Song Chengan's head was dull, but Mingming didn't say a word, just followed Director Liu to visit it.


A slight mechanical sound echoed, and the many slide rails above the head, hoisting many large parts, moved towards the predetermined target.

On the ground, there are mechanical arms with exposed internal structures, three in a group, or responsible for welding, or tightening nuts to assemble the sparrow armor, and the cooperation is extremely smooth.

The factories in people's regular images are full of dry and nearly black oil stains, and the air is filled with the smell of steel and cremation.

But the ground here is clean and tidy, even reflecting light, and the good ventilation system makes the air not have too much odor, and the whole looks like a future machining center.

Director Liu looked at the temporary team, and he was a little unsure of the mind of the famous "Vulcan" Zheng Wenjun, let alone the thoughts of Song Chengan, director of the Investigation Bureau.

He could only introduce according to the normal procedure: "Comrades, in the rear is the workshop for assembling the integrated land platform, do you want to take a look?"

Song Chengan nodded: "Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Zheng Wenjun remained silent.

His scope of responsibility did not include these, and he came here today because Song Chengan was becoming more and more important, and the external environment was not good, so he specially protected him.

As the team continued to move forward, Zheng Wenjun's eyes suddenly turned to look at a certain factory employee who was watching by the roadside.

The latter quickly nodded to him: "Captain!"

Zheng Wenjun also nodded in response, this is a person from the Cultivator Academy, and later served in the Anti-Different Assault Corps, and was transferred to this factory not long ago.

The vignettes didn't get much attention.

On the way, Zheng Wenjun's thoughts were inexplicably floating. He remembered the latest news in the spiritual power network. The legendary King Arthur was actually a member of the ancient Aegis, and he has now arrived at the headquarters.

The return of the great sage and the ancient sages such as King Arthur will undoubtedly increase the high-end combat power of the organization and the confidence of the members.

However, the fact that King Arthur was actually a pretty girl caused an uproar and almost shocked the chins of the members of the Aegis.

Even when Zheng Wenjun first learned the news, he didn't recover for a long time.

Who would have thought that the world-renowned ancient hero, who has many stories of love and hatred, turned out to be a woman!

As far as he knew, among the top management of the organization, Kevin felt the most excited after learning about this.

After all, the latter's title is "Knight of the Earth", and that King Arthur is the first knight without precedent in the legend.

With this relationship, Kevin can understand that he is not calm.

Zheng Wenjun remembered the ancient king of Britain, another name that was more popular among the members of the organization, and he couldn't help laughing secretly:

"Arthur, Arturia...Is this a slap in the face of that neon work?"

Everyone in Sacred Shield felt that it was strange for such a pretty girl to have a masculine name like Arthur.

Moreover, her external image is indeed very similar to the character in that neon work, which was created based on her prototype, that's why everyone called it so secretly.

But thinking about it here, Zheng Wenjun suddenly remembered another related matter.

According to the on-site personnel when King Arthur arrived at the headquarters, the former had inadvertently said that the president had called her this name more than two thousand years ago.

She also said that she would know why later.

This reflects a quite astonishing thing, that is, as early as two thousand years ago, when the island country of Neon was still almost the same as the primitive society, the president had already seen the future world.

Even trivial things like neon works can be seen clearly.

Yes, the influence of Arturia's work is indeed quite impressive, but if it is placed on the scale of the entire human being and spans more than two thousand years, then it is insignificant.

At that time, he already had such terrifying strength, no wonder he was selected to become the twelfth generation president of the Holy Shield.

Just as Zheng Wenjun's thoughts flew farther and farther--


The shocking roar of the engine came, and the powerful force even made the ground under my feet tremble.

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, their pupils shrunk slightly to see a huge land steel behemoth with a height of more than 30 meters and a width of more than 40 meters, moving forward bit by bit.

Thirty meters, this is already the height of eleven or two floors.

On weekdays, when you are used to seeing concrete buildings, you don’t feel anything, but when a pure steel building is so tall and moves on land, the shock it brings to people is completely different.

Even if they were separated by more than 100 meters, this giant technological monster felt like a real sense of oppression, and it made everyone's heart feel like a heavy stone hanging from it, almost breathless.

The structure of the mobile device at the bottom is almost the same as that of the sparrow armor, with several groups of scattered tracks.

But the difference is its size.

Ordinary adults standing side by side with it, even less than half the height of a single load-bearing wheel, the main battle tanks of the past were placed next to them, and they were as small as a grasshopper.

After being shocked for a long time, Song Chengan said with emotion: "The land integrated platform, also known as the dry land aircraft carrier, although I have already read the corresponding materials, this is the first time I have seen the real thing with my own eyes.

"Sure enough... very shocking."

Factory Manager Liu, who was next to him, looked at the steel monster with an almost obsessive gaze: "It is precisely because of the existence of reinforced metal that we can create such practical war machines.

"The stronger performance and lighter weight make this guy's weight drop by more than half on the basis of maintaining the original target, only 8,000 tons.

"The outside is sturdy armor, and once it is turned into a combat state, the hidden firepower will be 'grown' all over the body.""

"It's as small as the cannons for close defense and air interception on the ground, as large as various rockets and cannons. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a firepower monster with muzzles all over its body."

It can be seen that Director Liu clearly loves his career, and when he talks about the specific effect, he is almost excited:

"In addition, it has a built-in nuclear reactor, which does not need to add fuel for ten years, adopts all-electric drive, and can also export and supply other combat equipment. 95

"The rich and diverse high-power detection system is specially designed for otherworldly monsters based on current experience, and can tightly cover an area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers to provide intelligence support for other units."

"And the huge space inside can store abundant logistical materials."

Director Liu pointed to the integrated platform of the landing ground and said: "As long as this guy stands, it is a battle fortress with rich functions and a mobile military position. 35

"It is worth mentioning that although it looks very slow, because of the all-electric drive powered by the nuclear reactor, the torque is extremely abundant, and the operation transfer is very sensitive.

"And the same mobile structure as the sparrow armor, using the mechanical arm to link the grouped crawlers, usually locked and fixed, and multi-legged walking when needed, it can effectively cross most terrains."

"The title of land aircraft carrier is well-deserved!"

Song Chengan himself was born in the army, so he couldn't help nodding his head.

The original intention of this steel monster was to serve as a powerful mobile fortress, which could be flexibly mobilized at any time. Anyone who knew it would understand that it was of great military significance.

Today, with the mass production of more advanced high-energy explosives, coupled with the luminous rock coat extract commonly known as "monster poison", human thermal weapons are not as powerless against monsters as they used to be.

In actual combat, the integrated land platform will also carry a certain number of life seed practitioners.

Through the combination of these series of measures, the "land aircraft carrier" is by no means a fancy embroidered pillow, but has a strong ability to fight against others.

But Song Chengan's inspection tour did not end there.

Accompanied by Director Liu, the group saw the Sky Shuttle, which uses a pulse shock engine and can cruise outside the atmosphere, a new type of unmanned attack aircraft that is between traditional drones and manned fighters...

During the Second World War, facing the threat of war, the science and technology of various countries ushered in great growth, and many basic technologies have been used until the beginning of the 21st century.

But now, facing a more severe threat to survival, human potential has completely exploded. Many things that were only dared to think before, but could not be tried due to the lack of funds, are all released.

The creations that can be called black technology have appeared more than people imagined, but a large part of them have not been mass-produced.

What Song Chengan and the others saw in the factory at this moment were all the small parts that were mass-produced after experts weighed the cost and the effect.

Even if it was just a short walk, it took a group of two hours to complete the factory.

Song Chengan did not have a happy expression on his face, but was extremely solemn: "Director Liu, I know this has been done well, but the objective fact is that the current production efficiency is far behind the demand.

420 "These weapons are what we rely on to defend the people, but now we still have a big, big gap.

“Although more factories like this are being set up, and other factories in the country that are not so large are also working overtime to produce, they are still not enough.

Zheng Wenjun is very clear that Song Chengan's words are not false.

In fact, after equipping 30,000 sparrow armors, and calculating according to the figures before the expansion of the army, the figure of one per 30 people can be obtained.

And now the number of personnel in the army has already doubled several times, reaching as many as six or seven million, and the stock and output of equipment are too far behind.

Although now is the era of national production, it is obviously unrealistic to want to turn all factories into high-end production centers in such a short period of time.

The industrial chain that accompanies the migration plan can only undertake mid- and low-end tasks at present.

Director Liu is not a fool either, of course he could hear the terrifying meaning hidden in his words, his face softened a little, he stood there thinking for a while, and finally gritted his teeth:

"Director Song, as long as we strengthen the metal enough, we will double the output even if we work hard.

Strengthening metal... Song Chengan sighed in his heart.

This important resource is linked to transcendent substances. Compared with the domestic terrifying needs, even if the Yan Kingdom is already the number one transcendent country on Blue Star, the amount of the transaction is not enough.

After all, time is too short!

At this moment, Song Chengan's encrypted terminal vibrated, he took it out and connected it, Shen Ning's face gradually became excited, hung up with a half sound, and said to Director Liu:

"Double the hardened metal, and the supply will soon be full."

After Song Chengan finished speaking, ignoring the stunned crowd, he took the lead and strode away, and hurried back to coordinate the new transaction price of the Holy Shield.

Although he didn't know why the productivity of the Aegis would soar, causing the price of enhanced dust to drop to a quarter of the original price.

However, as the strongest organization of mankind, this move will undoubtedly set off huge waves in the Blue Star countries.

The changes within the Holy Shield, after being passed on, will even greatly enhance the strength of all mankind.

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