I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 468 The Truth of Consciousness

Tang You withdrew his gaze from the Monastery of Miracles.

Just now, he first used the power of prayer to suppress the extraordinary existence of Theodore, and then tried to increase the strength of Theodore's soul, and the result was successful!

After the two evolutions of this power, the effect on the extraordinary existence has also advanced by leaps and bounds. Especially in the latter attempt, it has reached the "wish" in the true sense.

In the spiritual power system, the core is the soul.

Generally speaking, the only way to improve the latter is to practice asceticism, or take extremely rare targeted spiritual fruit.

And now, even the soul level has been broken, which means that Tang You can directly use the power of prayer to raise the target spiritual power level without consuming any materials.

This is not just as simple as instilling power, but an almost dream-level move.

Of course, the consumption in this process is also very appalling.

Tang You has calculated that if this price is used to support spiritual power plants, the generated fruits will be enough to create three supernatural beings of the same level.

It's just that the latter method is slower to form, and it can be completed in a few seconds with the power of prayer.

But as the owner of the power of prayer, Tang You faintly felt that he had not yet reached its true limit. To suppress the transcendent, or promote it, across thousands of miles, what is the next step?

Tang You's eyes became particularly deep, because there was a shocking idea in his heart.

"It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day, just finish exploring it today 22!"

He thought about this, took a deep breath, and activated the power of prayer again, but this time the target was not anyone, but the air in front of him.

Tang You's spiritual power consumption is like a leak in the sea, if it is converted into damage power, it is comparable to a demigod going crazy and attacking every second.

Fortunately, after becoming a true level 6 spiritual god and becoming a part of the world, its spiritual power no longer has the concept of an upper limit, but is truly endless.

It's just that the "pipe for water" has an upper limit, so it can't pour infinite spiritual power in an instant, otherwise it is not impossible to break the river system with one finger.

In the air, an illusory diamond-shaped shadow gradually appeared, first with edge lines, and then with some kind of thin obstacle, from nothing to a little bit of solidification.

Tang You already had blue veins on his forehead, and now the "water pipe" of the 6th-level spiritual god can't keep up with the consumption rate of the power of prayer.

The image of the illusory shadow became more and more obvious, and it was a crystal clear without any impurities.

However, it seems to be very incongruous from the game world of 1080P resolution to the real world of 10 to the 70th power level "resolution".

But over time, this "low-resolution" crystal is gradually converging to the real world.

Tang You could perceive that every particle of the current body was wailing, and the tearing sensation rose from the limbs and bones, and then gathered in his mind.

He is seriously overloaded!

Just at this moment, a crack of light burst out from its surface, and then, like a chain reaction, more and more cracks appeared, obviously the body was about to disintegrate completely.

Tang You was startled, and quickly stopped the output. It was quite troublesome to rebuild a leather bag.

After losing strength, the "low-resolution crystal" flickered twice in the air, and then burst like a bubble, leaving no material left.

Up to now, Tang You's control of the power of prayer is also much stronger, and it is difficult to be countered.


"The attempt to create the void still failed." Tang You sighed.

That's right, after verifying that the real prayer is feasible, his thinking can't be restrained to a higher level, and his hands are probed into the realm of the true creator.

He tried to create a crystal out of thin air.

In Tang You's conception, this is just an ordinary crystal that can't be bought in the market. If you go to the market, the price will not exceed 50 yuan.

But once it succeeds, it means that he has mastered part of the power of the Creator!

This is completely beyond the scope of level 6 spiritual gods. Tang You didn't know that the strongest man at the bottom did not have this strength, but he guessed that he probably didn't.

After thinking for a while, Tang You shook his head: "Actually, this attempt was actually successful.

"The power of prayer itself has such an ability, and I didn't create a crystal, just because my 'output power' was not enough. If the strength jumps again, it can definitely create real objects.

The creation of real objects, the creator... a term that is extremely familiar to human beings in modern society, but is extremely awe-inspiring.

Tang You became more and more aware of the extraordinary power of prayer.

It is not at the same level as the other powers of the spiritual power system. I am afraid it is a mysterious power that jumps out of the "game".

In his eyes, the rigorous and vast universe is just a building block whose essence is exposed. As long as the user is strong enough, he can completely change the small building block at will.

Looking back at the acquisition of the system until now, although the power of prayer has not made any positive contributions, it is indispensable in the construction of the Holy Shield.

If it weren't for it, many things would simply not have been possible.

But now, the nature of its reveal is more and more terrifying, Tang You is very doubtful, is the so-called random reward really random, or is it a silent gift?

He didn't ask the system, because if he did, there would be no result.

Although this incomparably mysterious existence of the system knows a lot of things, it won't say it at all.

In addition, this experiment also reflects an important point - since the power of prayer is so powerful, what level of existence is the system that can give the power of prayer?

Tang You vaguely grasped some contexts.

After sorting out his thoughts a little, he turned his attention to the sea of ​​consciousness of all beings, preparing to take this opportunity to see what secrets were there, and it would actually generate such a powerful blockade.

For humans, this is the most important question.

Thus, Tang You, through his countless worms of consciousness, transfers his perception into the vast sea of ​​consciousness of all beings. Countless bubbles are still born and broken here.

The split of the Worm of Consciousness was really too fast. In just a short while, he found that he was more closely integrated with this stray world.

And a wonderful feedback also appeared in his mind:

"There is something peculiar in the area corresponding to the Blue Star in this world."

Tang You suddenly became vigilant. Even when the sea of ​​consciousness of all sentient beings is blocked, there are still things in it, and the level will never be lowered.

He did not act rashly, but first mobilized his energy to repair the body of the real world, and soon, the cracks on the surface of his body that burst into light were closed little by little.

When he returned to his best state, Tang You had a thought and transferred his personal consciousness to the worm of consciousness near strange things.

In a world without the concept of space, this happens in an instant.

Tang You's phantom appeared somewhere, and then, a mass of indescribable things was reflected in his perception, causing his eyes to widen a little bit.

"This is……"

This thing seems to have a substance, and it seems to have no substance, 467 seems to have a fixed shape, and it seems to have no fixed shape, it seems to be sacred, and it seems to be extremely evil.

But in reality, none of this is really it, and any description of it is wrong.

The human language system is inherently flawed. In many cases, even the concepts, emotions, feelings and other things within human society cannot be accurately described, let alone use them to outline the existence beyond the current world.

The consciousness of intelligent creatures comes from the living world, and human beings cannot imagine things beyond life.

Just like the common novels and movies, no matter how rich the creator's imagination is and the more exotic the world created, it is based on the real world after all.

No matter how powerful and mysterious the rare birds and beasts inside are, they are essentially made up of real creatures.

The most classic example is that ordinary humans living in a three-dimensional world have no way of sketching the appearance of four-dimensional objects in their minds anyway.

And now what Tang You is facing is the existence beyond the world. But what shocked him even more was that he had seen this guy!

When his equipment, the Holy Wheel, was promoted to level 5 demigod, the power of prayer evolved for the first time, and he saw two mysterious things because of this:

One is the "unspeakable" of the two groups, and the other is Mo Sen Yan Guanghua.

At this moment, the things hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness of all living beings are clearly the "ineffable" corresponding to Blue Star.


Until this time, some things were solved in Tang You's mind. Why is there a golden barrier in the consciousness layer? Why is the light spot of the divine soul in the human soul more intense?

He stared straight at the strange thing in front of him, with deep solemnity in his eyes:

All of this...because of its existence!

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