I Cut Down the Troubled World Alone

Chapter 187: Mermaid's Choice

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With a feeling of forgetfulness, I waited for the satellite phone to be connected.

The people of the mysterious organization used the content in the "Zombie Atlas" to understand his strength, so they did not dare to meet him.

His strength has made the opponent jealous.

If he is in the heart of the other party, he belongs to an ordinary person.

It won't be that difficult.

All the reasons are caused by the too straightforward expressions in "Zombie Atlas".

He has no regrets.

Although it made him unable to meet directly with the boss of the mysterious organization.

But being able to give hope to a living, hopeful survivor is all worth it.

Mysterious organization base.

In the luxurious room, Qin Ling, who is wearing pajamas, often drinks a glass of whisky with ice before going to bed, and reads the books he likes to read. This is life in the post-apocalyptic world.

In peacetime, Qinling received a good education and wandered in a cannibalistic society.

He deeply knows that either you eat others or you are eaten.

at this time.

Satellite phone caller ID.

Qin Ling put down the book, picked up the satellite phone, looked at the number, and frowned slightly. He was familiar with the numbers of the person in charge of the base outside, and he answered all the numbers.

At the same time, no one dared to call him at night.

He needs to rest to keep his head clear and full of energy the next day.

He knew who the number belonged to.

I don't think Zhan You can live.

hang up the phone.


Lin Fan, who was far away in the Sunshine shelter, knew that this would be the result. If he called someone at night, the relationship was more familiar, and they would definitely pick up, but his relationship with the other party was half-baked.

It is understandable that people hang up the phone.

But Lin Fan wasn't ready to just let it go.

He wanted the other party to see his determination.

Relationships are developed slowly.

Moreover, this mysterious organization is really a disaster for the living survivors. Anyone who is found by them, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, don't want it.

This kind of behavior is really bad, and if they are seen by Officer Huang, they will be severely punished.

Continue to make calls.

in the base.

Qin Ling was about to rest and sleep. He really didn't want to have any interaction with Lin Fan. The opponent's strength could affect them, and even bring them a devastating blow.

Once the tissue was discovered, he could imagine the outcome.

The satellite phone rings.

Qin Ling frowned even more dissatisfied.

"You're sick."

He knew that the caller must be Lin Fan, and the other party was pestering him and kept asking him where his base was. The so-called wanting to make friends with him was nonsense.

Really tell the other party that his Qin family base can say goodbye to this world.

hang up the phone.

I didn't think about connecting.

But not long after he hung up, the satellite phone rang again, breaking the tranquility of the luxurious suite.

Qin Ling rubbed his fingers on the edge of the wine glass, expressionless, looking at the incoming satellite phone with divine eyes.

He didn't answer, didn't move, just stared straight at him.

After a while.

The satellite phone's screen dims.

He raised his head, drank all the wine in the glass, dared to get up, and the satellite phone rang again.

"Is it over yet?"

Qin Ling was in a bad mood, and was completely destroyed by the incoming satellite phone.

He picked up the satellite phone.


Put it in your ear, want to see what the other party wants to say?


As the other party answered the phone, Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that the other party would not answer the phone indifferently, this was not a good thing for him.

He waited for the other person to answer.

But there was still silence on the other end of the satellite phone.

"I'm Lin Fan. We were on the phone during the day, and I made a special call to you, wanting to chat with you."

Lin Fan, who stayed at home, to prevent waking up the sleeping

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Mengmeng, came to the balcony deliberately, sat there, looked at the moonlight and said calmly.

He knew that the other party was a difficult person to talk to.

But who knows if you don't try it?

"It's nothing to talk about."

Qin Ling, who never spoke, replied in an unprecedented way.

Lin Fan said: "Who knows if you don't talk about it, what you do is not a good thing for the living. I can understand that you study zombies, even if you develop a potion that can turn people into zombies, I can also accept it, but why impose disasters on others."

"This kind of behavior is not good."

Lin Fan hopes that the other party will be a little more rational, but he knows that the end of the world is like this. Under the constraints of no order, living people are forced to have nowhere to go. heart.

Zombies are irrational, they won't listen to what you say, the only action is to splatter the blood of the human being bitten in front of them on the spot.

Some zombies will stick their hands into their abdomens, tear them apart, and drag out all kinds of organs, making them **** on the spot.

Qin Ling: "Are you preaching to me?"

Lin Fan: "No, don't get me wrong, I'm not preaching, I just have a better proposal. Do you know Professor Xia Deren Xia?"


"That's good. Professor Xia and his team are also studying zombies, but their research direction is definitely not like yours. If you can, I would like to invite you to visit the Sunshine shelter, how about it?"

Silence, complete silence over the satellite phone.

After a while.

Qin Ling's low voice came.

"Mr. Lin, do you really want to kill me so desperately? We don't make river water, and I can swear that I will never have any intersection with Sunshine Protector in my life. You have ambition and want to save the living survivors. I Don't stop me, I just hope Mr. Lin doesn't care about us, the world is so big that it can accommodate both you and me, so why bother chasing us?"

It could be heard from here that Qin Ling did not want to have anything to do with Lin Fan.

Obviously, he was deeply jealous of Lin Fan's strength.

Lin Fan said: "You misunderstood again. I will never hurt others. I used to be, and I am even more so in the future. You are right, the world is very big and can accommodate many people, not only you, but also us. But you mutilate unfortunate survivors at will, don't you think such behavior is very bad?"

Qin Ling said: "Mr. Lin, this world is all about the strong prey on the weak, whether in the end times or in peace, I think in times of peace, Mr. Lin is only one of the many living beings, and what you see is only what others want to see for you. , and what you can't see, I can see."

At this time, Qin Ling patiently communicated with Lin Fan.

Since he died, he hasn't said much to anyone for a long time.

Lin Fan said: "Yes, I can understand, I used to be an ordinary citizen, and now I am also an ordinary citizen. If I can't see it, then I don't know, I can't help it, but now I have seen it. , I don't think I'll sit idly by, are you right?"

He knew what Qin Ling meant.

Of course, he did not angrily rebuke Qin Ling, but communicated with him in a flat tone.

The roaring and arguing of the bottom of the hiss will not solve the problem effectively, but will only make it worse.

Communication between people requires a good attitude.

There is no problem with inconsistent views, and if you can communicate slowly, you will change.

"Yes, you are right, you can really manage with your current ability. In my situation, I am weak in Mr. Lin's eyes, but even so, I will not change my mind. If one day in the future, If Mr. Lin can find me, I will admit it."

Qin Ling was clearly aware of his own situation.

No quarrels, no squirting.

The conversation between the two was very friendly, as if two friends were chatting casually.

Lin Fan understood that it was difficult to explain.

The other party is very firm in his ideas, just like his idea is to clean up the zombies, no matter what happens, it will not be shaken.

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"So far, I don't know what your name is."


"Oh, I see."

"Mr. Lin, although we didn't reach a consensus, we had a pleasant conversation. Good night."

hang up the phone.

Lin Fan looked at the dark night, the stars twinkling.

He went back into the house.

He began to write the "Zombie Atlas". The contents of the album were all added to Lin Fan's new discoveries that night. It was very important to gradually improve the situation of the apocalypse.

Compared with Xiangshan City, the zombie situation in Yan City.

Now, what he cares more about is Qinling's organization.

He deliberately wrote a text report in "Zombie Atlas".

Title: "Don't Talk to Strangers"

The title looks very ordinary, but the content inside is very important. He wrote the situation of Qinling, and also wrote the situation of the mysterious organization's arrest of survivors.

The purpose is to remind the survivors who can see the "Zombie Atlas" that not all survivors are the same as the Sunshine Shelter, and there are many humans who are more terrifying than zombies.

When the end of the world just broke out.

He was looking for survivors in the yellow market, and he encountered too many survivors, some deceived, some revenge for kindness, and some vented their pain on others for their own desires.

He sent a lot of people to Officer Huang.

He knows the results of those people, and he has no idea about it. If he doesn't even think of himself as a human being, why should other people treat each other as a human being?

"Clean up the zombies around the Yellow Market tomorrow."

Lin Fan muttered to himself, it was getting late, it was time to sleep well, to ensure that the spirit of tomorrow would be the best.

And when Lin Fan was thinking about things.

Others were thinking the same.

Night is the most sad time, and the busy day will not make people feel lonely, but when the night comes, a family of three used to live in the same room, with loving people by their side.

But now... that picture can't go back.

Dongdong would return to the shop where he lived with his mother at night, lying beside his mother who had turned into a mummified corpse, curled up and closed his eyes, feeling the feeling of his mother's side without moving.

For Dongdong, the Sunshine Shelter was where Officer Huang took him.

And this is his real home.

No matter what the living environment is, as long as there is the smell of his mother, it is the place he wants to go most.

After the child fell asleep, Li Meihui took out a photo of a family of three, and gently stroked the face of the man in the photo with her fingers.

Such scenes are not rare.

When I have a child, I call my parents in my sleep.

There are also male survivors, holding wine bottles, staring blankly at the night sky, and gurgling wine.

Nothing can go back to the past.

Can only recall the past images.

Life has to go on, and we need to bravely move forward.

They will not express their emotions, their sadness will only be endured silently.

During the day, they will show their best state and pass on their enthusiasm and hope to everyone alive. After all, the world is already bad, so why pass on their low emotions to others?

early morning!

As a ray of the rising sun illuminates the sun shelter.

Everyone got up from the warm bed and started to welcome a new beautiful day.


"Xiaofan, good morning."

The old man Wang was sitting there chatting with the old man Zhou. The two old men were really satisfied with their current life. They were witnessing the development of the bottom protection center.

The development from a few people to this scale means that human beings will not be destroyed.

Be strong in despair and grow in adversity.

All living people will become stronger and stronger, not only physically, but also inwardly.

"Morning, two old men."

Lin Fan greeted him with a smile. He is getting busier and busier now. He is busy with things every day. Fortunately, there are many helpers. He only needs to

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Do what can be done.

Master Wang smiled and said, "Xiaofan, how is your progress with that girl Nini?"

The two old men always regarded Lin Fan and Yan Nini as a couple.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Father, it's not what you think."

The two old men laughed.

"Hey, as soon as I went downstairs, I heard someone mention me?"

At this time, Yan Nini, who did not wear Fendai, went downstairs in a youthful sportswear. Yan Nini was really beautiful. She wore a ponytail and walked, her ponytail swaying from side to side.

Old Man Wang said, "We are asking how Xiaofan is developing with you.

Yan Nini glanced at Lin Fan and said regretfully, "You two grandpas, don't you know that it's hard for me to talk to Brother Lin now. Every day, Brother Lin is very busy, so it's rare to meet him."

Lin Fan smiled, how could he not hear Yan Nini's little complaints.

"Xiaoyan, that's not true. I get up on time every day, come back on time, and I've been there all the time."

Yan Nini lives opposite his door. Some time ago, he knocked on his door every night and chatted with her in the living room. Now the two old men asked casually, and Yan Nini took the opportunity to fight. With a small report, really...

Old Man Wang and Old Man Zhou looked at each other with a smile, young people are good, full of energy, thinking about their age, even if they think about doing something, they are very powerless.

Yan Nini embraced Lin Fan's arm generously, "Brother Lin, I'm just kidding, will I be busy again later?"

This kind of action seems very close, but it is actually normal. For Yan Nini, she is only willing to hold the arm of the person she likes and is close to.

The old man Wang said: "Yes, the zombies in the yellow market have been cleaned up, and you should rest for a while."

He really admired Xiaofan as a child.

He really did what he had always wanted to do, which was to clean up the zombies in the yellow market. If strangers heard it, they would definitely not believe it, but they really believed it during the long-term relationship.

Lin Fan said: "It's alright, you can rest whenever you want. Cleaning up the zombies in the Yellow Market is the first step in our fight against the zombies. Next, I'm going to clean up the surrounding zombies. First, clean up the area around the Yellow Market.

There are indeed a lot of zombies.

But zombies don't give birth to small zombies. As long as you stick to it, you will be able to clean up all the zombies.

Master Wang listened to what Lin Fan said, and sighed in his heart, Xiaofan is really working hard, and his hard work is not something that ordinary people can bear.

"Xiao Fan, is your idea to clean up all the zombies?" Old Man Wang asked again, a question he already knew the answer to.


Lin Fan answered in a firm tone. He must have cleaned up all the zombies and left a zombie outside, which is a threat to the living.

"Brother Lin, this is very tiring."

Yan Nini can understand the heavy burden on Brother Lin. If she has the ability, she will definitely help Brother Lin without hesitation.

It's a pity that she is a weak and weak girl who can only take children.

"It's okay, I'm tired or not, it just takes time, let's not talk about it, today is my first time to clean up the zombies in the outside world, I'll go take a look first."

Lin Fan said goodbye to them with a smile, and then left the community.

Watching Xiaofan leave.

The old man Wang sighed.

"Xiaofan has taken on the responsibility of contemporary young people. We, the living survivors, should really be grateful."

"Yes." Old Man Zhou nodded.

at this time.

The survivors of the bottom shelter greeted Lin Fan enthusiastically when they saw Lin Fan.

"Brother Lin, good morning."

"Brother Lin, have you had breakfast?"

Facing everyone's greetings, Lin Fan always responded with a smile.

Everyone is sincere.

What Lin Fan did for them, they remembered in their hearts, without Lin Fan, their current life would not be possible.

After leaving the bottom shelter, there are also many survivors on the street outside.

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However, the scope of their work has not limited to the bottom shelter, but began to clean up abandoned buildings.

If some unfamiliar survivors see this situation, they may say that you have nothing to do and do not use the place, you clean up the chicken?

But how do they know...

This is how life is, if there is something to do, there will be hope.

What they need is hope.


Outside the Yellow City.

"If only I could find the screaming zombies."

Lin Fan looked around and could see zombies staggering and wandering, and this place was too close to the Yellow Market. If there was any movement, the zombies would be attracted to the Yellow Market.

Scattered zombies are the most difficult to clean up. They cannot be gathered together, and no one knows where zombies will appear.

He took a light pace, shuttled fast.


Lin Fan found a screaming zombie.

This screaming zombie walks aimlessly on the road. When the screaming type does not make a sound, it has no area with ordinary zombies, and is even weaker than ordinary zombies.

The screaming zombies will not rush when they see humans, but will find a high place, and then eat and roar to their heart's content, attracting the surrounding zombies, and deal a devastating blow to the living humans.

"Hello, screaming zombie."

Lin Fan instantly appeared behind it and greeted him gently. Even in the face of zombies, he would try his best to show his soft side.

The boring screaming zombie seemed startled by the sudden sound.

Like a cat smell, he reacted to distance himself from Lin Fan.

"Ho ho"

The screeching zombie roared and walked on the quiet road well. No one was offended, and no movement was heard. Suddenly there was a sound around him, and the dog could be scared to pee.

"Please start your show and shout.

Lin Fan waited, he knew that the screaming zombies would definitely shout, and then the zombies around would come towards this side.

After Lin Fan finished saying these words.

The screaming zombie really ran far away, holding its head up and making a harsh roar.

Don't underestimate the sound of screaming zombies.

Ordinary people's eardrums can't bear it, and it is easy to cause coma, vomiting and so on.

But to Lin Fan, he could bear it calmly.

"Ho ho"

"Ho ho"

The surrounding zombies heard the call of the screaming zombies, and they rushed from all directions. Don't think that the crystals of the screaming zombies are only white, and you can feel free to handle them.

In a special environment, the screaming zombies can trigger a small wave of zombies.

Lin Fan slowly pulled out Frost and Sadness, waiting for the zombies to gather. In order to give the zombies a better chance to gather, he jumped on the branch of a tree and waited quietly.

"It's not a small amount."

The process of cleaning up zombies is tedious.

But Lin Fan never felt how boring this matter was. In his mind, cleaning up zombies was like playing a game to open up wasteland. The former Yellow Market was shrouded in zombies.

Thanks to his efforts, the yellow market full of zombie threats has been liberated, and the survivors can walk around in the yellow market at will. This feeling is very cool, right?

Full of achievements.

There are a lot of zombies gathered under the tree, they stretched out their hands, roaring and trying to climb to the person who will stand there on the tree

"It really shows the momentum of wanting to be feared by human beings everywhere. You are really too strong."

Lin Fan shook his head. Seeing that there were no zombies around, he swooped down with his sword and began to hunt zombies. Of course, the biggest hero was the screaming zombies.

He wants to imprison the screaming zombies.

According to the previous experience, the throat of the screaming zombie will be scrapped, so it needs to be used properly.


Flesh splattered all over the sky, and the viscous blood stained the earth red.

There are no buildings around, so you can let go of your hands and feet.


Combined city.

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A helicopter fell slowly from the sky.

A man in black appeared with a girl who looked like she was only 20 years old. The girl was wearing a skirt, with a pair of poles, and light makeup on her face. She looked very pure and cute.

The only problem is that her eyes are full of panic.

There is no girlish look.

She saw the terrifying zombies around her, her straight legs trembling, if it wasn't for the man in black beside her grabbing her arm, she would have fallen to the ground.

The gray-white eyes of the surrounding zombies turned, staring at the living humans, and the viscous liquid flowed down the corners of their mouths.

Harm... afraid.

The men in black who have been here know that these zombies are controlled by the mysterious zombies.

When they came, the other party must have known.

They stood under the steps of the door, daring not to move, they stared intently at the dimly lit room, and vaguely saw a figure appear.

With the appearance of this figure, the man in black knelt on the ground decisively, as did the girl beside her, her heart was beating with a sigh, and that kind of fear had already occupied her heart.

Zombie Wang Zixuan walked out slowly, his aura was very different from the previous time.

Obviously, the zombies that he cared about were destroyed by him, swallowed the crystals of the other party, and got a great improvement.

Zombie Wang Zixuan was equally excited. He didn't expect that the other party actually brought him the type he liked, and he really wanted to see what it looked like.

Even if he becomes a cruel and terrifying zombie emperor.

But on the road of chasing the girl, he has always kept his original intention unchanged.

"Hello, I brought someone back for you, do you think it's suitable?" The man in black said cautiously, and then hurriedly said, "Look up, look up quickly."

The girl who had already been frightened and shivered raised her head, her pale face fell into the sight of Zombie Wang Zixuan.

A thousand years at a glance.

Zombie Prince Xuan stared blankly at the girl.

This is the type of his mind.

That's right, that's the type.

On the other hand, the girl was even more terrified. She always felt that this zombie would probably bite her to death.

"Very good, I am very satisfied."

Zombie Prince Xuan said slowly.

The men in black are overjoyed and satisfied. In order to find the right person, they really mobilized everything. If it is in peacetime, it is not too hard to find, and there is as much as you want.

But in the future, it is really hard to find, there are too many dead people, it is really difficult to find reliable ones.

Of course, they did encounter some bottom guards, and those base guards had formed an evil force with armed forces, and they did find some girls who might be suitable.

But the women in the shelter of the evil forces basically don't need to think about the encounters they face.

At first, I thought about making it appropriate.

But in the end the idea was dismissed.

In order to avoid being seen through the problem.

"Her name is Zhao Yun, she is twenty years old," the man in black introduced.


Zombie Prince Xuan made a low voice.

"Can you draw the blood we agreed on beforehand?"

The man in black was very nervous. What he was most afraid of was that the other party would go back on his word. If that was the case, then he really couldn't do anything about it, even if they organized it.

Regardless of their ability to use weapons, they seem to be at the top of the food chain, but as more and more types of zombies appear, it is discovered that zombies are the top of the current era.

Zombie Wang Zixuan's original idea was how to give his blood to humans.

But now he has changed his mind.

He knows the nature of human beings, and if he doesn't get what he wants, he will definitely do everything he can to get it. In order to have a life that will not be disturbed with this girl, not the girl named Zhao Yun.

He decided to give them blood.

"Okay, needle."

The man in black who heard this excitedly took out the needle and wanted to do it himself, but was stopped by Wang Zixuan, he took the needle himself

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Tie your arms.

"Let's go."

Wang Zixuan threw the needle filled with blood at the man in black.

The man in black saw the thrown needle and panicked to pick it up.

If there are no accidents, accidents are often prone to occur.

The blood-stained needle pierced the palm of the black-clothed man, and the sudden situation made the black-clothed man dumbfounded.

"Ah... ah, I was stabbed, this needle has a virus, I will become a zombie.

The man in black was completely panicked.

Wang Zixuan: ......?

He seemed to understand the situation and had a lot to say about it, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

He walked up to the man in black, took the needle in his hand, and walked to the helicopter, "He's staying with me, you're going back with my blood, it's not allowed here."

The pilot looked at Wang Zixuan, and at the man in black who fell on the ground and kept shaking, moving towards the zombie evolution, and finally nodded and drove the helicopter away.

The helpless Zhao Yun was left behind, like a frightened kitten, shivering with fright, she really didn't know what to do.

"Ho ho"

The black-clothed man completely turned into a zombie, roaring hideously. With a gesture from Wang Zixuan, the black-clothed man staggered back into the zombie group and became one of his guards.

Wang Zixuan walked to Zhao Yun.

This is his type.

Where did the former Wang Lexuan have seen this type of person face to face, and he was already fascinated by the other party.

He stretched out his hand, trying to grab Zhao Yun's arm and pull her up.

But when I was about to touch it, my palm stopped in the air, thinking that my palm was stained with blood and a little dirty, how could I stain my sister's clothes?

"Get up."

Wang Zixuan said.

When Zhao Yun came, she had already thought about her own ending. She really wanted to run, but the zombies around her were all staring at her. With her size, where can she run.

Then he stood up tremblingly and followed Wang Zixuan towards the inside.


at this time.

Zhao Yun nervously observed the surrounding environment, and there were zombies standing motionless around, as if they were monitoring her, and the zombie who had just brought her in disappeared.

Don't know where to go.

Zombie Wang Zixuan was in another room, with a water basin in front of him, pouring mineral water into the water basin, shower gel, shampoo, and a new set of clothes beside him.

These were all found by him in the shop by manipulating other zombies.

He took off his clothes and washed his body with mineral water. Ever since he became a zombie, he has never thought about cleaning. Even if he hid in a dung pot, he didn't feel any problem with this kind of pot.

But now, he actually wanted to change.

He smeared the shower gel and shampoo, and poured it down with the basin, washing his body.

His skin was pale, and he could see the weird blue veins hidden under his skin.

It didn't take long.

Zombie Wang Zixuan stood in front of the mirror, wearing new clothes, he felt that his handsome appearance was really back.


There was a low growl in his throat.

When he appeared in front of Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun was completely dumbfounded. What was the situation? Why did the zombies in front of him dress up like this?

"Hello, my name is Wang Zixuan, and you will be mine from now on."

Wang Zixuan's voice was very low, and Zhao Yun was very scared by the eyes that filled his entire eyes.

"Mingming...don't hurt me.

Zhao Yun squatted on the ground, holding her arms, crying loudly, her body trembling constantly, that was the fear of zombies.

Seeing Zhao Yun crying, Wang Zixuan didn't say much, but left with some zombies, while some zombies stayed here.


Wang Zixuan is like an emperor among zombies, wandering around under the protection of zombies.

Some zombies on the road felt Wang Zixuan's appearance, and shivered to hide in the corner. On the whole road, no zombies dared to stop him.

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Came to a cosmetics store.

Wang Zixuan thought, women like cosmetics, so he has to bring some back. He knows the name of this store, and also knows the brands of cosmetics. They are all famous brands.

He found the bag from the store and put all the cosmetics he could see into the bag.

Clean up this store.

He brought the zombies to a jewelry store again.

"Women love jewelry."

He saw a very beautiful diamond necklace in a separate glass cabinet, shattered the glass with one punch, took out the necklace inside, and found a large diamond ring.

After leaving the store, he went to the clothes store again, picking out the clothes he thought looked good.

Take it all, must take it all.

He was going to take everything he wanted. On the way back, he saw a flower shop. When he entered the shop, the flowers were all rotten and withered, but he saw roses made of plastic, but roses were all over the place. Dust, he wiped with a tissue.

Although it is not a real flower, it is still very bright.

Go back to the government building.

Seeing Zhao Yun still huddled in the corner.

Wang Zixuan came to the other side and placed everything in front of him.

"These are yours, I hope you like them.

Maybe Wang Zixuan is the reason for the zombies. There is always a sticky liquid secreted in his mouth. Therefore, he always prepares a towel in his hand to wipe the liquid from the corner of his mouth.

He took the rose and handed it to Zhao Yun.

"Give it to you."

Wang Zixuan, who has wisdom and can talk, even if his heart is violent, but at this time, he is very gentle, he has never been in love with such a lovely girl, there is only one thought in his mind, I want to spend the rest of my life with her .

This city will be our home.

Facing this operation, Zhao Yun looked stupidly at the strange zombie in front of her.

She was really scared.

This fear comes from deep within.

Seeing that the other party didn't pick up the roses for a long time, Wang Zixuan's tyrannical heart wanted to attack, but he suppressed it, and forced a smile of anticipation on his face.

Like a ghost, Zhao Yun took the rose and responded tremblingly.


Although thanks a bit stammered.

But for Wang Zixuan, such a situation is what he most wants to see.

"No thanks, just like it."

Immediately after.

Wang Zixuan held a diamond necklace again, and asked expectantly, "Do you like it?"

Zhao Yun, who was terrified, nodded her head, "I...I like it."

"Do you like the ring?"

"I like... I like it."

"I'll put it on for you."

Wang Zixuan, who was about to put a ring on Zhao Yun, trembled slightly in his hand holding the diamond ring. He had never held the girl's hand, and his heart, which should not have been beating, seemed to be beating.

"I'll go get you some food."

Wang Zixuan just wants to show his few loves in front of the other party, so that the other party understands that I am a zombie, but I am not an ordinary zombie, but an emperor among zombies, with noble blood and lofty status.

The place where he is now is very good, but zombies do not use toilets, so the toilets of the government building are dirty and smelly. If humans go in, they will be fainted by the smell.

He ordered the zombies to clean the toilet. The toilet must be cleaned so that it can reflect light and not see a little dust.

The order to the zombies is, eat **** when you encounter shit, eat garbage when you meet garbage, and don't leave any garbage in the whole building.

Zombies that obviously feed on human flesh and blood.

Under the orders of Zombie Emperor Wang Zixuan, they began to eat what they should not eat.

Behind any licking dog, there are many innocent beings who are fatally injured.

And now he is going to prepare food for Zhao Yun.

At this time, Zhao Yun stupidly looked at the things piled up in front of her.

There are clothes, there are cosmetics and so on.

She gradually calmed down and knew that the zombies might not want to eat her, but

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Even so, she was still a little scared, and this fear came from the impression of zombies.

She doesn't know what will greet her next?

Look at the zombies around you.

It was found that the group of zombies lowered their heads and looked at the ground, but they didn't even look at her.



Blood samples have been sent back.

Qin Ling didn't expect that special zombie to like human girls.

It made him feel incredible.

This is a zombie.

How could zombies have such emotions.

"Professor Kim, what do you think is the situation?"

Professor Jin pondered, "The current situation is very confusing. The situation of zombies has exceeded my imagination. Normal zombies are similar to what we have studied. As for why the zombies in Heshi are interested in humans, I think it should be based on his wisdom. It has something to do with reason, even if his genes are changed, he always retains his preference for emotions.”

"Boss, do you think people will have love for fish?"

Qin Ling said, "It depends on what kind of fish it is."

"Yes, it really depends on what kind of fish it is. If it's a mermaid, do you think humans prefer mermaids with human heads and fish tails, or mermaids with fish heads and human bodies?" Professor Jin asked.

Qin Ling smiled, "Fish head, human body."

"Why?" This was obviously not the answer Professor Kim wanted to hear.

"I can still tell the difference between one and two~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Ling held back his smile.

Professor Jin's expression suddenly became serious, "Boss, I'm talking with you in a serious manner, not about driving."

"Then how would you choose?" Qin Ling asked rhetorically.

Professor Jin said: "The mermaid in the human head is the first choice of human beings. Appearance is the existence that directly affects the brain, so that zombie wants a beautiful girl. His brain should not be much different from that of humans. But either way, you have to analyze his blood first to see what is special about his genes."

Qin Ling patted Professor Jin's shoulder.

"That's hard work for you, Professor."

To be continued

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