Because the boss provided door-to-door delivery services, Li Mu was too lazy to go to other homes.

I bought everything directly from the boss.

After telling the boss the address, Li Mu was ready to go home.

Originally, I wanted to go to see how Zhang Quan's business was, but after thinking about it, it was still morning, and it shouldn't have been out of the stall yet.

Let's wait until I go home and go to Brother Zhang Quan's house to have a look.

Cao Zhan and Evil Lai saw that Li Mu had finally left, so they were relieved.

If this lord continues to consume, the 20,000 yuan he just took may be gone.

There are still pedestrians scattered along the way, and the two have never found a good opportunity to start.

Li Mu was walking on the way home, looking back from time to time.

Ever since he awakened his abilities, his senses had improved, and he had already felt like someone was following him, but he didn't take it too seriously.

Maybe it's just a drop-by.

After a while, Li Mu finally walked on a path home.

But he found that the two men were still following him closely.

Li Mule is being targeted, is he being targeted?

Is it because you were seen withdrawing money, or were you being targeted when you were shopping?

But no matter what the reason, it proves one point, the wealth is not exposed!

I'm going to meet these two people now.

Li Mu is also a master of art and bold, just two people, he still doesn't pay attention to it.

After continuing to walk a few steps and making sure that there was really no one around, Li Mu turned around.

"You two, you've been following me for so long, I don't know what you're doing?"

Cao Zhan saw that the two were discovered, and he didn't pretend.

Evil came and spoke directly.

"Oh, I opened this mountain, I planted this tree, if you want to live from now on, leave to buy road wealth!"

Li Mu: Σ(ŎдŎ|||) ノノ

I lost! Where did this stupidity come from, what age is this, and it is still a coward.

"Then you continue to guard here, I won't go in your direction, I'll go this way!"

Li Mu said and pointed in the direction of his home.

Evil was stunned and looked at Cao Zhan.

"Brother! He doesn't play his cards according to common sense, huh? Cao

Zhan slapped the back of the evil man's head!

"Can't you see this guy is kidding you? What nonsense talk to him! You can't just grab it. Evil

came and was about to make a move, when Li Mu spoke again.

"I don't know what the two heroes call them?"

Li Mu originally just asked casually, but he didn't expect the other side to speak directly.

"If you don't change your name, you don't change your surname, my name is evil, I don't know what my surname is, this is.........!"

Cao Zhan had the heart to strangle the evil one, and directly covered the evil one's mouth.

"Are you stupid? What about our robbery? How can anyone report their home? Even if the robbery is successful, if he calls the police, we will still be arrested. Evil

came and smiled: "Brother Zhan, you are still smart!"

Li Mu looked at this guy called Evil and felt interesting.

It's really interesting to call the name Evil Lai, the evil of the ancients.

He looked at Cao Zhan and asked directly: "If I guessed correctly, your surname is Cao, right?" Cao

Zhan was stunned!

I lost it, how did this guy know his surname was Cao?

Just as he was about to deny it, Evil Lai spoke again.

"Brother Zhan, how does this guy know that your surname is Cao?"

Cao Zhan covered his face, and he still denied a yarn!

"Yes and what? Obediently take out the money, we only seek money, not life! I advise you not to be ignorant!

Li Mu asked casually, but he didn't expect this guy to be really surnamed Cao!

Could this be the legendary Cao thief?

Out of curiosity, Li Mu still used insight into the two of them, he wanted to see who actually robbed him.

Name: Cao ZhanLevel

: Human-level primary ability: Fire-based Spiritual Skill: Small FireballName

: Evil Level

: Human-level Intermediate

Ability: Strength-based

Spiritual Skill: Strength Enhancement

Introduction: Born with divine power, a tendon in the brain.

Seeing the information of the two, Li Mu was also taken aback, he never thought that the two people who robbed casually turned out to be strangers.

Although he occasionally looked at the names of these awakened ones when he was gaining energy, he really didn't remember the two people in front of him.

I don't know when it woke up, and this evil came to the middle level of the human level, and I have been awakening for a while.

There is also another point in the introduction of the evil that caught Li Mu's attention.

Innate divine power, or power-based, I think his strength should be very exaggerated.

"I didn't expect the two of them to be superpowers, they turned out to be superpowers, why do they do such a thing of roadblock robbery?"

Cao Zhan was a little unclear, so he didn't know how Li Mu could see that they were superpowers.

And knowing that they were superpowers, Li Mu did not panic.

"Are you also a supernatural being?"

"You guessed it right."

"What about the Aliens? I advise you to take out the money obediently, right? Evil is very good at fighting, he is not light or heavy, if he makes a move, hurt you, don't blame me for not reminding you!

Li Mu smiled, he felt that the two guys in front of him were really interesting.

came out to rob and still think about himself everywhere, is there something unspeakable?

I was about to ask for the specific situation.

I saw Cao Zhan looking around, this is not a hidden place after all, no one now does not mean that there will be no one for a while, if how much is exposed, it will be a trouble.

"Evil, don't talk nonsense with this kid, just grab it, grab the money, you can eat a full meal today!"

As soon as he heard that there was something to eat, his eyes almost lit up, and he rushed towards Li Mu without thinking about it.

"Evil, start slowly, don't hurt this kid's life!"

"Brother Zhan, don't worry, I know it."

Li Mu saw that the evil came and launched an attack directly, and he didn't plan to waste words with them, so he would ask them when they were all cleaned up.

Evil came obviously without professional training, did not learn boxing, and hit Li Mu with an ordinary straight punch like a scoundrel fight.

After Li Mu knew that the evil came from the power system, he couldn't help but have some itchy hands.

You must know that he has been eating lettuce for more than two months, and his strength has increased by dozens of kilograms.

This is already terrifying for ordinary people, although evil is based on strength, Li Mu can't help but want to try his methods.

Li Mu didn't dodge, and also punched over.

The fists of the two collided with each other, making a loud "bang".

Li Mu took two steps back, but he didn't move.

Seeing Li Mu take his punch, he was a little shocked.

"Brother Zhan, this guy has so much strength, he actually took my punch!"

Cao Zhan was obviously a little surprised, he knew how strong the evil was.

Although the punch just now was a must, Li Muneng still surprised him next.

Looks like we're going to have to let the evil come up with some real skills.

"I didn't expect this guy to be a practitioner too, evil, stop playing, hurry up and solve him! Remember, we only need money, not life! "

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