When the audience is discussing.

The scene in front of him changed again.

Lines of subtitles appeared in front of my eyes.

[It is the singer's job to look through the coordinate data, but his main interest is to judge the sincerity of the coordinates]


Hearing these two words, the audience couldn't help but fall into doubts.

Can't help discussing one after another.

"What is this singer? Singing?"

"Turns out that in Trisolaris, any name is not that simple! I guess he's an alien!

"Obviously! This singer can still flip through the coordinate data? It's like looking at a file!"

"It's true, he should be a high-level civilization! Very likely, it's as powerful as the Three-Body Problem!"

Numerous audiences were discussing.

Having seen so many legendary events in the game, they now have experience, and quickly guessed that this so-called singer is most likely an advanced civilization!

Even Dai Xiaomei looked at the screen curiously.

Although she didn't do much research on these things, she couldn't help getting excited when she heard that another civilization was about to appear.

At the same time, there are still some worries in my heart.

If this singer civilization attacks human civilization, can people stop it?


will you?

When Dai Xiaomei said this, she didn't have much confidence in herself.

At this moment.

A line of subtitles appeared again.

[The singer knows that what he is doing is not a big deal, just checking for omissions and filling in vacancies, but this must be done, and it is also his pleasure]

[Speaking of fun, when this seed set sail from the mother world, it was quite happy there, but there was a war between the mother world and the marginal world, and there are more than 10,000 time particles now]

[But the singer didn't complain too much]

[The entropy of the universe is increasing, the degree of order is decreasing, very orderly]

[But the entropy of the low-entropy body is still decreasing, and the degree of order is still rising. This is the meaning, which is higher than the meaning level of fun]

【Therefore, the low-entropy body must exist and continue】

17【As for this meaning, it is unexpected that there is still danger, not to mention the top of the tower of meaning, which may not even have a top

Seeing this passage, everyone was dumbfounded.

The audience looked bewildered and kept sending out bullet screens.

"Oh my god! What does this mean? Who can tell me?!"

"I really don't understand! Didn't Dai Xiaomei explain the game? Quickly explain, I will give you gifts!"

Seeing these bullet screens, Dai Xiaomei had embarrassment written all over her face.

What can she understand!

What she knows is not as much as these netizens know, let alone understand these esoteric words!

Think here.

Dai Xiaomei couldn't help but said: "Brother Meng, don't you know after reading it? I think there should be an explanation in the game!"

During the conversation.

The text continues to appear.

[There are many coordinates traveling in the space, the pick-up of coordinates is carried out by the main core, the main core swallows the information left in the space, and remembers the positions of all the stars to identify the coordinate factory

[The singer has never done it, the important task now is: hide yourself and clean up]

[Of all the coordinates, only a part is sincere, and there are some rules for judging the sincerity of the coordinates]

[For example, the coordinates of group postings are often not sincere]

[If you want to truly and effectively judge the sincerity of the coordinates, you mainly rely on intuition, and singers have this ability

[In the consciousness of the singer, what emerges is the coordinate broadcaster himself, the spirit of the singer can resonate with the spirit of the broadcaster, and feel its fear and anxiety]

【The most important thing is fear. With fear, coordinates have sincerity】

Seeing this passage, most of the audience were still thinking about it carefully, but others were wide-eyed and shocked, obviously unable to believe the meaning of this passage!

Dai Xiaomei said in a daze: "What does the singer mean by this? Can someone explain it?"

She just finished speaking.

Immediately afterwards, a few barrages were sent out, but they quickly attracted the attention of the audience!

"I see! The civilization of this singer civilization is very high! It can easily destroy low-level civilizations! Even the three-body civilization is not under consideration!"

"Indeed! And through its telling, I discovered a thing!"

"As long as the singers feel the fear of this civilization through the universe broadcast, it may not be destroyed!"

"Oh my god! This is too abstract! Is this singer civilization so scary?!"

Countless people were discussing.

at the same time.

Another subtitle came out.

[The singer saw a sincere coordinate, which is near the seed route, but he decided to clean it up, anyway, this matter does not affect his singing]

【It doesn't matter if his judgment is wrong. Cleaning up is like this. Don't ask for absolute accuracy. Just do it sooner or later】

[This is also the reason why the status of this position is low.

[The singer takes out a quality point from the seed warehouse, and then throws it at the star where the target is located]

[But when he was about to make a move, he stopped, one of the three stars was missing, it should have been cleared]

See this short period of time told.

The audience totally reacted!

This is the Three-Body Civilization!

In the eyes of Singer Civilization, the Three-Body Civilization is nothing more than a mass of rubbish, cleaned up by the humblest Singer!

And it's pretty easy!

It's no different from human beings sweeping garbage!

Subtitles appear again.

[Singer quickly understood that there was a slow fog around that world, indicating that it was a dangerous world, so it was cleared up quickly]

[Generally speaking, the broadcasted single coordinates will eventually be cleaned up, it’s just a matter of time, there are hundreds of millions of cleaners in the low-entropy world]

[Cleaning is a very simple matter, and it takes almost no effort

[The next thing to do is to put this useless coordinate into the "tomb" file, just like burying the body of the deceased together]

[In "Relics", there is one thing that aroused the interest of the singer, which is the three communication records between the deceased and another coordinate]

See here.

The hearts of the audience couldn't help but pick up.

They knew very well that what the singer saw was the connection between the human world and the Trisolaran civilization!

What kind of disaster will happen if the singer sees it?

No one dares to think about it!

The text continues to appear.

[The singer actually understood some information, but it was enough to see an incredible process]

[First, another coordinate broadcasts a message, it does not hide genes or instincts at all, it directly exposes its own coordinates and the relative distance between the two worlds]

【Afterwards, the star bombers in this world sent the coordinates again, but they didn't attract attention. Maybe they thought it was not a big threat, or they thought it was troublesome】

【However, doing so is extremely dangerous, and it is easy to cause the expansion and attack of other civilizations

[This is a sign of danger, the only option is to wrap yourself in slow fog, make yourself look safe, and no one will care about them]

[It's strange that they have the ability and time to do it, but don't do it, then it will become extremely dangerous]

【Hide yourself and clean up】

When I saw here.

The hearts of the audience are pounding!

It may include Dai Xiaomei and others, who have not yet understood what it means, but the barrage quickly explained it!

"Humans sent their location to the Trisolaran world, which caused the Trisolaran world to attack!"

"But after that, the Trisolaran world was destroyed. Humans did not choose to turn the universe into a low light speed to show that they are not in danger, and at the same time, they did not build a light speed spaceship to escape from here!"

"This directly exposed my own coordinates, indicating that my current situation is quite dangerous!"

"Being targeted by singer civilization, I always have a bad feeling!"

hear this.

Dai Xiaomei and the others also reacted!

Both the black field plan and the lightspeed spaceship plan were correct, only the bunker plan is the most stupid!

Because the bunker plan can only block your own line of sight, you're just deceiving yourself!

Humanity has chosen one of the most wrong plans!!

For a while, the bullet screen was silent and didn't know what to say.

Isn't this suicidal?!

However, the words will not take into account the emotions of the audience, and words continue to appear one after another.

【The singer wanted to see the contents of the stars clearly, and because of curiosity, he started the process of big eyes, although this is an act of ultra vires】

[The elder of the seed said, what are you doing? The big eyes are very busy now, a glance from a distance is enough

【Just curious, the singer said】

[The elder rejected his request: Big Eyes has more important goals to observe, which can't satisfy your curiosity, go do something]

[The singer did not continue to request, the rest is to clean up]

[Singer took out the mass point, but he suddenly thought that those who clean up the star cannot use the mass point. There are dead spots in this place, and the mass point cannot be cleaned cleanly. Two-way foil is needed.

[Through the elders, the singer knew such a thing, the war in the mother world has not been won, and he is preparing to become two-way]

【The singer felt a burst of sadness. He couldn't imagine that kind of life. In the face of survival, all low-entropy bodies in the universe are helpless】

【He doesn't think about that any more, but picks up the two-way foil with the tentacles of the force field and throws it on the star bomber】

This text disappears completely.

All the audience were stunned and dumbfounded.

The barrage that was originally full of screens disappeared in an instant, without any trace.

The little girl was dumbfounded: "Brothers, where are you guys? Not even a single barrage??"

She just finished speaking.


Countless barrages appeared, almost filling the entire screen!

"It's over! It's over! The singer civilization destroys all human beings, it's as easy as sweeping a pile of garbage!"

"Damn it, it's all Cheng Xin's fault! This bitch destroyed the entire human civilization!"

"I'm really convinced! If she hadn't stopped the lightspeed spacecraft project, Vader would have led mankind out of the galaxy!"

"Hehe, the Holy Mother destroyed the world, so it's really not nonsense!"

"To put it bluntly, it was chosen by humans themselves! Now that I have no hope for human civilization, I just want to know, what is this two-way foil?"

"Just like upstairs, let me witness the destruction! Don't let that woman Cheng Xin survive!"

The audience kept sending barrage.

In their view, the human world must be extinct now, and there will be no possibility of resistance!

In fact it is!

Throwing down the singer's two-way foil is an absolute blow to dimensionality reduction!

Human civilization simply cannot bear it!

In the end, it was just a dead end, and was completely blocked by Cheng Xin!

At this point, the fate of mankind is a foregone conclusion.

Countless viewers are extremely curious about the so-called two-way foil!

What the hell is this?

If it wants to destroy the world, what method will it use?!

for a while.

All the audience 893 opened their eyes wide, staring at the screen in front of them!

at the same time.

The game screen in front of me changed again.

Dai Xiaomei found that she could control the game, but at this time she was in a state of weightlessness.

A line of text slowly appeared.

[Bunker Era 67, "Halo"]

Little girl Dai looked back, and there was a white spherical space all around, which was similar to the place where the sword-wielding person stayed.

At this moment, Ai AA was floating nearby, also wearing the tights he had worn during hibernation, with his limbs stretched out weakly, and he also woke up.

Dai Xiaomei wants to talk.

But he found that his body was paralyzed for a while, and he couldn't say anything.

Ai AA shook her head at her, expressing that she didn't know anything.

At this moment.

The space is filled with yellow light, as if coming from the window of the porthole.

It's all wild storms outside, covered by countless torrents.

Under the reminder of the audience, Dai Xiaomei immediately understood.

This is the surface of Jupiter.

According to the audience's speculation.

Where they are, it should be relatively stationary with the space city, but the surface of Jupiter is moving slowly!

At this time, Dai Xiaomei found that she could speak, but she couldn't control her body.

She reluctantly said, "Where are we?"

Ai AA shook his head.

At this time, a voice suddenly came.

"You are on the Halo."


The face of a white-haired old man is displayed on the side window.

It's Cao Bin!

The last time I saw him was a middle-aged man, and now he has grown old and become an old man.

At this time, Cao Bin said: "This is the latest generation model of the Halo, which was only completed three years ago."

"After the Xinghuan City incident that year, I was convicted, but was released shortly after. Now the number of space cities has increased to fifty-two."

"What you are seeing now is the Jupiter II complex."

"Life in the city has become like heaven again, but unfortunately you don't have time to see it.

Having said this, he stopped.

AA asked: "Is there a strike alert?"

Cao Bin sighed: "Yes, the alarm came out, this time it's true.

"Children, I am one hundred and twelve years old, and now I can tell you..."

"Dark Forest Strike has finally come!"

Speaking of this, his expression was very calm, but it implied despair.

See this scene.

The audience was a little puzzled.

The singer civilization will destroy the human world, which they have long expected, the problem now is...

There seems to be something wrong with this dark attack, why is it so calm?

In what form does it appear??.

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