I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 587: It's the job of the commissioner

i created a salvation organization

Shen Yi was also looking at everyone.

These battle armors and these long knives did not consume points.

It is produced in a factory in God's country.

Shen Yi started to develop the association's own strength very early, and now it has begun to highlight its powerful role.

A relatively simple extraordinary weapon like this does not need to consume precious points to buy from the system at all, just the productivity of the association itself is enough, and in the case of several worlds and countless human beings as background, the cost is also low. Very cheap.

If it wasn't for the fear that the human beings in this world would suddenly lose their fighting spirit and lose their current blood, Shen Yi would have come up with better and stronger things.

But even at this level.

As long as they maintain this will, they can also be fearless.

After everyone was completely quiet, Shen Yi continued to speak slowly:

"A few days ago, I met Yu Yuanliang and Ru Yi, two heroes who were seriously injured on the front line." His voice returned to the original calm, "They are the true pride of heaven, They are real geniuses, far from being comparable to the so-called strong men of the foreign race who have been running for decades, but they still lost, lost to the foreign race who are far weaker than them and far less talented than them, why?"

The audience was silent.

The excitement just now, at this moment, seems to gradually fade away

Some people couldn't help but clenched their fists.

The answer to this question is clear to everyone, but precisely because it is so clear, it is difficult to accept.

"Because of the weakness of the entire human race!"

Shen Yi directly exposed this cruel reality, his voice seemed to reach everyone's ears and impact everyone's heart.

"It is the weakness of the human race that drags them down. If they were born in the mountain giant race, the mermaid race, or any powerful alien race, they can safely and easily practice to a higher level. Opponents of the same level as them! Instead of being bullied by weaker, more ordinary, and more despicable enemies, or even dying at the hands of such enemies like General Huang!"

Some soldiers have bowed their heads.

Countless soldiers had red eyes.

They clenched their fists, they wanted to growl, they wanted to cry.

The funeral is still at hand!

There is more than one unwilling and sad person like General Huang.

Everyone in the heroic soul group is the same!

Because of the weakness of the human race, the human geniuses who were supposed to have a bright future in this great world rushed to the most dangerous battlefield one by one, and then died there in groups!

What a pity, what a shame!

"However--my human race will not be weak forever!" Shen Yi suddenly raised his voice again, "I call myself the greatest glory of human beings, and I am not arrogant or conceited. , or weapons, or inheritance, are all manifestations of human power and a symbol of human glory! They can appear in front of you at this moment, it represents a miracle that belongs to mankind, and it represents your hope!"

Although the origin of the Pan-Human Guardian Association was not mentioned.

However, everything Shen Yi said was true.

The existence of the system was never a miracle of human beings!

These inheritances from the system, the power from the system, are also the power of human beings in an unknown universe!

Therefore, Shen Yi can talk about all this with peace of mind.

He exhaled slowly.

At the end, he said loudly: "Now, raise your heads, look at the miracle and hope in front of you, tell me, tell the countless heroes who sacrificed, and tell the compatriots behind you, can human beings become stronger?"

This is the final pep talk.

It is a question of maximizing the effect of these supports.

Of course.

These soldiers who have suppressed too much unwillingness and fighting spirit,

issued a roar from the soul.


It's just a single word, but it seems to stir up the heaven and the earth at this moment, soaring straight into the sky!

Even, at the forefront, a huge giant could not help but look up in this direction.

They don't know and don't care what's going on among humans.

But at this moment.

But they seem to feel the huge fighting spirit gathered.

"Hmph, weak ants."

I don’t know who whispered a word, these giants sneered and lowered their heads to do their own thing. They are just the vanguard of the mountain giants, ordinary and weak, they can even be said to be cannon fodder, but they can fight against human beings like this. Find an unparalleled sense of superiority in your body.

Even some mountain giants are proud of those who besiege and kill human beings.

And many of them are maintaining their weapons, waiting for the arrival of the main army. At that time, they will completely capture this large piece of land and add another stroke to the glory of the Giant Emperor.

But what they don't know is.

Human beings are about to bring them great surprises.

The fighting spirit was already aroused, the blood was already boiling, Shen Yi returned to the stands, and the more than one hundred heroic spirits who followed him began to distribute battle armor and long knives, and began to let these recruits receive the inheritance one by one.

Really feel the power of all these in person, and it seems that the transformation that is visible to the naked eye has taken place in these recruits.

And Shen Yi.

Witnessing it all from the stands.

"They're all good people." He said softly.

"Your encouragement is also very powerful." A voice suddenly came from the side.

But Ru Yi did not know when she came here, her eyes were full of admiration and a little surprise.

"I didn't expect that in your capacity, you would personally encourage the recruits."

"My identity?" Shen Yi chuckled, "It seems that you don't know us well enough. In our place, I am the president, but here, I am the special commissioner, giving hope and confidence to civilization, guiding civilization to cohere and fight. Note, these were originally the tasks of the special commissioner.”

That's right, this is the reason why Shen Yi appeared like this.

Just as he taught those commissioners.

Respect the mission and enjoy the process.

Now he is only the commissioner responsible for the salvation of this world, not the president who leads the entire association.

"Then I really need to get to know you as soon as possible." Ru Yi smiled. "After all, I am in charge of liaising with you. Sir, I am asking on behalf of our side. Do you have any suggestions for the strategic plan to counterattack lost ground?"

Shen Yi's first batch of support was not only for these recruits.

It won't take long for those veterans to usher in earth-shaking changes.

The sudden increase in combat power has made some people unable to hold back.

They want to take back the lost land every moment, because only in this way can the spirits of countless sacrificed soldiers be comforted.

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