I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 453 The Bone Of The Spirit God

In the side room of the main hall, Tang You frowned slightly as he rubbed his hands with jade-like stones.

In fact, as early as when Arthur put it in his hands, he had already noticed that it contained a deep breath, but he didn't go into it at the time.

Now that Tang You had time, he let go of the perceptual investigation, only to discover that the material of the bracelet was not as simple as it was unusual.

Because in its incomparably hard texture, there is a wisp of deep hidden... spiritual aura!

Birds chirping outside the window, and the smooth solid wood table top reflects the faint light, reflecting the color of thinking in Tang You's eyes:

"Meeting a living creature in a crevice is a very scary thing. As a result, those strange fish are not an exception, but there are as many as ten."

"Furthermore, there is no information about those strange fish even in the spiritual power system knowledge given by the system. 55

"Of course they can't be level 6 spiritual gods, otherwise Arthur wouldn't be able to kill them at all even if he had the protection of systematic power, and whether he could even save himself is unknown. 35

His left index finger tapped regularly on the table, recalling Arthur's description of the strange fish:

There is no entity, speak strange and inaudible words through the golden protective layer, can't communicate, will attack the protective layer, and normal means will damage it very little...

First of all, the last point is obviously because "four-two" has a spiritual aura.

The further the spiritual power system goes, the damage power may not skyrocket with each level up, but the life level will undergo a qualitative change.

Just like level 4 to level 5 demigods, directly from the level of physical damage such as nuclear explosions and supernova outbreaks, to the dimensions that they cannot reach at all, like two parallel lines.

Compared with the level 5 demigods and so on, the level 6 spirit god also has such a qualitative change.

The former is not only immune to ordinary physical damage, but also immune to most spiritual damage. Therefore, even if they are both extraordinary in spiritual power, they will be amazed at the face of them, and they will be regarded as "gods".


From those gaps, the strange fish only had a ray of spirituality, and Arthur had to rely on water mill work to kill them, so he could see one or two of these gaps.

And those strange fish can't communicate, probably because they have no sanity.

As for "speaking strange and inaudible things through the golden protective layer"...

Although the protective layer formed by the power of the system is not as exaggerated as absolute defense, it can also offset most of the damage.

Without the existence of the former, it is debatable whether those strange fish are still so harmless.

You must know that as long as you reach the level of 6, whether it is a silt bottom evil, an ancient world without a face, or a neutral spirit, their power will have a terrifying infection effect.

Therefore, those strange fish are likely to be polluted with spiritual aura, but only after being shielded by the power of the system, they become seemingly harmless "inaudible words".

"The strange fish is not a spiritual god, but after death, it will leave behind bones with spiritual aura. It has no sanity and is full of uncontrollable pollution..."

Tang You pondered: "I am afraid these so-called strange fish are not real living creatures at all, but pollution that can act on their own like evil spirits. 55

"Their real body is probably this bone. 35

"And these bones should come from the remains of spiritual gods. In other words, the material of the bracelet is actually a real god bone, a base material for extraordinary objects that is almost dream-level. 35

"After all, if you want to get a god bone, it means killing a spiritual god.

A string of ordinary and ineffective bracelets is made of bones that exist at level 6. Even if it is placed in the atrium and the world, this can be called a fantasy operation.

However, it has become a reality by accident.

If the creatures in the Atrium and Myriad Realms knew about it, they would all be so angry that they fainted, and then woke up again and shouted, "Bastard!

But no matter how precious it is, it is a gift from Arthur, a young girl, with her 2,000 years of longing. Tang You will not touch it.

Moreover, there is an even more important thing on his mind:

Why does the god bone appear in the gap?

You must know that when the two universes have not touched on their own, even the existence of level 6 cannot break the barrier of the universe and step into the gap where everything is empty.

But now the fact is that there are more than ten god bones floating in the gap, and even contaminants are born.

What happened in the middle is still unknown.

But having a god bone means that there is death at level 6. This point always reminds Tang You of the spiritual gods who were planned to be eliminated by the mysterious forces in the information left in the crystal.

Will the two be related?

After thinking for a while, he still could not reach any conclusion. Tang You could only shake his head, put it down for a while, and then let out a long breath. After all, these matters are useless.

He got up and walked outside the hall, overlooking the vast headquarters space and the scenery of Bishan District of Jiangcheng outside the border.

Noticing that Arthur, Li Ranna and others had become familiar with each other from the beginning, and asked about all kinds of modern things like curious babies, Tang You couldn't help showing a smile.

But soon, with the help of the power of the master, he felt that the core force of the ice and snow plane infiltrated more and more seriously, the average temperature of the entire Blue Star was decreasing, and his smile gradually disappeared.

Tang You raised his head slightly and looked up at the sky.

His eyes penetrated the boundary of the headquarters and the material space of the Blue Star, and saw that the indescribably vast barrier was twisting and deforming while squeezing each other, almost reaching its carrying limit.

It is May 2021, and the footsteps of the catastrophe are approaching the final moment.

Tang You murmured lowly in words that only he could hear: "Although so many arrangements have been made, I wonder if the world is fully prepared."

"Captain Zheng, here we are.

Zheng Wenjun, who seemed to close his eyes, opened his eyes in the call, thanked the person who reminded him, tidied up his clothes a little, opened the car door, and got up and got out of the car.

Bright leather shoes stepped on the ground.

Song Chengan, who also pushed the door to get out of the car, turned his head and nodded to Zheng Wenjun who was behind him.

Together with the other men in black suits, the two passed over the cars parked in a row like water flowing over a stone, and walked forward on foot along the cement road.

At the end of the road, there was a high wall thick enough to run a tank. At intervals, there was a bunker-like protrusion on it, and the shooting hole poked out the dark muzzle.

But it's actually a gun. It's an anti-aircraft gun rebuilt on the basis of anti-aircraft guns.

In contrast, the well-known anti-material sniper gun Barrett, with a muzzle kinetic energy of 14,000 joules, has been able to snipe light tanks and armored vehicles.

The former is a hundred times more than the latter!

Through multi-type and dead-end area monitoring, coupled with high-performance artificial intelligence dedicated to combat, the defense line of fire can be in a state of preparation for 24 hours a day. …

Once there is an enemy around, the whole system can lock and fire within 500 milliseconds.

In addition, there are more sophisticated weapons hidden in the dark, and a large number of pilots work in four shifts, ensuring that there are twelve armed helicopters cruising in the airspace at any time.

Moreover, in order to deal with extreme situations, the elite life-species cultivators from the cultivator academy also pretended to be ordinary staff members to prevent monsters with peculiar abilities from quietly infiltrating.

As long as there is no excess power, the defenses here are absolutely impregnable.

The reason for the official expenditure of the Yan Kingdom is very simple -

Zheng Wenjun raised his head slightly, looked over the thick city wall, and saw the factory building made of steel inside, like a giant beast crouching after another, exuding breathtaking power.

This is a comprehensive arsenal that can produce most of the new equipment.

In the past, the production of an industrial product required the support of parts from various places. Once there was a problem in a certain link, the factory could only be shut down.

It's fine in ordinary days, but if you still do this in the face of war, you're really looking for a dead end.

Since it is a war, it must be taken into account that traffic is likely to be cut off, and it is impossible to complete the coordination of national material deployment. Therefore, it must be emphasized that small and complete.

That is to say, each area should have a relatively complete industrial category.

In this way, even if it loses contact with the outside world, it can produce industrial products, including weapons, by itself, and achieve self-sufficiency.

After stopping in front of the gate and verifying their identity through complicated procedures, the steel gate that resisted nuclear explosions slowly opened, and Song Chengan and Zheng Wenjun and his party were able to step into it.


The train whistle sounded.

Zheng Wenjun saw a freight train passing by, along the rails, and leaving the factory through a special channel, which was fully loaded with "sparrow" armor in the form of light tanks.

One car after another seemed to go back and forth, and it took a few minutes before the end of the train disappeared from view.

In the distance, two heavy-duty freight trains were parked, and hundreds of sparrow armors were placed in the nearby open space. These war machines were waiting to be loaded and transported to the corresponding military districts.

Zheng Wenjun and others passed the Tian 3.5 Bridge, and crossed the rails and trains in mid-air. Before they got down, they saw someone rushing to greet them.

"Sorry, Director Song, Captain Zheng, I don't know if you are coming to inspect, what the two leaders need to know, I will let the technical person in charge explain it."

The leader was apologetic.

Song Chengan hurriedly raised his hand to stop it: "Director Liu, we are here temporarily without saying hello, just because we don't want to delay production, just go back to see the situation, you can just accompany us around."5

"Okay, everyone, please come with me." Director Liu led everyone forward.

"Director Song, Captain Zheng, the first workshop on the front is used to produce sparrow armor, and it operates unmanned, 24 hours a day."

"Up to now, as long as the reinforcement metal is sufficient, we can produce a thousand sparrows a month.

Song Chengan nodded. There are currently ten comprehensive arsenals in the whole country, and the total output of sparrow armor in thirty days is about 10,000.

So far, the Yan Kingdom's army has installed 30,000 units, an average of one for every 70 people.

But according to the attack statistics table and the reminder of the Holy Shield organization, human beings may not have much time!

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