I Created An Internet Empire

Chapter 300 Lan Haoxuan Playing Small\r

"Okay, since I brought it back, I'll go back first, after all, I have to go to work tomorrow," Chen Fan said, standing up and patting his butt.

"Okay, but you have to help me beat him to the room first. I'm alone, I can't hold him, like a pig!" Dai Mubai looked at Lan Hao on the sofa with disgust. Xuan said.

"Okay! I'll help you!" Chen Fan shook his head amusedly and said.

Chen Fan helped Dai Mubai carry the sleeping Lan Haoxuan to the guest room, and then drove back by himself.

"I'm back!" Chen Fan said as he changed his shoes.

"Yeah! What's wrong with your face?" Aunt Qu came out of the kitchen and said in surprise

"Ah? It's okay, just got into a fight with someone else!" Chen Fan said nonchalantly.

"What? How old are you, you still fight with people" Aunt Qu immediately said with a stern face

"I didn't hit first, they hit Lan Haoxuan first. I couldn't get angry, so I started!" Chen Fan said indignantly. He was so angry that he remembered the picture of so many people bullying him.

"Xiao Lan also participated? What about others?" Aunt Qu anxiously looked towards the door.

"Ah! He's at Dai Mubai's house!" Chen Fan said.

"Why is he at someone's house, why didn't he bring him back?" Aunt Qu asked immediately

"Oh! He was seriously injured, so he stayed at Dai Mubai's house for the time being to recuperate. After all, Dai Mubai is a doctor and can easily take care of him!" Chen Fan said.

"What? Xiaolan was seriously injured? How could it be? Oh, you two always like to bully him, so why is he being bullied by you? Why don't you help?" Aunt Qu said.

"Auntie, my injury is just to vent his anger!" Chen Fan said for himself

"Oh! Oh! Well then, isn't that Xiao Lan's injury the most!" Aunt Qu then asked

"Well, I was knocked unconscious!" Chen Fan said with a sullen face.

"Then what should we do? Is it really okay for Xiao Dai to be alone?" Aunt Qu hurriedly asked

"Don't worry, Auntie, Mubai's medical skills are very good, he can cure him!" Chen Fan comforted again

"Okay, don't ask questions anymore, they are all big kids, they know what to do!" Mr. Qu interrupted Mrs. Qu and said.

"Okay! The aunt believes you. If there is anything wrong, remember to tell the aunt in time. If someone dares to bully you, the aunt will never spare them!" Aunt Qu said with the spoon in her hand.

"Okay! Auntie, what shall we eat tonight?" Chen Fan finally answered Aunt Qu's question and sat down on the sofa.

"Will Auntie make sweet and sour fish for you tonight?" Aunt Qu said kindly.

"Okay! I just want to eat fish today!" Chen Fan said happily.

"Then I'll go and change into a suit first, and then come out to eat!" Chen Fan said.

"Okay! Go!" said Aunt Qu.

Tonight, Chen Fan came across a dish that he liked and just wanted to eat, and ate two bowls for the first time ever.

The next morning, because Lan Haoxuan was not there, Chen Fan drove by himself and went to the company

Today's Chen Fan is really fully armed, wearing sunglasses and a mask. The security guard at the door is stunned. If Chen Fan's voice is very recognizable, he would not have been so easy to get in this morning.

Chen Fan took his own elevator and went straight into the office after going up. Even Xue Ci, who was just about to say hello, chose to turn a blind eye.

Xue Ci on the road looked at the fully armed man. If she hadn't been familiar with her boyfriend, he would have called for the thief to be arrested.

Curious Xue Ci immediately followed up with Chen Fan's office, but the scene she saw when she went in immediately shocked her.

"What's the matter!" Xue Ci asked in surprise covering his mouth.

"Ah! It's nothing!" Chen Fan said while rubbing his blue and purple face

"How did you do it?" Xue Ci stepped forward and asked Chen Fan's face.

"Isn't the fight mentioned in the news related to you?" Xue Ci asked.

"What kind of fight? I didn't see it!" Chen Fan looked at Xue Ci dumbfounded and said.

"You're still not telling the truth!" Xue Ci immediately showed Chen Fan the tablet in his hand

When Chen Fan saw it, it really was what they reported about their fight yesterday, but when the police arrived, only the gang of Longhu was left, and the three of them had already left the scene.


Therefore, the three of them could go back to Dai Mubai's house and wrap up safely.

"Uh, this, there is actually a reason!" Chen Fan immediately explained

"Then tell me, what's the reason for you to fight!" Xue Ci said solemnly. Looking at his little girlfriend's angry face, Chen Fan immediately refused to hide it and kept things straight.

I told Xue Ci what happened.

When it was over, I didn't forget to ask: "Am I very good!" Xue Ci heard that Chen Fan was still in the mood to ask if he was very good, turned his head and put his hand on Chen Fan's forehead, saying: "〃 It's amazing, it's so powerful, it's been beaten to pieces, you still

sharp! Chen Fan looked at the little girlfriend who knocked on his forehead in surprise, and immediately hugged Xue Ci's arm softly and said in a soft tone, "Aiya! It doesn't matter, Dai Mubai's special medicine works very well.

God will be fine! "

Chen Fan secured the ticket for his good friend, and he always believed in Dai Mubai's medical skills. "Then how do you work today? I think you came in fully armed just now. You definitely don't want others to see the wound on your face, right?" Although Xue Ci really asked the question, she used it for sure.


"I have no choice but to trouble Xiaoci and help me convey it!" Chen Fan said, holding Xue Ci's arm.

"Okay! There is no better way now!" Xue Ci said. "Chen Fan, you vampire, I will never help you again, and I will never be your brother again!" Lan

Haoxuan stared at a bruised face with scars and shouted and rushed in. He followed (Li Zhaozhao) with a helpless look of Dai Mubai, who also had a bruised face, and followed Chen Fan.

Almost but much better than Lan Haoxuan. Chen Fan, who just returned you to me, saw Lan Haoxuan who suddenly came out to destroy his good deeds, and immediately

His face darkened and he looked at Lan Haoxuan. Lan Haoxuan, who was originally aggressive, received Chen Fan's eyes and immediately sank, but immediately

Emboldened, he said, "What's the matter! It's you, Laozi quit!"

"Are you sure?" Chen Fan said in a gloomy tone when he heard that Chen Fan was not sure about him, Lan Haoxuan was ready to raise his head and say "sure".

, those two words were suddenly stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything. That blue and purple face was clearly the same as Dai Mubai's, so last night

Did he go to save himself?

"What? Why don't you speak!" Chen Fan asked again.

"You went too last night?" Lan Haoxuan asked Jie tentatively.

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