I Developed The Three-Body Game And Shocked Players All Over The World!

061: Get Half Of The Ultimate Secret, The Third Wall-Breaker!

All the audience in the live broadcast room are very excited!

The effect of the spell is disastrous!

It's been said quite bluntly!

That star system will be destroyed, why not directly affect Trisolaris, because it is too close to the earth!

Afraid of being implicated!

Two key pieces of information are all at once!

After the meeting was over, Dai Xiaomei immediately said to the live broadcast room with a face full of surprise: "My family, the truth is revealed. The function of the spell is to find other forces in the universe!"

Countless audiences were very enthusiastic in the barrage.

"Haha, I heard it, it turns out that this is a spell!"

"As long as the position of the star system is broadcast to the universe, other forces will destroy that star system. What's the reason?"

"We know the effect, but the cause is the ultimate secret!"

"It's terrible, this is the spell, but what is the principle? Why do other forces in the universe destroy that star system?"

Yes, I know the spell, and I know the purpose!

But I don't know why!

Just like Darwin's theory of evolution, we know the result but not the process.

Now it's time to reverse the process based on the results!

Amidst the excitement, Dai Xiaomei and the audience were thinking crazily, based on the known information!

Now that is to say, as long as this galaxy is exposed in the universe to have intelligent life.

will be destroyed!

Or was it invaded?

Survival is the first need of civilization!

Civilization continues to grow and expand, but the total mass of the universe remains the same!


The eyes of Dai Xiaomei and all the audience lit up, and there were already many people swiping the screen on the bullet screen!

"The accumulation of primitive capital!"




Almost everyone got the same answer. According to Ye Wenjie's reminder, there is also the question of wars in human history.

Almost all for resources!

"So in the universe, it is also for resources? After all, civilization is growing and expanding, but the total mass of the universe, which is resources, remains the same!"

"That's right, brother, you are exactly what I think!"

"It's all right, it must be the brothers!"

"Quack, we're so smart!"

"Is this the ultimate secret of the universe, as long as it is revealed, it means destruction!?"

"It's almost there, anyway, I'm going to be invaded by Blue!"

These bullet screens on the bullet screen are almost swiping the screen, and Dai Xiaomei also felt this at first, but many of them felt that something was wrong!

She frowned and shook her head, "Brothers, it shouldn't be this, it feels wrong to me."

After she spoke, the barrage finally slowed down.

Now, the speeches of some bigwigs have finally been seen.

Base: "It won't be for resource plundering. Although the quality of the universe is limited, there are too many resources. If you can reach that kind of civilization, you can open resources everywhere."

Orion Wanderer: "That's right, as long as technology advances, gaseous planets and asteroid belts are all resources. There is no need to come all the way from other places for the resources of a living planet."

"Ah this..."

In addition to the two of them, there are many scholars who are explaining.

As long as you master antimatter and nuclear energy.

The universe is full of resources.

There is no need to go all the way to plunder resources for a living planet.

Moreover, a professional boss said: "The colonization you want to talk about is impossible, because planets without ecosystems are the best to colonize. Because life is difficult to adapt to the ecology of other planets except for the ecosystem of the parent planet." Systematically, to colonize living planets, it is better to establish an ecosystem on a terrestrial planet without an atmosphere."

That's very professional!

But it is also easy to understand that to build an ecosystem on a planet without an ecosystem, one can build one that is not too big or too small, just right.

But the living planet has a complete ecosystem.

You can't change the ecosystem of a planet at all.

Unless the surface of the entire planet is turned over. (ps: This is a fact. In some novels, living planets are very precious and can be colonized, but that is all nonsense)

After reading the explanations of the bigwigs, the audience gradually fell silent.


Why destroy an intelligent planet?

Dai Xiaomei called out all the information clue cards again, and she was also struggling to find the answer.

When the attention is looking at the past from one clue to another.

She was suddenly attracted by the last one.

———Technological explosion can make weak civilizations threaten powerful civilizations.

I watched it for a while.

There seemed to be inspiration flickering in Little Sister Dai's mind.

But just can't get it right!

She looked at the first one again, survival is the first need of civilization.

Then turn to the fourth article.

Chain of suspicion.

What does chain of suspicion mean?

These words kept flashing in Xiaomei's mind, and she thought of Da Shi's words, and connected all the information together.

Could it be that powerful civilizations are afraid that weak civilizations have experienced technological explosions.

Then threaten yourself.

So just kill him in the bud?

Dai Xiaomei came to this conclusion.

But I still feel that there are some deficiencies and not very perfect, because the information of the suspicion chain is useless.

She also had to figure out what the chain of suspicion meant.

Then perfectly integrate the meaning of the chain of suspicion into the conclusion just now, perhaps that is the ultimate secret of the universe!


Little girl Dai knows that she has already got half of it!

A confident smile appeared on her face.

It was discovered by the audience at once.

"Fuck, what does the old woman know, tell us quickly`".

"It looks like I must know something!"

"The anchor, tell me!"

Little girl Dai smiled, shook her head slowly, and said: "Brothers, I can't tell you yet, I don't know much, and I have to continue to get clues.

The theme of Three-Body 2 is decryption after all, and she wants to save it until the end.

Wait for the final conclusion.

Say it together again.

Now this is not accurate at all!

"Damn it, the anchor is such a dog, woo woo, tell me quickly, I'm going to lose my head!"

"Anchor, I suggest not to be a dog!"

"I'm crying, the old woman played three-body problem, she is no longer the simple anchor she used to be."

"Three-Body problem has come out for the anchor to play."

Dai Xiaomei was provoked, and joked: "According to the wall-facer rule, I can't tell anyone, I'm a wall-facer now."

After she finished speaking, she continued to start the game!

The meeting is over, and Luo Ji, who she plays, is about to hibernate, but the PDC meeting is not over yet.

In the game screen is the shot of the PDC scene.

No plot.

Why are you looking at these?

Just when countless audiences were puzzled, they suddenly saw someone running in from outside the venue and whispered something in the chairman's ear.

The chairman's complexion gradually became serious.

Obviously what the man said was a very serious matter.

He scanned the venue with his eyes, looked more at the representatives who mocked Little Sister Dai just now, and said solemnly:

"Just got the news that Three-Body World has issued an order to ETO for the second time to eliminate Luo Ji."

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Especially those people who just ridiculed.

There was some embarrassment on his face.


The slap came too fast!

Just now they laughed and mocked him as a wizard and a god, and they were doing some weird and posturing things.

As a result, Trisolarans took it very seriously.

Some people in the meeting immediately looked at the representatives just now with mocking eyes.

Embarrass them.

This scene immediately delighted the audience!

Just say why you look at the venue.

It turns out that there is such a big game!

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, your faces are so cheap, I made you laugh at them just now!"

"Cool! Haha, I said why the game still plays this!"

"It's so cool! Damn, let you mock us Chinese people!"

"It's so exciting, I just like watching this, my face is slapped."

In the meeting place, the representative of Sakura Kingdom asked puzzledly: "He, is he really so important?"

A military commander said: "Do you think he was a flamboyant playboy first, and then a fake wizard who put on airs? Of course, we also think so, everyone thinks so, except Trisolaran."

Cherry Blossom represented a bad complexion, and said, "Then General, what do you think he is?"

"Do you believe in God?" This abrupt question made Sakura representative momentarily at a loss for words.

"God, there are multiple meanings on multiple levels at the moment, didn't know you..."

"I believe it, not because there is any evidence, but it is safer to do so: if there is a God, our faith is right; if there is no [we have nothing to lose]

The general's words made everyone laugh.

Someone asked: "So what if God exists? Does it have anything to do with these things?"

The general said: "If God exists, he may have a spokesman on earth."

People froze for a long time before they understood the meaning of these words. An astronomer said: "General, what are you talking about? God will choose a spokesperson in an atheistic country?"

Luo Ji was a native of Hua, and most of Hua's scholars were atheists.

The general spread his arms and said, "If all other possibilities are ruled out, and the remaining one, however bizarre, is true, can you think of any other explanation?"

At this time, the chairman looked deeply and said: "If God refers to some kind of justice power that transcends all that exists in the universe.

The general raised his hand to stop him from continuing, as if stating everything would reduce the power of this fact: "So, everyone, believe in it, you can start to believe in it."

As he spoke, he made a sign of the cross on his chest.

This episode is over, and Dai Xiaomei and the audience are very happy to watch.

After all, no matter who it is, in that kind of meeting.

Being ridiculed like that by a good person.

Will be upset.

In particular, it still represents the country of Hua.

Now it's finally out of breath.

The official plot begins!

It's not Luo Ji's voice, but the prompt of the game, with sound and picture at the same time.

【Before you hibernate, you were infected with a deadly wind and cold by the Trisolaran with a genetic weapon】

[So I can only enter hibernation as soon as possible to treat in the future]

【Ten years have passed】

[In the 20th year of the Crisis Era, the Wallfacers Rey Diaz and Hines were awakened at the same time]

【The supercomputer they were waiting for appeared】

[Subsequently, Hines the Wallfacer invented the "Thought Stamp", which can artificially imprint certain thoughts in people's nerves, and firmly believe in them]

[After a series of discussions, the thought seal was banned because no one can control other people's thoughts]

[Finally, the ideological seal is under strict supervision and is only used by space forces who voluntarily accept the spirit of imprinting victory]

Hines' results shocked countless audiences!

How could there be such a thing?

All looked at the screen in disbelief, a little scared.

"Fuck, this thought stamp is too scary!"

"To control people's thoughts, it really can't be used, the consequences are too serious, but I think branding victory is fine, and it's great to use it here!"

"What about arresting defeatist people and branding them triumphant?"

". "Refrain from upstairs, that is a crime, only escapeism is labeled as ETO, defeatism is not.

"This thing is so fucking scary, it's much scarier than brainwashing!"

"Yeah, I get goosebumps just thinking about someone using this thing for me!"

Under the discussion of the audience, the sound of the game continued.

[Subsequently, Wallfacer Hines and his wife tried to sleep again

[At the same time, the production of the stellar hydrogen bomb needed by Ray Diaz began]

[He insisted on digging a very deep pit on Mercury to test the power of the first hydrogen bomb]

[And it shows that one million star-type super-large hydrogen bombs are needed in the first stage]

【On the day when the test was successful】

[Rey Diaz welcomes a solemn guest]

The sound has fallen, and the cg screen is about to start playing!

Because this happened when Luo Ji was hibernating, the player couldn't get the information from the first-person perspective or from electronic tools such as TV.

But for the completeness of the story.

The game is directly made into a cg plot.

Both Dai Xiaomei and the audience like the cg in Three Body, because the picture quality is very good [plus perfect special effects.

It looks very ornamental.

It is much more cost-effective than a vr movie ticket of several hundred yuan!

Everyone got slightly excited when they saw that the cg was going to be played.

Can have cg in this kind of plot!

The identity of the guest of the Wallfacer Ray Diaz was almost immediately thought of by everyone.

What happens next will be very interesting!

【After becoming a Wallfacer】

[Rey Diaz once suffered from severe heliophobia]

【He dare not see the sun】

[More than ten hours after the Mercury experiment ended]

Viewers quickly saw that Rey Diaz was watching TV.

In the TV, after the hydrogen bomb exploded, some debris from Mercury was splashed into outer space, and then attracted by Mercury's gravity.

A bright ring of stars forms around Mercury.

at this time.

The gatekeeper's voice came through the microphone: "Sir, the psychiatrist you made an appointment with is here."

"I never called a psychiatrist, tell him to go away!"

"Come on, Mr. Rey Diaz."

Another more calm voice sounded, obviously a visitor: "I can let you see the sun."

"Get lost!" Rey Diaz yelled (by Wang Zhao).

Then he changed his mind: "No, arrest this idiot and find out where he came from."

...because I know your cause. The voice continued calmly: "Mr. Rey Diaz, please believe me, only the two of us know in this world." "

This made Rey Diaz immediately alert, and he immediately said, "Let him in."

Then, he stared at the ceiling for a few seconds with absent-minded eyes, and slowly stood up.

He picked up the tie from the messy sofa, threw it down again, and went to the mirror to straighten his collar.

He combed the messy hair with his hands again, as if he was about to welcome some solemn event.

He knew that this was indeed a solemn matter.

The person who came was a handsome middle-aged man. He did not introduce himself after he walked in the door. The strong smell of cigars and alcohol in the room made him frown slightly.

Then he just stood there, accepting Lei Diaz's scrutiny frankly.

"How do I feel like I've seen you somewhere?" Rey Diaz said, sizing up the visitor.

"No wonder, Mr. Rey Diaz, they say I look like Superman, the one in the old movies."

"You really think you're Superman?" Rey Diaz said, sitting down on the couch, picking up a cigar, biting off the head and lighting it up.

"Asking like this means that you already know who I am. I'm not a superman, Mr. Rey Diaz, and neither are you." The young man said, taking a step forward.

Rey Diaz found that he was already standing in front of him, looking down at him through the puff of smoke he had just exhaled, so he also stood up.

Someone said: "Wallfacer Manuel Reydíaz, I am your wallbreaker."

Rey Diaz nodded darkly.

"Can I sit?" the Wall Breaker asked.

"No. Rey Diaz breathed a slow puff of cigarette into his face.

"You don't have to be depressed." The wall-breaker smiled thoughtfully.

"I didn't." Rey Diaz's voice was as hard as stone.

But his heart was already trembling slightly.

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