I Developed The Three-Body Game And Shocked Players All Over The World!

062: Passed Away One After Another, Crisis Era 205!

The wall-breaker went to the wall, flipped a switch, and the ventilation fan buzzed somewhere.

"Don't mess with anything here," Rey Diaz warned.

The man who broke the wall didn't stop: "You need fresh air, and more sunshine, I often watch you walking around here like a trapped animal for hours on end."

"No one in this world has stared at you for such a long time except me, and at that time, please believe me, I was no more relaxed than you.

The Wallbreaker looked directly at Rey Diaz, who remained expressionless like a cold statue.

He went on.

"You pursued the super nuclear bomb with crazy enthusiasm, such a weapon with very low efficiency in space warfare, struggling in the maze you set up, and was almost desperate at one point.

The broken wall man looked at the ceiling with emotion, recalling his difficult years: "Do you know how I finally knew your true intention?"

Rey Diaz sneered, he remained silent, waiting for the wallbreaker to continue.

"It is very wrong for you to insist on carrying out a nuclear explosion on Mercury. You once asked someone to study the atmosphere of the Trisolaran sun, and finally found that it was caused by the planet falling into the sun.

"In the three-body star system, if there are no three suns pulling each other gravitationally, the atmosphere of the sun will continue to expand and eventually swallow everything."

"Your real strategic plan is just like this. You want to use the impact of the nuclear bomb to slow down Mercury, causing it to lose its spin speed, and then be attracted by the sun's gravity, and finally fall into the sun, and then the surface of the sun will be born. Huge storms that form the atmosphere."

"The solar system has only one sun, and there is no gravitational pull, so the sun's atmosphere will continue to expand, and soon wrap Venus, Mars, and the atmosphere will rub against the planets.

Make it lose its running speed, and eventually fall into the sun, and the atmosphere expands further. "

"By analogy, in the end, when human beings fail, you detonate the nuclear bomb, and under the continuous expansion of the solar atmosphere, the Trisolarans who occupy the solar system will be swallowed up by the sun and will be destroyed together with human beings."

"For Trisolarans, the solar system is the only hope before their planets are swallowed by three stars, and there is no second world that can immigrate in time. In this way, following humans, the Trisolaran civilization will also perish completely .”

"This is your all-in-one strategy. When everything is ready and all the hydrogen bombs are in place on Mercury, you will use it to blackmail Trisolaris [and ultimately allow humanity to win

"The above is the result of many years of work by me, your wallbreaker, and I don't want to ask for your opinion and evaluation, because we all know it is true."

During the 800 journey told by the Wall Breaker, Rey Diaz has been listening silently, and the cigar in his hand has already smoked more than half.

Now he kept turning his cigar, as if admiring the light from the cigarette butt.

"Your idea is crazy, but it is really spectacular, even, beautiful. If the chain reaction triggered by the fall of Mercury is really realized, it will be the most magnificent movement in the solar system

Dai Xiaomei's live broadcast room was very quiet, and everyone listened very carefully to the analysis of the broken wall.

It is really exciting for the Wallfacer to be broken.

Until this sentence comes out!

The screen suddenly changed!

A ball of fire appeared, and it was the sun!

Everyone was taken aback.

what's the situation!?

Suddenly, Mercury next to the sun exploded, and the entire surface of Mercury trembled violently!

Everyone's eyes widened!

Eyes bursting with excitement!

That's Rey Diaz's wall-facing plan!

Mercury quickly lost its revolution speed, and then fell into the sun under the acceleration of time!

The surface of the sun suddenly seemed to have exploded a super large nuclear bomb!

Infinite nuclear energy materials are ejected!

Rotate around the sun!

Finally, the atmosphere is formed!

Then it expanded rapidly, and everything was exactly as the wall-breaker said!

But the game will this spectacular scene!

Showcased for all audiences!

"Damn it, it's so shocking, the big scene finally appeared in the Japanese body 2!"

"It's so scary, this is even more terrifying than the three-day volley, being directly separated by the atmosphere of the sun, who can bear it!"

"Damn it, this is Rey Diaz's plan, it's more than twice as strong as Taylor's Ghost Fleet, it's so spectacular!"

"I was shocked, none of these Wallfacers are simple!"

The sun swallows the planet, this scene is really spectacular!

Just looking at it from the screen, it is already very amazing, but the perspective of Dai Xiaomei vr [Jane is too shocking!

She felt like she was almost speechless!

Seems to be being swallowed by the sun!

After a long time, the little girl was stunned and said: "Brothers, when you enter the game and use the vr perspective, you will know how crazy this scene is!"

This is truly the most magnificent movement in the solar system!

The content on the screen goes back to Rey Diaz's basement.

The Wallbreaker continued: "Mr. Rey Diaz, you are a God-like Wallfacer, it is my honor to be your Wallbreaker.

He stood up and bowed very sincerely to Rey Diaz (bhcf).

Rey Diaz didn't look at The Wall Breaker, took a puff of his cigar, exhaled white smoke and continued to study the cigarette butt: "Okay, then I'll ask the same question Taylor asked."

The Wall Breaker articulated the question for him: "What if all this is true?"

Rey Diaz nodded, staring at the flame of the cigarette.

"My answer is the same as Taylor's Wall Breaker."

"The Lord doesn't care."

This sentence made Dai Xiaomei and the audience startled again!

The Lord doesn't care!

Again the Lord doesn't care!

Trisolarans are really suffocating human beings!

Except for the ultimate secret of the universe, it seems that the Lord doesn't care about any means!

This shows the magic and power of the ultimate secret of the universe!

Make the audience more and more curious!

And in the basement.

The words of the wallbreaker also successfully allowed Rey Diaz, who had worked hard for decades, to break through the defense!

He bears the hope of mankind!

Carrying on with load day after day!

Develop this mutual deterrence strategy!

Turns out the Lord doesn't care!

No one can bear this kind of blow at this moment!

"Hahahahahaha" Rey Diaz pointed at the Wall Breaker while laughing.

"Hehe, Superman, hahahaha, I remembered, that, that old version of Superman, who can fly, can turn the earth upside down, but was riding a horse... ha ha ha ha... broke his neck while riding a horse... Ah ha ha ha ha..."

"The one who broke his neck was Reeve, the actor who played Superman. The Wall Breaker corrected calmly.

Do you think, think that your end will be better than his... Hahahaha..."

"Since I'm here, I don't care about my fate. I've lived a fulfilling life."

The Wallbreaker said calmly, "It's you, Mr. Rey Diaz, who should think about your fate."

"You were the first to die."

Rey Diaz said with a smile on his face, and at the same time pressed the cigarette butt in his hand between the wallbreaker's eyes.


The screen is black!

Dai Xiaomei and countless viewers can already imagine the result of the Wall Breaker.

Must be killed by the angry and desperate Ray Diaz!

But nothing makes sense anymore!

The Lord doesn't care.

Wallbreakers don't care either.

The audience was also somewhat silent.

The sound in the game continues, and the story is not over yet.

[Rey Diaz's plan was announced to the world, and at the PDC meeting, his plan to face the wall was stopped]

[and was accused of crimes against humanity, because his plan was to die with the enemy]

【This is impossible for all human beings to tolerate】

[Two Wallfacers want to deal with the enemy in a self-destructive way, and all human beings are becoming more and more disgusted with the Wallfacer plan

[Everywhere in the world is calling for the suspension of the wall-facing program]

[Rey Diaz has removed his identity as a Wallfacer, his heliophobia has finally healed, and he is no longer afraid of the sun]

【In the end, Rey Diaz wants to return to his dearest motherland】

【The people there love him very much. Before Wallfacer, he was the president and led the country to rise】

The picture appeared again, the sky was clear, and Rey Diaz was sitting on the plane relaxed.

After being the upper face.

He had never felt so relaxed.

He's almost home.

His assistant Garning is taking him home.

Parting, Rey Diaz said to Garning: "Let them not suspend the Wallfacer plan, this is the only hope in this war, and there are two Wallfacers on my behalf to wish them all the best."

it is good. 17

"I probably won't see them either."

Garning was very sad. After Rey Diaz left, he was the only one left on the plane, already in tears.

I have reached my twilight years.

Not going to hibernate.

And where do I say hello to the two hibernating Wallfacers?

After returning to the capital, Rey Diaz raised his hands high, and with tears in his eyes, he called out affectionately to the crowd flocking to him: "Ah, my people!"

The first stone thrown by his people hit his upraised left hand.

A second stone hit him in the chest and a third hit his forehead and knocked him down.

Then, the stones of the people rained down.

In the end, his lifeless body was almost buried.

The last rock thrown at Wallfacer Rey Diaz was thrown by an old lady.

She struggled to hold the rock up to Reydíaz's body and said in Spanish:

"Wicked man, you want to kill everyone, but there is my grandson inside, and you want to kill my grandson!"

As she spoke, she exhausted all her strength and tremblingly smashed the rock in her hand onto Rey Diaz's broken head exposed from the pile of stones.

The cg screen ends.

The live broadcast room is as quiet as death!

Countless viewers stared straight at the screen, their hearts twitching violently!


Little girl Dai and the audience didn't expect that Rey Diaz, a great Wallfacer, would end up like this!

What about goodwill among people?

In the face of survival.

Is it really so small?

Yes, it is true that his plan is to die with the Trisolarans, to threaten the Trisolarans, and to win this war!

His purpose is to win a ray of life for mankind!

The original intention is not to destroy everything!

How could his people not understand him so much?

It is a tragic thing for a Wallfacer who has been suffering and tormented in his heart to end up in such a tragic end.

Someone is typing on the keyboard, but they still don't know what to say.

Finally just lit a cigarette.

Silence remained.

Survival is the first need of civilization and the first need of life. In the face of survival, people seem to have no good intentions.

in the silence of all.

The game continues.

[The only unstoppable thing is time, it is like a sharp blade, changing everything as it advances]


One year, Chang Weisi retired, the last time he appeared in the media]

【He frankly admits that he has no confidence in the victory of the war】

【He died at the age of sixty-eight. He was still very conscious when he was dying, and he repeated Zhang Beihai's name many times】

[Wu Yue spent the rest of his life depressed and confused, and died alone at the age of seventy-seven]

[Same as Chang Weisi, he also chanted Zhang Beihai's name at the last moment]

[This strong warrior who is in hibernation and spanning time entrusts their common hope for the future

[Say, after leaving office, launched the Human Memorial Project, the goal is to comprehensively collect information and commemorative objects of human civilization, and finally send them to the universe with an unmanned spacecraft]

[The Planetary Defense Council believes that the Human Memorial Project may contribute to defeatist sentiment, equating it with escapism]

[But Say continued to make personal efforts for the cause until his death at the age of eighty-four]

[After Garning and Kantor retired, they lived in seclusion in the Nordic Garden of Eden where Luo Ji had lived for five years, and they never showed up to the outside world again]

[Dr. Ringer lived to be more than eighty years old, and then the telescope finally saw the three-body planet

[Ding Yi has been researching sophons after he made a breakthrough in nuclear fusion, but in the end he didn't make any achievements]

[After the age of seventy, like other physicists, he completely despaired of the possibility of a breakthrough in physics, and he went into hibernation, planning to wake up at the end of the war]

[The only hope is to be able to see what the super technology of the Three-Body World looks like with my own eyes in my lifetime]

【Wang Miao spent the rest of his life in the laboratory until he was 104 years old】

【One century after the three-body crisis, people who lived in the golden age have passed away】

【This era will be constantly remembered in the future】

【The young people who listened to the old man doubted whether the mythical peace, prosperity and happiness, the carefree like a paradise, really existed】

[With the departure of the old people, the gradually receding Gold Coast completely disappeared into the mist of history]

【Now, the ship of human civilization has sailed alone to the vast ocean

[Looking around, there are only boundless and dangerous waves, no one knows whether the other shore really exists]

Watching the information constantly flashing on the screen, the hearts of the audience are very heavy.

Time is not forgiving!

Those familiar ones bring countless feelings and joy to everyone.

The characters who captivated everyone's hearts passed away one after another.

It seems that the story is coming to an end.

Everyone felt very reluctant in their hearts. General Chang Weisi, Wu Yue, Sai, Wang Miao...

Etc., etc!

Someone said solemnly: "Three-body, you succeeded, you killed all these characters, woo woo woo, tears in my eyes!"

"My heart is so uncomfortable, why so fast.

"Hey, Sai, I really like it, I didn't expect it to be so soon."

"General Chang Weisi is also a defeatist. I didn't expect it. My heart is so heavy. I feel that the ending doesn't seem very good."

"Me too, this passage is too heavy, I'm afraid something will happen in the end!"

"Isn't there a spell sent out?"

"Don't forget, that spell is just an experiment. It remains to be seen whether it will work or not. No one knows."

"Hey, I hope the Three-Body Problem will give me a perfect ending for Big Brother Shi and Ding Yishen!"

"Add 1, Brother Wang Miao has already been stabbed, Brother Da Shi and Ding Yishen are gone!"

"I agree, we must give us Big Shi and Ding Yishen a happy ending!"

Immediately afterwards, the last two lines appeared on the screen.

【Time is like a traveler, never stop working

[Crisis Era 205 Years]

【You have been awakened from hibernation】

The audience immediately regained their spirits and wanted to know with a heavy heart.

Did the spell work?

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