I Created An Ancient Vampire Empire

One Hundred And Seventy Second Chapter You Die

It's all beaten to such a degree that you can kill me!!

All tricks are used!!

Zan Yue!!

Su Yang flashed a trick!!

A mighty energy flashed between the peaceful world!!


Terrible explosions all around!!

The second generation of vampires in the West suffered mixed casualties!!

White light is still attacking!!

This is Su Yang's latest play style!!

Since the blood is flowing backwards, various weapons can be changed!!

Can Zangetsu, who directly uses the boomerang, attack twice 13!!

It really worked well!!

The rushing Western vampire army suffered heavy losses!!

"Damn, I must kill you!!"

John is furious!!

These are the backbone of Western vampires!!

The red light in the hand is revealed!

Holy claw!!

Unexpectedly, he was quickly stopped by Su Yang as soon as he performed it!!

Blood Sea Domain!!

The speed of the enemy in this is slowing down, while its own defense is gradually strengthening!!

Besides, the scarlet cloak has the same power!!


John's attack didn't make a splash at all!!

"This defensive ability is really terrifying!!"

"Eastern vampires are stronger, blood emperor Su Yang is the strongest!"

Netizens said directly after reading it!

Many people have no idea that Su Yang is so cruel!!

John's move just now is huge!!

But it was directly blocked!!

This means that the strength is crushing quite a lot!!

"Then let me do a trick and see if you can catch it!!"

Void Slash!!

Su Yang didn't use all his skills!!

Suddenly a white light appeared in the sky!!

In the eyes of others, it is only a brief glare!!

But in a short time, John has been hit!


The screams keep coming!!

I can only see that John's body is full of wounds!!

Both claws are shattered!!

I fell under the corner and couldn't stand up because of the pain all over my body!!

"That's it? I thought I could pick up a few tricks, but it turns out to be ridiculously weak!!"

Su Yang said with disgust!

John, who just led the army, is already weak!!

Even an ordinary duke can kill him!!

Western vampires are ashes!!

The difference in strength between the two sides is really infinite!!

Can't resist at all!!

Under the Blood Sea Domain!

The weaker people lose their ability to move!!

Wait until the Samsung Blood Servant of the ancient blood empire arrives and kills it decisively!!

Su Yang needs no hands at all!!

Selective action only after seeing some 2nd generation vampires!!

Give your subordinates some room to play!!

If you can't sharpen yourself, you will become garbage if you actually fight!!

For example, the six-armed snake demon is now fighting more and more fiercely!!

It has been possible to single out several Western vampires!!

Su Yang is very happy!!

Begin to gradually enter some western 383 buildings!!

Destroy their idols!!

Since John was defeated!!

Many Western vampires choose to lie down completely!!

They realize they are no match at all!!

A lot of surrender!!

Su Yang is not soft!!

Kill them all!!

Never let them go!!

But it has won the appreciation of many people in the West!!

Because the reputation of Western vampires and the Thirteen Family is really bad!!

On the contrary, it is a support for the slaughter!

The occupation of most of the western provinces has now been completed!!

Netizens are directly equivalent to the New Year!!

Western citizens are in high spirits!!.

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