Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

I saw a group of heavily armed soldiers who suddenly broke in. In the main hall, everyone was busy dispersing to both sides, fearing that they might catch fire.

Jiang Ling hid in the crowd and sneered with a mouthful of words: "There will be a good show now."

Other onlookers also whispered loudly:

"My day! The young master of the Wei family? Didn't you enter the special training group?"

"I don't know, he actually appeared here, the stink boy must have died this time!"

"Wei Taiying, that is one of the five candidates for the Supreme Master Beihan. Such a person appears here, even if he is the general guard of Shangjiang, he must be respected."

Listening to the discussion in the crowd, Wei Hanxin, who had been beaten, followed behind his elder brother with a cold face, and walked directly to Chen Ping and Chu Weiwei who were talking and laughing, and raised the green jade to point at Chen Ping. Shouted: "Brother! It's him, it's this **** who hit me! I'm going to slap him in the face of everyone! I also want him to kneel down and apologize to me!"

After talking, Wei Hanxin stared at Chen Ping with a cold face, his eyes with bitter hatred.

Only then did Chen Ping and Chu Weiwei notice the arrival of a group of people including Wei Taiying.

When Chu Weiwei saw Wei Taiying, her face also changed, and she whispered, "Brother Wei."

At the same time, she looked at Chen Ping with some worry.

Oh no!

Wei Taiying is here, but it is ruthless!

Although Chu Weiwei knows Chen Ping's identity and status, can Chen Ping beat Wei Taiying?

He is the supreme candidate in the future.

Wei Hanxin also quickly said to Chu Weiwei: "Chu Weiwei! You come to me! Why do you want to stand with this cock!"

Chu Weiwei deflated and said, "Sister Han Xin, actually he..."

Waiting for Chu Weiwei to finish, Wei Taiying glared at her coldly, and then looked at Chen Ping, who looked pale, and asked coldly, "Is it because you beat my sister?"

At the moment, Chen Ping had a faint smile on his lips.

Wei Taiying, he actually has some impressions. When he followed Xiao Zhongguo in the Dragon Warrior training, he had heard of Wei Taiying's name in the North Cold War Zone.

It's just that they never met.

"Yes." Chen Ping nodded, his attitude indifferent.

Wei Taiying's eyebrows fell, and for the first time she saw someone who dared to have such an attitude before him.

The other party doesn't seem to be afraid of himself at all.

In the past, as long as one stop there, a group of people would tremble.

Because he is too murderous and chilly!

"Very well, you have the courage to admit your mistakes. In front of my Wei Taiying, there is no way to bully my sister. Now, I want you to kneel to apologize to my sister and accept her punishment for you, how?"

Wei Taiying also said coldly that there was a seemingly cold chill on his body.

The chill made the group of people in the main hall start to tremble slightly.

This Wei Taiying has such a strong momentum that one can't help but want to bow down.

Wei Hanxin stood on Wei Taiying's side, pointing at Chen Ping, his mouth full of sneer sneer, said: "Huh! Don't hurry down and apologize to Miss Ben? I just said, you dare to beat me, die That's it! I must kill you fiercely!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Weiwei was anxious in her heart and quickly shouted: "Brother Wei, this is a misunderstanding. In fact, Chen Ping was not intentional. It was sister Han Xin who was right or wrong, and..."

"Chu Weiwei! How can you help such a bastard? You still don't think I'm your girlfriend!"

Wei Hanxin was anxious, screaming at Chu Weiwei.

Really mad!

This dead girl, elbows turned out!

Chu Weiwei deflated her mouth and wanted to say something, and Wei Taiying said with a cold voice: "Enough! Chu Weiwei, because you are a grandson and granddaughter of Chu, I will not pursue your fault, but, You cannot maintain this person!"

After all, Wei Taiying's eyes burst into chill, staring coldly at Chen Pingdao: "I will give you a minute to consider, kneel down, and accept my sister's punishment on you, so that you can leave alive. If If you do not accept, or want to resist, you will disappear from this world."

After talking, a group of men in uniforms behind Wei Taiying stared at Chen Ping coldly.

As long as the boss ordered it, they would kill the man who bullied his sister before him!

Chen Ping smiled, looked at Wei Taiying and Wei Hanxin, and then asked: "The girl is sincere, I understand, but this young Master Wei, if you want to punish me, can you figure things out first? Right or wrong?"

Wei Taiying smiled coldly: "In my eyes, there is no right or wrong. You beat my sister, my sister punished you, it is fair."


Chen Ping smiled, glancing coldly at Wei Taiying and the brother behind him, saying: "The Wei family is still too arrogant. After so many years, how come you don't know how to converge?"

Wen Yan, Wei Taiying's eyebrows twisted, said: "You are not qualified to say Wei family!"

After all, Wei Taiying kicked out, kicking Chen Ping's knee with killing intent and gang wind!

This foot is so powerful that most people will break their knees and kneel on the spot!

The onlookers at the scene also covered their mouths and glared.

"That kid is dead! Wei Taiying shot, he must be crippled without dying!"

"Oh, a stinky boy who is nothing, and dare to fight against the Wei family, it is really beyond measure!"

"Looking at Wei Taiying's appearance, he is going to kill the guy."

However, the next scene shocked everyone!

Because, Wei Taiying's sensation fell through!

Chen Ping just stepped back half a step and escaped Wei Taiying's kick!

Wei Taiying's face sank at the time, and there was a trace of suspicious clouds and suspicious eyes.

This guy has some skill!

"Unexpectedly, you still have some skill, but, in front of me, everything is in vain!"

Wei Taiying's mighty domineering shouted, followed by a punch, straight to take Chen Ping's chest!

This punch, the average person will fall to the ground, can not climb for a long time.

Seriously, it will be killed directly!


A more shocking scene happened again!

Chen Ping just smiled indifferently, and then raised his hand, directly I made Wei Taiying's punch.

The fists and palms creaked loudly.

The atmosphere in the entire main hall quickly cooled down!

Everyone took a few breaths, and they couldn't believe that this kid named Chen Ping could actually block Wei Taiying's two moves!

Jiang Ling stood in the crowd, her face was shocked at the moment, but she seemed to understand what she thought of Chen Ping's skill.

But soon, she sneered in the corner of her mouth, secretly said: Chen Ping, you are done! Provoking who is not good, provoking Wei family!

Over here, Wei Taiying was chilly, his eyebrows squeezed, he shouted, his fist burst out, and shouted, "You are looking for death!"

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