I Cut Down the Troubled World Alone

Chapter 188: This is just a microcosm of today's

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"It's all cleaned up."

Lin Fan gently waved off the viscous liquid stuck to Frostmourne.

Focus on the screaming zombies.

"you're great."

He praised capable zombies without hesitation.

He found a dog collar, which was made of metal. At first glance, it was used for a large hunting dog. When the screaming zombie was in a dazed state, he put the dog collar around the neck of the screaming zombie, and then tied it under the tree. , gently touched its head.

"Take good care of your throat, you never know how useful you are."

"Your abilities are also the future of humanity."

In his eyes, screeching zombies are the perfect variety among zombies. They are small in size, easy to carry, and not aggressive enough. They belong to the docile species among zombies, and at the same time have a strong ability to attract zombies.

I don’t have to worry about doing it in the wild, unlike in the city, I think it’s best not to destroy the building. When I do it, I use strength everywhere, I am afraid that the strength will explode a little, and it will directly cause a devastating disaster.

"It's nice to have no zombies."

Lin Fan looked at the surrounding environment, giving him a sense of empty tranquility. If there was no sticky blood stained on the ground, everything would be fine.

"Ho ho. "

The screaming zombie made a low-pitched warning sound, as if to say, you better let me go, or I will call thousands of zombie brothers to kill you, believe it or not?

"You want to be free, but by giving you freedom you'll be a danger to others. It's fine to stay here. I'll show you around tomorrow so you won't be bored."

Lin Fan communicated with the zombies.

very normal operation.

Maybe the two sides are wrong, but he only recognizes what he understands. As for whether the translation is right or wrong, he really doesn't care at all.

Came to an open space, sat down on the ground, and took out the map.

Huangshi is one of the most important cities in China. Its GDP used to be in the top five. There are many cities, counties and towns around it.

The densely packed names make his brain buzzing when he sees it, and there are still too many places to clean up. Don't think that the "towns around Huangshi, it seems to be very ordinary, compared with other places."

The prosperity of this "town" is comparable to that of a county-level city.

View interface.

【Name】: Lin Fan.

[Power]: 6358640. (unlimited)

【Physical Strength】: 5246920. (unlimited)

【Speed】: 4987630. (unlimited)


During this period of time, he did not clean up too many zombies, and a lot of thoughts were placed on the cleanup of the yellow market, although he was a little bit of water on the road of hunting zombies.

But the harvest is still possible.

"In the current situation, we can only clean up patiently first. The zombies in the city gather together. As long as a better way is found, it can be cleaned up in a short time."

He is hopeful for the future.

All it takes is effort.

at this time.

The steel beast came from afar.

"Lin brother."

Zhu Cheng in the car stuck his head out and shouted.

Lin Fan looked at the steel beasts coming, and as they stopped, Zhu Cheng and the others got out of the car. After the battle with the zombies, they had already achieved the ultimate improvement.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Fan asked with a smile.

Today's Sunshine Shelter is not guarded by him alone, everyone is working hard to contribute.

"We just passed the bridge and chatted with the engineering buddies. We vaguely heard the roar of zombies. We thought there was a situation, so we came to take a look."

Zhu Cheng's ability to maintain this is very strong.

During this period of time, they looked around every corner of the Yellow Market, but did not find any zombies. Obviously, the zombies in the Yellow Market had been cleaned up.

Lin Fan said with a smile: "Nothing, the Yellow Market is cleaned up. I started to clean up the zombies around the Yellow Market. The sound just now was the sound of screaming zombies, which was used to attract the surrounding zombies."


Zhu Cheng admires it very much, others are frightened when they see zombies

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, but Brother Lin is using the ability of zombies to clean up zombies in a convenient and faster way. Can such a method be dared by ordinary people?

Old Zhong said: "Then let's help clean it up."

"Well, with your current abilities improving, there really isn't much of a problem, but some zombies shouldn't force it to prevent accidents," Lin Fan reminded.

After all, zombies are not soft persimmons, and they can be pinched casually.

among the many zombies.

Some evolutionary zombies are still not something they can deal with.

Old Zhong said: "If there is Zhucheng, we really want to encounter zombies of interest. He will remind us to avoid them as soon as possible, and never conflict with them."

As the old clock said these words.

Zhu Cheng held his head high and felt a sense of satisfaction. Although he was unable to hunt zombies with his own abilities, everyone needed him. If there was a need, he would be useful, and if he was useful, he would be motivated.

Ye Qian and Dong Jia looked at each other and noticed Zhu Cheng's expression. They seemed expressionless, but they were actually smiling.

Dong Jia said: "Yeah, our little thief Zhu is very powerful, those eyes are turning, even through the wall, you can see the zombies hiding inside, even the zombies that fell into the cesspool can be found last time. "

"Well, I agree." Ye Qian said with a smile.

Their four-person team has been together for a long time, and they have long had a tacit understanding with each other. They are like companions and comrades in arms. For Ye Qian or Lao Zhong, they prefer Ye Qian and Zhu Cheng to their companions who have betrayed them. teammate.

If it weren't for the apocalypse, they might never have any intersection in their entire lives.

"Oh, I'm just okay, it's nothing."

The praised Zhu Cheng waved his hand very modestly. He seemed to be modest, but he involuntarily straightened his back and held his head up. That expression was as if he was saying, "It's great. Praise me more, and I'll do it." I like you compliment me.

Lin Fan said: "Zhu Cheng's role cannot be ignored. In the end times, his ability can really change a lot of situations."

He never hesitated to give praise to others.

Everyone needs encouragement and praise.

Often a seemingly ordinary compliment can make the person being praised full of energy.

"Brother Lin, I will continue to work hard."

Zhu Cheng said loudly that he would dedicate himself to the future of mankind, even if he went up the mountain and down the sea of ​​​​fire, he would not frown.

Lin Fan smiled, and there was relief in his smile.

very nice.

With such momentum, he believes that the future must be bright.

The steel beast left.

Zhu Cheng was playing with his mobile phone in the car and clicked on the group.

He excitedly pressed the pinyin on the screen, wrote and canceled, and finally looked at the written message with satisfaction and sent it to the group.


Zhu Cheng smiled and was in a good mood.

Ye Qian and Dong Jia, who were sitting at the back, felt the vibration of the phone.

Open it up and take a look.

When they saw Zhu Chengfa's message, the two looked at each other again.

The information is as follows:

[Everyone, I wish Cheng Cheng had something to say. From now on, I wish Cheng Hui will work harder, dedicate everything to the future of mankind, and do what he says, and be absolutely sincere...]

Guan Hao: thumbs

Wang Kai: thumbs

The members of the group basically have such expressions.

This group can be called the 'thumb group'.

But I have to say that because of the existence of the group, everyone's relationship has been invisibly narrowed a lot. When I have nothing to do, I just chat in the group.

Team Lei: "Friends of the group, the communication members thought that everyone might be bored in their spare time, so they worked overtime and made a small game "Sheep and Sheep" for everyone. I heard from them that it seems that only those with an IQ over 100 can pass the test. There is also a ranking system, you can try it out and see who has the highest IQ.”

Xu Zeyang: "In terms of IQ, no joke, I admit that I am not inferior to others."

Guan Hao: "It's interesting."

Wang Kai: "@Guan Hao, compare?"

See the message change party in the group

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Xiang Zhucheng, who is a little quick, seems very helpless. Why don't you continue to chat along my topic? I have said it like this. The direction of the chat in the group should not revolve around what he said, and start some positive things. positive energy speech

How can it be related to the game?

This is not what he wants to see.

at this time.

Lin Fan remembered the location where the screaming zombies were locked, and then went to hunt for zombies elsewhere. Of course, while hunting, he was also looking for the screaming zombies.

Although a screaming zombie has been captured.

However, according to past experience, if you endlessly use the sound of screaming zombies to attract zombies, it is easy to damage the throats of screaming zombies, so that they cannot make sounds.

His idea was simple.

If the yellow market is regarded as the center of the circle, he only needs to catch enough screaming zombies. When he wants to clean up, he will spread the screaming zombies out, but on the way of spreading, he still needs to catch more zombies. There are many screaming zombies, after all, the sound transmission range of screaming zombies is limited.

This is very suitable for early cleaning, and when the cleaning reaches a certain range, the effect of screaming zombies is minimal.


In a short period of time, hundreds of zombies have been hunted by him. Although the number of zombies in the wild cannot be compared with the number of zombies in the city, there are still many.

Today, he is like a ruthless killer, holding the warmest sword and hunting the coldest and most emotionless zombies.

From the beginning of the apocalypse to the present.

The movement of his sword swing has gone deep into his bones.

The number of zombies hunted is even more numerous. For any survivor, hunting so many zombies will become cruel and violent.

But Lin Fan is a special existence, the more he kills, the more radiant the light in his heart becomes, radiating dazzling brilliance.

Two days later!

In the past two days, Lin Fan has been speeding up the process of cleaning up the zombies.

at this time.

He appeared in a town closest to the Yellow Market.

Chuanhai Town.

The former leaders of Chuanhai Town feel that our place is developing very well, we have our own port, and the overall GDP is not worse than that of some county-level cities. It is always called a town, which seems to be a bit out of pattern. We have to open the pattern.

He prefers that Chuanhai Town is called Chuanhai City.

It's really not possible, we can call it Chuanhai County, but the leaders of Chuanhai Town really didn't think that the leader of Huangshi, Zhen Nima, was the sixth.

Brother Chuanhai: Brother, I want to be in the position, do you support me?

Brother Huangshi: Your GDP is so high, you don't need me to support you.

Brother Chuanhai: Okay, I want to come out and compete.

Brother Huangshi: I will be re-elected this year. Brother Chuanhai, you will work hard for a few more years. When I retire, I will ask you to fish and I will hold you to the top, but you must wear a helmet.

Brother Chuanhai:  ….

Today, Lin Fan appeared on the roof of a star-rated hotel in Chuanhai Town, stepping on the edge of the rooftop, looking down at this Chuanhai Town, which had been occupied by zombies.

Even a simple glance.

He saw a lot of evolutionary zombies.

"Sure enough, as I thought, without the cleaning of external forces, once the zombies develop steadily, they will evolve rapidly, and they have experienced the blessing of that thunderstorm. These guys are more terrifying than expected. "

With Frostmourne on his back, he looks like a loner walking in the end times, coming to a strange place to clean up all the sins here.

Chuanhai Town has a maritime port, and its scale is much smaller than that of Huangshi, but its output value cannot be underestimated. This small town has a population of more than 300,000.

"I don't know if any lucky survivors survived."

In his heart, the possibility of this should be very low, but in any case, it is a good thing to always hold some hope. Chuanhai Town is very close to the Yellow Market, and the "Zombie Atlas" distributed should be distributed here.

Lin Fan took a deep breath, and a deep voice broke out, "Hey, come out."

"Ho ho"


Chuanhai Town, which had been quiet for a long time, became lively, suddenly

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There was the low roar of the zombies, accompanied by the sound of running from far to near.

The zombies who heard the sound were completely crazy, and the sound was the best temptation for them.

There were zombies running, smashing the windows in front of them, and jumping down from the height of countless buildings.

At the intersection of the street, a large number of zombies also appeared.

Densely packed, mighty.

"Power Zombies, Speed ​​Zombies, Predators..."

Lin Fan observed, and even saw mutant zombies among the corpses.

The shape of this mutant zombie is very strange, irregular, and the left and right are not aligned. The right shoulder has a huge head, and there is a bloated tumor on the head. It is more violent than other zombies.

"Come on, it's always a familiar scene, but I'm used to it."

Lin Fan raised his hand to hold the hilt, and the silver-white blade of Frostmourne slowly appeared. Listening carefully, he could hear Frostmourne trembling slightly.

Swooping down, in an instant, the silver-white light flashed, and the figure shuttled through the zombie group like a ghost, constantly harvesting the lives of the zombies.

The pier in Chuanhai Town.

A yacht is docked, and the yacht is not small.

And there are several survivors living on the yacht.

A total of four survivors, three men and one woman, one man and one woman are lovers.

Two other male survivors, one of whom looked only eighteen or nineteen, was a college student.

The other is in his twenties, wears glasses and is a trainee lawyer.

This yacht is not theirs, but ordinary people who fled here after the apocalypse broke out.

at this time.

"Haha, there is something, there is really food." The college student survivor was very excited. He jumped into the box that was pulled up from the water, and there was really food.

The trainee lawyer with glasses was equally excited.

Because the two of them belong to a group, they have been helping each other all the time.

And the couple on the side saw the box full of snacks, and they were already numb with envy.

When they fled to the yacht, it was fine at first. The yacht had a lot of supplies. Originally, they wanted to drive the yacht to find a place where there were no zombies.

But after rummaging through the entire yacht, they couldn't find the key, so they could only stare blankly and hide on the yacht.

From the beginning of the abundant supplies, everyone discussed what to do together, but as the days passed, the supplies continued to decrease. From the beginning of a friendly relationship, it developed to mutual vigilance and food protection.

Two relationships have been formed so far.

Couples are together.

College students and lawyers are together.

The couple men were hungry. Seeing that they had harvested a box of snacks, they thought, "Noble, can you give us some."

It is the trainee lawyer who is called noble.

He should have a bright future, but with the arrival of the end of the world, everything about him has disappeared, and he can only hide here like a bug.

Do whatever it takes to live.

Noble opened a bag of potato chips that he didn't know when, and frantically stuffed it into his mouth.

It is very realistic now. As for why he formed an alliance with a college student, it is also because the couple man looks stronger. He is afraid of accidents, so he forms an alliance with the college student. If something happens, he can still have a helper to deal with the couple man.

Couple men are really hungry. After the lack of supplies, they are fishing on the yacht, but as the bait is used up, it is basically impossible to catch fish.

Now they have not eaten for three days and can only rely on distilled water to satisfy their hunger every day.

The college student pulled up his noble clothes and gave him a nod.

In an instant, Noble seemed to understand something.

"You think it's okay to have food, your girlfriend lends us." Noble said.

When the couple man heard this, his face changed dramatically, "Impossible."

No man would allow such a thing to happen, and it would be more sensible not to even do it.

Don't say that the couple's face is wrong, even the couple's woman is the same. She huddles behind her boyfriend, scared and yet

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looked at them angrily.

They have communicated once. The college student is a student in a famous university, and the man with glasses is a trainee lawyer.

But with the scarcity of materials, when everyone was vigilant against each other, she understood that ideology and morality had nothing to do with what kind of education she had received.

You could say they are smart, they like to learn, or they are learning machines.

But we must not link ideology and morality with grades.

Now that I hear this, I feel even more disgusted.

"Now in the end times, how long we can live is an unknown matter. If you want to occupy her, it's up to you. If you want food, you can only find it yourself, but you can see that there are zombies outside. Where can you find it? Be realistic, some things don't need to be seen as important, we can swear, just once, as a deal, we will give you one-third of the food, save it, and at least live half the life Months, maybe in half a month, we'll be able to get out of this **** place?"

Noble held up his glasses, while eating food, he was bewitched.

"Impossible." The couple refused, but his refusal seemed a little hesitant.

Noble said: "Is your girlfriend beautiful? It's just normal. We may not be able to see it in the past. You have played all the games. What's the point of it? Why don't you want to use her for some supplies? Do you think there is hope in living?"

"Besides, when we are full, our physical strength will gradually recover, and your body will become weaker and weaker. You think you can protect her at that time, and you use your life to maintain your so-called dignity. Really Does it make sense?"

Noble noticed the change in the couple's eyes.

Not that it doesn't make sense.

It was his last dignity at work.


His remarks prevented the couple from rejecting like he did just now.

Instead, he stared straight at the food in the box.

He felt that what Noble said made sense. With his current situation, if he really allowed them to recover their physical strength, let alone food, it would be a problem whether they could survive or not.

No one dares to underestimate the people who are still alive.

Both mentally and mentally have reached the brink of collapse.

Couple man looks back at his girlfriend who is huddled behind.

The couple girl looked at her boyfriend's eyes and was shocked inside. She stepped back in disbelief, "You... do you want to agree with them?"

They have known each other for seven years, and have been together since college. If the apocalypse had not erupted, they might have been married now, although her parents always disagreed, believing that his hometown was too poor.

But she didn't listen, she just wanted to be nice to her, and it doesn't matter whether your hometown is poor or not, we will work hard together.

"Lan, just promise, I promise I won't despise you, get one-third of the supplies, we can live a long time, really."

The couple man has been explained by Noble.

In fact, if there is such a deal early on, the couple will definitely agree, but he has a dignity as thin as a piece of paper in his heart, and with a light touch, the final dignity will be broken.

All you need is a help.

"You really want to sell me?" Li Lan asked with a pale face.

The couple man lowered his head, "Forget it, you also think about food, it's just a matter of closing your eyes."

Li Lan said: "I think, but I don't want to do this. Let's jump from here together now. We will drown together. I'm definitely not afraid. Would you like to come with me?"

The couple man shook his head and said, "I don't want to die, I want to live, Lan, I beg you, you agree, anyway, it's not the first time for you, it's not the same as anyone, as long as you agree, we can have a lot of food, can continue to live.”

"Fart, impossible." Li Lan resisted.

Noble, who was eating food, continued: "I don't have much time for you, I can't even take a woman."

The couple who heard these words, as if making a decision, suddenly came to Li Lan, and with a bang, he slammed his once beloved girlfriend to the ground.

"If you don't agree to ride the horse, you have to agree. What are you pretending to be in front of me?

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When you were with me, you didn't do anything, I just want to live now, didn't you say that you are willing to do anything for me, and now I ask you to exchange food, you don't agree?"

Li Lan covered her face and looked at her boyfriend with a ferocious expression in front of her, even making her feel unfamiliar. She really didn't expect that just a few words would make him become like this.

The couple looked at Gao Shang and said, "The person is here, I'll leave it to you, I don't care about anything else, and I don't want her in the future, so I'll tie her up. When you want to use it, just use it. If you want to live, nothing is more important than being alive.”

Noble looked at the college student.



The two got up, walked towards Li Lan, and stretched out their claws at the same time.

And the couple man didn't even look at it, like a mad dog, he rushed to the box containing the food, opened a bag of food and devoured it. He really didn't care about his girlfriend's impending humiliation.

Even for him, it has nothing to do with him.

"You don't come here."

Li Lan stepped back and looked at the two people who were possessed by animals in fear. At this time, she was really desperate. She had always been regarded as Dashan's boyfriend, like a dog, where he devoured food.


The two smiled slyly, and there was a joke in their eyes. Under the depressed atmosphere, their thoughts had already changed, or in other words, the dark side had long since erupted.

Li Lan, who touched the railing of the yacht, turned her head and looked down, as if she had made a decision. She wanted to jump over the fence and jump off the yacht, but just as she was about to cross over, she was hugged by a college student by the waist. .


Li Lan screamed, waving his hands indiscriminately, and kicking his feet indiscriminately.

On the side, Noble grabbed her legs and prepared to carry Li Lan inside with the college students.

"Help me."

Li Lan is a woman, and her body is very weak. How can she resist, she can only scream for help desperately.

The couple eating the food, while eating, witnessed the situation in front of him, but for him, this situation has long caused his heart to be calm, not even the slightest fluctuation.

All he thought about was... he couldn't just starve to death like this, he had to live, he had to live.

As for your girlfriend being humiliated?

He no longer cares about it, he can let him have a full meal at such a time, not to mention his girlfriend, even his wife, he is willing to agree.

And right now.

There was an angry shout, a sound like a thunder burst.


Faced with this sudden voice, the two who were carrying out atrocities against Li Lan were obviously stunned, looking for the source of the voice.

The same is true for the couple, who was so scared that he almost choked, but after recovering, he still ate while looking at the shore. The sound seemed to come from the shore.


Lin Fan, carrying Frostmourne, came to the port to see if there were any survivors. After all, many survivors would hide on the boat.

This is the case with Lucky.

The chances of surviving hiding on a ship are much higher than those in a city.

With sharp ears, he immediately heard someone calling for help.

Listen to the voice, or a female voice.

Although he didn't see the picture, according to his experience, if he encounters a zombie, the girl will be bitten to death by the zombie at most, and the girl's voice is continuous, obviously indicating that the female survivor may have been illegally invaded and persecuted.

Get up to speed and see what's going on on the yacht in no time.

The two male survivors appear to be forcing a female survivor to do something.

In this regard, he scolded and stopped.

His reprimands are useful.

The other party stopped what they were doing and looked towards the shore.

to the yacht.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Fan looked at the three men in front of him.

Li Lan hid behind Lin Fan and pointed at them, "They want to force me..."

Lin Fan was not surprised by this situation.

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The world broke out, and with the collapse of the order, all morality and ethics had long since collapsed.

No one will care about this, and no one will think about it, I should not do such a thing.

But gradually I feel that this is the case now.

Everyone is doing it, and it's normal for me to go with the flow.

"It's alright, I'll be safe here." Lin Fan said softly, hoping to calm the other party's mood. When he was frightened, he needed comfort and self-regulation.

In this regard, he has done quite well.

Li Lan looked at the mysterious sword-carrying man who appeared in front of him.

Although she didn't know his name, for some reason, she found that the man's back seemed to bloom with a radiance that made people feel calm.

They looked at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan also looked at them, and saw the darkness in their eyes. It was the darkness in the depths of the soul, like a vortex, revolving in the body, swallowing the only remaining conscience, and even the so-called conscience has been swallowed dry. clean.

"Do you know them?" Lin Fan asked.


Li Lan explained the relationship clearly, and at the same time, he also explained what had just happened.

Listen to what the other person has to say.

Lin Fan frowned slightly, and the more he listened, the more shocked he became.

Eyes locked on the couple.

This man is her boyfriend, and even when it is time to talk about marriage, who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

I was shocked.

But if you think about it, you can also understand that this situation is not an individual, but a microcosm of the entire end-time situation.

Noble and college students didn't dare to yell at Lin Fan.

Mainly because he saw the sword in Lin Fan's hand.

If they attacked Lin Fan, things would become very complicated, and Lin Fan would be able to enter self-defense mode.

Lin Fan looked back at Li Lan and said, "I live in the Yellow City, Sunshine Sanctuary, where there are many survivors, are you willing to follow me?"

He was happy to see there were survivors alive.

Just meeting these three men, his mood is not good, the only thing fortunate is that he came in time and did not let the tragedy happen.

It must be a joy to be able to save a strange survivor from a tragedy.

But what he doesn't know, who can imagine how many tragedies will happen.

"I would."

Li Lan agreed without thinking.

She didn't know Lin Fan, but Lin Fan gave her a very reassuring and safe feeling.

"Then let's go."

Lin Fan ignored the three of them. If Officer Huang was still in the Yellow Market, he would take them to meet with Officer Huang, but now, he didn't and didn't take them away, but left them to fend for themselves. Bar.

Li Lan followed Lin Fan's side. When she left, she looked at her former boyfriend with disappointment and anger in her eyes. Maybe for her, she still didn't understand why it was like this.

The college students watched them leave, "Brother Gao, are you going to let them leave like this?"

Noble said: "Then you go? You haven't seen the weapons in their hands. Even if we have kitchen knives, don't you understand the principle that one inch long and one inch strong?"

The college student nodded in understanding, as if what he said made sense.

Immediately after.

Noble kicked the couple to the ground with one kick, "I still eat Nima."

The couple man was kicked down. Seeing the potato chips that fell on the ground, he couldn't help picking them up and put them in his mouth.

"Just now you heard him say that there is no place to go."

"Well, Huangshi Sunshine Sanctuary." The college student said.

Noble said: "I feel that if he can come here, there must be a safe road, and it is also safe to stay here, but the supplies will not last long. I feel that we will follow behind, and we should be equally safe."

at this time.

"Don't be too sad, the road ahead is still far away, sometimes you can see a person clearly with the help of some things, it is a gift from God to you, God doesn't want you to be blinded by encouragement, you should

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feel fortunate. "

Lin Fan comforted the other party.

At the same time, I agree with this theory.

Li Lan said: "Thank you."

"No thanks, you can welcome your new born when you arrive at Sunshine Sanctuary. There are a lot of rational survivors there. They live in an orderly manner just like ordinary citizens." Lin Fan said softly. .

Li Lan listened to what the other party said, and then she saw the zombie corpses on the street and wanted to stop.

Lin Fan sensed her emotions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't be afraid, I killed all these zombies. I have been hunting zombies for a long time. Starting from Huangshi, after a period of hard work, the zombies in Huangshi It was cleaned up, and I started cleaning up the zombies outside. "

Li Lan opened her mouth in disbelief.

In her opinion, what the other party said was a bit too illusory.

"Does it feel incredible? In fact, if I hadn't solved it myself, I might be as incredible as you, but the reality is like this. When you get there, you will understand. Although it is the end of the world now, I think What I'm telling you is that everything is hopeful."

Lin Fan smiled and spoke softly.

Whenever he shows one-tenth of the ferocity of hunting zombies, I am afraid that anyone who sees it will cry.

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