I Created An Ancient Vampire Empire

Chapter 173: Thirteen Blood Races

Especially Bacheng!!

This is the capital of the thirteen families of Western vampires!!

Their headquarters are gathered here!!

And now a large number of ancient blood empires are pressing down!!

View from the outer ring of the city!!

You can feel the terrifying Blood Servant ready to go!!

There are only a few high-level thirteen families left, only a few blood emperors are still struggling to support!!

They are missing a lot of places these days!!

Even the supreme idols have been destroyed!!

It can be said that it is desperate!

"His Royal Highness Lige, the ancient blood empire has come in!!"

The subordinates of the Thirteen Family whispered!!

Bacheng is very prosperous, scattered from high-rise buildings to each other!!

If it was in the past, it would definitely be synonymous with the top fashion!!


Suddenly, there was a loud noise!!

The light of heaven and earth shines!!

The tallest skyscraper just collapsed!!

Caused a series of reactions!!

Afterwards, a black blood Servant army appeared in the clear air!!

This is obviously the beginning of the blood race's attack!!

Su Yang in the night scarlet cloak has appeared!!

It's like a supreme monarch!!

Looking down on everything in the world!!

And his eyes are full of murderousness!!

The target is the Western Vampire Headquarters not far away!!

The buildings here are very luxurious and have a history of thousands of years!!

It's a pity that it looks so lost!!

It seems that they are telling their fate!!

"Master, we have surrounded this place. Western vampires will disappear directly from today!~"!"

Annie said coldly!!

The Blood Servants have captured most of the places!

Western vampires can only retreat to the place in front of them and do their last struggle!!

"Great, let me see their strength."

Su Yang is quite satisfied, this is what I want!!

Zan Yue!!

White light is revealed in the void!!


The place where the flowers bloomed in front of me immediately turned into a ruined wall!

Many persevere in the total death of resistance!!

I didn't expect that the headquarters they held to the end was so vulnerable!!

"Su Yang, I fought with you!!"

Rigg has nothing else to do!!

Only a tragic counterattack can be chosen!!

But where is his strength an opponent!!

Blood Sea Domain!!

Rigg is like an iron ore tied behind him, and his speed drops a lot!!

Has completely lost the offensive ability!!

Void Slash!!



The enemy was killed without getting there first!!

There is no fancy way of doing it!!

Easily killed the last word of Western vampires!

Subsequent Bacheng was directly destroyed!!

Of course vampires are very humane!!

Only kill western vampires!!

Be kind to the citizens!!

This is also to prepare for the future domination!!

There is definitely no way for the ancient blood empire to rule in the west!!

That's the idea that came up!

Find a way to build a brand new affiliated empire!!

Now it looks like the conditions are getting ripe!!

Moments later, a large number of Western vampires have been slaughtered!!

The statues that were originally enshrined by countless people in the square are now just trash thrown down at will!!

It's gone beyond recognition!!

The crusade was so successful!!

It is beyond the imagination of many Chinese netizens (what's Zhao)!!

But it's really exhilarating!!

Who asked you to invade us some time ago! Pong!

Now you know it's awesome!!

Seriously, Western vampires are no match at all!

Now the argument is very clear!!

The special blood emperor Su Yang is the eternal god!!

When he was interviewed by the media before, he said that the oriental vampire is the orthodox!!

Now it's really verified this perfectly!!

".々 What a shame, looking at the famous thirteen families, it turns out that they are so vulnerable!!"

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