I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 435 The Strange Realm Outside the Door

Pan Quan's consciousness was immersed in confusion, his sense of touch, hearing, taste... everything was erratic, and his whole person seemed to be a wisp of wind and a cloud.


He heard some kind of broken sound.

Who, who?

In the vast void, Pan Quan tried his best to approach the direction of the movement.

The sound became louder and clearer. A ray of light burst out, then became brighter and brighter, and finally drowned out the whole darkness.

"Captain! 35

While shouting, Pan Quan's eyelids trembled for a moment as his hands shook his shoulders, and then his out-of-focus eyes opened little by little.

He saw the warm-colored log roof, and a slightly eager young face was closer, it was Xiao Xie.

The memories of the past flooded in like a tide, he blinked his eyes in confusion, then realized something, suddenly expanded for half a minute, and then suddenly sat up from the bed.

The silky thin quilt slips off for a comfortable skin-friendly feel.

Pan Quan looked around and found that the team members were all around him. The combat uniforms were as clean as if they had been washed, and they were not stained with sand or dust. The only thing was that they lacked weapons and ammunition.

He looked down at himself again, the same.

"Captain, it's great, you finally woke up." The backbone of the team returned, Xiao Xie was very happy and looked quite excited.

Pan Quan rubbed his forehead, puzzled: "What's going on? You guys ran to find me and rescued me?"

Hearing this, Xiao Xie scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said very embarrassedly: "We did look for you later, but the visibility was so poor that the team was all scattered, and it didn't take long for me to faint."

twenty two

"Who rescued us then?" Pan Quan was immediately a little surprised.

The expressions of the others gradually faded: "We don't know, we were already here when we woke up, and all the weapons and equipment were gone."

Judging from the fact that I had fainted at the time, I would be completely dead in a few minutes, and the sandstorm must not have passed by then.

Who would appear in such a place, and have the ability to withstand such a harsh environment and rescue so many of us one by one? So many people...

Pan Quan suddenly looked stunned, and looked around in a panic: "Where's the child? What about the child! I had already found him at that time, and he was in my arms.

"We don't know either. Captain, don't worry, we have all been rescued, and we must be no less than a child. It is estimated that they were placed elsewhere.

Xiao Xie said quickly.

Only then did Pan Quan gradually calm down. He pulled the cover off and got out of bed, but just as his feet touched the ground, his figure suddenly stopped, and he slowly grabbed a corner of the thin quilt and rubbed it in front of him to observe.

"Captain, what's the matter?" The others were a little stunned, why were they kneading with the quilt all of a sudden.

The former shook his head, and there were some dents on his forehead: "The material of this quilt is a bit wrong, it is very slippery, and it is more skin-friendly to the touch. It is very similar to the material of silk, but it is not silk."


Pan Quan raised the quilt slightly, and when his eyes watched from a close distance, the structure that was not so thin was clearly visible:

“This is not a wool made of animal fur, nor is it a chemical synthetic material, but a typical vegetable fiber. 35

"My sister-in-law and I used to be professional textile workers, so I'm pretty sure about that.

“The cotton and linen fabrics made of plant fibers always have a rough feeling and are not as smooth as silk products, but this material now violates this rule. 35

The other team members felt the thin quilt and followed for a while to observe, and found that it was really the case.

"Although I don't understand the principle of this material, and I don't know its source, it is definitely unusual, and it has not been circulated in folk products. 35 Pan Quan expressed his judgment.

Unusual, not circulated among the people... Others have tasted a little of it.

Inspired by this, others also looked around carefully.

"Wait, look at the material of this room." Xiao Xie found something unusual again, and pointed to the floor, walls, and roof: "It doesn't have any gaps. 99

The whole house is about 30 square meters, and the whole body is made of warm-colored wood. It is a spherical shape with flat tops and bottoms.

The only light comes from the roof skylight, through which one can see the leaves swaying outside.

But what is extremely surprising is that the house has no splicing traces of half a board, as if it was pulled out bit by bit from a huge piece of wood.

This lift is pulling my hair out!

How much wood does it take to pull out such a house?

Not to mention that its color and texture are so beautiful, and its texture is so delicate, it is a material that can be called sky-high, and it is actually used like this. This is how extravagant and prodigal people can make such a move.

Pan Quan and the others looked at each other, always feeling that there was an indescribable sense of strangeness in this place.

at this time--


In the sound, everyone looked over vigilantly, the flat wall suddenly cracked a white light, and then the closed door was pushed open from the outside.

A certain little guy raised his hand to grab the doorknob, but because he was too short, he didn't have time to let go, so he was taken away by the door, his two short legs fluttering on the ground.

"Eh, eh, eh eh... boom..."

The door slammed against the wall, and the little guy knocked his forehead.

He swayed and took a few steps back like he was drunk, then suddenly stood firm, shook his head, frowned and rubbed his forehead, looking at the big men who were staring at him blankly.

The little guy's eyes widened a little bit, his mouth also grinned, and finally jumped in place, clapping his hands and shouting: "Wake up, they're awake, Grandpa Baiwen, come and see that, they're all awake!

Although his stature is small, the taste of Qin Province dialect is very positive.

Everyone else captured that detail.

Pan Quan recognized at a glance that this was the little guy he saw in the sandstorm. At this moment, it was alive and kicking, which made him faintly relieved.

It's alright!

"Okay, okay, I got it, don't make a fuss, the birds on this roof were all disgusted with you and flew away." An old voice came from outside the door, and there was the sound of stepping on the wooden stairs.

The hearts of Pan Quan and others were immediately raised, and it seemed that the main man was coming.

Several birds with colorful feathers flashed past the door, and then a rickety old man with a wooden cane appeared at the door.

He smiled first when he met, his wrinkled skin piled up and covered his eyes: "Hello, thank you for your help to save this naughty boy Wu Han.

After Bai Wen finished speaking, he tapped the little guy's head with a cane: "I still don't thank you."

"How long have you been born, and you haven't developed any ability, you dare to run around outside, if it weren't for these benefactors, even if I couldn't make it in time, you would have lost half your life.

Hearing this, Pan Quan waved his hand quickly: "Old man, you're welcome, we didn't help you much, but we bothered you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was suddenly stunned.

At that time, the dust storm was so big, and the wind speed was definitely 11 or above. Even if it gradually weakened, it was still 9 to 10, and it was difficult for ordinary people to stand firm in it.

But such an old man actually saved so many people in his team?!

This... It should not be accurate, such bad weather, how could it be possible for an elderly man to search for the lost child alone, it is estimated that a group of people with equipment acted at the same time.

Pan Quan found a seemingly reasonable explanation, but the strange feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The child's mobility and physical strength are only a little bit stronger. Even if he sneaks out, it means that he and his family were not far from the spot where they were found.

If it is a self-driving tour, although the government does not prohibit ordinary people 403 from going out of the city to die, but such a combination of ages is too far-fetched at first glance, and it is difficult for anyone with such a big heart to take them outside.

But if you say running away from home...

Not to mention that there is no such settlement marked on the map obtained from the official, even if there is, it should have been moved away by the relocation plan, how can it stay in place?

Not only Captain Pan Quan, but the others also thought of this.

Countless questions swirled in their minds, clouding their entire thinking, but in front of their faces, no one dared to speak about it.

Bai Wen didn't seem to notice their strangeness, and still smiled very kindly: "You guys have slept for a day, and you probably are hungry, just as we are celebrating here, we have prepared a lot of food and drinks.

"Originally, this was an internal event, but I reported the matter and applied for permission, so I hope everyone will appreciate it. 35

And the little guy also cheered at the right time: "Several uncles, you must go, there are so many delicious food, and there are many saints that you don't see on weekdays..."

White-patterned crutches tapped on his head, stopping his follow-up words.

Pan Quanxuan took a sigh of relief: "Okay..."

Bai Wen nodded slightly: "Several guests, you will not be disappointed." After speaking, he tapped the little guy with his crutches and walked out with him first, leading the way.

The team members looked at each other, but now there is no other way but to bite the bullet.

Pan Quan was not a pedantic person, of course he had imagined using force as a last resort.

But for some reason, whenever this thought came together, he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, as if he would lose something important by doing so.

Under the gazes of the others, Pan Quan, as the leader of the team, took a deep breath and walked towards the door in the lead. When the outside world caught his eye, his mouth opened a little...

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