The eyes of countless spectators were suddenly blurred!

I don't know what to say if my heart is blocked.

All feel very sad.

want to cry.

Silly boys!


That hoarse voice is still echoing in everyone's ears, making everyone tremble slightly!

These are Ding Yi's last words!

It is his sustenance to mankind!

A warning to the naive minds of humanity!

The Three-Body Problem is not peace!

But destruction!

Don't be silly, kids!

"Tears are falling, Ding Yishen is going well all the way!"

"No, why, I just can't figure it out, why did we give our Ding Yishen such an ending, woo woo woo!"

"The rubbish three-body problem caused me to cry, Gongshoushen has gone all the way!"

"Send Ding Yi God!"


Many viewers protested fiercely on the bullet screen, but everyone also knows that doing these things is useless!

But even so!

Then, many viewers expressed their strong dissatisfaction with jealousy.

We have to form a group to go to the official website to fight the three-body game author Su Ci.

"This is not the ending Ding Yishen should have, woohoo!"

"I beg the author to revive God Ding Yi, he is so pitiful, he didn't think about himself in the end!"

"Fight, must fight, seek an explanation for God Ding Yi!"

In the live broadcast room, Dai Xiaomei and some silent viewers saw these bullet screens.

I don't know what to say.

Ding Yi's death.

It is difficult for everyone to accept.

That close friend, that lonely old man, the last utterance shocked countless people.

But it might as well be.

This is the Ding Yi who Da Shi pulled back from the field stalks and cheered up.

She is the best Ding Yi in everyone's heart.


Dai Xiaomei also burst into tears, until the game's notification sound appeared, and now she needs to complete the task of the final chapter of Dongfang Yanxu.

At the same time, through the c-like picture. "Nine"

Everyone saw that the water droplets had already rushed into the United Fleet Group, and it accelerated to 30 kilometers per second, coupled with the smooth surface.

Does not reflect any signal.

The United Fleet doesn't even know who the enemy is!

In front of the water droplets, the steel shell was as brittle as tofu, and it directly penetrated the fuel tank, and then a big explosion occurred!

The fireball of the thermonuclear explosion appeared at the impacted place, expanded rapidly, and the entire fleet was illuminated by strong light.

Standing out against the black velvet backdrop of space, the Milky Way's sea of ​​stars is eclipsed.

After penetrating a stellar battleship.

The water droplets did not stop.

Shooting directly at the next battleship at super high speed, due to the vanity of human beings, the three major fleets must witness and capture water droplets together.

So the battleship is very close to the battleship!

So convenient for dripping.

Like burning Chibi, it crashed in a straight line, directly destroying a whole row of warships!

Earth-shattering explosions that eclipsed the Milky Way have been sounding.

Everyone in the United Fleet panicked!

Up to now they still don't know who the enemy is. The explosion of the "Mantis" they thought it was water droplets!

Because no one believed that a drop of water could cause such great damage to the United Fleet!

Many people even think so.

In addition to Trisolaran, another alien civilization has arrived in the solar system!

The water drop continued to move forward, passing through more battleships in a straight line, and behind it, there were always about ten nuclear fireballs burning.

In the flames of these fiery little suns, the entire fleet array shone as if it had been ignited, forming a sea of ​​light.

Behind the line of fireballs, molten warships shot out one after another.

The fiery waves of molten metal surged and spread in space, like throwing huge boulders into a sea of ​​magma.

It took one minute and eighteen seconds for the water droplet to cover the distance of 2,000 kilometers.

It ran through the hundred warships in the first formation of the combined fleet's rectangular array.

Later analysts examining this course were shocked to discover that each turn of the droplet was a sharp knuckle.

Rather than a smooth curve like a human space vehicle.

This diabolical flight demonstrates a way of driving in space that is completely beyond human comprehension.

The water drop under this kind of drive seems to be a shadow without mass, which can move at will regardless of the principle of dynamics like the tip of God's pen.

During the destruction of the third cohort, this sharp turn was made at a frequency of two to three times per second.

The water drop was like an embroidery needle of death, deftly flying up and down, piercing through the hundred warships in the third row with a broken line of destruction.

It took two minutes and thirty-five seconds for the water droplets to destroy the second and third queues.

The explosion of every battleship in the solar system is undoubtedly another sun, especially this kind of chain explosion!

The scene is extremely shocking and spectacular!

Even on the ground.

It can be clearly seen that a new sun is shining in outer space, and the night in the southern hemisphere is illuminated into day!

The smiles on the faces of the carnival crowd froze, staring at the sky in a daze.

Under the interference of water droplets.

The live broadcast screen has been cut off long ago, and all the people who just reveled just now don't know what's going on!

It's just that the world is quiet at this moment.

Gradually someone understands!

Ground-based telescopes are good enough to observe this scene!

The news swept the whole world like a strong wind!

The 2,000 human combined fleet was almost wiped out in just half an hour!

Only the "Quantum" and "Bronze Age" battleships requested by Ding Yi entered the deep sea state ahead of time.

Turned on the forward four!

Dodged it!

In fear, look towards the unknown sea of ​​stars and run for your life with maximum power!

They will never come back!

In addition, five star-class battleships survived, that is Zhang Beihai's "Natural Selection", and the other four warships that chased Zhang Beihai.

In other words, there are more than two thousand warships [now there are only 7 left wandering outside.

Despair breeds!

All human beings are like a group of desperate children, and the world has become a kindergarten haunted by nightmares. The mental breakdown of the group spreads rapidly, and everything is out of control.

The world is in total chaos at this moment!

In the shocking silence of little girl Dai, the game chose Dongfang Yanxu's character card.

At this time, she and Zhang Beihai had already received the news that the combined fleet had been wiped out.

In addition, the four ships that chased them also got it.

The five warships fell into a deathly silence!

After about half an hour.

Four other warships have received signals:

"Senior Zhang Beihai, you are right, you saved five warships for mankind, this is the entire human space fleet, now accept your command!"

Another half hour passed.

The first big meeting of five battleships begins!

In addition to irresistible factors, all people who can be present will conduct meetings in the form of holograms!

Zhang Beihai stood at the front.

Through the holographic image, looking at the numb expressions of the five fleets and a total of 5,500 people, my heart feels like water.

"The dense formation is an unforgivable mistake, and everything else is expected."


Zhang Beihai looked over the five captains, and scanned the three-tier queue of officers and soldiers of the five warships.

"I use this ancient title for you to say that we must all have the same ambition hereafter.

"Comrades, we can't go back, we must face the future!"

Yes, there is no going back.

The drop that destroyed the Combined Fleet is still in the solar system, and nine more will arrive in three years.

For this small fleet, what was once home is now a deathtrap.

It is meaningless to go back, the end of the earth world is not far away.

Human civilization may completely collapse before the Trisolaran main fleet arrives.

These five spaceships must take on the responsibility of continuing civilization.

All they can do is to fly forward and far away, and the spaceship will be their eternal home.

Space will be their final destination.

These 5,500 people were like babies whose umbilical cord had just been cut, and were cruelly thrown into the abyss of the universe.

Like babies, they just want to cry.

But Zhang Beihai's calm gaze was like a strong force field maintaining the stability of the array and keeping the people's dignity as a soldier.

Zhang Beihai went on to say: "We will always be a part of human beings, but now we are an independent society and must get rid of our spiritual dependence on the earth world."

"Now, we should come up with a name for our world."

"Starship Earth Civilization!"

The captain of the Deep Space asked: "Senior, are our four ships coming over?"

Zhang Beihai shook his head resolutely: "There's no need, the distance between you and the 'Natural Selection' is about 200,000 kilometers, although it's very close, it will consume fusion fuel to get close.

"Energy is the basis of our survival, and now there is not much left, so save as much as you can. From now on, we must think in the long run."

"Yeah, we have to think about it in the long run."

Anyway, the history of Starship Earth begins.

Next, there is a series of constitutional provisions for the starship earth civilization. The five captains all suggested that Zhang Beihai be recognized as the supreme leader.

A referendum was held on this resolution and it passed 100 percent.

But Zhang Beihai rejected the mission.

"Senior, this is your responsibility!" said the captain of the "Deep Space".

"I think I have done my duty, now I am tired, and I have reached retirement age." Bei Hai said lightly.

After the meeting adjourned, Zhang Beihai called to stop Little Sister Dai, and by this time everyone had dispersed.

It's just the two of them now.

The long meeting had already brought Little Sister Dai back to her senses from the destruction of the United Fleet, and it is only now that she accepts the fact that mankind has suffered a crushing defeat.

The class really failed!

There is no chance of a comeback!

The nearly ten million viewers in the live broadcast room didn't know what to do next.

Everyone fell into a daze.

Never thought that in the ending of the Three-Body Problem, humans really lost!

But that's the truth!

Without any idealism, it is indeed a bit too touching.

Zhang Beihai told Dai Xiaomei.

He wanted to restore the right to be the executive captain of the Natural Selection, and Dai Xiaomei naturally had no objection. After speaking, Zhang Beihai left.

The back of Zhang Beihai who left was a little hunched.

It seems that there is a heavy heart and exhaustion.

No one knows what he is thinking.

In the next two days, Miss Dai and the audience got to know Zhang Beihai again. This soldier of the old era has a mountain of responsibility on him!

It also makes countless people awe!

Next, Zhang Beihai announced the development direction of Starship Earth civilization...

Will travel to galaxy after galaxy.

The snowball of civilization will get bigger and bigger, and it will become the second origin of human beings.

Many starship humans.

Think Starship Civilization is a Garden of Eden.

They are full of longing for the future.

But this beautiful situation didn't last long, and serious mental problems appeared!

Psychologist on the fleet.

Call this problem homesickness.

After all, this is the first never-return voyage in human history!

Even in the next meeting.

There are many people who are absent-minded.

Including Zhang Beihai!

Most of them began to become more and more introverted, meditating alone for a long time, and their interpersonal communication decreased sharply.

They also spoke less and less at various meetings, and many chose to be completely silent.

Psychologist Lan Xi saw that the sunlight was disappearing from their eyes, and their eyes became gloomy.

At the same time, everyone is afraid that others will notice the haze in their eyes, and they dare not look at each other.

When the occasional eye meets. It will immediately look away like an electric shock...

The higher the rank, the more serious the symptoms, and there are signs of spreading to the lower ranks.

Zhang Beihai insisted and immediately formed a psychological team.

Force talk to these people.

But those who spoke were mostly silent.

Lan Xi found Little Sister Dai: "Captain, you should at least give me some hints about this kind of thing right now?"

But little girl Dai didn't know what was going on.

Maybe according to what the game said, you can only know if you fully substitute your emotions into it, but this is impossible after all!

No matter how good a psychologist comes, he can't do it.

After all, everything is safe and sound in reality, and there is no real inability to return home.

In her heart, little girl Dai just felt very irritable.

She is affected by this emotion.

But still can't find the root cause.

Don't talk about her!

The nearly tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were all very confused, wondering why this kind of problem happened?

Is homesickness really that scary?

No one knows!

Nobody can get in!

No one can understand the feeling of desperation of truly losing the home of the earth and being in the endless starry sky!

But even if you can't feel it.

Countless viewers can also understand the helplessness and despair in their hearts.

When the young girl was at a loss, Zhang Beihai came.

He only said one sentence: "We are surrounded by the abyss of space. In this case, people are already non-human."

His eyes were gloomy. After saying these words, Dai Xiaomei and Lan Xi fell silent.

It seems that some understand why.

Then, this kind of problem became more and more serious, and some people even shot and injured people.

Just because he suspected that the man had overheard his sleep talk.

What is the dark secret?

Psychologist Lan Xi couldn't solve any problems, so he contacted "Enterprise" Chang's psychologist and pastor Scott.

Wanted to see if the other party had any ideas.

"Why is it so dark in your place?" Lanxie asked, looking at the image from the Enterprise.

The spherical bulkhead of Scott's cabin was adjusted to only emit a dim yellow light, and at the same time, the external starry sky image was also reflected on the bulkhead.

Scott seemed to be in a universe of dark mist, his face hidden in shadows.

"The Garden of Eden is getting dark, and the darkness will swallow everything." Scott said in a tired voice.

Lanxi asked in a panic: "Will everything that happened in the first Garden of Eden be repeated in the second Garden of Eden?"

"I don't know, anyway, the poisonous snake has appeared, and the poisonous snake of the second Eden is crawling into people's hearts."

"So you've eaten the wisdom fruit?"

Scott nodded slowly, then lowered his head and never raised it again, as if he was trying his best to hide the gaze that betrayed his thoughts.

"That's right."

"Who will be expelled from the Garden of Eden?" Lanxi's voice trembled, and cold sweat dripped from her palms.

"There were a lot of people, but unlike last time, there might be people staying this time."

"Who? Who stays?"

Scott let out a long sigh: "Lieutenant Colonel Lan, I've said enough, why don't you find the Wisdom Fruit yourself? Everyone has to take this step anyway, doesn't it?"

"Where can I find it?"

"Put down your work, think a little more, feel a little more, and you'll find it."

After talking with Scott, the troubled Lanxi stopped busy and meditated according to the colonel's advice.

Faster than he could have imagined, Eden's cold, slippery snake crawled into his consciousness too.

He found the wisdom fruit and ate it, and the last ray of sunshine in his mind disappeared forever, and everything fell into darkness.

In Starship Earth, an invisible string is quietly tightening, and it is on the verge of breaking.

Two days later, the captain of the "Ultimate Law" committed suicide.

At that time, he was standing alone on the platform at the stern of the ship. The platform was inside a transparent spherical cover, which made it look like it was exposed to space.

The stern of the ship was facing the direction of the solar system. At this time, the sun was just a slightly brighter yellow star.

"Black, so fucking black." The captain said to himself, and then shot himself. .

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