Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

As soon as this sentence comes out, it can be said that there is no room for maneuver.

Han Hu looked sideways, looking at Chen Ping with a cold face, and a sneer in the corner of his mouth, said: "Did Chen Dashao decide this?"

Chen Ping looked indifferently at Han Hu and said, "No one has taken me as a thing and snatched it. Your boss Shi is the first. For this reason, I decided to give him some advice."

Let's just say, in the eyes puzzled by everyone.

Chen Ping pulled out a special pistol directly from the waist of a necromancer on his side.


Gunshots are heard throughout the level!

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, he saw that Han Hu's hand with a gun was shot by Chen Ping!


In an instant, everyone took a breath!

He actually shot!

That was Shi Tai's men!

Han Hu is in the 12th district, and his reputation is very domineering!

Han Hu dropped the pistol in his hand, covering his blood-red arm, blushing his eyes, bursting out the murderous intention, staring at Chengping roared and said: "Chen Dashao, do you dare to shoot me?! This is the 12th district! No Your Chen's realm! My boss is Shi Tai'an, one of the owners of the 12th district!"


Chen Ping lost the gun in his hand to the Necromancer, his eyes were solid, his hands were inserted in his trouser pockets, a little bit of coldness was revealed in his eyes, staring at the Han Hu, and said, "What about Shi Tai'an? What about the 12th district?" Don’t forget, this is Tianxin Island! It’s always Chen’s ruler! You are a small captain who dares to disrespect me. Even if I kill you at the entrance of the 12 districts today, Shi Tai’an dare to come out right Am I showing fangs?!"

This roar shocked the audience!

This is the first time that people of the Chen family dare to be called at the gate of the 12th district!

Moreover, it is to fight against Shi Tai'an!

Han Hu frowned, his arms bleeding, staring at Chen Ping, with a terrible complexion, and sneered: "Good! Chen Dashao is indeed the master of his family. He has confidence and courage! Then I will tell you today, as long as you dare Stepping into these twelve districts and a half steps is to be an enemy of my Han Hu! My Han Hu will definitely stare at you! You pay attention, I will definitely find a chance to kill you!"

"I heard that you also brought your wife and a pair of daughters back. Ha ha, I hope you can protect them. From today, my Han Hu and Chen Ping will be in line with you!"

After this sentence, Han Hu turned his head and wanted to leave.

But that moment!

Chen Ping's pair of cold eyes, which had been silent, suddenly burst into a biting murderous intention!

He exhaled, looked up at the sky, looked at the rolling clouds, and the sky of thunder and flash, said: "Originally, I intend to let you live a life, but, you are just looking for your own death. What I don’t like is that others threaten me with my wife and children. People in the 12th district are no exception."

As soon as this sentence came out, Han Hu, who turned to leave, stopped, turned his head, and his eyes met Chen Ping's eyes.

At that moment, he felt himself stared at by a fierce beast!

That look is terrible!

It's as if one eye can resist all enemies!

Han Hu squeezed involuntarily and frowned and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Ping stepped forward and walked directly to Han Hu. A pair of cold eyes stared at each other, and then said: "My wife and woman are counter-scales that can never be touched. Even if you are a verbal threat, I also I will do my best to stop all upcoming threats, sorry, you are out of bounds, **** it!"

Say it.

Chen Ping punched out!

At that moment, in the sight of everyone, Chen Ping's punch was transformed into a burning fire unicorn, and suddenly burst out, slamming into Han Hu's chest!


The fire unicorn that Chen Ping punched directly penetrated Han Hu's chest and abdomen!

Just like being burned by magma, Han Hu's chest and abdomen are translucent, and only flesh and skeleton are turned into fiery magma water!

Han Hu was dumbfounded, staring at Chen Ping in front of him, and spit out a word: "You..."

Before he finished, he fell down.

This scene shocked everyone in the field!

The fire unicorn that Chen Ping punched just now also flew into the sky, and then turned into a flame, disappearing into the invisible!

What is this means?

They dare not imagine!

Wang Song also frowned, looking at Chen Ping's punch, he already had a rough judgment in mind.

Like Lin Xie, he is a special kind of talent!

Wang Song immediately shouted: "Everyone listened to the order and handed them over!"

With a single order, the soldiers brought by Wang Song put all of Han Hu's men on the ground!

Then he walked to Chen Ping and said, "Chen Shao, the owner of my family has an invitation, please follow me."

Chen Ping looked away from Han Hu's body, nodded indifferently, and returned to the car.

Then, a team of teams followed Wang Song's team, cleared the gate, and officially entered the 12th district!

And this scene at the gate of the gate naturally returned to a brightly lit mansion deep in the hinterland of the 12th district!

This mansion, covering thousands of square meters, is a white building.

Inside and outside the mansion, all the soldiers with guns were patrolling, and all the entrances and exits of the mansion were all patrolling soldiers. Closely inspect the people and vehicles coming and going!

At this moment, in the villa in the center of the mansion.

A middle-aged man, wearing a nightgown, was sitting on a sofa in the living room, smoking a cigar.

The figure is Yanhuan's fat and **** girl, which is available in all countries, and is dancing to help, and it is a kind of stripper that is very stimulating to the heart.

In the living room, there are also several men and women wearing suits and casual clothes, which are intertwined with this middle-aged man.

"Boss Shi, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Among them, the **** goddess, who was wearing a big red split skirt, raised her glass at the moment and said with flamed red lips.

The middle-aged man, with gray hair, round face, and many jade and diamond rings on his fingers, looks very local.

He toasted, clink with the woman across the air, drank it, then took a cigar and laughed: "Mr. Yao, happy cooperation, hope that our cooperation will start operation tomorrow."

The woman named General Yao nodded generously: "Naturally, as long as Boss Shi helps us get a pass, we can enter the 12th district directly when we are in the outside world. By then, those things are all Boss Shi. Yes, a profit of 300%! I believe that it won’t take long for Boss Shi to become the richest lord of the 12th arrondissement! In this way, your next election of the president of the twelfth arrondissement will be stable. ."

Boss Shi heard that, holding a cigar, he laughed happily, pointing at President Sun and laughing: "Although President Yao can speak, I like a woman like President Sun. Come and wish us victory!"

Then Mr. Yao smiled, just about to raise a glass, a man in a uniform rushed in the door, walked quickly to Shi Tai'an's side, and put a few words on his ear.

After talking, Shi Tai'an suddenly angered, threw the wine glass in his hand violently, got up and shouted: "Mom's son! He Chen's people, dare to kill me?!"

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