Things can't go on like this!

After the captain who learned of the ultimate law committed suicide, the deputy captain of the Natural Selection, Levin, and Akira Inoue found the little girl!

Both were looking in different directions.

No one dared to look another person in the eyes.

Little girl Dai and the audience have not figured out until now, what is wrong with the psychology of the people of Starship Earth civilization!

It would break down to the point of suicide!

On the fleet, except for the player Dai Xiaomei, the rest of the people seemed to know what was going to happen.

Dai Xiaomei stayed in the dark cabin with the two vice-captains.

Just the three of them.

"We have to make things clear, Captain!" Levin looked aside and said.

Akira Inoue followed up and said, "Yes, it's dangerous to delay for even a second."

As they spoke, both of them looked at Miss Dai.

Countless viewers read the struggle, pain and despair from their eyes!

That look is extremely complicated!

Really hard to understand!

As the captain, Dai Xiaomei doesn't know the situation right now, so she can only follow suit.

She didn't avoid the eyes of the two.

They said at the same time.



The five solitary ships are still more than ten light-years away from the next star system, which is the only place where fuel can be replenished!

This is the closest star system!

The time required is estimated to take about 60,000 years.

Sixty thousand years!

The spaceship may be able to reach it, but the life on board cannot, and even the hibernation system cannot last that long.

Unless...unless maintaining speed in the dust, or accelerating after a crossover.

But not enough fuel.

Fusion fuel is the only energy source of the spacecraft, there are other places to use: the spacecraft's ecological cycle system, possible course correction

There is also deceleration when reaching the target galaxy. The mass of the target star is much smaller than that of the sun, and it cannot be parked into orbit only by gravitational deceleration.

It takes a lot of fuel to slow down, otherwise it will pass the target galaxy.

All the fuel of starship earth civilization is basically enough for two spaceships.

But to be on the safe side, it's only enough for one spaceship.



The eyes of the two struggled, and they spoke again!

Then he said again.

"There is also a problem with accessories."


Especially the accessories of key systems: fusion engine, 17 information and control system, ecological cycle system.

Not as urgent as fuel, but fundamental to long-term survival.

NH5582 has no planets suitable for living, cannot settle and establish industries, and has no corresponding resources.

Only after refueling and flying to the next galaxy is it possible to establish an industry for the production of accessories.

There are only two copies of the key parts of the "Natural Selection" left.

"Too little."

"Too little."

Except for the fusion engine, most of the key accessories on all spacecraft on Starship Earth can be used in common.

Engine accessories can also be used after modification.

At this moment, Dai Xiaomei and the audience in the live broadcast room finally understood their eyes.

She couldn't help but tremble inwardly.

The pupils suddenly dilate and focus.

Inhaled in one breath and stagnated, almost suffocated!

He even held his breath and didn't dare to spit it out.

And there seemed to be a big hand on the heart, grabbing it fiercely!

Dai Xiaomei felt a chill down her back.

Chest tightness!

Creepy all over!

I see!

I see!

The reaction of every audience member was the same as that of the dumb girl. Many people subconsciously covered their mouths, their eyes filled with horror!

Everyone understands!

Why is there such a serious psychological problem!

"Black! It's too dark!"

This sentence sounds now, and the meaning suddenly makes sense!


All for survival!

Someone is going to be kicked out of this Garden of Eden!

Because there is not enough fuel!

Not enough accessories!

I have to pick it up from another ship, how do I get it?

kill them!


Killed by them!

This has become a problem that all starship earth civilizations must solve immediately, because you don't know, you are a hunter!

Still prey!

Everyone wants to live!

No one wants to die!

Dai Xiaomei trembled slightly: "Concentrate personnel on one or two ships?"


"Impossible, there are too many people, and neither the ecological cycle system nor the hibernation system can accommodate it. Even if the existing number of passengers increases a little, it will be catastrophic."

"So, it's clear now?" The voice of Dai Xiaomei resounded in the empty white space again, like the occasional sleepy talk of a sleeping person.


"Some die, or all die."

At this time, the eyes were also silent, and the three of them seemed to be shocked by the thunder that came from the depths of the universe.

The heart trembles in fear, and everyone has a strong desire to look away.

"Don't do that." Dai Xiaomei said in pain.

She could finally understand the meaning in the eyes of the two of them!

do not do that.

do not give up.

Don't give up? Don't give up!

Because others won't give up, we give up.

They will be expelled from the Yiju Garden.

why us

Of course it shouldn't be them.

No one should be.

But someone has to be driven out, and the Garden of Eden can only accommodate a limited number of people.

We don't want to leave Eden.

So don't give up!

The three eyes that were about to separate were intertwined again.

"Infrasonic hydrogen bomb!"

"Infrasonic hydrogen bomb!"

The two said at the same time, "It's like a devil whispering in the ears of Dai Xiaomei and the audience.

An information card appears, which is a nuclear weapon in the sky, used to strike spaceship targets that are well shielded from conventional radiation.

Produces super-strong infrasound waves, killing all macroscopic life inside the spacecraft, but basically does not damage the flying facilities.

The eyes of the three were temporarily separated.

Their spirits are now on the verge of collapse and they need to rest.

Yes, Bao Xiaomei is bright!

Now she dare not look directly into the eyes of these two people!

Don't even dare to make this decision!

She wants to escape!

Little girl Dai never thought that even if she didn't have the slightest sense of substitution in the front of the plot, at this moment, she was completely immersed in it!

The other four ships are the only remaining humans that can survive in the future!

Now they are facing the scene of cannibalism!

Who gave that order!

I will live in torture and self-blame for the rest of my life!

When the three people looked at each other again, their eyes became erratic again, like three candles flickering in the wind.

so evil!

so evil!

so evil!

We have become devils!

We have become devils!

We have become devils!

"But... what do they think?" Levin asked softly. Although the voice was small, it lingered in the white space like mosquitoes.

Yeah, we don't want to be devils, but don't know what they think.

Then we are still devils, otherwise how can we think of others as devils for no reason?

Well, let's not think of them as devils.

"The problem is not resolved."

Yes, although they are not devils, the problem is not solved.

Because they don't know what we think either.

Well, suppose they also know we're not the devil.

The problem is still there.

They don't know what we think of them.

They don't know what we think of them how they think of us.

Further down, it is an infinite chain of suspicion.

They don't know what we think what they think of us what they think of us...

How to break this chain of suspicion?

communicate with?

Yes on Earth, but not in space.

Some die, or all die.

This is the survival deadlock set by space for the starship earth civilization, an insurmountable wall, before which, communication has no meaning.

There is only one choice left, and it is just a matter of who chooses.

Black, so fucking black.

"We can't delay any longer." Akira Inoue said decisively.

It can't be delayed anymore, in this dark space, the duelists are all concentrating and holding their breath, and the string is about to snap.

Every second, the danger increases exponentially.

Since it doesn't matter who draws the gun first, why don't we draw the gun first.

At this time, Yong Shangming suddenly spoke again: "There is another choice! We sacrifice voluntarily.

It was extremely difficult for him to say this.

Dai Xiaomei quickly saw other meanings in the eyes of the two!


why us

Of course the three of us can, but do we have the right to make this choice for the two thousand people on the "Natural Selection"?

"Is this good?" Levin said: "Find the target first, and then think about it."

Dai Xiaomei wants to say that she can't do it!

But she didn't know how to speak.

This is a matter of life and death!

Not only her alone!

There are still many people on the fleet!

Human nature is inherently selfish, and the balance gradually turns to itself and natural selection.

She is really immersed in the plot now, the oppressive atmosphere of Three Body Problems is well designed!

The little girl nodded numbly.

Levin quickly opened the weapon interface of Natural Selection, but an astonishing phenomenon appeared!

Several weapons are already targeting four other ships!

The three people who were stunned looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time, indicating that it was not their fault.

The little girl's eyes suddenly widened!

The only person left with authority is Executive Captain Zhang Beihai!

"It's him!"

"Senior Zhang!"

"We should have thought of it a long time ago. After all, he is a person who changed history twice. He was the first person to think of all this! No one knows when he thought of it, it may be when Starship Earth was established, or even earlier, When it was learned that the United Fleet was destroyed."

The three of them quickly came to the door of Zhang Beihai's cabin, and saw the weapon interface floating in front of him.

"What are you doing?" cried Levin.

"Children." Zhang Beihai said, it was the first time he used this name to them, although he could only see his back, but he could imagine his calm eyes like water.

"Let me do this.

"You don't go to hell, you go to hell, don't you?" Dai Xiaomei said loudly.

"From the moment I became a soldier, I was ready to go anywhere."

As Zhang Beihai said, he continued to operate the weapon before firing. The three people outside saw that although he was very unskilled, every step was correct.

"Shall we go together? Let me in, and we'll go to hell together!"

Zhang Beihai didn't answer, but continued to operate.

"East, think about it, was it possible for us to make this choice before? Absolutely impossible, but now we have made it. Space has transformed us into new humans."

He removed the first of three safety locks on the H-bomb warhead.

"A new civilization is born, a new way

Virtue is also forming.

The second safety lock was also removed.

"It might be normal to look back at what we did in the future, so, boys, we're not going to hell."

Suddenly, just before launch, a loud siren rang through the spacecraft!

Like the howls of ghosts from the dark space, the display interface jumps out of midair like snowflakes crazily!

Only four seconds elapsed between the sound of the alarm and the detonation of the incoming infrasonic hydrogen bomb.

It only took Zhang Beihai a second to understand everything.

He thought that his heart had been hardened through more than two centuries of hard work, but he didn't discover those things hidden in the deepest part of his heart.

He hesitated before making the final decision, and tried hard to suppress the trembling of his heart.

It was this last softness in his heart that killed him and everyone on the "Natural Selection",

During the half-month-long dark confrontation, he was only a few seconds slower than the opponent.

In the remaining three seconds, Zhang Beihai turned towards Little Sister Dai, smiled and said a few words:

"It's okay, it's all the same."

The huge hull of the "Natural Selection" vibrated like a cicada's wings, and the energy of the vibration was converted into infrasound waves.

The last scene that Little Sister Dai saw was a misty blood mist covering everything.

She herself turned into blood mist under the infrasound.

The live broadcast room is dead quiet!

This episode made the audience so nervous that they couldn't say a word!

Everyone doesn't know what to say!

I just stared at the screen in disbelief.

Everyone has ultimate thinking and struggle in their eyes!

I was completely shocked by the meaning expressed by the game.

Everyone was speechless!

I was overwhelmed by the plot of this kind of human nature problem.

Now, there is only one 137 thoughts in the minds of nearly ten million viewers, it's amazing, what kind of person can produce such a wonderful plot!


Zhang Beihai!

It's him again!

He knew this moment a long time ago and was ready to do his duty, but it was only a few seconds late!

No wonder Zhang Beihai had to be the executive captain again.

The back of leaving looks so tired.

He wanted to take all this evil on himself, so as not to let the young people of the new era have any psychological burden.

Undoubtedly, Zhang Beihai is very great!

His image was suddenly bathed in brilliance, and in the hearts of all the audience, he became taller, and everyone thought of it again.

Zhang Beihai abandoned his wife and daughter and came to this strange era.

just because of.

As a soldier, it is his responsibility as a human being!

Countless spectators were in awe, and many retired spectators silently saluted Zhang Beihai in front of the screen.

Immediately afterwards, the barrage was swiped.

"Brother Beihai, have a good day!"

"Send Zhang Beihai, brother, have a good journey!"

"Send Zhang Beihai, brother, have a good journey!"

Immediately afterwards, the game completes the final plot.

The subtitles and cg tell Dai Xiaomei and the audience some plots.

The attack came from the "Ultimate Law", but the "Ultimate Law" did not become the last lucky one.

The "blue space" has already been prepared.

It became a lone ship in this side of the universe, approaching the four battleships, and collected all the supplies.

Then go away.

Almost at the same time as this dark battle took place on Starship Earth, the same tragedy happened on the far side of the solar system.

The "Bronze Age" launched a surprise attack on the "Quantum" in the same way.


From a world of light, the Blue Space and the Bronze Age are now two ships of darkness.

The universe was also once bright. Shortly after the Big Bang, all matter existed in the form of light.

Later, the universe became a burning ashes, and it was only in the dark that heavy elements were precipitated to form planets and life.

Therefore, darkness is the mother of life and civilization.

In the earth world, the insults and curses against the "Blue Space" and "Bronze Age" poured into outer space like mountains and seas.

But the two spacecraft did not respond, they cut off all contact with the solar system, for these two worlds.

Earth is dead.

The two dark ships merged with the dark space, drifting away across the solar system.

They carry all the thoughts and memories of human beings, embrace all the glory and dreams of the earth, and disappear silently into the eternal night.

【Congratulations on getting two new leads】

When all the explanations of the plot are over, the clues brought by Xizi and Dongfang Yanxu also appear.

Dai Xiaomei is not in a good mood.

Silently chose to view.

Article one.

[In the face of survival, the goodwill between life and civilization is extremely low]

Article II.

[Once the chain of suspicion is formed, communication cannot solve any problems]

All the clues of Three-Body 2 have been unlocked so far. .

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