I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 290: Leading to the road of development

Chapter 291 Leading to the road of development

Not only did Li Shimin vaguely understand, but the rest of the people also seemed to realize something.

The people here have indeed brought together the top talents of the world's civilization.

Even though he lacks cognition due to the age and vision, his thinking ability is definitely not bad.

Ding Xiang looked away from Li Shimin, looked at the rest of the people, and said slowly, "The life of a mortal is only a few decades in a hurry. People with ambitions, such as leaving a name for thousands of history, such as a prosperous family, such as achieving fame, such a person, then save himself and spend his life, that's all."

Following Ding Xiang's words, many people fell silent.

They are thinking.

Self, whether there is such a self, is something that needs to be pursued in a lifetime.

Some people quickly got their answers.

For example, the talents of some aristocratic families clearly know that what they want is the prosperity of the family.

Another example is Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others. As the current prime ministers, part of what they seek is naturally for fame.

Of course, there are also some people who have fallen into confusion.

For example, Changsun Wuji.

He recalled that when he and his younger sister were kicked out of the eldest grandson's house, he once held his breath to become famous, and even wanted to be named as the head of the eldest grandson's family.

But at this moment, the wish at that time has now become a reality. His sister is the current empress, and he has also become a member of the party.

However, it had been a long time since he had thought deeply about what he wanted for the rest of his life.

For power, for fame, or for money? Or just to fight for breath?

"If people have ego, they are different, but they have their own trends." Ding Xiang's voice continued, "Most of what they want is wealth, power, and fame. These are the common desires of people. However, if Everyone seeks these three things, and everyone strives for profit without benefiting the world, so there will be signs of prosperity and decline, decline and prosperity, and dynasties will change."

Hearing the last sentence, Li Shimin was shocked.

The heart couldn't help but thumping.

Throughout history, the replacement of dynasties is not just a struggle for wealth and power.

Take Qian Sui as an example.

Yang Guang fought for fame, wanting to collect the achievements of thousands of generations and his whole life, but all the benefits he fought for came from the hands of the aristocratic family and the people, so everyone in the world rose up and died in Sui Dynasty.

However, even now that he

He also couldn't escape the scene of competing for profit, he wanted to compete for profit with the aristocratic family, and he wanted to compete for profit with the foreign race.

Looking further down, the aristocratic family also has to compete with the people for profit.

If it really comes to a day when this kind of competition for profit becomes irreconcilable, to the extent that one party cannot accept it, the world will inevitably be in chaos

This seems to be an unsolvable scene.

However, at this moment, the fairy explained the essential reason with the simplest reason.

Let him have a feeling of sudden enlightenment.


There is a vague feeling that the fairy is trying to teach the way to solve the problem that has not been solved for thousands of years?

Just thinking of this possibility, Li Shimin's heart couldn't stop beating at all.

This is about the dynasty of thousands of generations!

"That's why, the reason for the development of civilization should be to guide the people's ego! Make it beneficial to the family, the people, and the country!" Ding Xiang didn't hold back any more, and directly threw out the most critical guidance of this step!

From the very beginning, Lilac had no idea of ​​directly imparting the idea of ​​a modernized system.

Because it may not be suitable.

The modern system has the unique soil of the modern system, and it is in the process of continuous improvement. Forcibly moving it will only make a mess of everything.

After all, this era is only the most primitive form of feudal civilization, there is still a practice system that cannot be ignored, and there are evil ghosts that keep appearing!

These are problems that generally do not exist in modern society.

The direction of their future, the system of their entire civilization, can only be constantly explored and developed by themselves.

And cloves have to do it.

It is to lead them on the road of development, and instill in them the concept of "development" itself with the help of the identity of a fairy.


All the people looked up at the lilac fairy. Some of them blushed, some trembled, and some looked blank.

However, everyone felt that there seemed to be a door that had never existed before, slowly opening in front of them.

The audience was silent, only the voice of Lilac was left.

"The method of guidance is like thinking and morality. It has no certainty and changes with cause and effect. It needs thinkers to constantly seek with the changes of generations. However, in today's world, I can give you an example." Lilac raised her hand, and there was an illusory image again. Appearing, it is a scene of evil spirits harming people. "Evil spirits appear in the world, harming living beings, and spreading fear. Only the brave ones can defeat them by fighting them with the skill of controlling ghosts. They can protect the people with their own lives. This can be done in the world. Is it beneficial to the people of the country?"

People looked at the images of the ferocious ghosts.

Even knowing that this is just an illusion, there is a chilling feeling.

At this time, several figures suddenly appeared in the portrait.

That was Cheng Yaojin and others.

They guarded the people behind them and drove the evil spirits forward to fight. There were many ghosts and they were extremely dangerous.

And the screen changed again.

But it was a night of fighting, the evil spirit was killed, and the sun rose in the sky. The villagers who were rescued knelt down and kowtowed to Cheng Yaojin and others, their expressions were full of gratitude.

Even Cheng Yaojin, who is usually careless and looks like a ruffian, is just smiling foolishly at this moment.

Everyone seems to understand.

"This move is of course beneficial to the country and the people." Li Shimin said with a serious expression, "We all rely on his merits."

"The Immortal Lord once said something." Ding Xiang said slowly, "Ghost masters are born in response to catastrophe. Once they have been given the law, they should shoulder the safety of the people in the world. That is, those who seek to protect the world can be masters." Ghosts. You can declare their achievements to the world, and set up a monument to remember them, so that the people of the world will know their achievements and self, so that they will be respected and appreciated by others. The latecomers yearn for it and take it as their own.”

After speaking, many people were stunned.

The meaning in Ding Xiang's words is obvious.

Since the actions of these ghost masters are beneficial to the family and the country, they should be publicized to let people know their greatness, their mission, and their merits. Some people can't wait to join it, and take protecting the common people in the world as their lifelong pursuit.

And this kind of behavior is the fairy mouth, guiding the people's self!


In this era, there is no shortage of talents who draw inferences from one example, and many people have already understood it to this point.

"Those who benefit the country and the people will get their position." Kong Yingda murmured, not sure whether he was happy or complicated.

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