I Created Civilization In Ancient Times

Chapter 208 Li Yan's vision! 【2 more】

Li Yan had the idea of ​​building a wall as early as when he was building an earthen house.

However, what he envisioned at that time was to just build a wall that wraps the earth tribe. It doesn't need to be too high or too thick... A bone spear or spear can be placed on top of the wall to defend against Attack of the Beast.

But this idea changed after Li Yan won the "Five Animals Show".

In the practice of Wu Qin Xi, in addition to Li Yan himself, other clansmen, no matter how talented, still need to constantly observe the real beasts in order to temper their bodies and strengthen their physiques.

Otherwise, no matter how strong the effect is, it is just to strengthen the body.

And just relying on the wall, there is no way to trap tigers, black bears... such beasts in the previous earth tribe, so from then on, Li Yan wanted to build a city wall.

Even now, Li Yan has been rewarded with basic physical training skills. In fact, in a short period of time, he does not need to practice Wu Qin Xi to enhance the physique of the "Yan Village Villagers", and he still intends to build a city wall.

This is because, no matter how effective the basic physical training skills are, the only soldiers who can be trained are soldiers with good discipline and generally good physical fitness. If you want to cultivate famous generals like in Chinese history, you still have to practice Wuqinxi.

In addition, according to the previous rewards, Li Yan also felt that maybe soon, Yan Village would come into contact with other ancient tribes.

No matter whether other ancient tribes are good or bad, as long as Yan Village has a city wall, they can stand in an invincible position.

Of course, these are all empty words. The construction of the city wall is too huge. Whether Yan Village can build the city wall before encountering other ancient tribes is still unknown.

But the construction of the city wall is imperative.

Since it is necessary to build a "large-scale fortification" such as a city wall, Li Yan is not ready to perfunctory. He wants to build a city wall that can ensure the "safety" of Yan Village for decades to hundreds of years.

In Li Yan's vision.

He intends to take the earth tribe as the center, take all the land within a radius of 3,000 meters, and draw two circular ground lines of "6,000 meters in diameter" with a distance of more than one meter!

In other words, the width of this city wall is actually a full one meter.

The depth of the foundation, Li Yan is ready to hit two meters, even if an earthquake comes, it will not be able to shatter the city wall.

In addition, the height of the city wall, Li Yan is ready to build five meters high.

Of course, a height of five meters can't actually prevent cats like tigers from jumping up, but it doesn't matter, as long as it can prevent humans from climbing up.

As for beasts like tigers, Li Yan can completely install bone spears outside the city wall before the city wall is completed, and he can avoid future troubles!

This is just the basics.

After building the city wall, Li Yan also planned to let the clansmen build eight small earthen houses and eight beacon towers in the east, west, south, north, southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest...8 directions of the city wall.

Small earth huts are used to provide rest and rest for the clansmen who keep vigil at night.

The beacon tower is used to light the beacon fire to inform the tribes that there is a crisis.

In terms of city gates, Li Yan also does not plan to use wooden gates.

Perhaps for beasts without IQ, they can't tell what is a city wall and what is a city gate. But for humans, even humans in ancient times can see at a glance that the city gate is the "weak point" of a city!


In Li Yan's vision, the city gates he wants to build are two huge stone gates.

He intends to find two huge stone slabs before the city gate is completed, transport them to the earth tribe, forcibly use various bone tools to cut into the shape of a "stone gate", and place them at the city gate!

During the day, the Shimen can be put down and let the villagers go in and out, go to the woods, or further afield to find the resources the village needs.

At night.

Yan Village closed the city gate and used thick logs to hold it back. With the strongest attacking method in ancient times, it was absolutely impossible to break through the defense of Shimen.

It can be said.

If the city wall envisioned by Li Yan is really completed, then... let alone decades, as long as there is no second traverser in this era, even in hundreds or hundreds of years, there will be no ancient tribes. , Can break through Yan Village.

Yan Village will be truly invincible.

Whether it is a ferocious beast, or other tribes whose good and evil are inconclusive, they can only stand outside the city wall and be excluded by Yan Village.

In addition, Li Yan is preparing to manufacture the remaining bows and arrows in the past two days. When he sets up a team of archers in Yan Village, then... if there are tribes or beasts to attack Yan Village, the only danger is the other party.


The above is all Li Yan's vision for the city wall.

But imagined, Li Yan understood that it would be too difficult to really build such a city wall.

There are two problems just in front of you: First, the manpower is not enough. With the current labor force of Yan Village, even if you add women to dig the foundation, the foundation with a diameter of 6,000 meters needs to be dug two meters wide and two meters wide. Deep, at least you have to dig for three to May!

This is also because the human beings in the ancient times were very powerful in terms of mobility.

If it were replaced by the same number of modern humans, it would be difficult to dig out such a large foundation within a year or two.


After the foundation is dug, there are those towering trees in the woods.

But this.

Li Yan thought of a way ahead of time. He planned to use fire directly to burn all the trees within the foundation area in one go when winter came and the mountains were covered by heavy snow.

But even so, to build this city wall, with the current manpower of Yan Village, according to Li Yan's estimation, it may take a year and a half, or two years to complete the construction.

"Damn, I want to contact other tribes now, even if it's not a good tribe, the big deal is that I will directly start the war of this era, defeat those tribes, turn the population of those tribes into slaves, start a slave society in advance, let Those tribesmen, come and build the walls!"

Li Yan suddenly raised his head, and his face was actually a little sullen.

no way.

The population of Yan Village is too small. If it does not integrate with other tribes, it is too difficult to develop civilization in the ancient times.

I am afraid that for dozens or hundreds of years, a real civilization will not be able to develop.

"Ignore this for now, if you meet other tribes, you can merge if you can, and if you can't, fight. Now, let's go to draw the baseline first!"

"After drawing the baseline, I still have a lot of things to do!"

Li Yan's face was still a little fierce, he reached out and took two logs with charcoal tips, and walked towards the woods!

[Second update, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for an automatic subscription, thank you!!!] Zhang.

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