In the past, although Tang You's power of prayer was extremely powerful when used on dead objects, it could be said to be inexorable.

But once it acts directly on intelligent creatures or transcendent levels, the power will fall to the ground and become extra weak.

In the early Bali incident, there was a hijacking episode, and that was the first time Tang You saw Albert.

At that time, as a 3rd-level superhuman, after using the power of prayer, he could not interfere with even an ordinary robber, and could only hinder the latter's actions by affecting things such as suitcases.

Now that the power of wishing has become quite strange after two evolutions, Tang You wants to see what kind of power it can exert.

Therefore, he connected with Theodore Ferdinand, who is a pseudo-transcendence that is neither strong nor weak, and is the same target as Li Lanlan and Xie Penghai.

At this moment-

Theodore, who had been silently meditating to make his mind extremely focused, trying to get the teachings of his great god, suddenly felt that his consciousness was suddenly elevated, and the air flow and the surging tide were all detached from his perception.

Then, that familiar vast existence... came!

The unforeseen arrival of the dream thing made Theodore stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly opened, full of shock and ecstasy.

But "four six seven" soon, he felt a little unreal, and even suspected that it was because he was too focused, which led to the hallucination.

Just like many people have dreamed of winning the lottery overnight and become rich overnight, and they are very aware that this is basically impossible, but if this naive appears, they will think that they have not woken up.

That was the case with Theodore Ferdinand.

He slapped himself abruptly, the pain made him sober up a bit, and then he felt it again.

He is so clear, He is so majestic, with a deep and mysterious atmosphere. This breath... as if everything in the world, the rules of the universe, have turned into a small sandbox in his eyes.

Theodore's hand that stopped in mid-air shook a little, then trembled like a sieve, but not because of fear, but to the extreme.

The Lord who was forgotten by the church for more than two thousand years, the god who gave him a historical mission, and the great being who brought him back to life at a time of despair, actually lowered his eyes!


Theodore had rehearsed many, many rehearsals for countless times, but at this moment, he found himself stuttering.

"Theodore..." Tang You said flatly.

These words are obviously just a very ordinary beginning, but when they fall into the ears of the excited parties, it is the rolling thunder that carries the vast power of the sky, and all their chaotic thoughts are shaken.


Theodore Ferdinand fell to his knees and prostrate, almost throwing himself to the ground, his voice trembling:

"Thank you for the great mission that the gods have given me, and for the ability that the gods have given me. I will act silently and never interfere with your arrangements. I will only wait for the right time to tell the truth of history to the world."

Not only lowered his eyes, but also called out his name directly, which shows that


Tang You, who had only spoken half a sentence, was stunned.

I just wanted to clarify the identity of Sacred Shield and talk about exchanging rewards for small harmless experiments. As a result, you suddenly knelt down and made such a big talk.

Great mission, historical truth... From the moment when the power of the fragments was inspired, what have you been thinking about in your mind?

Tang You suddenly had some doubts, he didn't care whether these people were right or not.

Forget it, it's not far from the birth of the Holy Shield anyway, even if it's messed up, it won't affect it.

And listening to his current thoughts, looking at his current state, Tang You suspects that he will do whatever he asks him to do. In any case, this removes obstacles for the next thing.

So let’s go straight to the point: experiment, get paid!

So, Tang You didn't talk nonsense, and directly used the power of two evolutionary prayers to try out the ideas in his heart.

The first is to suppress the target's soul and spiritual power.

With the thought of Tang You, the mysterious invisible force rushed out regardless of the distance in space, pushing back all of its escaping perception, and locked it in the body.

Theodore immediately noticed this change, the whole world became dark, and the fire of his soul, which was different from ordinary people because of the divine favor, also became more and more bleak.

He didn't understand why he did this, but since it was a divine act, even if he thought he had done something wrong, he was extremely frightened and did not dare to resist.

"It's smooth! There's very little resistance at this level."

Open the door and you will get a big harvest, which makes Tang You's heart a little lighter:

"Next is the experimentation of higher-level applications. If it succeeds, it is a reward in itself; if it fails, it can also be converted into other compensation.

His eyes gradually became sharp: "Pray and pray, then...let's really pray!

Outside the main hall of the Monastery of Miracles.

The new management priest just left the gate and walked less than ten steps away——


A strong air wave was born, and the door was blown directly, making an exaggerated loud noise, and the slightly lighter Bible paper and white candles were all wrapped up and rushed out.

In an exceptionally quiet monastery, with only the sound of wind and tides, the loud noise was so deafening, people praying or doing chores all looked at it.

They don't understand what's going on.

The priest shivered in shock, and turned back quickly, seeing the countless papers that turned the air into a tangible dragon's breath, destroying everything along the way.

He was frightened and froze for a while.

Suddenly, he shouted, "Bishop! Then he rushed towards the main hall gate, but only when he touched the edge of the violent air wave, he was knocked to the ground by a huge force.

"Cough cough..."

After a few heavy coughs, he found that the air waves rushing from the inside to the outside gradually weakened, and the blade-like pages of the Bible just now regained their softness after losing their strong driving force.

"Mister Bishop! 9

The priest tried his best to stand up, suppressed his panic, and leaned on the door to look inward.

At this moment, he had two extremely contradictory perceptions.

One is from ordinary vision, which is very dark and even messy; the other is from the spiritual level, which is very bright, bright to scorching hot, and a huge fire burning straight to the dome.

The priest only felt as if his whole body was about to be set on fire, but the cool air actually blew on his skin.

The perception of this sharp conflict made him want to vomit blood uncomfortably.

He couldn't understand why, less than half a minute ago, the main hall was still fine, how could such a terrifying change suddenly occur.

But now, the priest can only try his best to cover his face, shouting: "Mr. Bishop! Are you still inside? What happened?"

Theodore is the backbone here and the strongest fighting force here. If something unexpected happens to him, then everyone will be miserable.

There was the sound of hurried footsteps.

Four or five priests and nuns rushed out from the corridor on the left, and saw the paper filled with Bibles flying all over the courtyard, and the candles illuminating the sacred place scattered all over the place...

In the face of such an ominous scene, they huddled together, timid and uneasy.

The priest's cry echoed in his ears.

Could it be that... everyone who followed was panicked and panicked.

At this moment, the entire Miracle Monastery shook, and everyone swayed and almost fell. The priest outside the hall firmly grasped the door frame and found that the raging fire suddenly subsided.

The perception of the two levels is intertwined, and the strong light vision instantly turns to the dim vision. Everything becomes darker, and he can't see the situation inside for a while.

However, a footstep sounded clearly.

The priest's chest heaved and he paused, and the others also heard the movement and grabbed each other's hands nervously.


The footsteps were getting closer.

"Gudong!" Someone swallowed unconsciously.

In the priest's gradually restored vision, a silhouette of a human figure gradually appeared in the darkness, and as it approached the gate, the details became clearer and clearer.

In the end, Theodore Ferdinand's face hit the light, and there was no injury.

The priest choked his heart that was almost stagnant, and only now did it beat again like the rest of his life: "Mr. Bishop, what the hell is this..."

Before he finished asking, he saw in a trance that a few sparks seemed to pop out of his bishop's eyes, which made the rest of his words stuck in his throat.

Realizing that the situation had improved, the others approached hesitantly.

"God," Theodore murmured.


The mouths of everyone present opened little by little.

Theodore experienced the fire of the soul that was several times stronger than before, and only felt that the surging power was overflowing through the dry and wrinkled skin. That's why the priest just saw Mars.

That's not an illusion, but a spiritual reality.

At this moment, Theodore's original fear has completely disappeared, the whole person is extremely excited, and his fighting spirit is extremely high.

God really came, and it wasn't like the last time, he just showed his divine power, without any interaction during the whole process, but actually called out his name. 3.5

Afterwards, he used his powerful divine power to increase his strength once again through an unknown number of layers.

Of course, God will not do this for no reason. He must have seen his piety in these days, and was satisfied that he could understand his will, so he specially rewarded himself.

For Theodore, what was more important was that in the past, he could only infer and ponder the deep meaning of God by himself, but now this divine favor has undoubtedly verified all his past speculations.

The truth turned out to be so!

The priest next to him gradually recovered from the shock. He never imagined that someone who had been transferred not long ago could also experience such a major event in person.

This left him somewhat dry-mouthed.

At the same time, the eyes that looked at Theodore Ferdinand became more and more respectful and envious.

First, the mass ceremony attracted miracles, and then returned after missing for a period of time, and possessed extraordinary power, coupled with the increase in strength that I witnessed this time...

This is already three times the divine favor!

The priest is very clear that this matter must not be hidden from those who are interested, and soon, the name of "Saint Ferdinand" will probably not only be circulated among the people, but will be carried on the official list.

PS: Thanks to "Shadow, Prison Killing Profound Truth" for the big reward!.

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