While countless viewers were guessing.

A line of text appeared in front of my eyes.

【My heart tightened suddenly. I thought that in this century, human beings were ready, but I instinctively felt that something was wrong】

[It has been a while since the warning was issued, but the Jupiter Assembly II outside the window did not disintegrate urgently, nor did it change its trajectory, and it is still running]

At this moment.

Subtitles disappear.

Ai AA asked: "Then where are you now?"

Cao Bin raised his head and pointed behind him: "I'm at the solar system warning center now."

At this time, behind Cao Bin.

The eyes of the people in the hall were dull, and they either stood or sat quietly, with expressions almost exactly the same as those of Cao Bin.

Seeing this, all the audience reacted immediately.

The two-way foil thrown by Singer Civilization must have failed!

This thing has a force zone that makes humans irresistible, and even impossible to escape.

That's why they are so desperate!

At this time, the faces of the people around were numb and looked very indifferent.

There are also some people with tears on their faces.

Ai AA couldn't help but said, "Why don't you go into the bunker?"

Cao Bin lowered his eyebrows: "It's not necessary, that bunker is useless at all.

AA then asked: "How close is the particle of light to the sun now?"

"There are no particles of light."

Hearing this, Little Sister Dai already had a faint premonition in her heart, but she still asked: "Then you found...it?"

Cao Bin smiled miserably: "I found a small note."

As soon as this word came out.

At this point, the audience is almost certain.

This little note is the two-way foil that singer Wenming dropped!

But at the same time, they also had some doubts in their hearts.

"I'm even more curious now, what does that two-way foil do?"

"Could it grow bigger, or explode the sun?"

At this moment.

A series of subtitles appeared.

As if to tell everyone the truth about the destruction of this world.

[Bunker Era 66, Outer Solar System]

[The year before Cheng Xin woke up, the solar system early warning system discovered a UFO, which was huge and flew at a speed close to the speed of light for 1

[Almost certainly, this is a smart spaceship]

[At the same time, it is also a human in the solar system, and it is the first time to see an alien civilization other than the three-body civilization]

[Because of the lessons learned from the previous false alarm, the Federation did not announce this discovery to the public]

[When the alien spacecraft disappeared, people were still extremely nervous: although the alien spacecraft did not emit light particles to the sun, it emitted another thing]

[It is launched towards the sun at the speed of light, and soon, when it approaches the sun, its speed decreases sharply to one thousandth of the speed of light, and it continues to decrease]

【Looking at this speed, human space vehicles can fly in parallel with it, or even dispatch spaceships to intercept it】

[The spacecraft responsible for the interception mission is the Apocalypse spacecraft and the Arras spacecraft]

[Ten days after setting sail, Vasily and Bai Aisi, the person in charge of the spaceship, took a walk on it. Baisi used to be a doctoral student of Gongyi

At this time, the subtitles disappeared, and another picture appeared in front of the audience.

Vasily looked at the scene in front of him, and said inexplicably, "It looks like deja vu!"

Bai Aisi nodded: "Yes, but human beings have lost all confidence and arrogance."

During the conversation.

The Neptune behind has turned into a small blue shop, and the sun is like a small light cluster.

At this moment.

Vasily felt a little bored, so he took out a small thing from his space suit and let him float in the air.

"Look, is this Shibi?"

That thing was in the shape of a bone, but it was actually a metal part that reflected the cold starlight.

Vasily said: "More than a hundred hours ago, we discovered this metal floating object near the flight line, and sent an unmanned spaceship to pick up a few pieces."

"This should be a part of the battleship in the doomsday battle."

hear this.

The two couldn't help but think of the doomsday battle centuries ago.

All human warships were easily destroyed by a few small water droplets.

Now, they thought about that thing again.

Bai Aisi sighed: "What we are detecting now may be more terrifying than water droplets!"

Vasily nodded: "Yes, we were quite familiar with the three-body problem at the time, but now we don't know anything about it!"

Bai Aisi guessed: "That thing should not be small, but also large in size, it might be a spaceship!"

During the conversation.

The formation has begun to slow down.

At this time, the Apocalypse spacecraft sent a gravitational wave signal, trying to achieve precise positioning, but nothing was displayed on the radar.

See this scene.

The people on the Apocalypse were a little panicked.

Until forty minutes later, they received instructions asking them to move on and send unmanned spaceships to detect.

After a while.

The spaceship sent back a clear image, allowing everyone to see the thing.

A small note.

Seeing this scene, the audience had already expected it.

In fact, it is very likely that this thing destroyed the entire galaxy.

But now, neither Dai Xiaomei nor the audience can imagine what this little piece of paper can do?

at this time.

Under the inspection of the scientific research personnel, this note did not display any information, and it looked slender and harmless.

Maybe it's really just a letter?

The people on the spaceship sent another spaceship, and wanted to use the mechanical arm to grab the small note in front of them.

But oddly enough.

After several times of grabbing, the note slipped out of the gripper and remained in place.

How is this going?

Everyone was stunned.

They only now know that this little note is not an ordinary thing, it doesn't seem to interact with any object in the real world.

Regardless of any contact, it cannot change its position.

Seeing such a scene.

Bai Aisi couldn't help but said, "I want to take a closer look."

Vasily insisted: "Let's go together, both of us!"

after consent.

The two of them took the spaceship and drove towards the note. Seeing the spaceship getting farther and farther away from him, he felt a little empty in his heart.

Vasily said calmly: "Ding Yi, your mentor back then, was similar to our situation, right?"

Bai Aisi remained silent, as if acquiescing to this sentence.

At this time, he and Gongyi from two centuries ago are connected by heart.

They are all sailing towards an unknown destiny.

Vasily patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, we should trust our intuition this time."

The spaceship drove very fast and came to the side of the note.

Seeing the note, Vasily stretched out his hand to the note, but Riais grabbed it.

He said angrily: "What are you doing?! Think about my mentor!"

Vasily shook his head: "If it is really just a letter, we need direct contact with our main body to know the contents of the letter."

While speaking, he touched the note with his hand, but his hand passed through the note.

At this moment.

Bai Aisi also calmed down again, and said: "It's like a projection, it has nothing to do with our world..."

Vasily shook his head and said: "In this way, we can't take it away, let alone conduct research.

Bai Aisi said with a smile: "But we can send the spaceship over to study.

During the conversation.

At his request, the spacecraft Apocalypse sailed towards the note.

After contact, the paper strip entered the interior of the spacecraft and let it float in the experimental cabin of the spacecraft.

Seeing their actions, the audience could not help but sigh.

"These fools... this is something that can destroy Blue Star! They are not afraid at all!"

"If this really explodes, I'm afraid they will be the first to die!"

"That can't be helped! You know, if it really comes to the end, the two of them will lose their lives earlier, there is no difference!"

"If that's the case, no one can leave the solar system alive!"

The audience is talking to you.

did not expect.

Two centuries ago, Ding Yi came into contact with water droplets and was killed by the water droplets of the Trisolaran.

Two centuries later, his student Bai Aisi met almost the same ending!

Could it be.

Is this fate?

When the audience discusses.

In the Revelation spaceship.

Scientists measured the weight of the note, but nothing was shown on it, so the weight of the note may be fictitious.

Since then, the analysis of this note has yielded no results, and detection experts still know nothing about it.

But people noticed that the notes were slowly disappearing.

The research is getting deeper and deeper, and the people on the spacecraft have also relaxed their vigilance towards it.

But this approach made Bai Aisi very annoyed, and kept using some people to lose his temper.

Until one day, he had a dream, dreaming of his mentor Ding Yi.

When he wakes up.

He immediately called Vasily: "General, don't put that note on the spaceship, leave it immediately, the farther the better!"

"what have you found?"

Vasily was visibly nervous.

Bai Aisi said: "No, it's just intuition."

Vasily relaxed: "Don't panic, you are a little nervous now..."

Bai Aisi grabbed his shoulders, looked directly at him and said, "Don't be arrogant!"


"Don't be arrogant! Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival! Arrogance is! Did you forget the water drop?!"

hear this.

On Vasily's order, the Revelator left the note.

at this time.

The intensity of the gravitational waves emitted by the note is gradually weakening, and it itself is gradually dimming.

All the audience couldn't help holding their breath.

Some viewers have already guessed that when the note disappears completely, some horrible things should happen!


The gravitational waves emitted by the note disappear.

After a moment, its white light flickered and then went out.

The note disappeared completely.

"Did it evaporate completely?" Vasily asked.

Bai Aisi was a little tired: "Probably not, it's just that I can't see it anymore."

After an hour.

The inspectors on duty suddenly heard a sound.

""Look! What's going on?!"

"It's rising!"

"Don't touch it! Get out!"

"My legs! Ah!!

After a scream, the sound stopped abruptly.

In the monitor of Revelation, a monitor can be seen starting the thrusters on the spacesuit, trying to escape.


Hoo hoo!

The strong light is on, and the entire spaceship is about to melt!

In an instant, its ground melted into a pool and spread around!

The spaceship quickly formed a plane, emitting a bewitching color light, just like fireworks.

The audience quickly found out.

A monitor also came into contact with the plane, melting into a bright piece, and the rest of the body was also spreading out like a plane.


A scream sounded!

Vasily woke up with a start, and immediately said: "Immediately enter the overload position, the engine starts! Forward four!"

The Apocalypse spacecraft started immediately, and from a distance, only a faint light could be seen.

See it all.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room seemed terrified.

"What is that? It seems to be able to cut people to death in an instant! The whole galaxy won't be cut too??"

"I don't see it! That person was not cut, but squashed!"

"Like a.........plane?"

"That's right! That's how it feels!"

The audience felt chills down their backs.

Even Dai Xiaomei was a little afraid to look at it.

She seemed to feel that the singer Civilization was giggling at her behind her back.

At this moment.

On the screen in front of him, a navigator said in horror: "General, we are not moving, and the spaceship is not accelerating!"

Vasily roared: "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

At this time, the spaceship was humming, but it was only overloaded, without any acceleration.

Like being crucified in space by some force.

At this time, Bai Aisi said weakly: "There is acceleration, but the space in this area flows in the opposite direction, which offsets the acceleration (good Zhao)."

During the conversation.

He pointed to the distance and said: "Turn on the communication signal of the headquarters and make a formal report to them.

Hear the voice.

All had a sense of suffocation, as if the Apocalypse they were on was a cold grave.

next moment.

Bai Aisi smiled bitterly and said: "General, there is nothing in the thing you said, but you are actually right, it really has nothing in it, it's just a piece of space.

"The only difference is that it is two-dimensional, not a piece but a piece, a piece with no thickness."

Hearing this, all the audience suddenly realized!

No wonder this thing is called two-way foil!

Because it is originally a two-dimensional space!

Vasily was silent for a moment, then asked: "Didn't it evaporate?"

Bai Aisi nodded and said: "What evaporated was its encapsulating force field. This encapsulating force field separated that two-dimensional space from the surrounding three-dimensional space. Now the two are in contact..."

"Do you still remember [Blue Space] and [Gravity]?"

No one answered him.

But they certainly won't forget.

Bai Aisi continued: "Just like the four-dimensional space falls to the three-dimensional space, the three-dimensional space will also fall to the two-dimensional space, just like now, the area of ​​that small two-dimensional space will expand rapidly.

resulting in a larger drop. "

"We're in a two-dimensional drop right now."

"In the end, the entire solar system will drop to two dimensions, that is to say, the entire solar system will become a painting, and the thickness of this painting is auspicious!"

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

The whole galaxy will be turned into a painting!

What would that look like?!

This is the most complete destruction!

Not one left!

How desperate should human beings be?

for a long time.

A question popped out of Vasily's air.

"Now, can humans escape?".

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