I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 466 God of Immortality, Bishop Ecstasy

The barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness that seemed indestructible at first, at this moment, because of Tang You's promotion, it seems that some inexplicable rule has been triggered, and the gap is opened little by little.

The already formed worm of consciousness suddenly "rises up".

The "ascension" here is not in the conventional sense, the elevation of an object from a low altitude to a high altitude, but from the turbid and heavy physical level to the light-hearted level of consciousness.

It appeared out of the gap, and it just got into it in a flash.

Then, Tang You's perception truly entered the mysterious sea of ​​consciousness of the material universe, which is completely different from the sea of ​​consciousness in the original forest world, which is completely different from the objective world.

Without the constraints of strict physical rules, the basis of things is no longer energy or matter, and everything is upside down.

No top, no bottom, no left and no right.

Pure thoughts can form real objects here, and countless invisible torrents of information intertwine with each other, and there are strange bubbles in the chaos.

Some of them are very cozy.

I saw a corner of the cozy hut with warm tones, and the ice and rain poured down outside the window. The contrast of movement and stillness, and the contrast of cold and warm, made the small space extraordinarily comfortable.

Some are also very creepy.

The pale human head was sewn onto the rag doll, and it was clearly smiling happily, but there were shocking bloodstains on the face.

If you put your perception into it, you can still hear the helpless cry of the child, the shrill scream of the mother, and the violent smashing of tables and chairs.

The noisy sounds mixed together, reflecting an unknown tragedy, and the human head doll was still smiling brightly in this storm.

In the vast and boundless sea of ​​consciousness of the material universe, this area belongs to the blue star, and every thought, every joy, and every sadness of human beings will be clearly reflected here.

At the same time, each bubble scene here will be projected onto other bubbles, and the mutual influence of the human world has another expression at this level.

This is exactly what the Buddhists say:

"It is like the net of Indra's jewels, in which one pearl reflects the shadow of ten thousand pearls, and ten thousand pearls are contained in one pearl, and one is everything, and everything is one, and the shadows of the ten thousand pearls reflected on each other are endless.

In a sense, the sea of ​​consciousness is the most authentic world.

Tang You observed that after the worm of his own consciousness drilled into this place, it disintegrated and shattered little by little, which made him feel extremely intense pain.

The five senses of the mortal body depend on the nerves, and the intensity is determined by the difference of internal and external ionization, which not only has an upper limit, but also numbs after continuous action, thereby weakening the pain.

Therefore, people often have such an experience in life-the wound is sore and the pain is gone, and there is no sense of existence.

But the soul level is different, its pain has no upper limit, and there will be no numbness. So even Tang You must grit his teeth and mobilize all his energy in order to suppress his own reaction.

The Worm of Consciousness was first broken into several large pieces, and the amazing thing was that each piece was a reduced version of the Worm of Consciousness.

Then, the reduced version shattered again, and the cycle went on and on, until it reached the level of dust. It does not have a basic structure like things at the objective level at all, nor does it exist a minimum scale.

Infinite subdivision, there are infinite bugs.

The worms of consciousness continue to disintegrate, becoming smaller and wider, and they are attached to every piece of information, to every thought bubble.

In the end, Tang You couldn't observe them.

They are completely integrated into the ocean of consciousness of all beings, and the disintegration process never stops.

At the same time, because of the characteristics of infinite subdivision, with the passage of time, the combination of the worm of consciousness and this strange world will become deeper and more inseparable, and eventually become part of the consciousness layer.

That is to say, spiritual gods can no longer be described by carbon-based, silicon-based, spiritual power, or other forms, because their essence is no longer biological.

They have been freed from the mundane, freed from the shackles of objective laws.

Whether it is the apoptosis of cells, the decay of matter, or even the heat death of the universe's entropy increase, they can no longer wear out their lifespan.

The role of information such as light and sound, or the mutual influence of the torrent of thinking in the consciousness layer, these "outside", which are like dew and electricity, intertwined with illusion and reality, can no longer interfere with their consciousness.


They have achieved their pure self!

Even in a philosophical sense, this completes detachment.

Of course, this is not the complete detachment of Buddhism and Taoism. Because although the "outside" cannot interfere with its true self, as long as it still participates in the world process and is still rolling in the red dust, it will still be affected by the trend.

Therefore, in the spiritual power system, the level increase is the improvement of the essence of life, and this improvement may not bring about a skyrocketing increase in combat power.

For example, from a level 5 demigod to a level 6 spiritual god, it does not mean that you can hold the Milky Way with your hands and the universe with your feet.

But this kind of essential improvement is more precious than pure damage improvement. The philosophical significance has been pointed out above, and the following is a practical example.

Because of the qualitative transformation of spirits and gods, they have become part of the sea of ​​consciousness, which leads to their bodies in the objective world, but they are just empty shells, and they are still empty shells that are immune to pure physical damage.

Even if you drop it into the center of a supernova explosion, this empty shell can come out unscathed.

Even if you use the supernatural level of damage to turn it into an obliterated powder, it doesn't actually cause any damage to the spirits, because it is enough to squeeze another one.

This is the dreaded "pseudo-immortality".

To really kill them, unless the consciousness layer is destroyed, the world structure is destroyed, and the universe is brought to annihilation, but this difficulty is not as simple as reaching the sky.

There is another method, and that is to completely separate the worms of their consciousness from the sea of ​​consciousness, and not even half of them can be missed.

Because it has the characteristics of infinite subdivisions, as long as a little bit is missed, it means that it has missed countless numbers, which means that you have not done anything, and it means that he is unscathed.

This is less reliable than the previous method.

Of course, although the spirit god is extremely difficult to kill, it is not invincible.

As long as the strength is sufficient, there is still a way to suppress them and block them at the rule level, so that they cannot appear in the objective world to make trouble for a long time.

In this way, although they are still alive, they cannot affect themselves, and it doesn't matter whether they die or not.

After being completely promoted to level 6 Spiritual God, Tang You's feedback about the power of prayer immediately became more real, and the illusion of interfering in the world almost became a reality.

So, with his body at the headquarters of the Holy Shield, he tried to observe the distance as usual.

There was no difference in the whole process. Soon, Li Lanlan, who was taking a shower in the bathroom, appeared in his eyes.

Looking at the graceful curves in the water vapor, Tang You suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He just wanted to find someone he knew but was not strong enough to do a small experiment, but he didn't expect it to be so coincidental.

After using the power of prayer for so long, this was the first time he encountered such a situation. What used to be a serious matter has now become a little more serious.

Tang You secretly said "sorry" in his heart, and quickly moved his target.

The scene is presented from the darkness. This is a slightly dilapidated classical religious place. The tall dome is full of frescoes of gods and saints, telling stories from the Bible.

There were exquisite candlesticks all around, but all the candles above were blown out, and the overall environment was quite dim.

The outside light shines in through the top window, just hitting the cross statue, making it the only light in the dark.

And Theodore Ferdinand, the famous cardinal, bowed his head, closed his eyes, held a cross in his hand, and stood upright in front of him, as if he had also become a bleak sculpture.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

A nun passed by outside the hall, and when she saw this solemn and mysterious scene, she couldn't help but pause for breath. For fear of disturbing the Lord's saint of the new era, she hurriedly lowered her footsteps and left.

She didn't get far when she encountered a priest walking towards her.

This is Bishop Theodore's new deputy.

The former subordinate, because he and the former experienced the Jimeni incident together, saw with his own eyes the bishop's strange changes, and has become the most loyal follower.

Therefore, Theodore sent him to stay in the Papal State as a liaison between himself and the Pope.

When the priest saw the nun coming from the direction of the main church, he asked, "Is Mr. St. Ferdinand still the same?"

The nun nodded in awe.

"Thank you, go do your own thing." After the priest watched her leave, he couldn't help sighing.

Mr. Theodore Ferdinand Pig Bishop, after returning from an unknown place, went directly to the Miracle Monastery where the miracle happened, and became extraordinarily silent.

Every day except for eating and sleeping, he stayed in the dark church, standing in front of the statue of the Lord without saying a word.

Since his statement was out, and he didn't know what exact news Gaul had received, he respected the bishop after his return.

The official even gave the Monastery of Miracles, an official historical building, to Theodore as a personal dojo. These priests and nuns were therefore assigned to follow him.

During this period of time, Theodore's strange behavior did not make the doubts that followed him despise, but became more and more awe-inspiring.

As a result, at such an old age, he was able to stand still for a whole day without any pain for nearly two or three months, which showed something extraordinary.

Second, Mr. Bishop is really different! This is the most real thought in the hearts of every contact.

Although its overall appearance is no different from usual, its eyes are so pure and bright that it is scary, completely different from the cloudy eyeballs of ordinary old people.

And as long as you stay by his side, you can clearly perceive some kind of strange warmth, as if there is an invisible flame burning, which can drive away any evil.

All this makes the title of "San Ferdinand" more solid.

As a follower of Theodore, the priests and nuns of the Monastery of Miracles are of course very happy for it, after all, one person has been raised to heaven.

Even if there is no other benefit, simply staying here and living can gain precious security in a turbulent situation.

But there are pros and cons in the world.

As the caretaker of the Miracle Monastery, the priest is also responsible for receiving the secular power. St. Ferdinand declared its prosperousness, and there was an endless stream of displays, but there was no one to accompany the Lord all day.

As a favored one, Mr. Bishop is always by the side of the Lord and listens to the Lord's church. Of course, this is a top-level event and must not be disturbed.

But now the people who can go to the Miracle Monastery are simple beings. They either hold the official power, or they are the leaders of the big family, or they are the leaders of the church. No one can refuse.

This gave the priest a headache every day, which is why he sighed.

Walking slowly to the outside of the main hall, looking at the solemn and mysterious atmosphere inside, the priest suddenly sighed: Perhaps only such a person can be favored by the Lord and become a new saint!

After sighing, he stepped forward to leave.

But at this moment, Theodore, who had always been like a sculpture, suddenly opened his eyes, with a ray of shock and a ray of ecstasy in his eyes!

PS: "Jin Shi Kai" is huge. According to the current progress, it is about 1.8 million words floating and ending.

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