Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

The sudden anger of Shi Tai'an made all the CEOs present a little panicked.

The man in front of him, but Shi Tai'an who didn't blink!

It is one of the three district masters in the 12th district, and also the most greedy for money, the most erotic, and the most greedy for power!

In his hands, he was covered with blood!

Shi Taian took a sip of cigar, turned around, and pointed at the guard. He asked coldly, "What else did he say?"

The **** report from Guardian 1510: "He said, this is a piece of advice for you. This is Tianxin Island, and it will always be the boundary of the Chen family. Even if the 12 districts are not under the jurisdiction of the Chen family, the Chen family has the ability There is a means to take it back here. He wants you, don't cross the border, kill Han Hu, is a warning to you."


After Shi Tai'an heard it, he kicked furiously on the crystal coffee table, and the whole coffee table turned over!


The wine bottle fell to the ground, and all the dancing girls stopped their movements in horror, their expressions flustered.

Shi Tai'an raised his eyebrows, pointed at the girls, grinned sneer, and showed a golden tooth, said: "Jump! All the **** go to jump!"

After roaring, Shi Tai'an sat down again, took a cigar, and said to the guard: "Send someone to follow Wang Song and they, I want to see, what is the reason Lin Xie invited the young master so late! It’s not that it prevents me from doing business. I can close my eyes, but if Lin Xie dares to use the young master to plot my Shi Tai’an’s business, I’m sorry to leave Chen’s family name tonight forever. District 12!"

"Yes! Boss!"

The guard bowed back, and then quickly left the mansion hall.

In the hall, several men in suits and women's dresses and women in cheongsam dresses showed their solemn faces.

Shi Tai'an smiled, and ordered his men to clean the place, and stood up and said to the big guy: "Everyone, like this, follow me to the garden to talk."

Everyone smiled and got up and followed Shi Tai'an to the garden.

Mr. Yao, who followed Shi Tai'an, smiled and asked: "Boss Shi, listen to the conversation you just made with your men. Is the Chen's person coming to the 12th district?"

Shi Tai'an smoked a cigar, spit out a smoke, turned his head and looked at the woman in front with a smile, and observed her protruding back and side, as well as the white neck, said: "Why, President Yao also treats Chen's Interested? Want to inquire? Then, if I am a woman of Shi Tai'an, I will tell you how?"

There was a chill in the corner of the head of Yao who could not be checked, and the smile on the face was still dignified and generous, saying: "Boss Shi, you just laughed. I am a female actress, how can I be worthy of Boss Shi? What about men?"

Shi Tai'an laughed twice and said, "Mr. Yao, your little mouth is so sweet. I really love you. Seriously, if you want to be my woman, I promise you spicy and spicy. Yes, consider it?"

After all, Shi Tai'an stepped forward.

Yao Yue was a few steps behind, standing on the spot, looking at Shi Tai's back.

On the side, a **** in a black suit approached and whispered softly: "Mr. Yao, just after the news came, Lin Xie invited Chen Ping's grand master Chen Ping to meet at the summit building tonight."

Yaoyue turned her head, her face sank, and said, "Let your people continue to stare. I want to know their every move. This is very important for our plan in the twelfth district! Can't take Lin Xie, just take the stone. Tai'an, District 12, we must have our forces!"

"Yes, President Yao."

The guard said, and then left the mansion while others were not paying attention.

Looking back at Chen Ping.

The team followed Wang Song's team to the summit building in the 12th district.

Here is a famous restaurant in the 12th district.

It is an antique pendant building, which is made of red masonry and wood.

At every corner of the summit building, there is a big red lantern, which is particularly abrupt in this quiet and deep street!

This summit building is located in the prosperous section of the fourth street in the 12th district.

It's just that because it's getting late at night, after nine o'clock, there is a curfew.

Therefore, there is no one on the street. There are no dogs except the patrolling people and cars.

The convoy stopped in front of the summit building. At the door, there were already four welcoming ladies, all in red cheongsam cheongsam, with good shape, protruding forward and back, with hair curled, and the wind blowing, the cheongsam opened, A hint of fish belly white.

They stooped and shouted: "Welcome Chen Shao to the summit building."

Chen Ping got out of the car, raised his eyebrows at the golden summit building plaque, and then followed Wang Song, stepping up and walking into the summit building.

Five Necromancers followed, and four stayed on the side of the car to prevent emergencies.

However, as soon as he entered the door, there were two men in dark green uniforms who came out of the door and reached out to stop the path of the five Necromancers, saying: "The forest master only allows Chen Shao to go in alone."

Chen Ping wrinkled his brow and looked at the five Necromancers behind him.

They had guns in both hands, black ink helmets, and a red line flashed through them.

Then, a mechanical voice came out from the helmet of one of the Necromancers, and said coldly: "We are responsible for protecting Master Chen Ping's safety."

It's such a simple sentence.

The two men in dark green uniforms looked dull, and said the same coldly: "For the forest master, only Chen Shao is allowed to enter, others are not allowed to put in."

The voice fell.

The two Necromancers stepped forward directly with two clicks, carried Chen Ping's two arms, turned around and left!

This scene made the two men in dark green uniforms and Wang Song dumbfounded.

Not letting in, he even brought Chen Ping back into the car.


The door is locked!

Chen Ping returned to the car, but also a little puzzled.

Just now, at the entrance, these Necronomicon Warriors did not take action. Now, they are so aggressive.

"Everyone, I should be fine if I go in." Chen Ping said tentatively.

The previously spoken Necromancer still had a mechanically cold voice, saying: "We are responsible for protecting the safety of Master Chen Ping. All dangerous conditions above 50%, we will enforce the safest practices!"

Chen Ping was helpless and shrugged. He had to sit in the car and wait quietly.

Outside, Wang Song blinked his doubtful eyes. There is a feeling, kid, do you have a lot of question marks...

He looked at the warrior man on his side, helplessly took out his mobile phone, dialed Lin Xie's phone, and said: "The district master, Chen Ping has arrived, but his guards will not let him in alone, we..."

"It's okay, let his **** follow, we have to do well in hospitality and meet all the requirements of the guests."

On the other end of the phone, there was a calm and magnetic male voice.

Wang Song hung up the phone, then walked to the door of the car and knocked on the window of the car: "For the forest master, several people can go together."

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