Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

The leading man, tall and muscular, has a rebellious and incomprehensible attitude between his speech and eyebrows.

Their presence, the soldiers responsible for patrols and checkpoints, all stood silently and did not dare to step forward!

Chen Ping sat in the car, looking out of the window glass, the man stepping on the hood, his eyebrows clenched.

He can see that the identity and status of this suddenly appearing team in the 12th district is not simple.

After thinking for a while, Chen Ping got out of the car and was guarded by the soldiers of the Necromancer in front of and behind him.

The appearance of these Necronomicon Warriors also makes the atmosphere on the scene extremely tense!

The man who took the lead naturally recognized that the guards were the members of the Necronomicon Warfare, and there was a belligerent look in his eyes. He looked at Chen Ping and asked, "Young Master Chen, how do you think about it? Did you go with me, or did I tie you up?"

Chen Ping put his hands in his trouser pockets, and looked at the leading man in uniform uniformly and asked, "Who is your boss?"

The leading man shoved his sunglasses, and pretended to say: "My boss's surname is Shi, Shi Tai'an."

Shi Tai'an? !

When Chen Ping heard the name, his brows were closed, and his eyes were puzzled.

Because, Shi Tai'an is one of the three district masters in the 12th district!

How could he suddenly arrange for someone to enter the checkpoint of the 12th district and stop himself?

Is he planning to rob someone with Lin Xie?

Chen Ping thought a lot for a while, and finally, his eyes fell on the leading man in uniform, saying: "I'm sorry, boss Shi's kindness is my heart, I have other things to deal with temporarily, if boss Shi really treats me If you are interested, you might as well wait for me to deal with the matter at hand, and then you can meet Boss Shi with you."


The man in the war suit stepped on the hood of the vehicle, and then stared at Chen Pingdao with a stern look: "Dashen Chen, it stands to reason, you are the young master of the Chen family on this day, I should show respect to you. But, don’t forget, this is the boundary of the twelfth district, you Chen, it doesn’t work here. Here, only Boss Shi means, is the only king! My boss You are invited to go, you have to go!"

With that in mind, the warrior man waved his hand and shouted coldly, "Come here, please ask Master Chen to get in the car!"


The soldiers who had stood in the surroundings all raised their guns and pointed their guns at Chen Ping and the Necromancers!

Chen Ping looked down, looking at the dozen men in uniform, very displeased.

In the 12th district, it turned out that Chen's face was not given at all.

Even a small captain guard dares to shoot at himself!

Chen Ping breathed out, watching the dozen men in uniforms walk towards themselves with guns, and he burst into a raging flame in his eyes!


It was at this moment that another pair of men and women rushed out from behind the gate in the 12th district!

The headed man, the same uniform, the national character face, his face is serious and grim!

The only difference is that the badge on the chest of their uniform is different from the badge of the man with sunglasses.

Their appearance changed the situation here instantly!

"Han Hu! What did you just say? Only the orders of your boss Shi in the twelfth district are Wang Ling? Then don't you take our forest district master's orders into your eyes?"

The man in uniform with a Chinese character broke into the room, and directly screamed the man in sunglasses with a cold face!

"Wang Song! Yes, move fast enough."

Han Hu turned his head, sneered at the corners of his mouth, and the scars on his face looked extremely scary.

Then Wang Song snorted and swept the audience with solemn eyes, one by one from Han Hu's body, and then said angrily: "Give me the gun down! You don't look at who your muzzle is facing !The old master of the Chen family, how many heads can you lose one by one?!”

The men in uniforms brought by Han Hu all looked at each other at the moment, glanced at Wang Song, preparing to put down their guns.

However, Han Hu suddenly shouted: "Who dares to let go, Laozi killed him first!"

Swords crossed!

The atmosphere is extremely harsh and grim!

The soldiers with guns were a little panicked at the moment!

One of them could not bear the pressure, and the muzzle slowly fell.

Han Hu's eyes were cold, and his right hand reached out, suddenly pulling out the pistol from his waist.



The warrior's eyebrows were a little bit red, and then the whole person fell back into the pool of blood!

All this happened in a few seconds!

Han Hu's actions, in one go, directly frightened all the other soldiers brought!

He gently inserted the pistol back into the holster around his waist.

Da da da!

They instantly raised the gun back and aimed at Chen Pingren.

Wang Song's face sank, watching Han Hu acting like this, frowning, and said angrily: "Han Hu, do you mean to challenge the forest master?"

Han Hu smiled and said: "Wang Song, don't press me in your home district. Our boss Shi is also the district master. It's the same! We have the ability, we are here today to grab people! Who won, who Will be qualified to take them away."

With a twist in Wang Song's eyes, a cold chill slowly appeared on his body.

The two teams are now in a state of high tension!

Because, here is the 12th district!

It's the area where bloodshed occurs if you don't agree!

Speaking of guns, that is real guns!

This is the death block!


Suddenly, there was a dull thunder in the sky, just like the end!

A blue thunder directly paddled the night sky, illuminating the whole block!

Everyone's face was shining with the light of thunder, and a pale and pale look appeared!

Da da da!

Almost at the same time, Han Hu and Wang Song pulled the pistol out of their waists together!

At the same time, the muzzle was aimed at the opponent's eyebrow!

A touch of fire!

Everyone took a breath!

"Han Hu, how dare you do it?" Wang Song asked coldly.

Han Hu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said cruelly, said: "Wang Song, you and I are the same person, why bother to speak on it. Tonight, either you die or I die. If you are afraid, I Don’t mind letting you go, just ask Wang Song to bow my head."

Ha ha.

Wang Song sneered: "Han Hu, you are out of bounds! Tonight, Chen Shao is a distinguished guest invited by our forest master. You are doing this with disrespect to the forest master!"

Han Hu raised his eyebrows and said: "The meaning of our boss Shi, let me take Chen Dashao through the house for a while. After talking about things, let people go naturally, why don't you be so nervous. Otherwise, I let boss Shi tell you Is there a phone call in the forest area?"

"No need!"

Suddenly, a cold deep voice came from behind everyone.

Chen Ping stepped out and looked at Han Hu and Wang Song, etc., with a cold voice: "I just say it again. Tonight, I came to the meeting at the invitation of the forest master. The boss really wants to invite me to cross the house, then let him wait!"

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