I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 1096: , Young Master Chen, please

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"District 12? What did you say?!"

Chen Wu was the first to react, staring at the bowed guard with a look of horror, and asked, "Are you sure it was the convoy escorted by the Necromancers of your family to the 12th district?"

The **** hurriedly replied: "Yes, five masters, sure! The level escorts in all three districts have reported this situation. It is a convoy escorted by the Necromancers. There is a token, and the destination is indeed the twelfth district!"


In the entire lobby, everyone from several branches took a breath!

Who sent the Necromancers to **** the convoy to the 12th district?

That's the 12th district!

What is this family doing?

"Did you see the people in the car?" Chen Huasheng asked, looking nervous.

The guard shook his head: "Six Masters, according to the report, they can't see who is in the car."

Chen Huasheng heard the news and looked at Chen Wu and Chen Mingfu sideways, and said, "Five brother, second brother, what the **** does that mean? How could this family suddenly **** people to the twelfth arrondissement at this juncture, but it was the death block, Three regardless of the zone, but Lin Xie’s site!"

Chen Mingfu looked solemn, waved his hand to signal that the guard went down, looked at Chen Wu and others, and asked, "Who do you think will be?"

Chen Wu's face sank, carrying his hands, pacing in the middle hall, and shouted: "Chen Hongtao? He wants to use the strength of the 12th district to deal with our separation?"

"No, no, brother, you're wrong."

At this time, Chen Xiangyuan said with a smile.

"What does that third brother mean?" Chen Wu asked rhetorically.

Chen Xiangyuan said lightly: "Who can it be? I guess Chen Ping is nine out of ten, don’t forget, one of the three district masters in the twelfth district is Lin Xie, there is his boundary. It was Lin Zhiying who brought it back that year, and it was her righteous son. I think that 80% of them were invited by Lin Xie to Chen Ping."

Chen Wuwen said, frowning, and then nodded and said: "The third brother makes sense, but Chen Ping should not be in Tianxin Island."

At this time, a young man came into the doorway, it was Chen Liwen who was recovering at home.

At this moment, he regained his handsome appearance, walked in, and bowed to several people: "Li Wen has seen the second uncle, the third uncle, the fifth uncle, the sixth uncle."

Chen Wu turned around, and the dignified color between his brows and eyes immediately turned to his favorite color. He stepped forward and patted Chen Liwen on the shoulder, and asked, "Your boy, why are you here now?"

Chen Liwen smiled and said, "Five Uncles, I came to say that Chen Ping has returned. Tonight, the **** took her daughter to see a doctor. Those doctors at home were warned by me, and then they went to four. For this reason, the hospital in the district made some unpleasant things, and Chen Ping came forward. According to the hospital's eye line, it is indeed Chen Ping who went to the 12th district."

Wen Yan, Chen Wu looked dignified, turned back to look at Chen Xiangyuan and others, his eyes fell on Chen Mingfu, asked: "Second brother, what now? Chen Ping went to the 12th district, wouldn't really want to talk to Lin Xie Na Boys join forces?"

Chen Mingfu's face was also not good-looking, he frowned, he coughed a few times with his handkerchief over his mouth, and said, "Aihara, what do you think?"

Chen Xiangyuan ate a few nuts and said, "Let's watch the changes. Lin Xie is not a simple character. He can be the master of the district in a complex area like the 12th district. It is enough to see that this person is not as simple as we think. Moreover, judging from the response of their family to mobilize the Necromancers, they are also afraid of the 12th district and Lin Xie’s actions beyond the boundary."

Hearing this, Chen Mingfu nodded and followed, "Do we need to send someone to see it?"

Chen Xiangyuan shook his head, got up, and put his hands in front of his belly, saying: "Second brother, the twelfth district is not the fourth district and the fifth district, it is the death block. The five miles near the area are all buffer zones. People in other areas, It is impossible to enter without a permit. Moreover, if we let the people inside know that we will send people to monitor in the past, I am afraid the impact will not be good."

Chen Mingfu nodded, looked at Chen Liwen, and asked, "Liwen, do you have anything else to come over?"

Chen Liwen smiled with a smile on his face and said: "Second Uncle, naturally there is something important to discuss with your uncles."


Here, the team of the Necromancer team quickly entered an eight-lane highway.

This road is like a bridge from a prosperous city to a criminal city.

Behind the car is the very bustling and lively Ten District, while in front of the car, there are only street lights and deep eight lanes that can't be seen at a glance.

After about five minutes, everyone saw the general appearance of the twelve districts!

Many high concrete walls, like the outer wall of the prison, eight lanes lead to the huge mouth of the open blood basin, where is a stone gate that has been raised!

This is the customs clearance of the 12th district. This gate weighs thousands of tons!

Outside the gate, there are two heavily armed patrol teams. They are all black combat uniforms. It seems that these combat uniforms are the same as those of the exotic armored soldiers in the movie.

Every car that enters and exits this gate will be strictly inspected!

Hound, machine scan...

very strict!

Chen Ping looked at the tens-meter-high city wall in front of him and could see the tall pine buildings inside, which were painted black and had very few lights.

The hundreds-meter-high building in the center of the twelfth district can be seen clearly. The whole building is dark. The outer shell of the whole building is all reinforced concrete and iron walls. Only some flashing red dots can be seen. It is a danger signal.

It is said that as long as a button of the district master, this symbolic building of the twelve districts will be blocked by the iron wall from top to bottom!

No one can enter or leave!

Unless the people inside are open, this tall building will not collapse even if it is bombarded with shells, nor will it be broken into!

Because, the outer steel wall steel plate has a thickness of nearly one meter!

Soon, the convoy approached the checkpoint of the gate.

The car stopped and turned off.

Four armed soldiers armed with electronically scanned berets came over.

"Check, pass!"

The attitude of these fighters is rough and arrogant.

The undead warrior sitting in the co-pilot directly took out Lin Xie's invitation letter. The inspecting soldier looked at the invitation letter, looked at the people in the car, waved his hand, and shouted to the people over there. : "Release."

The car was just about to start.

Suddenly, not far away, from behind the gate, rushed out several off-road vehicles converted into chariots, all of which were armed soldiers!

The four cars came directly overbearingly and surrounded Chen Ping's convoy!

Then, in the leading jeep, jumped a man with dark sunglasses and wearing a dark green uniform. The head, the eyes and the corners of the mouth had deep scars and dark skin.

He wore leather boots and led a group of more than a dozen people. He grinned directly and walked in front of Chen Ping's car. He stepped on the hood with a fierce foot, facing the several Necromancers and Chen Ping in the car, grinning. Sneering, shouting loudly: "Dashen Chen, I'm sorry, my boss asked me to ask you to go through the house first, and also to invite Chen Dashao to follow our vehicle, don't resist, otherwise, something unnecessarily misunderstood , My man, the gun has no eyes."

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