I Created Mythic Revival

Chapter 176: Demon Pro

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Above the sky, the Buddha's light receded, and the holy light was hidden. The two seemed to be only tentatively fighting, and the curtain came to an end.

Many people had regrets on their faces, as if they had never seen the outcome of this battle between the Buddha and the Holy Spirit.

However, no matter how short the time of the fight, for those who are interested, they can already discover a lot of things.

You must know that in many cases, whether a place is strong or not, not to mention its descendants, even a random disciple can get a glimpse of it.

However, just when everyone thought that everything would finally calm down again, and this ancient city was about to restore its former tranquility, a loud bang roared in the crowd.

When people looked back, they found that the source of the sound came from the crowd below Tianxing Building.

Which idiot is this, dare to do it in the crowd? !

Is it true that the source only empire is to eat dry rice? The seventh-order chief law enforcement officer of others is still standing below!

For a while, the voices of the soul questioning, began to think from the hearts of everyone.

You must know that in the two battles just now, even with the permission of the law enforcement chief, those powerful mysterious forces have all restrained and controlled the battlefield in the air to avoid innocent casualties.

But now, this act of starting a war among the crowd is already equivalent to an obvious provocation!

Before everyone could react from the shock, the terrifying energy fluctuations, like a wave from the sea, began to spread wave after wave.

Those who have extraordinary power in their hands will step back as soon as possible to avoid being hurt by the aftermath, and those ordinary people are also rushing to their deaths, escaping the source of the battle.

People living in this world can be said to have a fear engraved into their genes for the horror of these extraordinary powers.

Ordinary people, in particular, are lucky if they don't pay attention, they are swept away by the aftermath, their flesh and blood are scattered, and they are left with a lifelong disability.

And when the battle site was completely vacated, the scene at the core of the wave of energy bursting out indiscriminately was clearly reflected in everyone's eyes.

I saw that the attacker was a gentle man who didn't look like much harm, but the black flame blade in his hand was full of malice.

The terrifying black flame was burning, sketching out the prototype of a knife, but no matter how far you looked, you couldn't see a trace of reality.

Through the place where the two are fighting, the slightly distorted space is enough to see the horror of the temperature contained on this knife, but it happens that even the closest person can feel the chill. It's like beckoning with death.

What people don't know, the reason for this is that in addition to the particularity of the blade of black flames, there is also the monstrous killing intent suppressed by his master.

That terrifying killing intent, like a nuclear bomb, is enough to make ordinary people shudder and even collapse!

In other words, even if Zhang Zhe's cultivation is abolished at this moment, with this heart-shattering killing intent, the general foundation builders with insufficient heart may not be able to make any attack in front of him.

With the help of this kind of killing intent in the spiritual realm, and relying on the diligent and continuous killing and sacrifice, the cultivation base has risen rapidly until entering this world. Rank Zhang Zhe's actual strength is comparable to the peak of the sixth rank!

But even with such a terrifying existence, with almost all his strength, he never hurt his subordinates in the slightest.

I saw that under the black flame knife, people seemed to see the power of magic, and magicians with Tier 3 strength could even feel the rich earth element fluctuations above.

But in the eyes of the real bigwigs who observe in the dark, it is not just a simple earth element...

"It's such an ingenious technique and an exaggerated combination. Even in the legend, a super magic genius known as an elemental master who can cultivate several elements at the same time cannot do this."

Above the attic, the legendary space magician Meng Lihua looked at the battlefield that suddenly appeared, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

With his vision and strength, he can naturally feel that under the cover of the rich earth element, there are also hidden powers of the four elements of gold, wood, water and fire, and there are subtle differences from the general elemental power.

The five elements are constantly circulating, clinging to each other, endlessly, forming a solid cycle.

Meng Lihua can conclude that as long as the person is willing, he can infinitely magnify the power of one of the elements at any time and use it to attack or defend. The reason why the earth element is so dazzling right now is that others can't even notice the other four elements. It exists only because he wants to do it, plus the well-known earth element is the most suitable for defense.

"I didn't expect that this time in the mission world, you contract bastards, actually slipped in. It seems that the evil **** standing behind you has some skills.

But what amazes me even more is that Zhang Zhe, you bastard, dare to appear in front of me! ? "

Under the rotation of the Five Elements, even if it was a blow that was comparable to the peak of the sixth-order, under Liu Tao's full-strength defense, it did not have much impact on him.

This is the current Five Elements, as long as he wants, he can improve the ability of a certain aspect alone, and expand it to several times his own limit.

"It's also an old friend, how can you not come to say hello when you see it!? On the blue core star, aren't you looking for me when you're okay? I admire people who have perseverance, so I came here specially to satisfy your needs. wish."

There was a bit of frivolity in Zhang Zhe's voice, as if the two were not fighting at this time, but chatting about homely things, but it was quite a bit of a game in the world.

As he spoke, he had an expression as if he had remembered something, and the characteristic gentle smile appeared on his face again.

"By the way, I remember that you seem to have a younger sister, and your strength seems to be pretty good. Next time I have time, I think I may visit.

As an old friend, I will definitely give her a special experience. "

Zhang Zhe's voice was the same as usual, without any threatening taste, but anyone who knew him well knew that every word this guy said was a threat!

"Zhang Zhe, threatening me will be the last stupid thing you do in your life! The fire is burning!!"

Everyone has their own inverse scales, and for Liu Tao, his sister is obviously one of them.

Between the roars, the offense and defense changed instantly. In the eyes of those watching the battle, the rich earth element disappeared instantly, and instead, the flames that were completely opposite to it appeared!

It seemed to burn the sky and bring down the flames of boundless catastrophe. It was burning in Liu Tao's hands.

Seeing this, even Zhang Zhe, who had always shown a very indifferent expression on his face, couldn't help but become serious.

Having dealt with each other for so long, and I don't know how many times I have played against each other, it can be said that he has the best say in the power of Liu Tao's method of the five elements.

Especially now, this move is obviously much more powerful than usual. Zhang Zhe doesn't know the existence of the gods, but he can probably guess that it is some kind of auxiliary prop.

After all, they can all have shining trioctahedrons, and it is not surprising that people in these orderly camps have gifts from the gods.

In the face of the world-destroying flame, the black flame blade in Zhang Zhe's hand also changed.

I saw that the black flame swelled in an instant, and I could only vaguely see the shadow of a knife, but more, it was the black flame that spread out.

In the black flames, it seems that there are countless undead souls unwilling to die, sending out a shocking roar.

Among Taotao's magic flames, Yunhan is able to wash away the splendor of any master below the strongest in this world, restore the magic light of the primordial essence, and cut straight towards Liu Tao!

In an instant, the firelight collided with the magic flame, and immediately turned into two energy pillars that shot up to the sky, breaking the clouds in the sky into two large holes, as if the ancient sky had collapsed in a large piece.

"Come on! Dare to threaten me with my family! Since I, Liu Tao, have been on the cultivation path for several years, I have fought with people, with demons, and with heaven. I have walked through countless battlefields. How can you scare me? Live, I will destroy you today, and give justice to all the people in the world who have been killed by you!"

The raging flames moved, burning the sky, and the sky was reflected in a bright red.

"I've heard this at least twenty times, and those who have said these words don't look very good when they die. I hope you don't disappoint me."

The devil is shrouded in it, and it is mixed with Zhang Zhe's determined will to kill that nothing can change.

Even with Liu Tao's attack that obviously has the bonus of divine spirit at this time, it is still a little discolored.

I saw that his fire and qi movement remained unchanged, and he even advanced to another level under the urging of his spiritual power!

And the other hand reflects the void, and in an instant, it seems to communicate with the air, the water vapor evaporated by the flame!

The next moment, in the entire hundred miles near the Tianxing Tower, I heard the invisible, but clearly audible, silent roar of water vapor in the air!

"Fire and water go together, everything will be punished! No matter how much you pay, you will die today!"

Seeing the power of Liu Tao's attack on a higher level, and wanting to completely smash the magic flame, Zhang Zhe seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. Soaring into the sky.

"There are so many people who want to kill me. You are not the first, nor will you be the last, but the person I want to kill has never missed, Liu Tao, come if you are not afraid of death!"

The attack lost its target, and the power of the Five Elements was forced to withdraw. Liu Tao looked at the ghost not far away. Although he knew that the other party might have a trap, he had the spirit to lead him, and he had enough confidence.

Just after a little thought, Liu Tao also rushed into the sky, chasing the young man who made countless people fear.

Zhang Zhe didn't seem to be running away. When Liu Tao caught up, he was fighting with him again!

"What are you doing, these two people have been fighting for so long, why is the law enforcement chief still indifferent?"

"Yeah, even if it is the latest rising power, the Yuanzhi Empire shouldn't tolerate it to such an extent, right?!"

The battlefield of the two had just moved from the ground to the sky, and the voices of discussion below continued to sound, but before the seventh-order law enforcement officer could speak, someone with a delicate observation already gave the answer.

"No, those two did not violate the city regulations. The law enforcer has just said that as long as the buildings in the city are not damaged and innocent people are not harmed, today's Wangtian City allows the battle of Tianjiao!

You see, although the fluctuations in their battle just now seem to be terrifying, their power control is very good. Not only did they not hurt one person, but even the excess power was directed to the sky and did not affect the surrounding! "

Everyone heard the sound and looked, and as expected, there was no other damage to the place where the two had just fought, except for some traces of being scorched by the flames.

This kind of power control is terrifying!

At least in this world, very few people can do it.

"Have you found it?"

"Well, not only are the forces they represent mysterious, but even the exercises they use have never been seen or heard of."

The chatter in the attic resounded again. Even these few were already standing at the top of the world, but the more they watched the battle of the younger generation of these mysterious forces, the more surprised they were.

"It's really good to be able to control the power to this level."

"This growth rate can lay such a solid foundation. I have to say that these geniuses I have never seen before are more and more surprising to me."

"Among such forces, there is a brand-new method of becoming a god, and the credibility is much higher."

When this sentence sounded, there was a very obvious silence in the attic, and then another voice said with a little doubt.

"Are you going to try it? Don't forget, there is still a little bit of explanation that doesn't make sense. If it really exists, why haven't we seen God appear?"

While talking, the person who spoke also glanced at the battle in the sky, and then added:

"Obviously, they don't lack talent."

"Maybe we're not worth it, maybe they don't want to, and I don't know, but someone has to take the first step!"

"I don't want to be a test subject."

"Let's take a look and talk, there will always be people who can't help it!"

The chatter stopped abruptly here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everything was silent again, except for the battle that seemed to be getting farther and farther in the sky.

"It's too weak, do you have this ability? It can't kill me. I heard that you are still a cultivator, but if you want to improve quickly and become a contractor, you are much stronger than yourself. How about this, you? Just join us, and when you surpass me, kill me again!"

Above the sky, Zhang Zhe fought and retreated, not giving Liu Tao a chance to strike a fatal blow at all, and his words were full of relaxation and leisure, making Liu Tao more and more aggrieved.

On the other side, the seventh-order enforcer who was always watching the play, or could be said to be in the town, frowned as he watched the two running farther and farther. From the beginning, he always felt that something was wrong. , seems to have been overlooked somewhere.

And after frowning and thinking hard for more than ten seconds, looking at the position of the two at the moment, his pupils also suddenly enlarged, and the power in his body quickly turned to the extreme, and he rushed straight towards the two!

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