Seeing this scene, all the audience started talking for a while.

"Do you think Vader can really wake up Cheng Xin? Why do I feel unrealistic?"

"Hehe, if it was changed to before, I guess there would be no chance, but now Vader obviously wants to keep the promise!"

"Letting Cheng Xin make the decision? It doesn't feel like a good thing!"

"Just like what AA said, I hope Wade doesn't wake up Cheng Xin. If that happens, it will definitely succeed!"

Now, many viewers can see clearly.

This woman Cheng Xin is a holy mother!

If she had been allowed to make the decision, it might have saved a person or two.

But the fate of the entire human race will be threatened because of her decision!


Countless viewers don't want Cheng Xin to be awakened-!

However, after a while.

Dai Xiaomei found that she could control the game.

A line of subtitles appeared in front of my eyes.

[Bunker Era 11, Bunker World]

【Your hibernation has ended, the hibernation time is 62 years】

Sixty-two years?!

The little girl was stunned.

The stars are moving, and before you know it, sixty years have passed in human history.

The information window in front of me disappeared.

Little Sister Dai struggled to stand up.

Above is a clean ceiling surrounded by metal walls.

At this time, a nurse appeared.

She didn't say anything, but pushed the little girl to go outside.

Seeing the surrounding scenes, the audience noticed.

People's clothes are very plain, without color, and there are many men around.

"Finally a man!"

"Damn it, those sissies from the last era are so disgusting!"

The audience talked one after another.

At this time, the nurse shouted: "No. 37813 wakes up! Enter the recovery room!"

After a while.

A middle-aged man appeared in front of him.

Cao Bin.

He was once the youngest candidate to hold the sword.

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Cao Bin said, "Mr. Wade asked me to pick you up."

"Before that, let me show you this new world first, and then you can make a judgment."

The little girl smiled wryly.

This version of the game is not free, and the choice is not something she can change. I can only hope that sister Zhou will make the right choice!

Think here.

Cao Bin in front of him said: "I almost hibernated with you, conducted research seventeen years later, and only woke up two years ago.

While talking, the two walked out of the ward.

Then, seeing the scene in front of them, everyone was stunned.

The city is like a huge forest, all the buildings are monotonous and uniform in shape, without any decoration on the outside, they are all silver-gray metal.

It looks like an aluminum box.

Dai Xiaomei was a little puzzled: "It doesn't look like Blue Star here!"

Cao Bin nodded and said, "Space City No. 1 is on the back side of Jupiter."

During the conversation.

A bus is coming outside.

Everything around is no different from the city in the AD century.

"Fuck, brothers, what do you see on the top?"

"My God! Two suns? No, three!"

"What are you doing? Three-Body?!"

Seeing the puzzled eyes of the little girl.

Cao Bin smiled slightly: "There are three artificial suns in the space city, about ten kilometers apart, all of which generate energy through nuclear fusion, and adjust the light and shade 24 hours a day.


A voice sounded, and the surroundings trembled slightly.

Cao Bin explained: "This is the position maintenance of the space city."

While talking, under Cao Bin's guidance, they passed through a passage and walked out of the corridor.

At this time, the starry sky in the sky rotates, and countless spaceships sail back and forth.

The next moment, Dai Xiaomei was stunned.

"Am I exposed to space now?" she couldn't help asking.

Cao Bin smiled and said, "Yes, now an air layer with normal pressure has been formed, and you can move freely in space, just like Blue Star."

Immediately afterwards, the sea of ​​stars rotated, and a bunker world appeared in front of my eyes.

Twenty-two space cities appeared, in the shadow of Jupiter, lined up in four columns, almost the size of two planets.

At this moment.

A space city emits blue light, like a small blue sun.

It started slowly, constantly changing directions, and maintaining its position.

Cao Bin said: "You are lucky, you have encountered a spectacle once every three days, look up!"

hear this.

Countless spectators, together with Little Sister Dai, couldn't help but look up.

There was a small white spot in the distance, and after a while, the white spot gradually expanded and turned into a white sphere the size of a ping-pong ball.


The white sphere expanded again, and the expansion speed was quite fast, which made people feel unreal.


The next moment, the white sphere in front of me turned into a huge planet in an instant!

There was a rumbling sound all around, and the spaceship almost flew up.

At the same time, the propellers of the eight space cities were all activated, and the positions of the maps were adjusted in turn.

Eight clusters of light suddenly lit up in the space.

Seeing this scene, countless audiences became excited.

"I'm going! What is this thing? It's so shocking!"

"I know, it's Europa! It's a moon around Jupiter!"

"Can't avoid it? I feel like Space City almost hit it just now!"

"They should have their own plan!"

When the audience discusses.

Cao Bin explained: "There is no way, Jupiter has thirteen satellites, the space city can't avoid them, the reason why it can't collide...

"It's a complex operation."


Under the leadership of Cao Bin, Dai Xiaomei toured four more space cities.

But he didn't take Dai Xiaomei deep into the city.

According to him, the social order in the city center is chaotic, and gang fights often occur in the city!

In previous years.

There was a conflict that directly penetrated the planet, causing a serious atmospheric leakage accident.

Cao Bin went on to say: "The Federation has invested a lot of financial resources here to ensure the basic life of the residents.

At the suggestion of the audience.

Dai Xiaomei asked: "What should you do if the dark forest strikes?"

Cao Bin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "There is only destruction. The city has no propellers, so it is impossible to advance."

"If there is a strike alarm, the only option is to evacuate people to Space City King."

Hearing this, some viewers actually realized something.

"Hey, compared with the previous era, the bunker world should not be the legendary ideal society!"

"It is true, but this is not a retrogression, but a spiral!"

"As long as human beings want to expand their territories, this will definitely happen!"

"Let's keep reading!"

At last.

Cao Bin took Dai Xiaomei through Lightspeed No. 2 City.

Look at everything in front of you.

Cao Bindao: "This used to be a science city, dedicated to the study of reducing the speed of light and establishing a black field, but it is now an empty city."

He paused, then continued.

"Or, it's a ghost town!"

Ghost town?

As soon as this word came out.

The audience was stunned.

What era is this, are there still so-called ghosts?

But looking at everything in front of them, they immediately reacted.

The space city in front of me has become a ruin, every place inside is empty, only one ruin remains.

at this time.

Cao Bin turned off the searchlight on the boat, and the surrounding immediately fell into darkness.

at the same time.

A blue light appeared in the city, looming.

Cao Bin pointed over there and said, "There's a black hole there, and it's just created by space dust falling into the black hole!"

black hole

Hearing this, countless viewers couldn't help staring at the black hole in the distance.

As expected.

Next, Cao Bin should talk about its origin.

Sure enough, Cao Bin began to explain without waiting for the little girl to ask.

"That black hole is less than five kilometers away from us. It is a miniature black hole, only 20 nanometers in size, but its mass is equivalent to a star.

At this time, a text appeared on the screen again.

[When the bunker project started, the research on reducing the speed of light in a vacuum also started at the same time]

[For this reason, human society has invested huge resources and built a space city for research]

[But for sixty years, it has been little progress, even in basic theory

[For sixty years, the real result of this research is the circumsolar speed device, and its appearance directly led to the implementation of the black hole project]

[Scientists try to create miniature black holes by acting on the light in the vacuum through the gravitational field]

[At this time, a scientist named Gao Wei appeared. Gao Wei believed that he had a character defect, and he felt that the speed of light was his character]

【He believes that as long as you change the speed of light, you can change yourself

【However, over the years, countless people have done experimental research, but the speed of light has not been changed】

[Among them, Gao Wei is the most desperate]

【Facts have proved that it is impossible for a black hole to change the speed of light】

[In order to obtain a stable black hole, people inject the satellite black hole into Jupiter XIII, and soon, the black hole absorbs matter and expands rapidly after a week.

[The black hole has become stable]

[Then, around this black hole, people built a space city to conduct research on black holes]

[After the sixth year of this research, Gao Wei died]

[According to the official statement, he was sucked into a black hole, but in fact this is impossible

……ask for flowers……

[After obtaining a stable black hole, Gao Wei was very fascinated by it. He often stared at the black hole, and even opened the password for the entrance of the protective net one day, drifted towards the black hole, and was finally sucked into it]

【What happened later was very strange. When observing the black hole with a remote-controlled microscope, people found a figure standing on the 21-nm sphere】

【That is Gaowei】

[What's even more bizarre is that Gao Wei's body structure is normal and has not been damaged, so he is probably still alive]

[For this reason, the insurance company refuses to pay the death benefit]

[At this time, due to the complaint of a woman who loves high dimensions, the research on black holes was suspended]

hear this.

Countless viewers were completely shocked!

"Fuck! Is this high-dimensional so reckless? Go straight into the black hole?"

"He's not dead yet, but he's smaller than a nanometer, and he's been falling into the black hole? What kind of state is this?"

"Ah, this sounds so bizarre!"

"Isn't the most bizarre thing about this otaku, after decades of research, he still has a woman he loves so much?"

At this point, the audience is staring at the black hole in front of them.

It seems that there is a person there.

He is constantly struggling in the black hole, as if he wants to send some kind of message.

The spaceship sails on.

Immediately afterwards, they encountered the blockade of the Federal Fleet.

At this time, around Xinghuan City, there are more than 20 star-class battleships scattered around, blocking this area.

At this moment.

A military patrol boat is approaching from a distance

A middle-aged man came down and said solemnly: "Hello, I am the special envoy of the Federation, and I will conduct final negotiations with the Star Ring City."


"Originally, the Federation has announced a complete blockade of Star Ring City, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

"But we know that Dr. Cheng Xin is here this time, so we allow and assist you to enter Star Ring City.

"We hope, using your influence, to persuade cities to abandon their illegal practices and prevent the situation from escalating.

Blocked? Illegal?

The audience couldn't help but have doubts in their hearts.

Intuition tells them.

Something big must have happened to Vader again!

During the conversation.

The envoy waved his hand and opened an information window, on which the President of the Federation appeared.

The president nodded to Miss Dai.

Then he said: "Mr. Wade once said that the final decision rests with you. We are very happy that you are still so young!"

Dai Xiaomei couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

During the conversation.

A text appeared in front of my eyes.

[After Vader took over the Halo Group, the company began to participate in the bunker project, which expanded tenfold in eight years]

[When the Bunker Project started, the Halo Group built the Halo City, which was mainly engaged in the basic research of light-speed spacecraft, and made a lot of profits]

[However, six years ago, the Star Ring Group suddenly announced the plan to develop a curvature-driven spacecraft, which caused an uproar in the world]

[This is something the Federation cannot tolerate]

[Subsequently, the Star Ring Group announced that it would break away from the Solar System Federation, and the conflict escalated again]

[The federation believes that Star Ring City is overreaching and does not have enough armed forces to declare independence, so the entire space city is completely blocked]

When seeing this, all the audience were shocked for a moment!

"Damn it! Am I right? Vader is so fierce? Going directly against the entire human society?"

"That's no use! Look, they're surrounded now!"

"I think so too! But, this is not like Vader's way!"

"Who knows what this lunatic is thinking? Does he have other plans?!"

Vader's approach far exceeded the expectations of the audience.

Until now, no one knew why Vader did this.

Even Cao Bin, Vader's subordinate, couldn't help complaining.

"On this matter, I can't understand Vader at all. He is such a forward-looking person who thinks carefully about everything. How dare he declare independence now?"

"This approach is no different from mental retardation!"

During the conversation.

Cao Bin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "But this old guy is very lucky. He built an accelerator on the blue star, and built an accelerator around the sun three centuries later. His life can be said to be very successful.

"However, he is a bit extreme, and he is very fanatical about supporting Xinghuan City!"

During the conversation.

Star Ring City is close at hand.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the audience jumped.

They know it well.

Seeing Vader soon!

That incomparable existence!

The demon who declared "only send brains"!

That Vader Pill that Trisolarans call a lunatic!.

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