I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 289: This question is actually not difficult

Chapter 290 This Question Is Actually Not Difficult

When Kong Yingda spoke about his ideas just now, they couldn't find the disadvantage of this answer for a while.

After all, the common people can actually see that they have no worries about food and clothing and pursue status.

But what the fairy said later made them understand.

The essence of this question is not to ask what the people pursue, but to ask them what they want the people to pursue after they have no worries about food and clothing.

Those who can realize this are already the best among these people.

Most people suddenly discovered that their answers also had drawbacks.

Even Mo Hui, who was still confident just now, was dripping with cold sweat at this moment.

Because his answer was actually similar to Kong Yingda's.

The same is to teach the people.

It's just that it's not to teach the people etiquette and morality, but to teach the people "both love and non-aggression", which is the thought of Mohism.

Look at it this way.

Compared with what Kong Yingda said, the disadvantages are even bigger. After all, he himself knows that there are very few people who can really do what the Mohist said.

In fact, his confidence lies in the immortal.

He believes that under the restraint of immortals, everyone will love each other and the world will be in harmony.

But in the questioning of Kong Yingda by Fairy Lilac just now, she also completely put aside the existence of immortals.

Otherwise, if there is an immortal in control, how could such a thing as "inevitably filthy" happen.

In this way, he didn't know how to answer at all.

"Do you have anything to say?" Ding Xiang looked at the others again.

This time, no one raised their hands.

It was in stark contrast to the dozens of people raising their hands just now.

Even Li Shimin pursed his lips tightly and frowned at this time, but he couldn't think of any good answer at all.

What the people seek is food and clothing first, and then fame and status. There should be nothing wrong with this.

Not to mention the people.

Even if it is him, the same is true, otherwise why would he fight to the death with his own brother.

But therein lies the problem.

This process is also full of blood and filth.

So. no solution,

No matter how you look at it, you can't understand it. At this time, Li Shimin also has a feeling that "if the people of the world don't need to ask for food and clothing, the world will be in chaos".

"It seems that this is all you have gained." Ding Xiang's voice came again.

Some people have bowed their heads in shame.

The entire Chang'an, all the elites, are all here, and no one can give a reasonable answer.

And some people sighed in their hearts.

This is actually what they expected.

Taoist Zhiyuan was one of the people who didn't have any expectations from the very beginning, because he once said that in the history of the world, there has never been a situation where everyone didn't have to run around for food and clothing, that is to say, in the past Knowledge and experience are completely useless in front of this problem.

It is even hard to imagine what such a day will look like.

The difficulty of this problem can be imagined.

"This question is actually not difficult."

Ding Xiang said again, with the same cold tone, as if she wasn't disappointed that they couldn't answer.

After these words, everyone raised their heads again.

He looked at this fairy who seemed to be the embodiment of wisdom with a little shock.

Because it sounds, Lilac Fairy, ready to tell them the answer straight away.

And cloves did exactly that.

She said slowly: "The first thing people want is survival, that is, food and clothing. The second is safety. This is also an instinct. If they are safe and worry-free, they want status."

In a word, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

That is still seeking status.

But just now the fairy clearly refuted it, and said that if everyone seeks status, conflicts will inevitably arise.

However, Ding Xiang's words did not end there.

She continued to say in that slow and cool tone:

"If you get status, ask yourself."

Shen Yi, who was watching such a scene, couldn't help but curl his mouth.

This is actually Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory in modern theory.

It's just that Lilac combined "social needs" and "respect" into status.

This is a change in line with this era. After all, this era has not yet systematically understood the importance of "social needs."

At this moment, everyone also realized the point of what Ding Xiang said.


People silently think about these two words, but this is a concept that no one has ever mentioned in this era.

Everyone is a little confused.

But after being confused, they all had fiery faces.

Especially Kong Yingda and others.

Because they have realized that the fairies have already begun to spread the truth.

Every sentence that follows may be something that even the sages have failed to pursue, the real way of the world!

"Ego is everyone's self-awareness, which includes identity, preferences, personality, and the most essential and strongest desire of the individual." Ding Xiang suddenly used the vernacular, because otherwise, it would be difficult to explain the concept.

Although everyone was not used to it, they could clearly understand what Fairy Lilac wanted to express from such straightforward words.

"For example, Li Shimin." Ding Xiang suddenly called Li Shimin's name.

This made the emperor startled.

Can't help but get nervous.

"If you want to talk about rights and status, since you ascended the throne, you have reached the apex in the world, but how can you be content without desire?" Ding Xiang asked.

"." Li Shimin was silent for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Shimin, of course, still has desires."

In this way, in front of everyone, talk about your inner desires.

For Li Shimin, it was actually extremely uncomfortable.

However, the person in front of him is an immortal, so he can only answer, not to mention, he also wants to know what the meaning of self is.

"Your desire is merit and name." Ding Xiang said directly, "You want to be a Mingjun in the prosperous age, you want your merit to surpass the three emperors and five emperors, and you want your name to be passed on forever, is that okay?"

"Of course!"

Li Shimin said heavily, he lowered his head, not even daring to look up at the fairy in front of him.

He has a feeling that everything he thinks is seen through.

To become the Mingjun of the prosperous age and be famous forever is indeed the greatest desire in his heart before, but he has never told anyone about this desire. I am afraid that only his confidantes can feel it from his words and deeds. Some ambitions in his heart, but only a little feeling.

But at this moment, it was said directly by the fairy in front of him.

"This is your self!" Ding Xiang's tone was slightly aggravated.

Li Shimin raised his head all of a sudden, unable to hide his surprise.

This is his ego?

Li Shimin was surprised at first, then he seemed to understand vaguely.

His self is the desire he desires most in his heart, the greatest pursuit in his life!


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