Others noticed the strangeness of their own captain, and walked to the door in surprise, and then the same dull face appeared.

The outside world is bright and sunny, the green grass is like a soft thick pad, laying flat on the ground, and the squat trees with luxuriant branches are scattered in between.

Some of them suddenly become extremely wide when they reach their stomachs, and they can also see windows, doors, and balconies, just like a tree "growing" directly out of the house.

Some are a sturdy vine, forming circles and circles in the forked space of the big branches, rolling out a bird's nest-like nest, with green leaves and moist red fruits growing on it.

Some trees do not have houses, but the fruit they grow has a glass-like texture, and the inside transmits a soft brilliance, just like strange street lamps.

"Come on, go! The work is done, we can finally go to the party and dance."

In the silver bell-like clear girl's voice, a few little flower demons with dragonfly-like wings on their backs happily flew over from the dense forest on one side.

There was a girl with a more naughty temperament, looking at the colorful feathered bird flying side by side with her, she also stuck out her green fingertips and gently poked its white fluffy, round belly.

The latter was "attacked" and flew to the side immediately, and the successful little flower demon "giggled" smirked.

But I don't know if it was stimulated by the laughter, or if I took a step back and thought about it, the more angry I was, Caiyu Bird, who was poked in the stomach, puffed out its cheeks, flapped its wings, and pounced on the girl's head a few times in revenge.

The little flower demon hugged her head and ran away, only to see a few big human beings at the door, she couldn't help but turn her head to look at it curiously.


As a result, the next second, she slammed into the tree, and then slid down the trunk a little bit, and fell onto the grass as thick as a blanket.

For her companion's stupid experience, the other little flower demons covered their mouths and laughed unceremoniously, and the little guy called "Wuhan" clapped his hands with joy: "Idiot! Big idiot sister!"

But...the good times don't last long.

A crutch directly hit his head, causing him to shrink his neck, cover his head and turn his head with tears in his eyes.

Elder Baiwen took back the "weapon" slowly: "It's neither big nor small, so rude, I haven't settled the account with you for sneaking out. Hurry up."

After speaking, he looked at the people in the house: "Several guests, let's go. 99

Hearing this, Pan Quan and others subconsciously walked out of the door, stiff as if their joints were frozen, until someone almost fell when they went down the tree root stairs, and then they woke up and returned to normal.

Under the curious gaze of a few little flower demons, they looked around as if they had never seen the world before, while they followed behind Bai Wen and Wu Han.

Greenery, tree houses, vine nests, fruit street lamps...

Pan Quan and the others strolled through it, as if they were walking in a fantastic fantasy movie. Every place was full of beauty, every place was incomparably wonderful, and their eyes were filled with light.

They never thought that they would come to such a strange realm.

"I feel like I'm dreaming, otherwise, how could there really be such a place in the real world". 35 Xiao Xie whispered to himself.

At this moment, Pan Quan, although Mingmian tried his best to maintain the composure of the leader, but he couldn't help pinching himself in secret, and told him with clear pain:

This is not an illusion!

"But, where the hell is this?" Pan Quan couldn't help but ask in his heart.

Walking here, there was a slight gap in the shade of the trees on the top, and one of the team members suddenly noticed something, and couldn't help raising his hand to point: "Captain, look over there!"

Everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a green giant wall rising into the clouds in the sky.

But when they looked at it carefully, they realized that it was not a huge wall at all, but a straight towering tree after another, arranged in a very close arrangement.

This scene turned into a flash of lightning flashing across Pan Quan's mind.

"A spectacular oasis of trees, so densely packed that it resembles a high wall..."

He muttered these words in a low voice, and the divine light in his eyes became stronger and stronger: "The story that the mining fleet driver is spreading is actually true, and we... are in it at this moment!"

Elder Baiwen certainly paid attention to their movements, but he didn't care.

After all, they can all be brought into the celebration banquet, and it is not bad to know this information, anyway, there will be corresponding disposals afterwards.

After all, for the extraordinary of the Holy Shield or the original demon clan, it is really easy to delete or blur some of the memories of ordinary people.

Xiao Xie suddenly noticed that the few little flower demons before had quietly followed behind him and others, and found him looking back and winking playfully.

He turned around quickly.

A silver bell-like laughter sounded immediately behind.

Xiao Xie blushed like an apple, wishing he could find a crack to drill into it.

"It's here." Elder Baiwen stopped, took his crutches and swiped vertically in the air in front of him, the ripples of the water curtain swayed and separated, and a whole new world appeared in their eyes.

The huge black shadow suddenly fell and smashed into the gem-like lake. Tens of millions of tons of clear water formed a tsunami-like wave that rose and fell again, causing countless water splashes.

"Wow wow..."

The sky seemed to be raining heavily, reflecting the colorful colors in the sunlight.

Pan Quan and the others who had just stepped into this place were poured over their heads before they could react, but they can no longer care about this now, because...

The huge black shadow that fell into the lake just now slowly rose to the surface of the lake again, revealing a hill-like tortoise-shaped figure, with complex and simple lines on the carapace.

"Xuan... Xuanwu! 35

Xiao Xie almost exclaimed.

This gigantic existence is clearly one of the Four Elephants, the Northern Water Spirit, and the Xuanwu Divine Beast, which had only been missed once in the Neon War, and there will be no news for the people of Blue Star in the future.

Others were also shocked.

Absolutely never expected that he and others would have such luck in this accident, to be able to see the top existence in the ancient mythology of the Yan Kingdom.

I am afraid that the world will never imagine that the famous Xuanwu mythical beast will be hidden in a mysterious oasis under the ordinary in the Taklimakan Desert in Hamigua Province.

Xuanwu Yuming raised his head slightly, and a long and long howl was heard.

Several water columns rose up in the lake, defying gravity in mid-air, either left or right, up or down, meandering and circling, reflecting thousands of brilliance in the sunlight.

Countless fish, shrimps and crabs of different sizes are swimming leisurely in these midair water columns.

There is a section of the water column that is low, just passing by Pan Quan and others, a team member raised his hand in surprise and poked it, his index finger penetrated the water without hindrance, and the cold touch was transmitted to his mind.

A big fish with colorful scales noticed the extra things, looked around vigilantly for a moment, and then jumped forward suddenly, opening its mouth to bite.

The player immediately withdrew his hands.

The big fish collided with the edge of the water column, like a solid steel plate, and instantly became dizzy, turning over and floating in the water.


Xiao Xie and the others exclaimed like buns, and the light in their eyes never stopped.

Elder Baiwen smiled and led them along the way.

A group of small flower demons flew from all directions and landed on Xuanwu's broad turtle back, like a group of cute elves, chatting with each other and looking at other girls' skirts.

Their dresses are either woven with pliable grass leaves or sewn with fragrant petals.

"Cough cough..."

One of the leading little flower demons coughed twice, flew up to the sky and made a gesture, which made the rest of the girls quiet down and quickly lined up in a neat queue.

The former snapped his fingers, and countless pieces of golden light fell from the sky, and the cheerful and lively dance was also performed from then on.

The members of the hunter team watched intently, almost walking backwards.

However, Pan Quan noticed that there was a bookcase in the ancient style of Zhang Yanguo erected by the lake in the distance, with all kinds of fruits, meat pieces, and wine pots and wine glasses on it.

The bamboo mats behind the books are all sitting on their own, men and women, tall and short, fat and thin, old and young.

""Little swan, if you don't eat it, I will take it, bye.

"Stinky buns, don't run!"

Two very short figures were chasing around in front of the desks. The former looked like a husky who was triumphant in the destruction, and the latter was white-skinned and furious.

A certain golden-eyed girl nearby looked at them both as if she were mentally handicapped.


Pan Quan's group suddenly felt a huge earthquake on the ground, and everyone almost jumped up, and then the gust of wind rushed towards their backs, pushing them to stagger forward a few steps.

They turned around and saw two "colossal pillars" full of golden scales, only a few meters away from themselves. Because they were too close, everyone almost broke their necks and couldn't see the top.

Noticing that she almost stepped on the guest, Long Renyao who passed by blinked her eyes innocently, a little embarrassed: "Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. 99

Even though her voice was already quite weak due to lack of confidence, to others, it was not much different from a thunderbolt from the blue, and the drinks rippled.

Pan Quan and others have been speechless (yes, good).

So far, all the extraordinary monsters discovered by Blue Star secularly have a positive correlation between body size and strength. After all, in the gravitational environment on the surface of the planet, if the body is not strong enough, it will be crushed by its own weight.

And now, this giant creature with golden scales is actually much bigger than the basalt divine beast, what does this mean?

This shows that he and the others have inadvertently seen the existence of a Blue Star secular citizen who has never discovered that his strength is likely to be stronger than that of the Xuanwu divine beast!

How many secrets are hidden in this mysterious oasis in the Tarim Basin? What kind of identities do these apparently non-mortal existences have?

At this moment, Pan Quan suddenly remembered something.

The rumors here first came from the driver of the mining team. Since this place really exists, it means that the driver must have really seen it at that time.

Since so many people swear, and there is no trace of lying, out of the importance of the ore transportation line, the official will definitely start to investigate Joe.

If no results are found, they will certainly not use the original line with confidence. But the truth is that the ore transportation route near Korla has never changed.

This also means that officials have either identified the problem and ruled it out, or they know that it is not a threat. And now the oasis still exists...

Pan Quan's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

"What is the relationship between the official and this mysterious oasis? 35

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