Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

"Yes yes! We understand, understand!"

The two strong foreign men nodded like garlic at the moment, and continually kowtowed to apologize, for fear of annoying Ye Fan!

That is the lord of the noble sun temple, the sun **** Apollo!

As long as he said a word, they would die without a burial place!


Ye Fan snorted.

The two strong foreign men climbed up and rolled off the ground and ran out like an escape.

Ye Fan looked at the grains of rice on the sofa, letting Yang Guilan and Jiang Guomin untie the rope.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you brother for helping me."

Jiang Guomin is very polite and thankful.

Ye Fan waved his hand and said: "Uncle Jiang, don't be so polite, I am Chen Ping's friend."

After saying this, he got up, stepped aside, and called Chen Ping.

At the end of the phone, Chen Ping just ran out of Huading Mountain Villa. At this moment, he received a call from Ye Fan and asked anxiously, "How is it?"

"The child is okay, and he is a member of the Western Twelve Temples. As for who I am, I don’t know yet. However, I have let them take the sentence back. Later, if you want to teach the people behind you, I can accompany You go together."

Ye Fan said.

Chen Ping's eyes twitched and said, "Okay, I know."

After all, Chen Ping hung up the phone and quickly used the relationship to find the hotel where Jiang Wan is currently located.

Hanxing Hotel.

This moment.

In the box, Jiang Liangduan sat on the sofa and looked at Jiang Wan, who had flushed cheeks in front of him, and smiled coldly: "Cousin, you don’t have to be so stubborn. Sign up now, and my person will bring the child over It’s not that easy."

Jiang Wan's eyes were red at the moment, full of tears, and stared at Jiang Liang with hate, and shouted: "Jiang Liang! You beast! I am your cousin!"

Ha ha.

Jiang Liang smiled and said, "Cousin? You can throw away your family in the face of interest. Don't say you are my cousin. Even if you are my sister, I can abandon it! Why, still want to wait for Chen Ping to save you? Say To be honest, I have been waiting for more than ten minutes, just to give him a chance. But, what about others? Where is he now? Isn’t he crazy? Tell you honestly, as long as he dares to appear here today, I People, you can abolish him!"

After all, Jiang Liang smiled coldly.

At the same time, his cell phone rang, messages and videos sent by Jiang Ling.

Jiang Liang glanced a few times, his eyebrows tight.

Chen Ping this guy, even Wei Taiying is not his opponent?

Things seem a bit unexpected.

Thinking, Jiang Liang's eyebrows twisted, and a glimmer of glance flashed over, looking at Jiang Wan, and said to the two foreign big men: "Take them there first."



And here, Chen Ping has hit a car, and quickly came to the downstairs of the Hanxing Hotel!


Two strong foreign men are smoking and talking about women.

Chen Ping rushed over in a few steps. When the two foreign strong men saw an outsider break in, they dropped their cigarette butts and stopped Chen Ping's way. They said coldly, "Fuck! GO!"


Chen Ping fisted directly, thumped at the two strong men's face door, directly knocked them down and flew out, smashing the glass door of the entrance hall!

This scene naturally shocked the guests and waiters in the hotel.

They saw Chen Ping, who was chilly, walked in across the door.

At the same time, several black explosion-proof cars quickly came outside the door.

On the car, there were dozens of heavily armed uniforms rushing down quickly!


The entire Hanxing Hotel is surrounded by these groups of guards!

Outside the door, the sirens are loud!

Chen Ping directly found Jiang Wan's box and kicked the door of the box!


The door was kicked open, and it happened that several foreign strong men twisted Jiang Wan and Song Min, trying to take them down!

"Let her go!"

Chen Ping roared!

The few strong foreign men, when they saw someone break in, suddenly jumped like thunder!


A few people rushed straight up, started a posture, and hammered according to Chen Ping!


Chen Ping's big hand flicked, and the big fan-like hand flew away directly!


That person was pumped and flew out three or four meters, hit the table heavily, and smashed the whole table!

Another strong foreign man, roaring in general, kicked his feet to Chen Ping!

However, Chen Ping just had a stern look and kicked his feet!


The strong foreign man was kicked directly by Chen Ping, smashing the glass window, screaming from the window and falling down!


Then, the sirens of car smashing downstairs!

A few foreign strong men remained, looking at Chen Ping, who looked like a **** of killing, and looked at each other.

I am grass!

Who is this yellow pig and why is it so strong? !

Jiang Liang saw Chen Ping appearing at the moment, and Dao easily defeated two foreign strong men, but only a few seconds later, his scalp suddenly numb!

However, thinking for a moment, he shouted: "Chen Ping! Do you dare to succeed? Find your death! Your wife is now in my hands, and, my people, have already caught your daughter, if you want your wife and daughter to be safe If it's okay, just stand by and stand still!"


Chen Ping twisted his eyes and turned his head, looking at Jiang Liang with a murderous intent, and said coldly, "Do you want to die?"

This sentence can be described as killing the chicken!

Jiang Liang heard the words and laughed twice, followed by: "Chen Ping, I know you have some strength. Last time I was in the Zikang Group, I can see that you are not an ordinary person. But , Jiang Liang, I’m not too irritated! I found someone from the Western Twelve Temples to deal with you this time! Do you know the Western Twelve Temples? Do you know the disciples? I think you should not know them! , But people beyond the world! You can step on a car with one foot, and kill an elephant with one punch! Guys like you, in front of them, are ants, they are looking for their own way!"

"Oh, are you talking about the disciples, is it like me?"

Chen Ping chuckled, raised his fist, and punched it on a wall beside him!


In an instant, the entire wall was cracked and dense fine lines scared Jiang Liang.



That wall collapsed directly, terrifying many passing guests and waiters in the corridor!

At the same time, outside, more than a dozen heavily armed uniforms have been assembled, all with guns, and the guns were aimed at Jiang Liang and several foreign strong men in the box!

"Give up resistance! Or kill!"

Such a scene was never thought of by Jiang Liang.

He panicked and said, " could are also a disciple?"

Chen Ping stepped forward, the endless chill in his eyes, raised his hand, he grabbed Jiang Liang's neck with one hand, and lifted him up!

"Jiang Liang, before, I gave you a chance, but if you don't cherish yourself, don't blame me for being cruel!"

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