
Gollum ━


Visibility is not bad.

Guma was wearing diving gear, got used to it a little under water, and felt good.

Especially in the water.

It's so real!

It's no different from diving in the real world!

Is this really what VR+somatosensory can do!

If it weren't for him not being able to speak now, otherwise he must tell netizens his true feelings!


Swim skillfully.

In the eyes of netizens, Guma's diving skills seem to be very skilled.

In fact, Guma was an authentic landlubber before.

But after the news that "Sand of the Furious Sea" was about to be released, he concluded that the game would definitely be related to diving.


In order to increase the sense of game experience in "Sand Diving in the Furious Sea", he specially signed up for swimming classes and took diving lessons!

Now that I have come to the diving session in the game, Guma has not made a fool of himself!


At this time.

Fatty, Aning and Baldy Zhang also went underwater.


Anning stretched out his finger and pointed down.

Guma looked down her fingers and saw a big pit made with explosives under the seabed.

At the bottom of the big pit, there is a robbery hole that can accommodate one person.

Presumably this should be the hole that Wu Sansheng made when he entered!

Guma, Fatty and the others quickly dived over.

Everyone searched around the robbery cave and found nothing.

So the fat man waved his hand, indicating whether he wanted to go in.

Anning nodded in agreement.

So the fat man took the lead and went straight into the robbery hole.

Kumar and the others followed suit.

This robbery cave is very irregular, wide and narrow at times. Guma looks at the wall of the cave while swimming, and the more he looks at it, the more strange it becomes.

He had checked a lot of information about robbery holes before.

Like this irregular robbery hole, the walls of the cave are messy and full of potholes, and it hardly looks like it was dug by people!

If not to say.

Guma felt that the hole was very similar to being dug by some kind of animal.

swimming swimming.

The crowd had already swam more than 20 meters into this robbery cave, the environment was dim, and the light coming in from the entrance of the cave could no longer shine.

Swim for a while.

Guma found that the direction of the robbery cave had changed, and suddenly it became vertically downward.

Faced with this sudden situation.

Fatty 900 made a gesture, indicating that he would go down to see the situation first.

Done gesture.

As soon as the fat man lowered his body, he drilled down.

Guma looked at the darkness below, and her heart rate increased slightly.

Tombs in the sea are really more exciting than tombs on land!


At this time.

Fatty's miner's lamp swayed below, which was a sign of safety below.

Gu Ma, Aning and Baldy Zhang glanced at each other, and then dived down to the bottom of the robbery cave one by one.

Come below.

The originally narrow space became very wide, and at the bottom, Guma immediately saw the tomb wall of the ancient tomb!

Really found it!

Underwater Tomb!

Guma was excited.

But at this time, the fat man pointed to the wall of the tomb, and then made the action of a monkey.


Guma didn't know why, he looked carefully at the tomb wall and found a big hole in the tomb wall, inside the hole was a dark tomb passage.

the strange thing is.

In the place where the hole was broken, the tomb bricks above were not removed piece by piece, but were violently knocked apart by something!

Because Guma sees.

Several of the tomb bricks were obviously cracked!

Now Guma finally understands what Fatty just did!

He wanted to say that this robbery hole was not dug by Wu Sansheng, but by the sea monkey!

Sea monkeys!

Guma couldn't help thinking of the sea monkey on the ghost ship.

Whether it's strength or speed, it's really exaggerated!

This monster is already very difficult to deal with on land. If you meet under the sea...you can't destroy it on your own side??

It may be that he saw Guma's thoughts.

The fat man shook the fishing gun in his hand, and seemed to be saying, "We have a lot of people and weapons, so we are afraid of a hammer?"

Guma nodded.

Four people, four fishing guns, and if only one sea monkey is encountered, it should not be a big problem.

After getting consensus.

The crowd then got in through the hole in the tomb wall.

After entering, there is a deep tomb passage.

The tomb is very spacious, and several people can sneak side by side.


Guma turned up the brightness of the searchlight, and turned on the waterproof flashlight with the other hand.

The light of these lamps is more aimed at the underwater environment, and the light is very bright, and the originally dark tomb road suddenly lit up.

Everyone began to sneak in front of the tomb.

on the way.

Guma saw a lot of face reliefs on the walls of the tomb passage.

But the strange thing is that all the faces with embossed faces have no eyes, and it feels very strange to look at.

Guma couldn't help thinking.

Is this tomb road where the group of archaeologists discovered the snake-eye copper fish?

Guma is different from ordinary players.

He was more careful, followed behind the fat man's butt, and studied those face reliefs very seriously.

Guma felt that the fact that there are so many exquisite reliefs in this unpretentious tomb passage must have a different meaning in the game, and maybe it will help the progress of the plot.

But after a while.

A chill surged from Guma's heart!

He found.

The face relief on the tomb wall seems to be telling something!

for example.

The first face relief I saw, it had no eyes on its face.

And the second face relief, it has eyes, but it is a seam that is not open!

The third, eyes opened a little.

The fourth, slowly opened halfway.

The fifth, opened most of the time, revealing a little eyeball.

As everyone dived deeper and deeper in the tomb passage, Guma saw in horror the sixth and last human face relief in the tomb passage.

The eyes on that relief are fully open!!

Those eyes bulged forward, and his face became hideous, as if he was looking at everyone with resentment!!


Guma had a bad feeling in his heart.

He quickly grabbed the fat man in front of him, and then wrote on the writing board on his arm with a waterproof pen: "These face reliefs seem to be some kind of mechanism, their eyes may be wrong, we'd better stop and take a look! 99

Guma's action immediately caused others to gather around him.

After reading his words clearly.

Fatty glanced at the relief, and then carelessly wrote on his arm: "These reliefs are solid, you are thinking too much, let's go on.


Look at the fat man.

Guma glanced at the last relief again.

It seems....there is really no movement.

Are you suspicious of yourself?

Or... This series of changes in relief design is just the owner of the tomb, it's not right, it's a warning set by the game author to the players??

Indicates that there is great danger ahead??

All this, Guma does not know.

Moreover, even if he has been holding back his words, he can't say a word at the bottom of the sea at a depth of ten to twenty meters.

no way.

Had to move on.

On the way, Guma kept thinking that this tomb is so deep.

If the depth of the tomb passage is beyond everyone's imagination, it will be a very big problem to enter the underwater tomb. After all, the diving equipment in the game is similar to the real world (bfce), and it is not particularly powerful, and it cannot support for a long time. 's sneak.


Just when Guma was thinking about it.

He slammed his head into the fat man's ass.


How did this guy stop?

Guma looked up and saw that the road in front of the tomb was actually blocked by a stone slab!

Several people stepped forward one after another and observed the stone slab.

the strange thing is.

This slate is plain and unremarkable, with neither text nor relief on it.

It's just a plain slate.

So what's the point of it being here?

At this time, Aning wrote on the writing board on his arm: "How can there be a dead end at the end of this tomb?

She held the writing board almost in front of Guma's eyes.

Guma frowned, how should he answer this?

Think about it.

He wrote on his arm: "I guess there should be a clever stone trap nearby, we can look for loose tomb bricks on the tomb wall."

Aning nodded, then turned and followed Baldy Zhang to look at the tomb bricks on the curtain wall.

Guma just wanted to turn around and continue to study the slate.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he saw Fatty staring blankly in front of the stone slab.

Guma stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

The fat man came back to his senses, and then quickly wrote on his arm: "The sea monkey you said, does it have long hair? 99


Guma was stunned.

Do sea monkeys have long hair?

Netizens discussed in the live broadcast room:

"He asked what does this do?

"Hey, this fat man won't see the sea monkey behind the slate, will he?"

"Sea monkeys seem to have dark green scales all over their bodies and no hair!

"That's right, the whole body is covered in scales, it's disgusting! 99

"That thing has no hair at all!

"The current environment is so terrifying, the underwater tomb is really different from the one on the ground! 35

Look at the netizens' barrage.

Guma also carefully recalled the scene where he met the sea monkey on the ghost ship.

Sea monkeys look a bit like monkeys though.

But its physiological structure is completely different from that of monkeys. It seems to be covered in dark green, bronze-like scales all over its body.

Think so.

Guma hurriedly wrote on his arm: "No, sea monkeys have no hair."


After seeing Guma's answer.

The fat man's body trembled obviously.

He stretched out his hand, pointed to the gap between the stone slab and the tomb wall, and let Guma see it.


Guma was very curious.

He hurriedly leaned over, and as soon as he passed, he saw a strand of black hair floating out from the gap between the stone slab and the tomb passage!


Kumar was taken aback.

Could it be that there is a person on the other end of this slate??

But this is the bottom of the sea!

Is it possible to rely on a carrion??

Just when Guma wanted to ask Aning and the others to come and have a look, the fat man suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the hair.


Unexpectedly, when I first touched the hair, the strand of hair suddenly shrank and went directly into the gap!

The fat man's eyes changed immediately.

Then he immediately wrote on his hand: "There is a ghost on the other end of this slate! 99


Gu Ma was startled and quickly slapped the fat man.

He wanted to scold twice, but unfortunately he couldn't scold him in the water.

Originally, it was terrifying in the tomb passage in the depths of the sea. He also said something like a ghost. Isn't this a man's mentality!


At this time.

Another strand of hair came out of the gap in the slate.

The fat man was so bold, he stretched out his hand again, trying to grab the hair.

Guma felt a little bad, and quickly stepped back a distance.


Fatty managed to catch the strand of hair this time.

He took a closer look, and then tugged again, as if he was studying who the owner of the hair was.

But at this time.

Suddenly there was a 'boom', and the tomb path shook.

The slate moved suddenly, and began to rise steadily.

The moment the slate rises.

Guma saw a large cloud of black ink-like things quickly spread out in the sea!

Is it poisonous water??

He forcibly stabilized his emotions and took a closer look.

good guy.

These black ones aren't poison water, they're tons of hair!!

This time, Guma was really frightened!

do not know why.

When seeing this group of hair, Guma immediately remembered the white female ghost with thick black hair in the CG animation in "Sand in the Furious Sea"!!

He hurriedly turned around and swam back like crazy!

The netizens in front of the screen were even more frightened and stopped breathing:

"Fuck, Fatty is right, there really is a female ghost behind you!"

"No, this hair is too much, even female ghosts don't have so many female ghosts!

"This hair volume is estimated to be the hair volume of more than a dozen women combined?

"The fat man really owes his hands!"

"Players with claustrophobia may not feel well in this level!"5

"Looking at these hairs makes me numb!

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