Curvature driven!

The moment these four words appeared.

On the screen in front of me, words appeared one after another.

[The space of the universe is not flat, but has curvature]

【If the universe is a piece of paper, then its surface is curved, even a closed factory

[As early as the AD century, someone proposed space folding, imagining that the curvature of space can be increased infinitely, stacked like paper, and two locations thousands of light-years apart can be pasted together]

[In this way, fast navigation is realized]

[But it is always a vision, or a fantasy]

[After Yun Tianming's information was interpreted correctly, people realized that it was achievable.

[Two days later, at the meeting of the IDC committee]

Here, there are quite a number of jammers, which carry noise and can shield Sophon's monitoring.

Ai AA excitedly told everyone: "The three-body lightspeed spacecraft will be driven by space curvature, this is what Yun Tianming told Blue Star World!"

An expert nodded and said: "Obviously, in this story, the boat on which the princess rides is metaphorically driven by the curvature of space, which contains double metaphors.

"I have to say that this fairy tale is an exquisite structure."

After that, people found a new meaning.

Another expert explained: "The umbrella held by the princess is a metaphor for light or the speed of light. Judging from the practice in fairy tales, Yun Tianming has two meanings."

"Harvesting light energy, or slowing down the speed of light. 11

Immediately afterwards, another scholar stood up.

"Imagine that if the speed of light in the solar system is reduced, a phenomenon that can be observed remotely may be produced, which is also applicable on a large scale of the universe.

"But does that have any safety implications for space observers? Would it make us seem safer to imagine reducing the speed of light in our solar system by a factor of ten?"

A scholar named Palermo shook his head and said: "Even if humans have spaceships at the speed of light, the time it takes to fly out of the solar system will be one-tenth longer, which is meaningless."

"However, if you want to have a sense of security for the universe, you can reduce the speed of light to the minimum and create a speed bump to increase the observer's sense of security for the civilization of the solar system."

Palermo shook his head: "If that's the case, it's not enough to reduce it by a thousandth, and to do this is to declare to the whole universe that human civilization has mastered a very high level of technology.

"This is not a safety statement, it's a danger statement."

Subtitles appear.

【Unexpectedly, in less than two days, the 750 names of this mysterious place, Helsingen Mosken, were suddenly deciphered】

The screen changed.

A bedroom appeared before him.

Palermo was sleeping soundly, when suddenly his girlfriend asked: "Have you been to Novi?"

Palermo replied: "No, never.

The girlfriend asked: "Then why do you keep talking about that place?"


"Helsingen and Mosken."

The girlfriend continued, "These are ancient place names. They have changed. They are all in Noelland, Norwich."

"Helsingen is the name of a mountain, and Moesken is the name of an island!"

mountain, island

Hearing these two words, Dai Xiaomei was still a little dazed, but the audience's eyes lit up!

Isn't this the place Yun Tianming mentioned in the fairy tale?

It turns out that it really exists in reality!

For a time, countless audiences were excited!

"My God! I was wrong, Yun Tianming is the real Niu Mian!"

"Indeed, don't ignore anyone! Being able to get access to important information in the Trisolaran world, and pass it on to humans through multiple metaphors, this is definitely not something that ordinary people can do!"

"Yun Tianming, the eternal God!"

"Look, words appear on the screen! It seems that humans have made a new discovery!"

Sure enough, subtitles Love appeared.

[In this place in Norwich, people discovered a super large whirlpool, as long as it is a ship with conventional power, it is difficult to go back after crossing it]

[Humanity has come to a new conclusion that 16.7 kilometers per second is the third cosmic speed of the solar system. If it cannot reach this speed, it is impossible to fly out of the Milky Way]

【Light is the same】

[In this case, light will not be able to escape the gravitational pull of the sun, and the sun map will become a black hole

[Because the speed of light cannot be surpassed, if light cannot go out, then nothing can fly out of the world of black holes in the solar system]

【This galaxy will be completely isolated from the rest of the universe, and the world will be absolutely safe】

[It is called a low-speed black hole in the solar system]

[When viewed from a distance, in the eyes of backward observers, the solar system disappears, and for advanced observers, he will immediately understand that the solar system is absolutely safe I

【This is the universe safety statement】

[So far, humans have already understood its true meaning, and there is no need to continue to interpret (bhde)]

【However, regarding what Yun Tianming said, the paintings of the needle-eye artist are still a big secret】

[Thus, a way of life appeared for human beings

[The Bunker Project: Mass Migration to the Solar System]

[Black Domain Project: By converting the solar system into a low-light-speed black hole, a statement of cosmic security is issued. This is the most technically difficult plan, and there are unknowns in theory.]

[Speed ​​of Light Spaceship Project: Study the speed of light spaceship to escape, but the danger is very high, no one knows what else is contained in the universe]

[For humans in the broadcast era, a plan is best carried out at the same time

At this point, the subtitles disappear.

Dai Xiaomei once again took control of the game.

She found that she was in a spacious conference room at this time.

Meanwhile, underfoot is a transparent floor.

Ai AA looked into the distance, and said word by word: "I don't like the black domain, I think it should be called the black tomb, I think human beings give themselves a grave.

Dai Xiaomei didn't know what to say.

Ai AA continued: "I feel that if we are separated from the starry sky, human beings will not have dreams."

"In contrast, I prefer the light speed ship."

"Cheng Xin, from now on, we should recruit scientists to conduct research on light-speed spacecraft!"


Drip! Drip!

When Ai AA was speaking, suddenly [strike alarm sounded.

AA's secretary appeared in a window and said in horror: "The early warning system of the solar system has just been activated, and light particles have been discovered!"

"The Milky Way is about to be destroyed, go to the launch port and escape for your life! All the media is going crazy, it must be true!"

As soon as the voice fell, she disappeared immediately.

Ai AA was very calm and called the IDC committee member, but the line was busy.

After a while.

Ai AA said directly: "Let's go to the Xinghuan, we have to do something, we can't wait here to die!"

While speaking, she held the hand of Little Sister Dai, and at the same time took out a long crate from the flying car.

when the box is opened.

Dai Xiaomei was stunned: "What is this?!"

AA said: "Laser firing rifle! Who knows what will happen, we may use it!"

See this scene.

Countless audiences laughed.

"Quack! It's still AA ruthless! Be prepared anytime, anywhere!"

"It's the end of the world, what's the use of carrying a gun? Can you fight aliens?"

"Aren't you stupid upstairs! Beware of your own people! Blue Star is about to be destroyed, who knows what people will do when they go crazy?"


At this time, countless flying cars flew towards the launch port, gradually merging into the air traffic.

This mighty scene left the audience stunned.

I even forgot to send the barrage.

After a while.

The screen disappears.

A line of subtitles appeared again.

[This is a false alarm incident and the biggest social unrest since the Great Immigration]

[Among the thousands of space launch ports around the world, 10,000 people died from the flames of the engines, and there were even incidents where crowds competed for spaceships]

[During this incident, people questioned the light speed spacecraft plan]

[Those rich people with light-speed spaceships can live comfortably in Blue Star, leaving billions of people to escape when the blow comes, this prospect is unacceptable to society]

【Most people believe that the emergence of light-speed spacecraft may cause worldwide turmoil】

[Therefore, the much-questioned lightspeed spaceship plan is completely dead]

[There are only two options left for human beings: the Bunker Project and the Black Domain Project]

Seeing this, countless viewers choked silently, not knowing what to say.

The light speed spacecraft plan has certain feasibility.

But it ignores the social conditions on the blue star: poor people don't allow the rich to go first, they prefer to tide over the difficulties together.

At this time, the subtitles appeared again.

The audience quickly discovered that the subtitles were a little different this time.

It seemed to be Cheng Xin's monologue.

[When the bunker project started, I was invited to come here

【Hi, I'm next to you. A voice sounded, and I immediately recognized who it was]

【It's Vader】

[I noticed that there were five people on the boat, Vader was waving to me, he was still wearing a black leather jacket, no fake hands, one arm was empty]

[After docking with my spaceship, I asked him why he was here

[My sentence has expired, just a month ago, a murderer came out after eleven years, this may be a bit unfair to you, he said]

【He also told me that you are indeed brave and responsible for choosing the light speed spaceship】

【After that, Vader said, but you don't have the ability to accomplish this. Our ideals are the same. I also want to build a spaceship at the speed of light】

[Give it to me, he said work

【What for you? I hear my voice asking】

【Give me everything you own, company, wealth, power, status...even your glory and reputation】

【I use these to build a spaceship at the speed of light, for your ideal】

[I don't know what to say, but then, he stared at me and said

[Don't make a second mistake]

【Every word of this sentence is like a heavy hammer, hitting my heart】

[Boom! There was a sound of detonation, and the hydrogen bomb exploded]

[Don't make a second mistake]

[Wade repeated it again, as if the hydrogen bomb exploded just now, it was just a short noise]

【Let me think about it, I say】

After a while, the subtitles disappear.

In the picture, Cheng Xin is holding the phone tightly, apparently calling Ai AA.

"Do as he says and give him what he wants!"

Ai AA's voice sounded without any hesitation.

Then, she continued.

"You're right, you don't have the skills to do it, but Vader does, he's a bastard, a demon, a murderer! But this man can do it!"

"This is a hell, let him jump into it!"

Cheng Xin couldn't help asking, "What about you?"

AA on the other end of the phone laughed: "I'm sure I won't go to work, I'll take my money and go do something easy!"

The screen disappears again.

Seeing this scene, it was obvious that the audience knew Cheng Xin's plan and couldn't help discussing it.

"Mom! Cheng Xin finally

The right decision was made! Not the Virgin this time!"

"Haha, I feel that Cheng Xin has never done it right!"

"Having said that, Vader is quite reliable! He waited for so long, and finally got an opportunity!"

"We will see the result soon! I believe Vader will not let us down!"

During the conversation.

Subtitles appear again.

【Two days later】

[In the lobby of the Star Ring Company, I saw Vader again]

【I told him that I can give him everything he wants, and then I went to sleep

【Wade said that the day of success will wake me up. If the lightspeed spaceship is still illegal at that time, he will bear all the responsibilities】

[But if the light speed spacecraft is accepted by the world, the honor belongs to me]

【I told him that this was also my plan, but... I hesitated and said the following words】

[When this job may endanger human life, you must wake me up, I have the final decision, and I can take back all the powers granted to Vader

【I do not accept this condition, Vader said decisively】

【I sneered and told him, forget it, I can't give you anything】

[At this time, I was surprised to find that there was hesitation and even helplessness in Vader's eyes]

[He said, let him consider working

[After about two minutes, he stood in front of me and told me he accepted the condition]

【Then, he showed a smile like ice water and told me a word】

【Actually, you know very well that if I break my promise, it will be a kind of luck for you, but unfortunately, I will keep my promise】

[When he said this, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he swore an oath in front of me that he would definitely wake me up when encountering special circumstances]

[This expression is the first time I have seen it on Vader's body]

【I hesitated for a while, but didn't say anything, I still stick to my decision】

【At this time, AA came to my side, hoping to hibernate with me】

[I suddenly felt a little scared in my heart, and couldn't help asking her, would he keep his promise?

[Ai AA stared straight ahead, as if looking at Vader from a distance, I really believe it, but this may not be a good thing for you]

【Ten days later, I went into hibernation, and Thomas Vader became the president of Halo Corporation】

The subtitles disappear here.

for a while.

Countless spectators looked at each other in blank dismay.

In their hearts, such a question emerged at the same time.

Vader, will you really keep your promise?

in other words.

Under his leadership, will human beings have a chance to be rescued??.

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