I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 419 Power similar to the system

The sea of ​​consciousness of all beings is blocked?

Tang You's heart condensed a little.

The world has three layers, the objective layer of wind, rain, thunder and lightning and the living creatures; the upside-down, dazzling consciousness layer; and finally the rule layer that is the foundation of everything.

These three seem to be separated from each other, but in fact they are closely connected, forming a huge and tight world.

The so-called sea of ​​consciousness of all beings is the consciousness layer located in the second step. Tang You also stepped into the consciousness layer of the original forest world to clear the evil spirits for the original demons.

In addition to being one of the three pillars of the world, the sea of ​​consciousness of all beings is also an essential and important part of spiritual creatures when they step from level 5 to level 6.

Although the specific process is very mysterious and cannot be directly described, it can only be experienced personally.

Regarding this point, the information that the system handed over to Tang You, and Tang You handed over to the members of the Aegis, was clearly written.

However, although Tang You has a level 6 combat power, he is not a spiritual god in the end, so he has not experienced this level, and he has not paid attention to the situation of Blue Star's sea of ​​sentient beings.

But what he can be sure of is that if he wants to block the Blue Star consciousness layer, even a 6th-level spiritual god can't do it.

"Three eight seven" is an important difference between the material universe on this side and the spiritual universe on the opposite side.

The latter is the "Three Realms-Planes" structure, and the sea of ​​consciousness of each plane is an independent existence. From an objective point of view, the advantage is that even if it is damaged, only which plane is involved.

But its shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the level is low, and the demigods can make wind and rain in it, causing great damage.

The material universe in which the Blue Star is located is a "space-planet" structure. Planets, star systems, galaxies...the entire vast world is completely at the same level and is a whole.

This also means that its consciousness layer is not divided like the spiritual universe. Although there are subtle divisions, it is essentially a vast whole.

The advantage of such a structure is that the level of the consciousness sea of ​​all beings is very high, and the gods cannot manipulate it. The disadvantage is also doomed: if something goes wrong, it will affect the entire universe.

And now, the consciousness layer of the material universe is blocked, which is really a fantasy, but Wukong obviously won't lie.

Tang You realized the seriousness of the problem, and hurriedly mobilized his own strength, just like in the original forest world, trying to let his thoughts immerse in the sea of ​​consciousness of all beings.

To gather, to gather, to gather, to gather again...

The threshold of this universe is obviously much higher than that of the spiritual universe. Tang You has already raised the level of power to the late 5th level, and has not yet been able to touch the level of consciousness.

It was not until the condensed power crossed the limit of level 5 and showed part of the breath of a level 6 spirit god that his mind finally hit a vast golden barrier.

It is so big that it seems to be boundless, and when it reaches this level, only its existence remains in the entire perception.

At this moment, Tang You's heart beat uncontrollably.

Because, this power and the power of the system are too similar, if they are not very familiar with the system, I am afraid they will mistake the two and mix them into one.

He suddenly understood another meaning of Wukong coming to him to tell him this.

More than a thousand years ago, in order to protect him, Tang You used his organizational experience to exchange a system power and placed it in Wukong's armor, which could survive in the sinister gap.

Wukong had seen such power, but he was not very familiar with it. When he touched the barrier that blocked the sea of ​​consciousness of all sentient beings, he mistakenly thought that it was the work of the master.

But to be honest, Tang You himself was very surprised at this moment.

Even if we perceive things from a rigorous scientific point of view, similarity represents a certain deep-level relationship, not to mention the spiritual power system that is biased towards metaphysics.

"What is the relationship between the power that blocks the sea of ​​consciousness of all beings and the system? Why does it block the sea of ​​consciousness of all beings?

The two main questions lingered in Tang You's mind for a long time.

Moreover, he also sensed a strong sense of contradiction from this barrier.

The waves it radiates are clearly solid, broad, vast and far-reaching, as if it is indestructible, but for some reason, Tang You has an inexplicable intuition, which seems to be broken with just a touch.

This thing is indescribably weird.

All of the above things are long, but in fact, for people at the level of Tang You, it is just a momentary movement of thoughts.

Although he had all kinds of doubts in his heart, he still suppressed it patiently, because what was important now was how to respond to Wukong. He was about to be promoted to level 6, but was blocked by this barrier.

After many thoughts flew through his mind, Tang You finally calmly looked at the old man in monk robe: "It's not time yet.

Wukong was not too surprised.

Such a powerful force, and it also blatantly controls the consciousness layer, one of the three foundations of this world, how could it not be detected by the strength of the master.

However, he has never done anything, and this power is basically the same as the protection power bestowed by the master, so no matter how you look at it, this matter is related to the master.

Now Tang You's answer undoubtedly confirmed his inference, so he just bowed his head slightly: "I understand, Master.

Wukong did not continue to ask.

In his mind, Master's strength, vision, and position are unquestionable, and he must have deep meaning in doing things. He said that it is not yet time, that is, it is really not time.

Wukong could vaguely guess that the power required to block the sea of ​​consciousness of all beings is so powerful, and the area involved is so vast, it must be related to the core secret of the organization.

And for some reason, its contents cannot be disclosed. After all, in the mysterious and mysterious system of spiritual power, in many cases, speaking out means failure.

Otherwise, with the style of Master Tang You, it would not have been a long time without a single word.

"Master, I'll go back first." Wukong got up and resigned.

Tang You nodded peacefully, exhorting: "Although the time has not yet come, the daily grind should not be slackened. 99

"Yes, Master."

Watching Wukong leave, Tang You's brows became solemn.

Once there is a problem with the consciousness layer, human beings have to be completely finished without waiting for the large-scale arrival of the evil spirits at the bottom of the silt...

"I didn't pay attention to such an important matter before..." He blamed himself.

Considering that these emotions can not solve the problem, but will affect his own judgment, Tang You secretly wrote it down, and then quickly shook his head and put it aside.

The matter was of great importance, and he did not hesitate, and directly asked the possible parties to the system: "System, do you know what's going on?"

The latter's tone was no different from usual, and it was still an emotionless voice: "It's not what this system does, but it's not harmful to humans, and in a sense it's still a protective umbrella."5

Tang You's breathing stopped for a moment.

Many times in life, some things always come unexpectedly, and this is the case today.

For the first time, he encountered an existence similar to the power of the system, and it was also the first time that he encountered a question that the system did not answer directly.

But even if the system only responded sideways, this sentence also revealed some very important information.

When Tang You first arrived in the original forest world, Elder Baiwen once mentioned that the evil obscurity created by the gathering of the dark thoughts of all beings in the consciousness layer is not fundamentally different from the evil at the bottom.

Sometimes, when silt-bottomed evil invaders invade certain planes, they will choose to act directly from the level of consciousness, and use the connection with the inner evil to put pollution into it, causing intelligent beings to degenerate.

The target plane is also broken without attacking.

However, Zhi Di Zhi Gao Mingming was obsessed with Blue Star and had a great plan, but he never used this method.

At that time, Tang You had already concluded that this could only be because they couldn't do it, not because they didn't want to do it. Some unknown factor was hindering them.

Now it seems that the most crucial reason is probably the golden barrier that blocks the ocean of consciousness of all beings.

It is like a sturdy protective umbrella, so that all the indiscriminate ideas at the bottom of the silt will eventually become a dream bubble.

In addition, Tang You also realized that with the improvement of his own strength level, even if he does not deliberately pursue 3.5, he is gradually approaching certain problems when he moves forward normally.

Part of it was something he had thought about a long time ago, but couldn't get to the bottom of it.

For example... Where does the system come from? What is its purpose?

Regarding the latter one, Tang You does not hold the idea of ​​conspiracy theory, because it is only the result obtained from the narrow cognition of human beings.

Many times, ordinary human beings always use themselves as a benchmark to measure everything in this world.

Because human beings themselves are carbon-based beings, so are all blue star creatures, and need water as a prerequisite to be born, so when humans explore space, they always use this as a screening condition to find out whether there is a cradle planet.

But in fact, who stipulated that there can be no other forms of living creatures in this world?

If human beings themselves always do things for the sake of profit, to use this as a criterion to measure other existences, it would be as ridiculous as a farmer guessing whether the emperor used a gold hoe or a silver hoe.

Of course, Tang You still wants to know why.

It used to feel extraordinarily far away, but now it seems that it is no longer an unreachable distance.

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