I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 207 Walls? No, city walls! [1 more]

After Li Yan wrote these four words, he stood at the door of the "Dadi College" and looked at the four words in a daze.

The simplified characters he wrote are very clean and tidy.

This is because, in the 21st century, when he was in the orphanage, he was always forced by the dean to keep the scrolls neat and tidy, so even if his handwriting skills were not very high, he still looked a little pleasing to the eye.

Time passed minute by minute as Li Yan stared at the words he had written.


More than ten minutes passed, Di, Kun... led two dozen men, carrying mud bricks, firewood, and some clay in a basket, and walked to the entrance of Dadi College.

These men also discovered the four words "Earth College".

But this time, even the land, all did not pay too much attention to it.

This is normal.

In ancient times, even the language was so vague, how could there be a concept of words.

Humans in this era have not even learned to use patterns to record history.

The only thing used to record is probably the "recording stone" 047... this kind of thing to record the girl's adulthood.

Therefore, in their eyes, the four conspicuous words of Dadi College are not conspicuous at all, and they are not worthy of their concern.


After thinking about it for a while, still used to the name "flame", he said to Li Yan: "Mud bricks, wood, I have brought over, I also brought some clay, can I use it?"99

As soon as Di's voice was settled, Li Yan recovered from his lost state.

Hearing these words, Li Yan glanced at him and said to himself, "It's amazing. I only said I wanted mud bricks, but I can think of bringing some clay too. Now I'm more and more certain that the ancient man's Intelligence quotient and physical fitness are directly proportional.


Complaining in his heart, Li Yan nodded and said softly, "Come in with me, I will teach you to build desks, which are desks for class."


With the current conditions of Yan Village, there is no such thing as a desk at all. After all, what the villagers learn is technology, not knowledge.

But who can guarantee that when (bede) he will acquire the skills of papermaking?

Until then.

Words can appear on paper, and desks can also be used.

Besides, even if the technology of papermaking, and the "knowledge" of writing... appeared early, aren't you going to teach Mo to learn mathematics tonight?

When Mo has learned basic numbers and addition and subtraction operations, Mo will be able to come to school as a math teacher, and at that time, the desk can also be used.

No one speaks.

They heard Li Yan explain what a desk is, but they just wrote down the function of the desk in their hearts, and they followed Li Yan, carrying mud bricks, wood, and clay, and walked into the Dadi College.


Li Yan started teaching on-site how to build desks.

Building desks was not difficult for men like Yancun.

After all, they already have "rich experience" in building earthen houses, and it is estimated that most people only need to read it once to master the method of building desks.

Under the gazes of twenty or thirty men, Li Yan first took out the wet clay from a clan's back basket, shoveled some with a bone shovel and placed it on the ground.


Only then did Li Yan pick up the mud bricks from the second clan's back basket and piled them on the ground on which the clay was placed. The clay was thoroughly bonded with the mud bricks and the ground. After drying or half-potting with a fire , can have good stability.

Every time he builds a mud brick, Li Yan puts a layer of clay on top of the mud brick, and then goes on to build another mud brick.

Because it is a desk, it cannot be completely closed, and a "gap" needs to be left for the feet.


Di, Kun... These men saw that it took Li Yan almost ten minutes to build two rows of vertical "walls"!

It's not true to say it's a wall, it's two perfectly parallel mud-brick "mounds".

After doing all this, Li Yan took out a piece of wood, whether it was flat or not, and placed it on top of the two mounds. Then, he pasted the wood with clay and glued it together with the two "mounds" of mud bricks. .

Since then, a desk that is somewhat like a "concrete ping pong table" has been constructed in this way.

Next, just use the fire to dry, and you can put it into use.

Didn't Li Yan raise his head and ask, did these men like Di and Kun learn how to build desks?

Under the gazes of all the men, he walked outside, took out the previous piece of charcoal, and drew the structure diagrams of the desks on the ground.

Two hundred square "classrooms", Li Yan drew 100 desks before it was over.

At this time, he raised his head, looked at the men like Di and Kun, and said softly:

"Have you learned?


All the men were silent for a few seconds, then followed, raising their heads and nodding at Li Yan.

"Just learn it. 35

Li Yan chuckled and continued: "I have already drawn where the other desks will be built. Next, you can build the remaining desks according to the way I built the desks before."5

It's all said to this level, Di, Kun... Even if these men have little knowledge, they know that Li Yan is planning to leave.


Headed by the ground, more than 20 men looked into Li Yan's eyes and assured him: "Yan (village chief), don't worry, we can build all the desks today.

Among them, the ground also asked: "Does it need to be half-potted with a fire?

"Yes." Li Yan nodded with a smile.

Of course it has to be semi-ceramic.

He planned to let this girl Luo come to the school for teaching tomorrow. If he didn't use the fire to dry the semi-ceramic, just at the current temperature, if he wanted to dry it... in fact, it would take several days.

Hedi, Kun... These men explained a few more words, and Li Yan left the school.

compared to school.

He has one more important thing to do now, and that is: build the wall!


More precisely, it should be: draw the foundation map of the city wall!

[The 1st update, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for a subscription, thank you!!!].

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