Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

At the same time, Wei Hanxin cold face, has walked out of Hua Ting Villa, standing at the door, she was full of cold face, furiously took out her mobile phone, dialed her brother's number, crying: "Brother! I was A **** is beating! You have to come over and make the decision for me!"

On the other end of the phone, a calm and strong voice came, with coldness and anger, and asked, "Who dares to deal with you?"

"I don't know! It's a boyfriend that Chu Weiwei met newly, just an arrogant bastard!"

Wei Hanxin cried all her makeup.

"Okay! I know, I'll be there in a moment! Dare to do my sister, I let him know the taste of death!"

The phone hung up.

Wei Hanxin was full of hate, turning his head to look at the direction of the brightly lit hall of Hua Ting Mountain Villa, and said bitterly: "You're dead!"

After about ten minutes or so, outside the Huating Villa, seven or eight Jeeps with battle cards were parked at the door!

Soon, dozens of heavily armed green uniformed warriors jumped from the car!

The giants and guests nearby are all too far away!

Because, in this group of people, the murderous intention of the sky and the breath of the soldiers, do not enter the stranger!

Then, the front door of the jeep opened.

The first to introduce the eyes was a pair of black boots, followed by a man in a tiger robe, wearing a pistol on his waist, wearing a war cap, and a golden star around the brim.

This man, who looks very burly, has a dominating temperament, and within three meters, no one dares to take half a step!


His boots stepped on the ground, a pair of stern eyes like a blade, coldly looked at the gorgeous villa in front of him, and then looked at Wei Hanxin running to the side with a face of grievance.

"Brother! You must make the decision for me, you look at me, your face is swollen." Wei Hanxin was now looking at the bird that he was relying on, and was pulling the arm of the man in the uniform.

The men in the uniforms gently touched Wei Hanxin's cheeks and the cold eyes, reflecting the bitter murderous intention, saying: "Brother is the master for you."

After all, the tiger robe on the man shook his head, stunned, and wore a dozen heavily armed soldiers, thinking about the main hall of Hua Ting Villa.

Wei Hanxin's smug smile followed him quickly.

At the same time, in the main hall, many circles of rich second-generation men and women have spread the news about Chen Ping's slap on Wei Hanxin just now.

Now Chen Ping, wherever he goes, is the focus of attention.

"Who is that kid? He doesn't know what happened to offend Wei Hanxin? How dare he stay here."

"Don't know, face to face, but I think there will be a good show next, let's eat melon."

"Looking like Chu Weiwei, the two seem to have a strong relationship. Are they really boyfriends?"

A group of people are very strange, because Chu Weiwei and Chen Ping are always talking and laughing, and don't take the big guy's eyes seriously.

However, immediately the local rich and young recognized Chen Ping.

"Oh, I know this kid. Everyone in the Jiang family's Zikang Group has heard of it? A goddess-level chairman, he is Jiang Wan's waste husband who eats soft meals."

"I depend?! Really fake? A soft-eater who actually hooked up with the Chu family's lady?! This guy has a set, is it secretly tutoring the "How to get the rich woman's favor" these books?"

"No matter what he is, I know that this guy has offended Miss Qianjin of the Guardian family. He must be dead! Don't believe it, just wait and see."

A group of people tweeted and talked non-stop. Many people saw Chen Ping and Chu Weiwei approaching each other, and they talked and laughed.

Here, many rich second generations are interested in Chu Weiwei, but fortunately, they just communicated and they just ignored themselves.

Oh shit!

Could it be that so many rich second generations are not as good as a wasteful meal of soft rice?

At this time, at the center of the reception, a group of important figures in the circle were gathering together to talk and laugh.

Jiang Liang followed a majestic middle-aged man and watched with a smile as he continued to introduce a big man.

These big names may not be conspicuous in the entire territory or in the Jiangnan District, but in Shangjiang, they are all big names in various industries.

Suddenly he saw Jiang Ling on the side keep secretly winking.

Jiang Liang said to the middle-aged man in front of him, then walked over and asked, "What's wrong? Didn't you see me talking to some big business affairs?"

"Cousin, I just went to get food, and I saw Chen Ping over there." Jiang Ling hurriedly said.

"Chen Ping?" Jiang Liang's eyes narrowed and he couldn't help wondering:

"How did he get in? Shouldn't anyone from the Jukang Group be invited to the antique auction tonight?"

"You said, would he come to meet people and want to compete with us?"

Jiang Ling said nervously.

"This... is not impossible."

Jiang Mingdian nodded, followed by a deep look, and glanced at the time, said: "Jiang Wan's side, should also be in contact with Fang Wenzhi, Chen Ping is here now, the couple, want to go both ways?"

Jiang Liang's dignified face, if Jiang Wan reached a cooperation with Fang Wenzhi and Chen Ping knew some business partners, it would be a little tricky.

"So what shall we do?" Jiang Ling asked.

Jiang Liang pondered for a moment, and said, "Go and stare at Chen Ping, I will deal with it here and go right away."

Jiang Ling nodded and turned away.

Jiang Liang's eyes were cold, he immediately pulled out his phone and dialed the phone of a group of foreign abilities arranged by himself, saying, "Han, I want you to stare at Jiang Wan right now, there can't be any difference !"

"Master Jiang Liang, there is no problem with us! It's just dealing with some ordinary people!"

On the other end of the phone, there is a Chinese language that is not very smooth and crappy, with a high level of pride.


Looking back at the group of rich second generation, a woman with a good figure looked at WeChat group proudly at the moment and said, "Come here! Someone saw Wei Taiying at the door!"

Wei Taiying?

A group of people was stunned, with a look of fear and fear!

That is the most powerful and ruthless younger generation of the Wei family!

That's Wei Taiying, who has a great name in the North Cold War Zone!

It is the next generation owner of the whole Jinling Guardian!

Moreover, it is said that Wei Taiying has entered the Supreme Training Camp and is the one selected by the five people who are most promising to inherit the position of the Supreme Master Beihan!

Promising future!

Definitely a ruthless person!

Who would have thought that Wei Taiying would appear here? !

"Look, is that Wei Taiying? He came so fast?" Suddenly, a woman shouted suddenly looking at the direction of the entrance of the main hall.

A group of people looked at it and saw a sturdy man wearing a tiger robe in a uniform at the door. With a chill on his face, he brought a dozen soldiers in uniform and came in droves.

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