I Created the Salvation Organization

Chapter 588: We are the tip of the human knife

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Shen Yi did not directly answer Ru Yi's question.

Instead, he looked her up and down.

Ru Yi wasn't embarrassed either, and stood here graciously.

"That's right." Shen Yi smiled, "It's only been two days since you got the inheritance, and you've already mastered a little bit of boxing. Dayan boxing can be regarded as an introduction, and you are worthy of being the pride of the human race."

"A lot of it is just the accumulation from the past." Ru Yi felt a little embarrassed at the moment, pursed her lower lip, and said modestly, "After getting the inheritance, many things that I didn't understand before can be mastered all at once. Ascension also requires turning these new understandings into instincts."

"In that case, fighting is the fastest way." Shen Yi nodded, "You really need to grow up as soon as possible."

To be honest, he was indeed a little surprised by the talent in front of him.

It can even be said that it is the most powerful talent he has seen so far.

In addition to Su Yao and other superpowers with special psychic abilities, even the extraordinary talents of Lin Yiran and the others may be even worse.


The more difficult the world is, the more true arrogance will appear.

When Ru Yi heard Shen Yi's words, her eyes brightened even more.

"You don't object to our counter-offensive?"

"I think you guys got one more thing wrong." Shen Yi smiled and shook his head, "The contract does state that before the real crisis is resolved, we need to follow our guidance, but the association will only follow the general direction, Giving you instructions instead of controlling every detail, as I said, this world, this war, always belongs to you, so you don’t need to ask me for a battle plan like this, just tell me, if If there is anything wrong, I will stop you."

Ru Yi thought about it.

She understood what Shen Yi meant.

Finally, nod seriously.

"I will pass on your words." After these words, the breath on her body began to change little by little, "So, the counterattack will start soon."

At this time, Ru Yi's eyes were sharp, she didn't look like a soft girl before, she really possessed the temperament of a warrior.

In other words, the five years of war had already turned her into a well-hardened warrior.

This moment.

Like all fighters, she is eager to counterattack, eager to realize the burning desire in her heart.

——Recover lost ground!

"Go to Lilac and get your equipment." Shen Yi said softly, "If there is no accident, we will not take action this time. The enemies are just cannon fodder on the battlefield of some foreign races."

"It's just such cannon fodder that made us lose so badly." Ru Yi said this with a smile.

Grief was still etched in his bones, but it was overshadowed by another emotion, the flames of vengeance.

Shen Yi didn't say anything more.

He looked at the recruits who had begun to equip themselves in armor.

Compared with just now, they already have the breath of a powerful legion.

But the war has only just begun.


The counterattack is imminent.

I don't know where the news came from, but such voices began to flow on the front line.

This is also the desire of all frontline fighters.

For five years, they have been losing.

Even with the almost suicidal attack methods of the Heroic Soul Group, they still kept retreating.

They are eager to win and counterattack, and the powerful inheritance and powerful equipment make this desire more and more intense, even to the point where it cannot be suppressed.

And this kind of emotion is especially exaggerated in the heroic soul group.

This legion currently has a total of 500,000 people, and its number has continued to soar since its formation.

However, the current half a million people are no longer the same as the original ones.

Because this is the only legion in human history with a 100% mortality rate!

Every year at the funeral, the names of everyone in the heroic soul group are engraved on the tombstone.

For such a legion, when Shen Yi handed over the task of teaching them to Wen Chi, this general who had also sacrificed his life to protect his compatriots was equally moved.

He really understands the responsibility of this mission.


Wen Chi is in the heroic soul group.

In front of him stood about a hundred people, these were officers of the Heroic Soul Corps.

"At your level, you should already know." Wen Chi said in a deep voice.

"Yes, instructor!" More than a hundred people shouted in unison.

Everyone looked resolute, but there was an unconcealable excitement in their eyes.

counterattack! It's time to counterattack!

"Then you should also know that you will be assigned to the most dangerous battlefield! There, it is not an exaggeration to call it a meat grinder." Wen Chi's eyes swept over everyone.

"Yes!" A soldier standing in the front row even laughed, "That's what we do."

They are not cannon fodder.

On the contrary, they are the mightiest warriors of all mankind.

From talent, to heart, and even blood, they are all elites!

But such elites have assumed the same fate as cannon fodder.

That is to die!

Everyone among them knew about this fate, but they were still proud of joining the Heroic Soul Group and proud of dying on the battlefield. The day they joined the Heroic Soul Group, they already regarded themselves as Heroic Souls! Be a martyr!

Even the last words were written to the family on the day they joined the regiment. Even if they die now, as long as they can get the results of the battle, they will have no regrets.


Wen Chi's eyes sharpened in vain. He stared at the speaking soldier and shouted loudly, "Tell me, what do you do?"

The warrior's back tightened.

Although they only spent a few days with this unknown instructor, they all admired and respected him immensely.

This is a truly powerful and respectable soldier.

"Report!" He finally increased his voice, shouting out the oath of the Heroic Souls, "Protect my compatriots with my life!"

Simple, brutal, and undisguised, this is the oath of Heroes.

It is also their mission.

However, Wen Chi took a few steps forward.

"The answer is wrong!" He also roared in the same voice, "Don't you understand? This is a counterattack! A counterattack! It's not about covering the retreat of your compatriots, it's not about protecting the people behind you, it's about taking back the lost land, it's about moving towards The foreign race blows the horn of resurrection! Now, tell me again, what do you do?"

The soldier who was stared at by Wen Chi's face was flushed.

The fist has been clenched tightly.

He understood what Wen Chi meant.

The rest of the soldiers also understood what Wen Chi meant.

He pulled his neck and roared with all his strength:

"Report! We are the tip of human swords! Use my blade to tear apart the enemy army!"

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