 99

The engineer smiled: "That's it, Auntie, look over there." He said, pointing in a certain direction.

The middle-aged woman followed her direction and saw many large trucks loaded with modular steel components, unloading with the help of tower cranes.

And farther away from the gathering place of these trucks, there is an open space with no end in sight, and the foundation has been irrigated at the bottom.

The huge steel components unloaded by the tower crane are piled up there, some of which have been used for construction, and the appearance of some kind of large factory can be vaguely seen.

It can be imagined that when the construction here is completed, countless giant factories are neatly arranged, what a magnificent scene it will be.

"According to the plan, a three-dimensional farm area will be built there, and every inch of space in it will be used to the extreme.""

"To create the right temperature through heating, and to get artificial sunlight through electricity, everything is adjusted to the best conditions, allowing the high-yielding crops grown layer by layer to thrive."

As the engineer said, the vision of the future seemed to have appeared in his mind, and his eyes were shining with divine light:

"In this way, crops can get rid of the influence of weather and season, and can be grown and produced all year round. The output of this three-dimensional farm alone can supply most of the residents of the district.

"As long as enough three-dimensional farms like this are built, and the fertility of the cultivation base is maintained, the pus will no longer have to look at God's face.

A middle-aged woman slaps her thighs and finds it incredible:

"My God, the current technology is really powerful, the crops don't need to grow in the fields, but go directly to the factory! But where does this come from so much electricity.

The engineer has no doubts about this: "Of course it is a nuclear fusion power station. Some time ago, the construction of Jiangcheng started.""

"I heard that because of this, the technicians have made minor changes to the structure, and some of the boiling water that was originally burned to generate electricity is directly introduced into the heating station to supply farms across the city."

"After all, using boiling water to generate electricity, and then using electricity to heat hot water, there may be a part of the loss, which is perfectly avoided.

"Efficient three-dimensional farm planning has long been formulated, but because of this ghost weather, the importance is immediately highlighted, so the above let us work overtime to catch up."

A white car drove past here.

In the driver's seat, Li Rana, who had just come out of the house, withdrew her gaze and drove to Jinyun Mountain full of thought.

It can be clearly seen on the road that the whole city seems to have become a huge construction site, excavation and construction are being carried out everywhere, and engineering vehicles have become mainstream on the streets.

Even if people are curious, most of them just ask and give up, forming a clear sense of disconnection from the hustle and bustle on the Internet

——Due to the tireless repair work of the staff, most of the electricity and network have been restored.

Maybe it was out of fear, maybe it was out of venting that I couldn't access the Internet for a day or two. The question of "why is there such an abnormal weather that affects most of the northern hemisphere" has exploded the Internet.

This is true both in the Yan Kingdom and in other countries.

Rational analysis and speculation, emotional conspiracy theories, optimistic thoughts, pessimistic cognitions... All the angles that can be found are being stirred up in the cauldron of the Internet.

The situation on the Yan Kingdom's side was relatively good, and the people on the Europa side were even more blown away.

Li Ranna couldn't help but think of President Tang You's answer to the abnormal weather the day before - a sign of catastrophe.

Although it was only four simple words, it seemed to weigh a thousand jins.

"This time, it is the core power of one side of the ice and snow plane that is integrated into the material space of the solar system. Next time, I am afraid it will be a complete plane full of ferocious extraordinary creatures. 99

This is the president's original words.

At that time... it was really getting closer... Her heart was a little dull.

Just like completing daily tasks, Li Rana left enough traces in this technological society to maintain the normal activities of her social identity before stepping into the headquarters space.

With her eyesight, she could just see very far away, the green vines hanging down on the cliff, the ends of which were skillfully intertwined to form a platform.

Wearing a simple monk's robe, the Great Sage sat on it with his knees closed and his eyes closed, allowing himself to be surrounded by the hunting and hunting wind.

Since he didn't reach that level, Li Rana didn't know what the Great Sage was doing.

Flutteringly went to the main hall under Jianmu, knocked on the door, and after getting a response from the people inside, she pushed open the door and saw the president put down the documents in his hand and looked over.

"President, yesterday, that is, the day after the abnormal weather, the alien monsters hiding in the blue star seem to have a little bit of environmental changes, and the frequency of appearances has increased significantly."

"The five members used a lot of power to suppress them in secret." Li Ranna reported.

・・・ Flowers・

Tang You nodded.

In fact, even if Li Rana didn't come, he knew these little things clearly, because every experience feedback was clearly recorded on the system panel.

Just last night, the organization experience bar ushered in a wave of skyrocketing, plus the previous accumulation, it is not far from the upgrade.

Tang You is also looking forward to it.

After all, an increase in the organization's level also means an increase in its spiritual power level. As the catastrophe draws closer, he needs more and more power.

The four words he wrote to the Yan Guo Anomaly Investigation Bureau were not to fool them, but the danger was really approaching.

Before that, Tang You even used the power of prayer to remotely observe the conclusions of the Bureau of Investigation's abnormal weather to prevent them from misjudging.

Regarding the increase in the concentration of dust in space, Mr. Wu, the head of the technical department, said that it is a fact that it has led to a decrease in the intensity of solar radiation, which will lead to sustained low temperatures in the future.

As an extraordinary person, the fact that Tang You observed with extraordinary means is the core power of the Ice and Snow Plane, which is integrated into part of the material space of the solar system.

Both are facts and not contradictory.

Because the fusion of the core power of the ice and snow plane is the essence of the event, and the sudden increase in the concentration of space dust is the appearance, the power of the former will be expressed in a more "reasonable" way in the material universe.

Because Tang You's dominant power is closely related to all things in the world, he can perceive that the changes brought about by the power of the ice and snow plane have broken the balance that Blue Star has achieved after ten thousand years.

Alternating air currents, ocean current circulation, excessive heat and cold... The stable changes that maintained the ecological environment in the past have all been destroyed by this large-scale abnormal cooling.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the extreme weather that was extremely common on the Blue Star would probably be staged before the eyes of contemporary humans.

More importantly, these are only the primary stages. When the material space swallows up the ice and snow plane, the more power it degenerates, the more intense the change will be.

By then, I am afraid that even normal geological movements will be affected.

After discussing the most recent major matters, watching Rana leave, Tang You was preparing to approve the request at hand, but Wukong's figure appeared outside the door: "Master, there is something I don't understand."

Since his return, this is the first time that he has asked for advice so solemnly. Although he was suspicious, Tang You's face was stern: "Go ahead."

Wukong walked to the opposite side of his desk and sat down: "Master, as you know, I've been stuck between level 5 and level 6 for a long time, and I'm only short of the mysterious and mysterious door. 35

"Today, on a whim, I suddenly felt something, I thought I could step into it, and I quickly kept my mind and concentrated. According to the knowledge you taught me, stepping into level 6 is related to the sea of ​​consciousness of all beings. 35

"Actually, I did step into the subtle realm at first, and my soul rose rapidly, but when I touched the stray world, I hit a copper wall and was directly beaten back.

Wukong looked at the respected master Tang You, considered for a moment, and said with a hesitant tone that did not fit his character: "Blue Star's sea of ​​sentient consciousness seems to be... locked.

PS: Sorry, everyone!

I uploaded this chapter with my mobile phone number and computer. After writing it, I posted it in a hurry. As a result, the second half of writing happened to be within the synchronization interval, which caused it to fail to synchronize to the computer. As a result, some content was missing at the end of this chapter. Only found out, and then retransmitted.

The little author is very sorry for reducing your reading experience.

Looking at the background, some of them have already subscribed, and it seems that I have to talk about it at the end of tomorrow's chapter. If anyone is willing to help, let me know in the comments, I'd be very grateful. (The author's comment is always deleted, I don't know why) and .

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