It's Luo Ji!

Dai Xiaomei and the audience were shocked!

Unexpectedly, as soon as I continued the game, it would have already started. This is obviously the plot after Luo Ji successfully broke through the wall of the ice lake!

Three-Body 2 has only one most important mission!

That is to let the players reveal the secret for themselves!

Find the ultimate secret of the universe yourself!

Give players the best gaming experience.

But at this stage, Dai Xiaomei and the audience have not deduced the ultimate secret of the universe at all.

Nor can he complete Luo Ji's missions and tasks alone!


The game has a new plot design.

【Watch the first half and follow the prompts to complete the second half of the plot】

second half?

There's another first half!

Dai Xiaomei and nearly ten million viewers were surprised.

"I'll go, there are more and more ways to play the Three-Body Problem!"

"Isn't that great, haha, we can hardly guess what's below, it's very exciting!"

"And with this gameplay, we have almost witnessed the story of the entire world!"

"Yes, Luo Ji may be the most important, but other people should not be ignored. I am still thinking about my God Ding Yi. It's been hard work in the space station!"

It seems that what Luo Ji said just now is a summary of the whole plot.

Now, the group begins!

The first half of the plot begins!

Dai Xiaomei and the countless audiences hurriedly concentrated their attention, and now the plot is getting closer and closer to a climax!

Already found the spell!

The slightest bit of content, no one wants to miss it!

The picture gradually begins!

"Isn't this the small room where I first met Da Shi?"

Both Dai Xiaomei and the audience recognized her.

In this small room on the tenth floor of the basement.

Luo Ji is talking to Dr. Green!

After seeing Ringer, Luo Ji said: "In the universe, if there are other observers besides the three bodies, has the position of the earth been exposed so far?"


"Are you so sure?"


"But the earth has already communicated with Trisolaris."

Dr. Ringer explained with a smile: "This kind of low-frequency communication can only reveal the general direction of the earth and Trisolaris in the Milky Way, as well as the distance between the earth and Trisolaris.

"Other receivers only know that there are two civilizations in this region of the Milky Way's Orion Arm, 4.22 light-years apart."

"But the precise location of the two worlds is still unknown."

"Actually, mutual determination of positions through such interactive communication can only be achieved between stars that are very close to each other like the sun and Trisolaris."

"For third-party observers who are slightly further away, even if we interact with them directly, we cannot determine each other's positions."

Luo Ji didn't understand: "Why?"

Dr. Ringer made a very vivid analogy:

"Marking the location of a star to other observers in the universe is much easier than people think."

"As an analogy: you're flying over the Sahara in a plane, and a grain of sand down there shouts 'I'm here' at you, and you hear the cry, and you can tell that grain of sand on the plane. location?"

Luo Ji nodded, seemingly relieved, "I see, that's right."

"What's wrong?" Ringo asked puzzled.

The first half is over!

Dai Xiaomei and the audience are still in the fog.

The second half of the plot needs her to complete.

The hint of the game is out!

【Please talk to Dr. Green】

[1: Find a way to locate a star in the universe]

[Two: Find a way to broadcast the position of this star to the universe]

[Three: Through the PDC and the rights of the Wallfacers, broadcast the position of this star to the entire universe]

[Note: The star should be more than 45 light-years away from the solar system]

After reading the task prompt, the other girl and the audience first guessed the reason!

She pondered slightly: "It seems that this may be the content of the spell, but why do you want to do this?"

It was the same as her previous thought.

Use the power of other civilizations to sanction Trisolarans?

Then why not directly find the position of the Trisolaran?

Little girl Dai had three questions in her mind: "Dr. Ringer, I don't want to ask you a few things.

"Professor Luo, you are polite. It is my honor to explain to the Wallfacers." Dr. Linge was very polite.

Dai Xiaomei thought for a while and said: "Doctor, I want to know how to locate the position of a star in the universe and broadcast its position.

She threw out these two questions directly.

Dr. Linger thought for a while, and smiled: "This is very simple. Use a positionable VHF electromagnetic wave to send information to a star, and the star will flicker, just like a lighthouse, and broadcast the information. It is used by Ye Wenjie. That way."

Dai Xiaomei waved her hand: "I'm not talking about our sun, but the stars that are farther away."

Dr. Ringer shook his head right away: "That's no good, we don't have such power transmitting equipment."

The little girl said, "Is there any other way?"

Since the game has designed this plot.

There must be a way.

Dr. Linge fell into deep thought, and said for a while:

"There is a way, but the technical level required to interpret this kind of location information is much higher than that of humans, and even... I think, higher than the Trisolaran civilization."

Dai Xiaomei showed joy: "Talk about it first."

"The relative position of the stars is an important piece of information. If a region of space is designated in the Milky Way, and the number of stars contained in it is large enough, perhaps dozens of stars are enough, then the relative arrangement of these stars in this three-dimensional space is Almost unique in the universe, like a fingerprint."

Little girl Dai's eyes lit up after thinking about it for a while: "I understand, if the relative position information of the star to be specified and the surrounding stars is sent out, and the receiver compares it with the star map, the position of the star can be determined. ?”

Dr. Ringer sighed: "Yes, but things are not that simple. The receiver needs to have a three-dimensional model of the entire Milky Way. This model contains all the hundreds of billions of stars, and their relative positions are accurately marked."

This is really not easy, equivalent to recording the relative position of every grain of sand in a desert.

Both Dai Xiaomei and the audience felt the difficulty!

There are too many stars in the entire Milky Way!

Definitely looking for a needle in a haystack!

But this is the only way!

She could only ask: "Is it difficult for us to send this kind of location information?"

Dr. Ringer said with a smile:

"This is not difficult, because we only need to master the limited star position composition. Now think about it, with the average star density in the outer spiral arm of the Milky Way, thirty stars position composition is enough, or even less , which is only a small amount of information.”

Little girl Dai became nervous: "Okay, according to the positions of the stars we know, are there any star systems that are more than 45 light-years away?"

#187J3X1 is located 49.5 light-years from the Sun. "

Very good!

Dai Xiaomei said happily: "This is very good, can you make a composition of the position of this star?"

"of course can."

"How long will it take? Do you need any help?"

"All you need is a computer with Internet access, and I can do it here. According to the composition of thirty stars, I can give it to you tonight.

Dai Xiaomei quickly stood up to express her gratitude to Dr. Linge.

"You're welcome." After Dr. Linge said this, he went to the computer room next door to make a star map for the little girl.

Now, the first two tasks have been successfully completed.

Next is the third!

Dai Xiaomei waved to Kanter at the door: "Kanter, I want the Planetary Defense Council to hold a meeting as soon as possible, there are important things to discuss."

Although Little Sister Dai and the audience don't know what the ultimate secret of the universe Luo Ji comprehends!

Don't know what the purpose of the spell is either.

But they are very clear about one thing: this has a great deterrent effect on Trisolarans!

Kanter came in and said: "There have been a lot of meetings in the PDC recently, and you may have to wait a few days after you apply."

Dai Xiaomei said solemnly: "As soon as possible, this is a very important matter. It is the wall-facing plan. You tell Say, and she will know."

"Okay, I'll try it. 11 Kanter agreed and walked out the door quickly.

Going to ask for instructions!

Now, Little Sister Dai finally has time to think about summarizing!

She excitedly said to the audience: "Brothers, the spell is the position map of the stars, and the star is the target of the spell, we just need to figure it out!"

"You will know the ultimate secret of the universe!"

"That's what the spell does!"

After the voice fell, the nearly ten million viewers in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited!

They were summing up just now!

The conclusion reached is the same as that of the dumb girl!

Now they are all excited and frantically communicating in the barrage.

"Hurry up, brothers, what does the spell do!?"

"What was Luo Ji's starting point, and why did he broadcast the position of that star to the universe?"

"Quick, quick, is there a big brother? With this explanation, we can easily guess the ultimate secret of the universe!"

"I can't wait to find out, and it's finally here!"


The audience was excited, but there was a string stuck in their minds!

If the effect of the spell is lethal.

Why not directly broadcast the location of Trisolaran?

At this point, they can't figure it out!

Therefore, the whole thing is lost, because this is an extremely important part!

Base: "Unexpected, really unexpected, but I have a hunch that this spell is definitely not a good thing!"

"I can't think of it either, I always feel that there are still some conditions missing."

"Then the host should hurry up and start the plot, I really can't wait!"

The key information is still missing!

For example, what is the purpose of the broadcast, to tell the civilization of the Milky Way that there is a star there?

It's not that simple.

Little Sister Dai can't figure it out, but she is also very curious now!

Curiosity is unbearable!

She quickly continues the game!

【Under the circumstances that I couldn’t hold on to the air-raid shelter, the video conference was held soon

Dai Xiaomei got the game prompt again.

She is needed to complete the plot!

The audience could see the surprise in her eyes. If it wasn't for the video conference, she would have jumped up excitedly!

"Damn it, what hint did the old woman get, so excited?!"

"I rub it, brothers, it's not the effect of the spell!"

"It's possible, shit, it looks like we're going to find out!"

"Hurry up, I can't take it anymore!"

Just as the audience watched impatiently and very curiously.

Planetary Defense Council's Appeal Meeting on Wallfacer Luo Ji——Officially Started!

The chairman took the lead in saying: "Because of the civil protests against the wall-facing plan, there are very few resources you can use now."

"No problem, it hardly consumes any resources. Little girl stay

Suppressing the excitement.

The chairman nodded and said, "Then let's find out."

"I think the representatives have already obtained the corresponding documents. In short, it is to send a message to the universe through the sun's radio wave amplification function."

Dai Xiaomei thought for a while and continued: "The information only includes three simple graphics, and some additional information, indicating that these graphics are sent by intelligent bodies rather than formed naturally.

The graphics are attached to the meeting documents. "

There was a sound of flipping papers in the venue, and soon every participant found the three pieces of paper.

At the same time, the three graphics are also displayed on the screen,

Really simple, each graph is just some black dots that seem to be randomly distributed.

"What is this?" asked the representative of Eagle Country, and at the same time, like other participants, looked at the pictures in turn.

"Wallfacer Luo Ji 403, according to the basic principles of the Wallfacer Project, you don't have to answer this question." The chairman said.

"This is a spell!" Dai Xiaomei said excitedly.

The flipping of papers and whispers in the venue came to an abrupt end, and everyone looked up at Miss Dai.

"What!?" the chairman asked, narrowing his eyes.

"He said it was a spell." Someone at the big round table said loudly.

"The spell against whom?" asked the chairman.

Dai Xiaomei replied: "The planets owned by the star 187J3X1, of course, may also directly affect the star!"

"What will it do?"

"It's not known yet, but one thing is clear: the effect of the spell must be catastrophic.

When Little Sister Dai said this, her eyes glanced excitedly, and she was also speaking to the audience in the live broadcast room!

"How long does it take for the spell to work after it's cast?"

"This star is about 50 light-years away from the sun, so the earliest time for the spell to work is 50 years later, and we will not be able to observe the image of the action until 100 years later.

After a period of silence in the meeting place, the Eagle Country representative took the first step, throwing the piece of paper with black dots on the table.

With sarcasm: "Very well, we finally have a god."

"The god hiding in the cellar." The representative of the country on which the sun never sets echoed, and laughter resounded in the venue.

"It's more likely a wizard." Sakura representative snorted.

"Dr. Luo Ji, as far as making the plan weird and inexplicable, you have done it." Russian representative Garning said.

The sarcasm of the representatives of these other countries made the audience unable to stand it!

"Crap! What do these bastards know? That is the ultimate secret of the universe. Do you understand it ultimately!?"

"Damn it, expect the spell to work and smack 'em in the face!"

"Really don't understand the gold content of being chased and killed by the three-body order twice?"

"These people are really stupid, don't they know that the anchor is the only person who wants to kill the three-body problem?"


The chairman tapped the gavel to stop the noise in the venue: "Wallfacer Luo Ji, I have a question: Since it's a spell, why doesn't it directly target the enemy's world?"

Dai Xiaomei said: "This is an experiment to prove my own strategic assumptions. The real implementation of the strategy will come when the doomsday battle comes."

"Can't the Trisolaran world be the target of the experimental spell?"

Little girl Dai shook her head resolutely: "Absolutely not, it's too close, it's too close to us, and when the spell takes effect, it may affect us. I even gave up fifty light years away for this reason.

A star with planets inside. "

"One last question: what do you intend to do in this hundred years or more?"

Dai Xiaomei said the last sentence: "Hibernate, wake me up when you observe the effect of the spell on the 187J3X1 galaxy."

The meeting is over!

The information she got from the audience this time is so crucial!

ps: Please ask for a monthly pass! Please customize, thank you for supporting broadcast!.

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