I Developed The Seven Star Lu Palace To Scare Players Around The World

90. The tomb of the organ, every step is startling

In the dark undersea tomb.

A large mass of hair as black as ink emerged from under the slate.

Guma turned and fled almost the next second.

What he didn't expect was.

This fat guy can run faster than him, and he's already in front of him in less than two strokes!

at this time.

An Ning and Zhang Baldzi were still studying the bricks next to the tomb wall in the tomb passage.

clap clap!

When Guma passed by, he patted the two of them on the shoulders, and then pointed to the group of hair that was gradually coming.

The two turned to look.

When he saw the group of hair, he could clearly feel that the two of them were very shocked.


The four began to flee in the tomb passage.

After swimming back for about twenty meters, the fat man turned around and stopped, motioning everyone to look back at the situation.

Guma stopped and looked back.

I saw that the tomb passage at the back had been completely occupied by black hair, a large area of ​​lacquer black, which made one's throat tighten!


The fat man next to him seemed to curse.

I saw him pick up his fishing gun and fired a shuttle dart towards the head.


The shuttle dart turns into slow motion after shooting a few meters in the water.

Can't touch those hairs at all!


Just when the fat man wanted to fire another shot.

I saw that black hair swallowed and vomited, and in the deepest part of the hair, a corpse was actually spit out!

Guma was shocked.

Looking closely, I saw that this corpse was also wearing the same diving suit as himself. His nose and mouth were full of hair, and even hair came out from both eyeballs. Now the blisters are very swollen and very terrifying. .

What kind of monster is this clump of hair?

Can you make people look like this???

This thing is absolutely not to be messed with, you need to evacuate here quickly!

Guma thought of this, and quickly turned around to flee, but when he turned around, he found that Fatty and the others had already run far away!

"Damn, these people can really run!

Guma scolded in her heart and quickly followed.

Just caught up not long ago.

Zhang Bald suddenly grabbed everyone.

Guma looked at him and found that he had been winking behind the diving goggles.

"Fuck, will he find the mechanism?"

"If I remember correctly, this bald man seems to be a research expert at Mingdi Palace, and he may have actually found some clues!"

"Is the mysterious figure going to show off?"

"Hurry up and run, the black hair behind you is getting closer and closer!

"I'm so anxious to see it, so depressing!!"

"Yeah, even if the anchor says a few words, this whole process is in the sea, no matter what happens, you can only stare, watching us is too depressing!"

On the public screen of the live broadcast room, the barrage continued.

Netizens expressed their dismay.

The plot of this underwater tomb has no sound, just like a mime.

If you play by yourself, it's fine, but if you want to watch it, it's really itchy!

At this moment, Guma didn't have the mind to watch the barrage.

in sea water.

Bald Zhang pulled everyone, and then made a gesture to follow him.

Although Gu Ma, Fatty and the others were curious, they did so.

Seeing that everyone nodded, Zhang Baldy turned around and swam back a few meters awkwardly, pointing to a piece of the tomb wall that had been dented a bit for everyone to see.

Kumar took a closer look.

It was a tomb brick that had been dented by a small half.

But just now, he still remembered that there were no tomb bricks dented here. It was very likely that someone accidentally stepped on it while he was escaping!

Now the tomb brick is not completely sunken.

But whether it is the mechanism for entering the ancient tomb or the mechanism for dealing with tomb robbers, as long as the tomb brick is completely pressed down, you can see the difference!

Just when Guma wanted to write and discussed with Aning and others whether to press it.

I don't know which tendon of the bald man suddenly short-circuited, but he reached out and put his hand on the tomb brick and pressed it directly!


A series of strange movements sounded.

Before Guma could react, a huge thrust suddenly hit his back!

bang bang bang!

next moment.

A hole appeared in the tomb wall.

Everyone was pushed directly into the hole in the wall!

The water in the hole was swirling, like a front-loading washing machine, sucking the four people into it violently.

bang bang bang!

Guma's first angle of view was swirling, it was a mess, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Fighting shark.

Sister Zhou's live broadcast room.

The scene in the live room is similar to Guma's

She is also wandering in the seabed tomb at the moment, behind that strange hair.


But the plot is different.

The situation here is more critical than Guma's side, because a strand of hair from the back tangled up and wrapped directly around Fatty's ankle!

The fat man struggled desperately, but to no avail.

The bloated body was also slowly dragged back by that strand of black hair.


【Please immediately find the location of the organ that entered the tomb!】

【Otherwise it will be extremely dangerous!】

【Extremely dangerous!】

In the game, a few lines of subtitles suddenly jumped out.

"Looking for an agency??

Sister Zhou was taken aback for a moment, then she turned to look around.

This tomb is square and there are bricks everywhere, how can I find it?

Is it hard to knock bricks one by one?

"I'm going, Sister Zhou, why are you different from the story of God Guma?"

"Yes, you still have to find this agency yourself?

"I just came, and your plot is progressing fast enough!

"God Guma's side, Zhang Baldzi helped find it, why did you need to find it yourself...?

"I understand. Baldy Zhang must be that mysterious character. Sister Zhou must have not dealt with this mysterious character well before, so now she is in danger. Due to the low credit value, Bald Zhang did not help!"

Because some netizens like to wander around in various live broadcast rooms, and then compare the plots.

So when they came to Sister Zhou's live broadcast room, many water friends who came from Guma's live broadcast room realized that something was wrong.

Because on Guma's side, it was Zhang Baldzi who helped find the mechanism for entering the tomb.

And on Sister Zhou's side.

You actually need to find it yourself!

This Nima, such a big tomb path, how many times do I need to read the file to find the organ correctly??

"Find a hammer, I need to escape myself!""

While swimming in the tomb passage, Sister Zhou wrote the words on the writing board on her arm for netizens to read.

She believes that living is everything.


She didn't care about Fatty and the others, she turned around and ran away.


"Fatty Wang's trust in you is -5!

"The trust value of mysterious characters in you is -5!

Suddenly two prompts popped up.

In an instant, Sister Zhou's heart was half cold!

isn't it??


At this moment, Sister Zhou's foot was light, as if a tomb brick had been stepped on by herself.


next second.

The slate underfoot flipped over, and dozens of sharp knives stabbed at it!

puff puff!

Sister Zhou wailed, and her whole body was stabbed into a sieve by the array of sharp knives!!



Guma live broadcast room.

Just now because he was turned upside down, the first perspective was very confusing.

But at the moment.

The first perspective finally stabilized.

At this time, Guma put on a mask of pain, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

After a long time.

Guma turned and looked around.

The place where he is now is like a cylindrical well.


The material used for this well wall is actually the finest white marble!


I and others really entered the interior of the underwater tomb!

Turn around.

Fatty, Aning, and Baldy Zhang were also on the side, and it seemed that they were not lightly thrown by the few blows just now, but fortunately, they were all clenching their respirator, so no one drowned.

Guma kicked her legs.


Head out of the water!

With joy in his heart, he quickly spit out the respirator in his mouth and took a deep breath.

Good, no problem with air.

He made a 'safe' gesture to the few people below, then took off his diving goggles and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

This is an ear chamber, the entire ear chamber is a rectangle, empty, and there is no coffin bed and coffin.

In addition to the exquisite fifty-star map carved on the top of the tomb, there is only a dark corridor on the left.


puff puff!

At this time, Fatty and the others also got out of the water.

He spit out the respirator and scolded Zhang Bald: "You bald boy, can't we discuss anything about it, we will kill you sooner or later!

"Cough cough!"

Bald Zhang took off his respirator and coughed twice. He ignored Fatty and changed the subject: "What the heck is that black hair just now? Also, that vomited corpse seems to be your company. The person, Miss Aning!"5


Aning's face is not good-looking.

She sighed, and said with some lingering fear: "That corpse is one of the ones that went into the water with Wu Sanxing. 55

··For flowers....


Gu Ma was stunned for a moment and said, "How many people are there in total with the third uncle?


Guma: "Will they all be killed by that monster?"

Aning shook his head: "I don't know."

"Comrade Xiao Wu, your third uncle is so shrewd, he must not die.

"If you don't believe me, look.

The fat man pointed to the ground with a flashlight.

On the ground, you can clearly see a series of footprints, extending all the way to the corridor on the left side of the ear chamber.

The footprints are relatively new, they should have been left recently.

Fatty smiled and said, "I'm afraid these footprints were left by your third uncle, right??

"This probably is."

Guma nodded, feeling very reasonable.

After all, the third uncle disappeared in this sea area. According to his ability, generally speaking, he would not be killed by that black-haired monster.

This string of footprints is most likely the traces left by Wu Sansheng after entering the ancient tomb.

"Let's go, if your third uncle lay down for us, then the road behind will be easy to go." Fatty put the equipment on the ground, beckoned, and walked towards the corridor on the left side of the ear room.

Guma and others followed.

After walking into the corridor, what you see is a straight corridor built with white marble bricks, which is very simple.

There is an ancient lamp socket every one meter on both sides of the corridor. There are two small canals on both sides of the floor. At the end of the corridor, there is a jade door. The jade door is in an open state. It seems that someone was there before. Went in from here.


"Brother Wu.

At this time.

The fat man patted Guma's shoulder and said, "This bare stone road usually has traps. Look, is there any problem in this place? 35


Guma knew that this was his task.


How could he see if there were any traps here!

But the atmosphere is set off here, no matter what, you have to act!

So Guma turned on the flashlight, squatted down, and carefully lit the slates with the flashlight.


Did not see why.

Just when the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Gu Ma suddenly remembered something, and said, "My third uncle has been to this place before, so some organs may be destroyed or triggered by him, but if not... then we have to be careful."

Saying this is like saying nothing.

Old Riddler.

"Cough cough!

Facing the strange eyes of everyone, Guma stood up: "Follow me."


He tidied up his backpack and walked forward.


【Temporary mission starts!】

【Please lead the team and safely pass the tomb without triggering the mechanism!】

【Reward: Unknown!】

Just as he was about to leave, the prompt subtitles in the game jumped out.

"Pass without triggering the organ?"

"That means, does this tomb passage really have a mechanism? 39

Guma's expression was a little strange.

It seems that this tomb path is indeed a test for the players.

But it's a test.

But it is really difficult for Guma to distinguish the mechanism on the stone brick with the naked eye!

In fact, he is also very familiar with this kind of tomb passage.

Because in the real world, there are many movies or TV shows that have such plots.

For example, the protagonist accidentally stepped on some trap, and then in this narrow passage, he would frantically shoot some arrows, gravel and the like.

Here is the game.

With the maddening style of the game author, I believe that this tomb passage should not allow players to pass so easily.

But now it belongs to catching the ducks on the shelves.

There is no way to worry.

Guma carefully stepped on the bricks and walked quickly.

Before landing each step, he would carefully feel the touch of the soles of his feet. As long as there was something wrong, he would immediately kick his feet and switch to another piece to turn his head and step on it.

Walking like this is exhausting.

So in less than two minutes, Guma was directly sweating.

Fatty asked from behind, "Comrade Xiao Wu, why don't we take a break?"

"Don't be noisy, I'm easily distracted like this...


Guma hasn't finished speaking yet.

Suddenly the entire corridor shook.

Guma had a bad premonition in his heart, and he hurriedly looked back.

I saw that a stone brick under Aning's feet had been completely sunk by her, and she was looking at herself in horror at this time: "Mr. Wu, I... I seem to have stepped on the wrong place.

66" to.

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