I Developed The Three-Body Game And Shocked Players All Over The World!

068: What Does Destroying You Have To Do With You?

Ding Yi's request was quickly approved by the fleet, after the expedition team set off.

The "Quantum" and the two star-class battleships "Bronze Age" adjacent to it in the formation entered the deep sea state.

Dai Xiaomei and Ding Yi are still on the Quantum.

Waiting for the water droplets to be captured before going forward to investigate, Ding Yi has been looking at the image coming from the front in the cabin, with a gloomy expression on her face, deep in thought.

From time to time, he showed worried eyes.

Little girl Dai found Ding Yi, hesitated for a moment and said: "Mr. Ding, what are you thinking.-"

Like Wang Miao, she directly asked Ding Yi if she had any questions.

Ding Yi turned her head and glanced at Dai Xiaomei.

He said tremblingly: "It's nothing, actually...it's useless to think about anything now, I just want to see what level the Trisolarans' technology has reached."

Little Sister Dai paused, yes, the water droplets had already reached her face.

It doesn't matter what you think.

at the same time.

When capturing water droplets, the distance between the formation of the combined fleet and the target was kept at 1,000 kilometers.

This is determined after careful calculation, even if the water drop self-destructs.

It will not affect the Combined Fleet either.

The capture operation was completed by a small unmanned spacecraft called "Mantis", which was mainly used to collect mineral specimens in the asteroid belt.

Its biggest feature is that it has a super long mechanical arm.

The "Mantis" stopped and went, and it took an hour and a half to complete the journey that was less than one step away in space.

Finally, it hovered at a distance of fifty meters from the target.

At this time, the image of the deformation of the "Mantis" can be clearly seen from the mercury surface of the water droplets.

A large number of instruments carried by the spacecraft began to scan the target at close range, first confirming a previous observation.

The surface temperature of the water droplet is even lower than the temperature of the surrounding space, close to absolute zero.

The instruments on the Mantis were also unable to detect any internal structure of the target.

"Mantis" stretched out its ultra-long mechanical arm to the target, and it also stretched and stopped at a distance of 50 meters.

This equally tortured process lasted for half an hour, and the front end of the mechanical arm finally reached the position where the target was.

And came into contact with this object that has trekked through space for nearly two centuries from four light-years away.

When the six-finger clamp of the mechanical arm finally clamped the water droplet, the hearts of millions of people in the fleet throbbed at the same time.

The mechanical arm waited quietly for ten minutes with the water droplet in between, but the target still had no response or abnormality.

So the robotic arm began to pull it back.

At this time, people discovered a strange contrast. The steel claws of the mechanical arm are holding water droplets, just like the hairy hands of an ancient ape holding a pearl.

Two hours passed and nothing happened.

The fact that the water droplet did not self-destruct finally confirmed people's speculation: it is now certain that it is a gift from the Trisolaran world to human beings.

A signal of peace in terms that this civilization finds difficult for humans to understand.

The world is jubilant again. Now, the earth civilization already has the confidence to face all kinds of enemies calmly.

Two hours after the droplet was captured.

A four-member expedition team consisting of Dai Xiaomei and Ding Yi set off.

The other two are scientific expedition members from other fleets. The three major fleets must be fair in this regard.

on a small manned spaceship.

Through the porthole, Ding Yi looked back at the fleet array that was gradually receding, wondering what she was thinking.

When the acceleration overload disappeared, he turned his head and chatted with the little girl who was sitting next to him.

"Son, are you from Hangzhou?" he asked.

Dai Xiaomei is staring ahead, and at the same time, she is a little absent-minded.

Ding Yi's feeling has never been missed.

But a drop of water.

What about the human fleet?

She and the audience are thinking about this issue.

Hearing this, the little girl came back to her senses and shook her head: "It's not Mr. Ding, I'm...."

She was about to talk about reality, when she thought of Xizi's information card.

"I was born in the Asian Fleet."

Ding Yi nodded: "Hangzhou used to be a good place, but now, the West Lake has become a crescent spring in the desert... But having said that, the world now reminds me of Jiangnan. In this era, beautiful women are like water. "

Ding Yi said, looking at Xizi played by Dai Xiaomei, the soft light of the distant sun shines through the porthole, outlining her charming silhouette.

"Son, when I see you, I think of someone I once loved. She is also a major officer. She is not as tall as you, but she is as beautiful as you"

"Dr. Ding, this is very good." The lieutenant colonel of the North American Fleet sitting in the front row turned his head and said with a smile.

"Then, in ancient times, you must have been loved by many girls." Another officer said, Ding Yi's contribution is world-class.

No matter who it is, everyone respects him.

"I don't know, I'm not interested in the girls who love me, but in the ones I'm in love with.

"In this era, there are so many people like you who can take care of this and do so well."

"Oh... no no, I usually don't bother the girls I love. I believe in Goth's saying: I love you, what has it got to do with you?"

Dai Xiaomei looked at Ding Yi and smiled, "You have always been so open-minded."

Ding Yi continued: "Oh, I wish I had this attitude towards physics. I always feel that the biggest regret in my life is being blindfolded by sophons."

Ding Yi said, pointing to the brilliant Milky Way outside the porthole, "Thinking of this, I looked away, the law has always been there, what does it have to do with the law when I explore it?"

The lieutenant colonel shook his head in disappointment at the change of topic: "Old Ding, let's go back to Beauty Rushui.

Ding Yi was no longer interested, and the cabin fell into silence.

Soon, the "Mantis" could be seen, although it was only a bright spot more than 200 kilometers away.

The shuttle rotated 180 degrees, and the engine nozzles faced the forward direction and began to slow down.

When the decelerating overload disappeared, the shuttle had already approached the hull of the "Mantis", and the process was so fast.

In the feelings of the shuttle crew, the "Mantis" seemed to emerge from space suddenly.

The docking was completed quickly. Since the "Mantis" is an unmanned spacecraft, there is no air in the cabin, and all four members of the expedition team put on light space suits.

After entering, the water droplets are suspended in the middle of the cabin, compared with the image seen on the "Quantum".

Its color changed completely, becoming much duller and softer.

"Like a tear from the Virgin Mary," said Dai Xiaomei.

Water droplets are really beautiful.

Like a diamond.

Countless viewers in the live broadcast room all expressed their admiration for the water drop at this time, the aesthetics of the three-body man.

Still no issues!

Dan Dingyi stayed behind and watched all this with cold eyes: "I saw something else.


Without waiting for the three of them to ask questions.

Ding Yi slowly floated in front of the water drop and put a hand on its surface.

He can only touch it with gloves on.

In case of being frostbitten by the absolute zero mirror.

Then, the other two officers also began to touch the water droplets.

"It looks too fragile, I'm afraid it will be broken." One of them whispered.

"I didn't feel any friction,"

The lieutenant colonel said in amazement, "This surface is too smooth."

"How smooth can it be?" Ding Yi asked.

To answer this question, he took out a cylindrical instrument from the pocket of his space suit, which was a microscope.

He touches the wet surface with the lens, from a small display attached to the instrument.

You can see the enlarged surface image, and what is displayed on the screen is still a smooth mirror.

"What's the magnification?" Ding Yi asked.

"One hundred times." The lieutenant colonel pointed to a number in the corner of the microscope display, and at the same time adjusted the magnification to one thousand times.

The enlarged surface is still a smooth mirror surface.

"Is your thing broken?" Another person said.

The lieutenant colonel lifted the microscope from the droplet and placed it on the visor of his space suit.

The three of Dai Xiaomei leaned over to look at the display screen, and saw the surface of the mask magnified a thousand times.

Surfaces that look as smooth as water droplets to the naked eye become as rough as rocky beaches on the screen.

The lieutenant colonel repositioned the microscope on the surface of the water drop, and a smooth mirror surface appeared on the display screen again.

It is enough to prove that the microscope is not broken.

"Increase the multiplier by ten times," Ding Yi said.

This exceeded the ability of optical magnification, and the lieutenant colonel carried out a series of operations, switching the microscope from optical mode to electron tunneling microscope mode.

Now the magnification is 10,000 times!

The magnified surface of the water droplet is still a smooth mirror.

And the smoothest surface that can be processed by human technology, its roughness will be fully exposed after being magnified thousands of times!

"Adjusted to one hundred thousand times." Ding Yi said with a gloomy expression.

What they see is still a smooth mirror.

"A million times."

Smooth mirror.

"Ten million times!"

At this magnification, large molecules can already be seen, but what is displayed on the screen is still a smooth mirror.

No signs of roughness can be seen, and the finish is indistinguishable from surrounding unmagnified surfaces.

"Amplify the multiple!" Ding Yi trembled.

The lieutenant colonel shook his head, this is already the extreme value that the electron microscope can achieve.

More than two centuries ago, Arthur Clark described a black obelisk left on the moon by an alien supercivilization in his science fiction novel "2001: A Space Odyssey".

The investigators measured the three sides of the obelisk with an ordinary ruler, and the ratio of their lengths was 1:3:9.

In the future, no matter what more accurate way to measure.

Exhausting the highest precision of measurement technology on the earth, the ratio of the three sides of the obelisk is still accurate 1:3:9.

There is no error!

Clarke wrote: In this way, that civilization displayed its power with arrogance.

Now, mankind is facing a more arrogant display of power.

Ding Yi immediately thought of this.

"Is there really an absolutely smooth surface?" The lieutenant colonel wondered in disbelief.

"Yes." Ding Yi's expression changed, and he said, "The surface of a neutron star is almost absolutely smooth.

(ps: A neutron star is the most massive celestial body other than a black hole, with a huge gravitational force that can destroy the atomic structure)

He said it.

Ordinary viewers may not understand what it means.

But some physicists in Dai Xiaomei's live broadcast room all changed their expressions, and looked at the water droplets on the screen in horror!

Three words came out of my heart!

Something is going to happen!

...asking for flowers...

Ding Yi thought for a while, looked around and said: "Contact the computer of the spaceship, and confirm where the gripper of the manipulator was clamped during capture."

Subsequently, the computer of the "cockroach" issued several extremely thin red laser beams.

Mark the contact position of the steel claw gripper on the surface of the water drop.

The lieutenant colonel observed the surface of one of them with a microscope, at a magnification of ten million times.

What you see is still a clean and flawless mirror!

The clear surface is the easiest

Surfaces that were scratched while water droplets were forcefully contacted by metal clamps did not leave any scratches.

Ding Yi floated away and searched for something in the cabin. When she came back, she held a geological hammer in her hand, which might have been dropped by someone while testing rock samples in the cabin.

Before the others could stop him, he slammed the geological hammer onto the mirror.

He only heard a ding, crisp and melodious.

Like hitting the ground made of jade, the sound came from his body.

Because of the vacuum environment, the three of Bao Xiaomei couldn't hear them.

Ding Yi then used the end of the hammer handle to point out the location where it was smashed, and the lieutenant colonel immediately observed that point with a microscope.

Under 10 million magnifications, it is still an absolutely smooth mirror surface.

Ding Yi threw away the geological hammer dejectedly, stopped looking at the water drops, and lowered her head in deep thought.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Hundreds of thousands of combined fleets!

Thousands of people in the live broadcast room!

He quickly sent a bad signal.

Ding Yi raised her head and said with a wry smile: "The molecules of this thing are neatly arranged like a guard of honor, and at the same time they are solidified with each other. Do you know how strong this joint is? The molecules are like nails

As nailed to death, its own vibrations have disappeared.

"That's why it's at absolute zero!" (ps: The temperature of the object is caused by molecular vibrations)


"What force can do this?" the lieutenant colonel asked quickly.

"There is only one: strong interaction." Through the mask, it can be seen that Ding Yi's forehead is covered with cold sweat.

"Isn't this... the same as shooting a bow and arrow to the moon?!"

"They did shoot bows and arrows to the moon...Tears of the Virgin? Hehe..."

Ding Yi let out a sneer, which sounded terribly sad.

The little girl Dai who has learned so much and the other two officers know what the strong interaction force is!

At this time, the face is all white!

Water droplets are not as fragile as tears!

on the contrary.

It is a hundred times stronger than the strongest matter in the solar system!

All matter in this world is as fragile as a piece of paper in front of it!

It can go through the earth like a bullet through cheese.

The surface is not damaged in the slightest!

"Then... what is it here for?" the lieutenant colonel swallowed.

"Who knows? Maybe it is really a messenger, but what it brings to mankind is another message..." Ding Yi said, while moving Shen Guang away from the water drop.


"What does it have to do with you to destroy you?" These words brought a dead silence.

Just when Dai Xiaomei and all the audience in the live broadcast room, and all the people who watched the live broadcast in Three-Body World were still understanding the meaning of it.

Ding Yi suddenly said: "Run."

The words were whispered, but then he threw up his hands and shouted at the top of his voice, "Run, foolish children—ah!"

When Ding Yi yelled out the resonance from the soul.

All the viewers in the live broadcast room felt their scalps go numb!

My heart throbbed fiercely!

It turned out that this sentence was actually said by Ding Yi!

under these circumstances!

Only a few seconds behind Ding Yi.

The lieutenant colonel also realized the truth, and he shouted in despair like Ding Yi:

"Fleet! Fleet evacuated!"

But it's too late!

At this time, strong interference has appeared, and the distorted image transmitted from the "cockroach" disappeared!

The fleet failed to hear the Lieutenant Colonel's final call.

At the tip of the droplet's tail, a blue halo appeared!

That halo starts out small, but is so bright that it bathes everything around it in blue light!

It expanded dramatically, changing color from blue to yellow and finally to red!

It is as if the halo is not produced by water droplets, but the former just drilled out of the ring.

In this way, the halo continuously emerges and expands from the tail of the water droplet. The frequency is two or three times per second, driven by the aura.

The droplet begins to move and accelerates dramatically.

The four members of the expedition team had no chance to see the appearance of the second halo after the appearance of the first halo.

In the ultra-high temperature similar to the core of the sun, they are all vaporized instantly.

Dai Xiaomei didn't even react to the audience!

Directly vaporized to death by the game prompt character!

Immediately afterwards, everyone was in a daze.

Only the hull of the "Mantis" was glowing red. From the outside, it looked like the candles in the paper lanterns were lit.

At the same time the metal hull melted like wax.

But just as the melting started, the spaceship exploded. After the explosion, the "Cockroach" left almost no solid debris.

All the metal in the hull turned into an incandescent liquid and scattered in space.

Countless spectators were stunned!

Ding Yi.

Just got stabbed like that?

At the last moment, he was still thinking about the children!

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