After Liu Yuanbo's class ended, Li Mu and the others went to the school's gymnasium.

Today's class is over, but it's not tomorrow that I'm going to take the exam.

There's a few days left to buffer it.

The training at night was no different from before, and Sun Dan only began to explain to everyone at the end of the day.

"Students, tomorrow is the weekend, although it is a few days before the entrance exam, it is reasonable to say, I should teach you well, but to be honest, I have taught you almost, so I decided to give you a holiday in the past two days, and have a good time with your family, if you are admitted, you may not have time to spend with your family in a short time."

Hearing Sun Dan's words, the classmates all sighed.

According to the meaning of Sun Dan's words, that is, if they can really enter the Super Energy Academy, they may even be deprived of the summer vacation.

That's not good news.

Sun Dan looked at the expressions of his classmates, and his face was a little more solemn.

"Students, don't take this exam too simply, after all, according to the number of people, only one out of every four or five people can be admitted, do you really have confidence in yourself?"

Sun Dan's words were like a slap in the face to everyone.

Yes, who can guarantee that they will be able to enter the Super Energy Academy?

No! It's not that everyone is unsure, at least in Sun Dan's opinion, it is a sure thing for Li Mu and Yan Dalong to enter the Super Energy Academy.

If such a genius can't even be looked down upon by the Super Academy, it will be a bit outrageous.

However, the students are not too worried, even if they can't be admitted this time, super schools in other regions will rush to ask for them.

Anyway, it is also the first batch of awakenings, and it is definitely not worrying that no one wants it.

Of course, everyone also wanted to work hard, after all, this is the first super academy created by Huaxia.

If you don't fight it, you always feel like you'll regret it later.

Li Mu didn't think about it that much, he wasn't worried about enrollment, he was now thinking about what he should prepare before leaving.

This departure is the first time Li Mu has left Sucheng.

He didn't know how long this time would be gone.

Before leaving, it's better to express your gratitude to those who have been taking care of you.

He doesn't worry about luggage or anything, he carries a storage space with him, and the remaining space is not a big problem to fit his already small luggage.

Instead of thinking about those problems, it is better to think about how to bring Da Mao and the others with them.

After such a long time, Da Bai and Da Hong have not changed much, but Da Mao is no longer the little black dog that was only the size of a palm before.

Now Da Mao has grown a lot, but in the case of not changing his body, he is still relatively small.

Compared with when Li Mu first saw it, it was less cute and more powerful.

Li Mu was still thinking about it, so Sun Dan continued to speak.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that we are going to leave next Monday, so let's take advantage of this weekend to take care of our own situation."

Everyone was surprised, isn't there still a few days left before the time of the exam?

Why is it going to leave on Monday.

"Don't be surprised, after all, the exam venue is still a little far away from here, and it will take a day for us to rush over, and it will be beneficial for you to get better acquainted with the situation by arriving early."

Li Mu didn't have any opinion on this, anyway, he was alone and had nothing to prepare.

"Okay, that's it for today, you all go back, and finally warn you, don't think about cultivation so simply, the supernatural world may be much more cruel than you think."

Sun Dan watched the students leave with a heavy heart.

I can't help but smile on my face, I hope these little guys can perform well then.

Anyway, she brought it out, and when the time comes, she will behave well, and she will have a light on her face.

It was not early, and Li Mu went home directly.

Today is the time when all the crops are ripe, and Li Mu quickly harvested all the crops.

After thinking about it, there are not many second-generation lettuce and shallots in my hands, so I will take this opportunity to plant them all.

Forget about the other three, it takes four days to mature, and you have to leave on Monday, and it's too late.

After everything was done, Li Mu rested.

Go to the bank tomorrow to withdraw some money, and go see the third grandfather and them.

I originally wanted to use WeChat to transfer money, but when I thought of the elderly machine that the third grandfather still uses, forget it.

On Saturday morning, Li Mu got up early, taking advantage of the fact that he had to deal with everything he could in the past two days.

Then there's the problem of his dad.

His father still doesn't know about his awakening.

When my father came back, he found that he was gone, and he didn't know if he would be worried.

When he got the money, he had to say hello to Grandma Chen and the third grandfather, and if his father came back, he could let him know his current news.

Li Mu quickly rushed to the bank in the town.

Because it was a weekend, the bank did not go to work, so Li Mu could only withdraw some money from the ATM.

This time, I took 20,000 yuan directly.

Li Mu looked at the 20,000 yuan in his hand and was a little emotional.

He now has more than one million dollars, but this is the first time he has withdrawn money.

It's a full 20,000 yuan, when have I ever held so much cash in my hand.

This is completely different from the string of numbers in the mobile phone, which gives Li Mu a completely different feeling.

And just after Li Mu came out of the bank, two people silently followed.

One looked about 30, a little emaciated, and felt a little malnourished.

The other one looks about the same age as Li Mu, five big and three thick, and at a glance, he knows that he is a guy with developed limbs and a simple mind.

"I said evil, are you sick? We have awakened our abilities, and finally made up our minds to do a big ticket, come and rob the bank, you actually picked a Saturday, I don't know if the bank will not work on Saturday? "

Brother Zhan, haven't I robbed a bank? And didn't you remember it either? I'll be sure to pay attention next time. Cao

Zhan slapped the evil man on the head!

"Next time! I finally made up my mind, and I was all disrupted by you, I just watched outside, this kid took 20,000 yuan, and grabbed it enough for us to eat for a while, don't miss it this time.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhan, with his small body, I will have one in one hand! Shall we do it now?

Cao Zhan looked at the people on the street, not knowing what to say.

It's still so reckless, but he's used to it.

"Well, let's wait until we find a place with fewer people."

Li Mu didn't know anything about the two of them, so he decided to buy things directly in town.

The town is a bit more complete after all.

Li Mu bought a lot of things in the town.

Cao Zhan and Evil are bleeding from their hearts, this guy is spending all their money now!

If Li Mu knew what the two of them thought, it was estimated that he would strangle them directly.

How is it your money?

Li Mu had almost bought everything, and he was ready to go back.

There are a lot of things to buy, Li Mu can't take them, and the storage space is not very convenient to use here.

Fortunately, the boss saw that Li Mu bought a lot and proposed a door-to-door delivery service.

This helped Li Mu solve the problem.

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