I Created An Internet Empire

Chapter 301 Brotherhood\r

"Otherwise?" Chen Fan softened his tone and said with a sideways glance at Lan Haoxuan.

After getting the exact answer, Lan Haoxuan suddenly couldn't say anything.

Chen Fan saw that Lan Haoxuan didn't speak, no one spoke in the office for a while, and suddenly seemed a little quiet.

Dai Mubai looked at the pale and feeble conversation between the two, and immediately coughed and said, "Haoxuan, Chen Fan is actually flattering you.

! "

When Lan Haoxuan heard Dai Mubai's words, he wanted to refute him, but when he saw the wound on Chen Fan's face, he couldn't say anything, he just turned his head to the side awkwardly.

Dai Mubai looked at Lan Haoxuan's stubborn appearance, patted Lan Haoxuan on the shoulder and said, "He ran a red light last night, I was afraid that it was too late, what happened to you!

Lan Haoxuan was slightly moved when he heard Dai Mubai's words, but he still pinched his neck and didn't turn his head to look at him.

"Originally last night, the two of us could easily take you away, but Chen Fan said that he wanted to avenge you, saying that you can only be bullied by us, and whoever bullies you will have to pay the price due." Dai Mubai Then said.

Dai Mubai's words reminded Lan Haoxuan again. When Chen Fan met him for the first time a few years ago, he was also beaten. With his single-handedness, Chen Fan not only saved him, but also successfully helped him. avenged.

"Last night, in order to avenge you, he was also plotted by Longhu, and his arm was slashed," Dai Mubai said.

Lan Haoxuan heard that Chen Fan injured his arm in order to vent his anger, and immediately ran and grabbed Chen Fan's arm and said, "Where? Where is the injury?"

Chen Fan looked at the person who just hated him and didn't want to say a word to him when he was beaten to death. When he heard that he was injured, he rushed over to Lan Haoxuan, and felt his heart warm.

How lucky he was to find such a lovely and affectionate brother.

"What are you doing? Show me quickly!" Lan Haoxuan anxiously grabbed Chen Fan's arm. In fact, he really wanted to see for himself, but he was afraid of hitting the wound recklessly, so he could only urge Chen Fan in a hurry.

Xue Ci heard that Chen Fan's arm was scratched, and said worriedly: "How is it! Has the medicine been given? Is it serious?"

Chen Fan looked at the two people beside him, slowly exposed his arms and said, "It's okay, I've already taken the medicine! (cfaj)"

"Dai Mubai, come and help him take a look again, do you need to change the medicine!" Lan Haoxuan immediately turned his head to look at Dai Mubai and said.

Dai Mubai looked at this guy who didn't want to have anything to do with Chen Fan even after being beaten to death, and now he was anxious to look at Lan Haoxuan, the fickle man in the family.

After showing an expression that he really couldn't do anything about him, he walked towards Chen Fan resignedly, pulled Lan Haoxuan away and said, "Come on, let me take a look."

Lan Haoxuan, who was pulled apart, was not angry, and stood quietly on the side, watching Dai Mubai untangle the bandage on Chen Fan's arm, revealing the wound.

As soon as the bandages were taken off, I heard Dai Mubai's furious roar, how did you do it, you made the wound fester in one night! "

"Uh, I was sweating during the fight last night, so I went back and took a shower," Chen Fan said.

"Nonsense, how did I tell you, I specifically told you not to touch the water, you are still taking a bath, but you are really there!" Dai Mubai said with a bandage.

"That's right, why are you so disobedient, don't let the water have to take a bath?" Lan Haoxuan immediately followed.

Chen Fan turned to look at Xue Ci, and saw that although Xue Ci didn't say anything, the meaning in his eyes couldn't be clearer, and he also blamed him for not taking a bath.

Seeing that all three of them blamed him for not taking a shower, Chen Fan pouted and said, "Okay! I was wrong, I acted without authorization!"

When the three heard that Chen Fan also knew that he would take the initiative to apologize, their faces slightly improved.

"What about the other injuries on the body? Did you apply the medicine?" Dai Mubai asked.

"Uh, this," Chen Fan said hesitantly.

"Chen Fan, what are you doing? Don't drag me down if you don't want to live. When you die, don't say that I saved you and ruin my reputation!" Dai Mubai said angrily.

Chen Fan looked at the frizzy Dai Mubai, and said in a low voice, "Actually, it's because no one helped me with the medicine, and I couldn't reach it myself, so I didn't take it. It's not like you don't know that I'm a person who cherishes my life!"

Hearing Chen Fan's explanation, Dai Mubai's expression improved slightly.

"Do you have a rest room in your office? Take me there, and I'll give you medicine!" Dai Mubai said domineeringly, looking at Chen Fan.

"Yeah, yes, I'll take you there!" Chen Fan obediently took Dai Mubai to his lounge this time.

As soon as the two of them left, only Lan Haoxuan and Xue Ci were left in the office. Both of them were worried about Chen Fan's injury, so no one spoke.

Until Lan Haoxuan felt that the atmosphere was really awkward, he asked, "Secretary Xue, how long have you been with Chen Fan?"

Xue Ci heard Lan Haoxuan take the initiative to talk to him, and immediately said: "It's been four or five years!

"It's been so long! I've known him for so long," Lan Haoxuan laughed at himself.

"Haha! It's been so long!" Xue Ci said with a smile.

Here Chen Fan and Dai Mubai have already applied the medicine.

While walking, Dai Mubai warned Chen Fan behind him, "If you don't dare to listen to the doctor's orders, I won't help you even if you die!"

Chen Fan heard Dai Mubai's threat and knew that Dai Mubai was really angry this time. He usually doesn't make promises, but once he makes a promise, he will do what he says and do what he says. .

If he doesn't listen to him and acts recklessly in the future, he might really ignore him.

Lan Haoxuan looked at Chen Fan, who was obediently treated by Dai Mubai, and whispered to Xue Ci next to him, "That's Mubai, you can control him!"

Xue Ci felt the same way about this. Having followed Chen Fan for several years, he naturally knew that Chen Fan was a very stubborn person, and people who could control him were not ordinary people.

"Okay, what are you two having for the holidays, tell me all at once today!" Dai Mubai sat on the sofa looking at Chen Fan and Lan Haoxuan and said.

Hearing that Dai Mubai was so direct, Chen Fan also sat on the sofa to the side without saying a word. Lan Haoxuan saw that the two of them were sitting on the sofa and sat across from Chen Fan without saying a word.

"What's wrong? Don't you have a lot of opinions on the other party? Why don't you say anything?" Dai Mubai looked at the two of them.

"Lan Haoxuan, say it first, why are you dissatisfied?" Dai Mubai looked at Lan Haoxuan and said.

Hearing that Dai Mubai asked him to explain why he was dissatisfied first, Lan Haoxuan felt embarrassed. Before he came here, he still felt quite angry, but when he saw the injury on Chen Fan's face, he didn't feel arrogant anymore.

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